Download - South Molton Third Age Group€¦ · 2 South Molton and District U3A Annual General Meeting To be held on Tuesday 14th March 2017 Filleigh Village Hall, for 10.30 AGENDA 1.

Page 1: South Molton Third Age Group€¦ · 2 South Molton and District U3A Annual General Meeting To be held on Tuesday 14th March 2017 Filleigh Village Hall, for 10.30 AGENDA 1.


Coming up…

March 14th

Our March meeting is

the AGM. Please

attend if you possibly



April 11th

West Country Snippets


Tony Burges

Group leaders!

Deadline for the next

newsletter is


Send your copy to

Val Bearman 01769 574799

[email protected]

South Molton Third Age Group

March 2017

Meetings held in Filleigh Village Hall on the second Tuesday of the

month at 10.00am

From the Chairman: Lorie Jones 01769 574637

What a wonderful buzz there was at the February meeting when so many groups displayed their wares. It was great being able to circulate and talk to people and find out about so many activities. Some groups really are going from strength to strength and there’s lots of enthusiasm being generated. So far nobody has come forward to take on the organisation of theatre visits but we live in hope. One current group that is quite small is the Book Group run by Muriel Price at her house in George Nympton. I know that Muriel has no problem at all with another Book Group being set up in South Molton if there was a demand for it. It’s certainly a way of having to read outside of one’s comfort zone. Next month is our AGM so please do come along to it. It is useful to know what goes on behind the scenes and it does show support for the hard-working committee. The other event to look forward to is our 30th birthday party at our June meeting. There will be an historical element, a very much fun element, a bring and share lunch, cake and bubbles. It should, hopefully, be a memorable occasion. Mark it in your diaries now - 13th June at Filleigh Village Hall. See you all there.

FILLLEIGH VILLAGE HALL (request from Maggie Bell)

From time to time the FVH Committee carry out various DIY maintenance

to the hall, i.e. such as re-painting signs, minor repairs to on-going use of

equipment etc. etc. and as your U3A rep. on the committee I was wondering

if any of our members could lend a hand sometimes to lighten their load.

You would never be expected to carry out tasks beyond your capabilities

but an extra pair of hands would be welcomed. If anyone feels they could

help if you could let me have your e-mail I will pass this on to Tanya who

organizes everything. Thank you to anyone in advance, you'd be amazed to

know just how much effort goes on behind the scenes to keep this lovely hall

up and running for the benefit of all its users.

Page 2: South Molton Third Age Group€¦ · 2 South Molton and District U3A Annual General Meeting To be held on Tuesday 14th March 2017 Filleigh Village Hall, for 10.30 AGENDA 1.


South Molton and District U3A

Annual General Meeting

To be held on Tuesday 14

th March 2017

Filleigh Village Hall, for 10.30


1. Apologies for absence.

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 8/03/16.

3. Matters arising.

4. Chairman’s Report.

5. Treasurer’s Report.

6. Appointment of auditor.

7. Election of Committee.

8. Change of Constitution – Committee recommendation.

4.2.iv) “Officers shall serve for a period of one (1) year and Committee members for a period of three

(3) years. Retiring officers may stand for re-election provided that no-one may hold the office of

Chairman or Vice- chairman for more than two (2) consecutive years without an intervening period

of at least one (1) year, except that a retiring vice-chairman may stand immediately for the post of

Chairman. If nominations are received for the post of Chairman, the retiring Chairman may be invited

to continue for a third year only.”

Suggested replacement –

4.2.iv) “Committee members, including officers, shall serve for a period of three (3) years but

may then stand for re-election if they so wish. The Chairman shall serve for a period of three (3)

but then must stand down. The Chairman may be re-elected after an intervening period of at

least one (1) year.”

9. 30th

birthday celebrations.

10. A.O.B.

11. Time, date and place of next AGM.

Special Interest Groups

Ambling: Jo Griffin 01769 573368

Wed 22nd March. A walk round Chapel Wood, the RSPB site at Spreacombe. This is a short

clean walk but does involve a hill and shallow steps. You can do a bit of bird watching and

the primroses should be out. Lunch at Braunton. Meet S.M.C.P. at 10am.

