Download - Sons of Arcadia Core rule book - - The ... · taking in mind the consent of the game master, for he will maintain the balance of the game. Son's of Arcadia has a

Page 1: Sons of Arcadia Core rule book - - The ... · taking in mind the consent of the game master, for he will maintain the balance of the game. Son's of Arcadia has a


Author and Designer Pedro A. Mojica

Additional Designer David Cole

Cover Illustration Josue Valentin

Playtesters Abigail MarzanFelix BarbosaHoward VasquezIan ColladoJonathan BentineLuis CastilloPedro L. Mojica




Page 2: Sons of Arcadia Core rule book - - The ... · taking in mind the consent of the game master, for he will maintain the balance of the game. Son's of Arcadia has a


INTRODUCTION.................. 5 Spell components......................... 18 Way of Dornbach............................ 27

History.................................... 6 Backtrack...................................... 19 Way of Sindar................................. 28

Whats in the game.................. 6 Retrain.......................................... 19 CHAPTER 8: Capacity

World overview...................... 6 CHAPTER 4: Skills Lifting capacity................................... 28

How to play............................ 7 Athletics........................................ 19 Carrying capacity................................ 28

Example of play...................... 7 Acrobatics..................................... 20 Heavy burden...................................... 28

CHAPTER 1: The Basics Endurance..................................... 20 CHAPTER 9: Terrain rules

Keywords............................... 8 Insight........................................... 21 Difficult terrain................................... 29

Alignment............................... 8 History.......................................... 21 Blocking terrain.............................. 29

Size......................................... 9 Diplomacy.................................... 21 Dangerous terrain........................... 29

Visual sense............................ 9 Intimidate..................................... 21 Manmade terrain................................. 29

Light radius............................ 9 Skill Challenge................................. 22 Natural terrain..................................... 29

Stats........................................ 10 CHAPTER 5: Talents Force movement................................. 29

CHAPTER 2: Combat rules Talents ranks................................. 22 Dungeon crawling.............................. 30

Battle phases.......................... 11 Stacking talents............................ 23 Stress............................................... 30

Melee Combat........................ 12 CHAPTER 6: Passive rules Natural crawlers.............................. 30

Combat actions................... 12 Passive checks.............................. 23 CHAPTER 10: Character rules

Water combat...................... 13 Natural expertise.......................... 23 Power source...................................... 30

Hit location......................... 13 CHAPTER 7: Class rules Personalities........................................ 31

Recovery............................. 13 Class branch................................. 24 Race bonds.......................................... 37

Range Combat........................ 13 Class promotion............................ 24 Warlord's squire.................................. 38

Range actions..................... 13 Promotion points.......................... 25 CHAPTER 11: Monster rules

Line of sight....................... 14 Dual jobs...................................... 25 Monster generator............................... 39

Cover...................................... 14 Job paths........................................... 25 Monster advancement......................... 46

Combat range......................... 14 Way of the Black wall.................. 25 Monster treasures............................... 47

Tactical position..................... 15 Way of the Tempest...................... 25 CHAPTER 12: Extra rules

Damage.................................. 16 Way of the Dragon....................... 25 Crafting rules...................................... 49

Damage types..................... 16 Way of the Tiger........................... 26 Mounts................................................ 50

Wall damage....................... 16 Way of the Scorpion..................... 26 Flying.................................................. 50

Falling damage................... 16 Way or the Medjai........................ 26 Experience awards.............................. 50

Damage conditions............. 16 Way of the Vijerai......................... 26 Rest..................................................... 51

Extremities conditions....... 16 Way of the Silver light.................. 26 CHAPTER 13: Campaign setting 53

Fortitude condition............. 17 Way of Purity & Fury................... 26 CHAPTER 14: Character creation

Saving throw...................... 17 Way of Calad................................ 26 Creating your character....................... 54

CHAPTER 3: Powers & Spells Way of Mother Earth.................... 27 Races................................................... 56

Powers.................................... 17 Way of the Primordial flame........ 27 Atlean.............................................. 56

Power reduction................. 17 Way of the Elan vital.................... 27 Cklerian.......................................... 58

Spell reduction.................... 17 Way of the Scypher....................... 27 Dokkalfar........................................ 60

Energy types....................... 17 Way of Huine................................ 27 Drakonian....................................... 62

Empowers........................... 18 Way of the Reaver........................ 27 Dwarf.............................................. 64




