Download - Soret-Dufour and Radiation effect on unsteady MHD flow …Karim et al.[10]investigated Dufour and Soret effect on steady MHD flow in pres-ence of heat generation and magnetic field

  • Int. J. Adv. Appl. Math. and Mech. 2(1) (2014) 107 - 119ISSN: 2347-2529Available online at

    International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

    Soret-Dufour and Radiation effect on unsteady MHD flowover an inclined porous plate embedded in porousmedium with viscous dissipation

    Research Article

    N. Pandya1, A. K. Shukla2, ∗

    1Department of mathematics and astronomy, University of Lucknow, Lucknow-226007, India2Department of mathematics and astronomy, University of Lucknow, Lucknow-226007, India

    Received 08 June 2014; accepted (in revised version) 23 August 2014

    Abstract: We study Soret-Dufour and radiation effects on unsteady viscous incompressible MHD flow along semi infiniteinclined permeable moving plate with variable temperature and mass diffusion embedded in a porous mediumnumerically, by taking into account the effect of viscous dissipation. The dimensionless governing equations offlow field are solved numerically by Crank-Nicolson finite difference method for different values of governingflow parameters. The velocity temperature, concentration, skin-friction, Nusselt number, Sherwood number areshown through graphs and tables.

    MSC: 76W05 • 76R50 • 78A40 • 76M20Keywords: MHD • Soret effect • Dufour effect • thermal radiation • porous medium • Heat and mass transfer • Crank-

    Nicolson method

    c© 2014 IJAAMM all rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Soret-Dufour and radiation effect on MHD flows arise in many areas of engineering and applied physics. The studyof such flow has application in MHD generators, chemical engineering, nuclear reactors, geothermal energy, reser-voir engineering and astrophysical studies. In nature, the assumption of the pure fluid is rather impossible. Thepresence of foreign mass in the fluid plays an important role in flow of fluid.Thermal diffusion or Soret effect is one of the mechanisms in the transport phenomena in which molecules aretransported in a multi-component mixture driven by temperature gradient. The inverse phenomena of thermal dif-fusion, if multi component mixture were initially at the same temperature, are allowed to diffuse into each other,there arises a difference of temperature in the system. Sparrow and Cess[1] analyzed the effect of magnetic field onfree convection heat transfer Alam et al.[2] investigated Dufour effect and Soret effect on MHD free convective heatand mass transfer flow past a vertical flat plate embedded in porous medium. Dursunkaya et al.[3] studied Diffusion-thermo and thermal diffusion effect in transient and steady natural convection from vertical surface, Postelnicu[4]analyzed the influence of a magnetic field on heat and mass transfer by natural convection from vertical surfacein porous media considering Soret and Dufour effects. Raptis et al.[5] discussed radiation and free convection flowpast a moving plate.Rajesh and Vijaya kumar verma[6] analyzed radiation and mass transfer effects on MHD free convection flow pastan exponentially accelerated vertical plate with variable temperature. Satyanarayana[7] discussed the viscous dis-sipation and thermal radiation effects on an unsteady MHD convection flow past a semi infinite vertical permeable

    ∗ Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected]


  • Soret-Dufour and Radiation effect on unsteady MHD flow over an inclined porous plate...

    moving porous plate. Shivaiah[8] analyzed chemical reaction effects on an unsteady MHD free convective flow pastand infinite vertical porous plate with constant suction and heat source. Alabraba et al.[9] investigated the interac-tion of mixed convection with thermal radiation in laminar boundary flow taking into account the binary chemicalreaction and Soret-Dufour effects. Karim et al.[10] investigated Dufour and Soret effect on steady MHD flow in pres-ence of heat generation and magnetic field past an inclined stretching sheet. Recently Bhavana et al.[11] analyzedthe Soret effect on free convective unsteady MHD flow over a vertical plate with heat source.The objective of this work is to analyze the effects of Soret-Dufour and radiation effects on unsteady MHD flowover a inclined porous plate embedded in porous medium with viscous dissipation. The dimensionless governingequations of flow field are solved numerically using Crank-Nicolson implicit finite difference method. The effectof different flow parameters on velocity, temperature, concentration, skin friction, Nusselt number and Sherwoodnumber are discussed and shown through graphs and tables.