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Art Appreciation: Jonathan Edmunds 01769 574037

One of the greatest portrait painters in British history has to be Hans Holbein the Younger who

painted at the court of Henry VIII. Come and hear about him and see his works at the Methodist

Halls on Wednesday 5th April at 10.30 a.m.

Book Group: Muriel Price 01769 572497

The next meeting will be on Wed. 5th April.

Phone Muriel for info.

Basic Bridge: Ted Trill 01769 574482

As the title says it is basic bridge. If you have not played before, no problem! We can

introduce you to the basics. We are meeting every Monday at 10.00am at The Old Rectory, 34

East Street, South Molton. Numbers are limited, but if you would like to join

us please ring.

CooknEat Group: Kath Hasler 01769 550296 Our next meeting will be Wednesday 5th April. If you are interested please let me know

and book the first Wednesday in each month.

We meet at 10.30 am at Bishop's Nympton Village Hall, have coffee and then get on with

preparing the food. We usually eat about 12.30 pm and after clearing up are usually away by 2.00 pm. The cost

is £5. All you need to bring is an apron, although a couple of members do bring a bottle of wine to share!

All levels of skills welcome. We find we all learn from one another. However, we are fortunate to have Sally

Wilson involved who is very well known in W I circles and extremely knowledgeable about all sorts of menus

and methods of cooking.

The Menu for April is Fish Pie and Moussaka followed by Treacle Tart and Egg Custard.

Croquet: Kathleen Hasler 01769 550296

We have stopped playing outside now but hope to resume at Bishop's Nympton next Spring

(weather permitting!) However, if anyone wishes to play during the winter, the Barnstaple

Croquet Club plays at the Barnstaple Leisure Centre on Fridays, any time between 12noon and

4.00pm. The cost is £6 and parking 40p per hour. Please contact me for further information.

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DVDivas: Sheila Farrant 01769 572553

Monday 27th March 2.30. “A Street Cat Named Bob”. Based on the true life story about a cat and a recovering drug addict. Probably need a box of tissues!!!!! Will be provided if you forget!

Faze Days: Fay Overton 01769 579904

We have started to enjoy this year’s holidays. Blakes Coaches are fully booked for single

rooms on the singles holiday in April, and the Cornish Gardens in May.

Gardens and Grandeur in Windsor . 7th to 11th

September. Five days £345.00. Staying at the Beaumont

Estate, Old Windsor.

If interested, please contact Fay Overton.

Garden Visits: Carolyn Manning 01769 572025

Those of us who found our way to Higher Cherubeer, near Dolton last month discovered a delightful garden – not to mention the delicious teas and cakes. SUNDAY 12th MARCH 1.30pm SMCP to car share.

EAST WORLINGTON HOUSE, East Worlington, Witheridge EX17 4TS . Admission £4.00. National Garden Scheme garden. Thousands of crocuses.Cream teas in the Parish Hall. SATURDAY 8th APRIL 1.00pm (NOT 1.30 pm) SMCP. Car Share. MONKSCROFT, ZEAL MONACHORUM, Crediton EX17 6DG NEW to National Garden Scheme. Oldest cottage in village. Packed with spring colours - primroses, primulas, daffodils, tulips, magnolias and camellias. Admission £3.50. Cream teas. SUNDAY 30th APRIL 1.45pm (NOT 1.30pm) SMCP. Car Share. GORWELL HOUSE, GOODLEIGH ROAD, Barnstaple EX32 4JP NGS garden. 4 acre garden with benign microclimate delightful garden – Hopefully the magnolias will be in bloom. Admission £4.50. Cream teas by Goodleigh W.I.

Great Britons: Jonathan Edmunds 01769 574037

Have you ever considered how frightening any kind of operation was 150

years ago? The man who worked to make operations an ordinary part of

modern medicine was Joseph, Lord Lister. We shall be looking at his life on

Thursday 6th April at the Methodist Halls at 2.30 p.m.

History: Derrica Hodgson 01769 573228

We continue our exploration of Irish history at Mayfield, at 2.30pm on Monday, 20th March.

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I.T. Support Group (Computers!): Kath Hasler 10769 550296

We meet on the 2nd

Thursday of each month at the South Molton Library computer suite, 2.00 –

4.00 pm at a cost of £2 each, which includes a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits. All welcome,

whether new to computing or more experienced. We aim to learn from one another. Computers are

provided or you can bring your own (if portable!). The library computers are Windows 7 and have access to and the Internet. Why not have a go at researching your family history or local history on line?

Both Kath and Shirley have experience in these subjects and would be pleased to help you.

Kathleen Hasler on 01769 550296 or Shirley Bray on 01769 572572

Jazz: Jean Winslow-Johnson: 01769 581831 [email protected]. I have now secured a different venue for us music lovers.

The new venue is the first floor of GRIFFINS YARD where we can also get first class

tea/coffee and snacks etc.

As usual, it will be held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. The 15th March at the later time of 2pm which

was the time preferred by those at the last meeting.

All music lovers welcome. We have a relaxing time with some chat, some good music and a drink.

Local History: Derrica Hodgson 01769 57322

Our last meeting of the season when Julia Ellis visits us to talk about "Mr. Barnstaple" - Mr.

R.D. Gould - A Devon Architect. Meeting at 10 am for 10.30 at the Methodist Hall on

Wednesday 8th March.

Please be prepared to stay behind after the speaker has finished to discuss our way forward - as

requested in my letter to you of the last meeting.

Mah Jongg: Linda Coombes 01769 573545

Yes we all had Fun! It was Mad's Birthday.

Anyone interested... come and see what we do!!! Please join us at The Town Arms on Thursday afternoons at 2.00pm till

about 4.40 pm.

Music Appreciation: Jonathan Edmunds 01769 574037 This month we take a break from our chronological look at composers to watch a DVD of J S

Bach's St John passion in a performance conducted by Stephen Cleobury and including, among

the soloists, John Mark Ainsley, Catherine Bott and Michael Chance - plus the choir of King's

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College, Cambridge. Thursday 30th March at 2 p.m.

Patchwork and Quilting: Sue Hedges 01769 560960

We meet at Step by Step in the George Arcade on alternate Wednesdays. We meet again on 22nd March and 5th April at 2.00pm.

If you are interested please come along and see what we do. Start with a cushion cover, and soon you’ll be making a full-sized quilt!

Poetry and Playreading: Lorie Jones 01769 5737.

I think we all enjoyed the play last month. Sometimes the oldies are goodies.

This month we meet at Coleford House, The Churchyard, SM at 2pm on Thursday 16th March. We will be looking at war poetry written by women. Bring along 2 or 3 poems that you

like or can talk about. Any war is appropriate.

Rambling: Margaret White 01769 573558 [email protected]

Rambling: Tuesday 4th April a 41/2 mile, 21/2 hour walk from Hunters Inn along the old coach

road to Woody Bay and back via Martinhoe. A well graded and surfaced path with wonderful

views of coast, Exmoor and South Wales, quiet country lanes with one long but steady climb, one

steep descent. We meet in the Central Car Park at 09.45h to share lifts. Please bring some lunch

and a drink or we can stop at Hunters Inn for refreshments.

On Tuesday 7th February, eight of us enjoyed a 4 mile walk from South Molton down to the Mole, up over

Windwhistle and along Folly Lane to the old railway bridge, around past White Chapel and Rawstone to Bish

Mill and back along the road. It did not rain until we got back to South Molton. We were unable to do the

advertised walk from Dulverton due to a week of rain prior to the walk, we’ll do it later in the year.