    2. Mathematical analysis

    An unsteady flow of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting fluid past an impulsively started infinite in-clined porous plate with variable temperature and variable mass diffusion with radiation and viscous dissipationare studied. The plate is inclined at angle α to vertical, is embedded in porous medium. x ′-axis is taken along theplate and y ′-axis is taken normal to it. It is also considered that the radiation heat flux in x ′-direction is negligi-ble in comparison to y ′-direction. Initially the plate and fluid are at the same temperature T ′∞ and concentrationlevel C ′∞. At time t

    ′ > 0 , the plate is moving impulsive motion along x ′-direction against gravitational field withconstant velocity u0 , the plate temperature and concentration raised linearly with time t

    ′ . A transverse magneticfield of uniform strength B0 is assumed normal to the direction of flow. The transversely applied magnetic field andmagnetic Reynolds number are very small and hence induced magnetic field is negligible, Cowling[12].Due to infinite length in x ′ -direction, the flow variables are functions of y ′ and t ′ only. Under the usual Boussinesqapproximation, governing equations for this unsteady problem are given byContinuity equation:

    ∂ v ′

    ∂ y ′= 0⇒ v ′ =−v0(c o n s t a n t ) (1)

    Momentum equation:

    ∂ u ′

    ∂ t ′+ v ′

    ∂ u ′

    ∂ y ′= ν∂ 2u ′

    ∂ y ′2+ gβ (T ′−T ′∞)c o s (α) + gβ

    ∗(C ′−C ′∞)c o s (α)−σB 20 u

    ρ−νu ′

    K ′(2)

    Energy equation:


    ∂ T ′

    ∂ t ′+ v ′

    ∂ T ′

    ∂ y ′

    = k∂ 2T ′

    ∂ y ′2−∂ qr∂ y ′

    +ρDm KT


    ∂ 2C ′

    ∂ y ′2+µ

    ∂ u ′

    ∂ y ′



    Equation of continuity for mass transfer:

    ∂ C ′

    ∂ t ′+ v ′

    ∂ C ′

    ∂ y ′=D

    ∂ 2C ′

    ∂ y ′2+

    Dm KTTm

    ∂ 2T ′

    ∂ y ′2(4)

    where u ′ and v ′ is the velocity component along x ′-direction and y ′- direction respectively. g is the accelerationdue to gravity, β is the volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion, β ∗ is the coefficient of volume expansion formass transfer, ν is the kinematic viscosity, µ is viscosity, ρ is the fluid density, B0 is magnetic induction, K

    ′ is thepermeability of porous medium,σ is the electrical conductivity of the fluid, T ′ is the dimensional temperature, T ′∞is temperature of free stream, C ′∞ is concentration of free stream, Dm is the chemical molecular diffusivity, k is thethermal conductivity of the fluid , cp is specific heat at constant pressure, KT is thermal diffusion ratio, C

    ′ is thedimensional concentration, qr is radiative heat flux in y

    ′-direction, Tm is mean fluid temperature.Initial and boundary conditions are given as:

    t ′ ≤ 0 u ′ = 0 T ′ = T ′∞ C′ =C ′∞ ∀y

    t ′ > 0 u ′ = u0 v′ =−v0 T ′ = T ′+ (T ′w −T


    At ′ ,

    C ′ =C ′+ (C ′w −C′∞)e

    At ′ a t y ′ = 0

    u ′ = 0 T ′→∞ C ′→∞ y ′→∞


    where, A = v20ν , T

    ′w and C

    ′w are tmeperature and concentration of plate respectively.

    The radiative heat flux term by using the Roseland approximation is given by

    qr =−4σ


    ∂ T ′4

    ∂ y ′(6)


  • N. Pandya, A. K. Shukla / Int. J. Adv. Appl. Math. and Mech. 2(1) (2014) 107 - 119

    where kl andσ are mean absorption coefficient and Stefan Boltzmann constant respectively. It is assumed that thetemperature difference within the flow are sufficiently small such that T ′4 may be expressed as a linear function ofthe temperature. This is accomplished by expanding in a Taylor series about T ′∞ and neglecting the higher orderterms, thus

    T ′4 ∼= 4T ′3∞T′−3T ′4∞ (7)

    then using Eqs. (6) and (7), Eq. (3) is reduced


    ∂ T ′

    ∂ t ′+ v ′

    ∂ T ′

    ∂ y ′

    = k∂ 2T ′

    ∂ y ′2+

    16σT ′3∞3kl

    ∂ 2T ′

    ∂ y ′2+ρDm KT


    ∂ 2C ′

    ∂ y ′2+µ

    ∂ u ′

    ∂ y ′



    In order to acquire non-dimensional partial differential equations, introducing following dimensionless quantities:

    u =u ′

    u0, t =

    t ′v 20ν

    , θ =T ′−T ′∞T ′w −T


    , C =C ′−C ′∞C ′w −C


    , G m =νgβ ∗(C ′w −C




    G r =νgβ (T ′w −T



    , D u =Dm KT (C ′w −C


    cs cpν(T ′w −T′∞)

    , S r =Dm KT (T ′w −T


    Tmν(C ′w −C′∞)


    K =v 20 K

    ν2,, P r =


    , M =σB 20ν

    ρv 20, R =

    4σT ′3∞kl k


    S c =ν

    Dm, E c =

    u 20cp (T ′w −T


    , y =y ′v0ν


    By merit of Eq. (9), we obtain non-dimensional form of Eqs. (2), (3) and (8) respectively:

    ∂ u

    ∂ t−∂ u

    ∂ y=∂ 2u

    ∂ y 2+G r c o s (α) +G m c o s (α)−

    M +1


    u (10)

    ∂ θ

    ∂ t−∂ θ

    ∂ y=


    P r



    ∂ 2θ

    ∂ y 2+D u

    ∂ 2C

    ∂ y 2+E c

    ∂ u

    ∂ y



    ∂ C

    ∂ t−∂ C

    ∂ y=


    S c

    ∂ 2C

    ∂ y 2+S r

    ∂ 2θ

    ∂ y 2(12)

    with following initial and boundary conditions in non-dimensional form are:

    t ≤ 0 u = 0 θ = 0 C = 0 ∀yt > 0 u = 1 θ = e t C = e t a t y = 0

    u = 0 u→ 0 C → 0 y → 0(13)

    Now it is important to calculate the physical quantities of primary interest, which are the local shear stress, localsurface heat flux and Sherwood number.dimensionless local wall shear stress or skin-friction is obtained as,


    ∂ u

    ∂ y


    dimensionless local surface heat flux or Nusselt number is obtained as

    N u =−

    ∂ θ

    ∂ y


    dimensionless the local Sherwood number is obtained as

    Sh =−

    ∂ C

    ∂ y



  • Soret-Dufour and Radiation effect on unsteady MHD flow over an inclined porous plate...

    3. Method of solution

    Eqs. (10)-(12) are coupled non-linear partial differential equations are solved using boundary and initial conditions(13). All the same, exact or approximate solutions are not possible. Therefore we solve these equations by Crank-Nicolson implicit finite difference method for numerical solution. The equivalent finite difference scheme of Eqs.(10)-(12) are as follows:

    ui , j+1−ui , j∆t

    −ui+1, j −ui , j∆y

    =ui−1, j −2ui , j +ui−1, j −2ui , j+1+ui+1, j+1

    2(∆y )2

    +G r c o s (α)

    θi , j+1−θi , j2

    +G m c o s (α)