Margaret White 01769 573558 / 07796 490159 [email protected]

Science: Val Bearman 01769 574799

Tuesday 21st March. 1.00pm at the Coaching Inn. The Science group is branching out to Geology this month. Barry Jones will bring some of his

specimens and give us some basics. Last month’s meeting was well attended and very interesting (though a bit too technical). Our

speaker brought his telescope which was HUGE and explained how he used it to photograph nebulae, galaxies, etc., and showed us some of his photos.

Scrabble and Bananagrams: Glenys Laws 01769 573624 and Francesca Ford 01769 572506

We meet weekly every Tuesday 1 – 3pm at the Coaching Inn, where there is ample free


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A scrabble club for players of all levels. Come at any time during the session and play a

couple of games. It’s a good way to keep your mind active and socialise at the same time.

Shakespeare: Lorie Jones 01769 574637

Our next meeting is on Monday 13th March at 1pm in the Coaching Inn.

We are reading Antony and Cleopatra and have reached Act III Scene 7.

We could be about to find out who really holds the reins!

Singing Group: Jonathan Edmunds 01769 574037 Our next meeting will be on March 20th (not the 27th) and the one after that, on April 3rd. We meet

at the Hasler home in Newtown at 2.30 p.m. on Monday afternoons.

Jonathan Edmunds 01769574037 and [email protected]

Skittles: Barry Jones 01769 574637

Skittles continues every Friday at The Town Arms at 2pm for the first session and 3pm for the second.

On the 10th March we are having lunch and skittles at The Bell, Chittlehampton instead. Please contact

Barry if you would like to go as he needs to let the landlord know numbers. We'll meet in SM car park

at 11.15 to share lifts.

Barry Jones is Leader of the second group but June Smith is having to ask for someone to take over the first group due to her increased family duties. Anyone interested please ring June on 01769 573059

Sunday Lunch: Margaret Ramsden 01769 573572

Every Sunday in the Coaching Inn. Please ring for details.

Table Tennis: Peter Hardwick 01769 572641

Weekly on Wednesdays at YMCA at 3.20pm (not 2.30pm) Table Tennis now begins at 3.20pm and finishes at 4.20pm.

All levels of ability welcomed, equipment (bats and balls) supplied.

Theatre Visits: Julie Lines 01237 474472 Is there anyone who would be interested in running the Theatre group? I would be able to spend time in helping with the transfer, please get in touch by phone or at the next coffee morning. Many thanks. Julie.

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New members this month:

Sally Wilson, Elizabeth Gorer, Julia Kiss, Peter Kiss and Elizabeth Andrew. I’m sure you will give them a warm welcome, and we hope they have a happy time with us

Diary Dates for February and March.

Day Group March April Location Time Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri


Sunday Lunch Basic bridge. Singing DVDivas History Shakespeare Rambling Scrabble Science Ambling Art Appreciation Book Group CooknEat Jazz Local History Patchwork Table Tennis Great Britons Music Appreciation Mahjongg Poetry/Playreading IT (Computers) Croquet Skittles

Weekly Weekly 20th 27th 20th 13th weekly 21st 22nd 15th 8th 22nd Weekly 30th Weekly 16th 9th Weekly Weekly

6th 4th 5th 5th 5th 5th, 19th 6th 13th *WB

Coaching Inn 34 East St. SM Newtown 2 Little Rock Close, SM Mayfield, South Molton Coaching Inn SMCP Coaching Inn Coaching Inn SMCP Methodist Hall Sunnyside, GN B.N.Parish Hall Coaching Inn Methodist Hall Step-by-step YMCA Mill St. Methodist Hall Margaret Ramsden’s Town Arms Coleford House Library *tba Town Arms

12.30pm 10.00am 2.30pm 2.30pm 2.30pm 1.00pm 9.45am 1.00pm 1.00pm 10.00am 10.30am 2.00pm 10.30am 1.00pm 10.00am 2.00pm 3.30pm 2.30pm. 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 1.45pm

*WB = Winter break. *tba = to be arranged. SMCP = South Molton Car Park.

If your item does not arrive by the deadline, 28th March, I cannot guarantee that it will be included!

Send to: [email protected] Tel: 01769 574799

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