    C i , j +1−C i , j2

    M +1


    ui , j+1+ui , j2


    θi , j+1−θi , j∆t

    −θi+1, j −θi , j∆y


    P r



    θi−1, j −2θi , j +θi−1, j −2θi , j+1+θi+1, j+12(∆y )2

    +D uCi−1, j −2ui , j +Ci−1, j −2Ci , j+1+Ci+1, j+1

    2(∆y )2

    +E cui+1, j −ui , j




    Ci , j+1−Ci , j∆t

    −Ci+1, j −Ci , j∆y


    S c

    Ci−1, j −2ui , j +Ci−1, j −2Ci , j+1+Ci+1, j+12(∆y )2

    +S r

    θi−1, j −2θi , j +θi−1, j −2θi , j+1+θi+1, j+12(∆y )2

    � (19)

    corresponding boundary and initial conditions are

    ui ,0 = 0 θi ,0 = 0 Ci ,0 = 0 ∀ i

    u0, j = 1 θ0, j = ej∆t C0, j = e


    uX , j = 0 θX , j → 0 CX , j → 0(20)

    Here index i refers to y and j refers to time t , ∆t = t j+1 − t j and∆y = yi+1 − yi . Knowing the values of u , θ and Cat time t , we can compute the values at time t +∆t as follows: we substitute i = 1, 2, ..., N −1 , where N correspondto∞ , in Eqs. (17)-(19) which make up tridiagonal system of equations, can be figured out by Thomas algorithmas discussed in Carnahan et al.[13]. Subsequently θ and C are known for all values of y at time t +∆t . Replacethese values of and in equation (17) and solved by same procedure with initial and boundary condition, we obtainsolution for u till desired time t .The implicit Crank-Nicolson finite difference method is a second order method


    ∆t 2��

    in time and has no re-striction on space and time steps, that is, the method is unconditionally stable. The computation is executed for∆y = 0.1,∆t = 0.001 and procedure is repeated till y = 4.

    4. Result and discussion

    Soret-Dufour and radiation effects on unsteady MHD flow past an inclined porous plate embedded in porousmedium with variable temperature and variable mass diffusion in presence of viscous dissipation. The governingequations are solved by using Crank-Nicolson implicit finite difference method and solutions are obtained forvelocity field, temperature field, concentration field, skin-friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number. Theconsequences of the relevant parameters on the flow field are broke down and discussed with the help of graphsof velocity profiles, temperature profiles, concentration profiles and tables of skin-friction coefficient, Nusseltnumber, Sherwood number.Figs. 7 and 15 depict the variation of velocity field u against Prandtl number P r and magnetic parameter M . It isobserved when P r and M increase velocity decreases. It is analyzed in Figs. 21 and 4 when inclination angle α andSchmidt number S c raise, velocity decreases. Increasing radiation parameter R and permeability K , it is observedthat velocity increases in Figs. 17 and 20 respectively. It is dissected in Figs. 14 and 13 when Grashof number G rand solutal Grashof number G m increase, velocity increases. Figs. 1 and 10 describe when Soret number S r andDufour number D u increase, velocity increases and decreases respectively. Increasing Eckert number E c and timet in Figs. 25 and 22, velocity increases also.


  • N. Pandya, A. K. Shukla / Int. J. Adv. Appl. Math. and Mech. 2(1) (2014) 107 - 119

    Figs. 8 and 5 depict that increasing Prandtl number P r , temperature decreases and increasing Schmidt numberS c , first temperature increases later on decreases. Similarly in Figs. 2, increasing Soret number S r , temperatureincreases in beginning afterward decreases. It is analyzed in Figs. 11 that temperature decreases as Dufour numberincreases. Figs. 26 , 18 and 23 show when Eckert number E c , radiation parameter R and time t increase, tempera-ture increases.Figs. 9 displays that increasing Prandtl number P r , in starting concentration increases afterward decreases.It is observed in Figs. 3 and 6 when Soret number S r and Schmidt number S c increases, concentration in-creases and decreases respectively. Increasing Dufour number D u , in beginning concentration increases thendecreases in Figs. 12. It is analyzed in Figs. 19 and 16, first concentration diminishes later on raises as radiationparameter R and Eckert number E c increase. Figs. 24 demonstrates that increasing time t , concentration increases.

    Table 1 displays that enhancing Dufour number D u , Eckert number E c , Solutal Grashof number G m , Grashofnumber G r , permeability parameter K , Prandtl number P r , radiation parameter R , Soret number S r and timet , skin-friction coefficient increases. And increasing inclination angle α , magnetic parameter M and Schmidtnumber S c , skin-friction coefficient decreases.

    Table 2 shows that raising Dufour number D u , Prandtl number P r , Soret number S r , Nusselt number N uincreases. Increasing inclination angle α , Eckert number E c , radiation parameter R , Schmidt number S c , time t ,Nusselt number N u decreases.

    Table 3 exhibits that increasing inclination angleα , radiation parameter R , Schmidt number S c , Sherwood numberSh increases. Enhancing Dufour number D u , Prandtl number P r , Soret number S r , time t , Sherwood number Shdecreases.

    Fig. 1. Velocity Profile for Different Values of S r Fig. 2. Temperature Profile for Different Values of S r

    Fig. 3. Concentration Profile for Different Values of S r Fig. 4. Velocity Profile for Different Values of S c


  • Soret-Dufour and Radiation effect on unsteady MHD flow over an inclined porous plate...

    Fig. 5. Temperature Profile for Different Values of S c Fig. 6. Concentration Profile for Different Values of S c

    Fig. 7. Velocity Profile for Different Values of P r Fig. 8. Temperature Profile for Different Values of P r

    Fig. 9. Concentration Profile for Different Values of P r Fig. 10. Velocity Profile for Different Values of D u


  • N. Pandya, A. K. Shukla / Int. J. Adv. Appl. Math. and Mech. 2(1) (2014) 107 - 119

    Fig. 11. Temperature Profile for Different Values of D u Fig. 12. Concentration Profile for Different Values of D u

    Fig. 13. Velocity Profile for Different Values of G m Fig. 14. Velocity Profile for Different Values of G r

    Fig. 15. Velocity Profile for Different Values of M Fig. 16. Concentration Profile for Different Values of E c


  • Soret-Dufour and Radiation effect on unsteady MHD flow over an inclined porous plate...

    Fig. 17. Velocity Profile for Different Values of R Fig. 18. Temperature Profile for Different Values of R

    Fig. 19. Concentration Profile for Different Values of R Fig. 20. Velocity Profile for Different Values of K

    Fig. 21. Velocity Profile for Different Values of λ Fig. 22. Velocity Profile for Different Values of t


  • N. Pandya, A. K. Shukla / Int. J. Adv. Appl. Math. and Mech. 2(1) (2014) 107 - 119

    Fig. 23. Temperature Profile for Different Values of t Fig. 24. Concentration Profile for Different Values of t

    Fig. 25. Velocity Profile for Different Values of E c Fig. 26. Temperature Profile for Different Values of E c


  • Soret-Dufour and Radiation effect on unsteady MHD flow over an inclined porous plate...

    Table 1. Skin friction coefficient τ for different values of parameters

    t R P r M K S c S r α D u G m G r E c τ0.2 1 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.4581970.2 3 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.5236280.2 4 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.5446820.2 2 4 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.3727070.2 2 7 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.3518610.2 2 8 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.3496940.2 2 0.71 1 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 1.609660.2 2 0.71 2 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 1.299140.2 2 0.71 10 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 −0.5266180.2 2 0.71 5 0.05 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 −2.28650.2 2 0.71 5 0.2 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 −0.3466740.2 2 0.71 5 0.5 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.2645230.2 2 0.71 5 0.8 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.4368860.2 2 0.71 5 1 1 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.2878980.2 2 0.71 5 1 2.01 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 −0.08471330.2 2 0.71 5 1 3 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 −0.3077130.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 4 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.8834210.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 7 30 0.7 10 5 1 1.401960.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 10 30 0.7 10 5 1 2.186250.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 0 0.7 10 5 1 0.9761270.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 45 0.7 10 5 1 −0.07215260.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 60 0.7 10 5 1 −0.8121580.2 2 7 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.15 10 5 1 0.3226980.2 2 7 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.23 10 5 1 0.3267350.2 2 7 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.5 10 5 1 0.3408330.2 2 7 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.9 10 5 1 0.3636980.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 0 5 1 −1.35270.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 5 5 1 −0.4284950.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 15 5 1 1.420550.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 −0.7533630.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 1.750570.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 3.019560.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 5 0.5350.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 9 0.5719540.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 14 0.6159560.1 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 −0.7107510.3 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 1.312610.4 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 2.01698


  • N. Pandya, A. K. Shukla / Int. J. Adv. Appl. Math. and Mech. 2(1) (2014) 107 - 119

    Table 2. Nusselt number for different values of parameters

    t R P r M K S c S r α D u G m G r E c N u0.2 1 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.8235380.2 3 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.5854630.2 4 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.5274950.2 2 4 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 1.64410.2 2 7 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 2.839980.2 2 8 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 3.571140.2 2 0.71 5 1 1 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.607780.2 2 0.71 5 1 2.01 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.4408040.2 2 0.71 5 1 3 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.2862460.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 4 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.7501670.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 7 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.8666990.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 10 30 0.7 10 5 1 1.144590.2 2 7 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.15 10 5 1 2.654310.2 2 7 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.23 10 5 1 2.660720.2 2 7 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.5 10 5 1 2.716520.2 2 7 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.9 10 5 1 3.6260080.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 0 0.7 10 5 1 0.6682040.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 45 0.7 10 5 1 0.6707350.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 60 0.7 10 5 1 0.6612890.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 5 0.3486930.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 9 0.05537340.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 14 −0.2741930.1 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.7532820.3 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.6618330.4 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.668848

    Table 3. Sherwood number for different values of parameters

    t R P r M K S c S r α D u G m G r E c Sh0.2 1 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 1.610990.2 3 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 1.698690.2 4 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 1.716730.2 2 4 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 1.205220.2 2 7 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.5146650.2 2 8 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.07637990.2 2 0.71 5 1 1 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 2.158510.2 2 0.71 5 1 2.01 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 3.447660.2 2 0.71 5 1 3 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 4.640860.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 4 30 0.7 10 5 1 1.112210.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 7 30 0.7 10 5 1 0.1361350.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 10 30 0.7 10 5 1 −2.263920.2 2 7 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.15 10 5 1 0.6545620.2 2 7 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.23 10 5 1 0.6468710.2 2 7 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.5 10 5 1 0.5997180.2 2 7 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.9 10 5 1 0.250390.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 0 0.7 10 5 1 1.668690.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 45 0.7 10 5 1 1.672480.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 60 0.7 10 5 1 0.680410.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 5 1.8220.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 9 1.961070.2 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 14 2.117790.1 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 1.88130.3 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 1.670560.4 2 0.71 5 1 0.66 1 30 0.7 10 5 1 1.75187


  • Soret-Dufour and Radiation effect on unsteady MHD flow over an inclined porous plate...

    5. Conclusion

    In this work we have analyzed Soret-Dufour and radiation effects on unsteady MHD flow past an inclined porousplate embedded in porous medium in presence of viscous dissipation. From present numerical study the followingconclusion can be drawn:

    1. Increasing inclination angle, velocity decreases rapidly.

    2. Velocity increases slowly, increasing Eckert number.

    3. Temperature increases quickly, increasing Eckert number.

    4. Concentration decreases afterward increases when Eckert number increases.

    5. Velocity increases speedily as Soret number increases.

    6. Skin-friction increases when Eckert number and Soret number increase.

    7. Skin-friction increases when Dufour number increases.

    8. Nusselt number decreases as Eckert number increases.

    9. Nusselt number increases when Dufour number, Soret number and Inclination angle increase.

    10. Sherwood number decreases as Dufour number and Soret number increase.

    11. Sherwood number increases when Eckert number, radiation parameter and Schmidt number increase.


    We acknowledge the U.G.C. (University Grant Commission) and thank for providing financial support for the re-search work. We are also thankful to different software companies (Mathematica, MatLab and LATEX) for developingthe techniques that help in the computation and editing.


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    Introduction Mathematical analysisMethod of solutionResult and discussionConclusionAcknowledgementsReferences