Page 3: Sons of Arcadia Core rule book - - The ... · taking in mind the consent of the game master, for he will maintain the balance of the game. Son's of Arcadia has a


Galut.................................. 66 Darkstalker powers....................... 136 Strider powers.............................. 209

Gherinsan............................ 68 Dragoner powers.......................... 139 Swasher powers............................ 211

Gnome................................. 70 Druid spells.................................. 140 Synergist powers............................ 213

Hawkman............................ 72 Engineer powers........................... 142 Tactical mage powers..................... 214

Holregan............................. 74 Fighter powers.............................. 144 Telepath powers.............................. 216

Human................................. 76 Forceblade powers........................ 146 Thief powers................................... 218

Kapul................................... 78 Garu powers................................. 148 Tuathan powers............................... 220

Leper................................... 80 Grave digger powers.................... 149 War jammer powers........................ 222

Ljosalfar.............................. 82 Gray fox powers........................... 151 Warmind powers............................. 224

Orckgor............................... 84 Guytek soldier powers............... 152 White wizard spells........................ 226

Trulk.................................... 86 Harbinger powers......................... 155 Rituals................................................. 228

Classes.................................... 88 Highwayman powers.................... 157 Basic rituals.................................... 228

Hunter.................................. 88 Hong nanwu spells....................... 159 Sacrificial rituals............................. 230

Rogue.................................. 89 Inquisitor powers.......................... 161 Favored enemy.................................... 231

Warrior................................ 90 Jenaab powers.............................. 163 Character's age.................................... 232

Wizard................................. 91 Knight powers.............................. 165 CHAPTER 15: Equipment

Talents..................................... 92 Leecher powers............................ 167 Armors................................................ 233

Featured talents................... 92 Mage spells................................... 169 Weapons.............................................. 235

Basic talents........................ 93 Mark hunter powers..................... 171 Advance Weapons........................... 238

Hunter talents...................... 96 Masenshi powers.......................... 173 Items................................................... 238

Rogue talents....................... 99 Matador powers............................ 174 CHAPTER 16: Forging

Warrior talents..................... 101 Mob hunter powers...................... 176 Blacksmithing................................. 240

Wizard talents..................... 104 Monk powers............................... 178 Forges............................................. 240

Racial talents....................... 106 Necromancer spells...................... 180 Ores................................................. 241

Companions........................ 108 Ninja powers................................ 182 Material........................................... 241

Class Powers........................... 113 Order knight powers..................... 184 Salvaging........................................ 242

Assassin powers.................. 113 Paladin powers............................. 186 Poaching......................................... 244

Barbarian powers................ 114 Psi-Agent powers......................... 187 CHAPTER 17: Elite Path

Barbaric slayer powers........ 116 Psion powers................................ 189 Elite jobs............................................. 244

Bard powers........................ 117 Purifier powers............................. 191 Elite powers.................................... 247

Battlemage powers.............. 119 Ranger powers.............................. 192 Titles................................................... 281

Berserker powers................ 121 Rector powers............................... 194 CHAPTER 18: Deities

Black swordsman powers... 123 Reaper powers.............................. 196 Gods................................................ 285

Black wizard spells............. 125 Riotbraker powers........................ 197 Pagan deities................................... 290

Bladesinger powers............. 127 Salve maker powers..................... 199 CHAPTER 19: Sourcebook

Bokor spells........................ 129 Samurai powers............................ 201 Background story............................ 291

Cinder knight powers.......... 131 Shadow dancer powers................. 203 Character record sheet........................ 292

Cleric spells......................... 132 Shadow monk powers.................. 204 Character examples........................ 293

Crimson blade powers........ 134 Shaman spells............................... 206 Random encounters examples............ 298

Dark knight powers............. 135 Siphon powers.............................. 207 CAINSBERG prologue...................... 304




Page 4: Sons of Arcadia Core rule book - - The ... · taking in mind the consent of the game master, for he will maintain the balance of the game. Son's of Arcadia has a


Welcome, this game is called Son's of Arcadia, a game that takes place in your imagination. The story teller, known as a the Game master describes environments and circumstances, and you and your fellow players, using your imagination, respond by asking questions, describing your characters actions, and testing your character's abilities to overcome obstacles and foes. This shared imaginary environment hosts the chambers youexplore, the battles you fight, and the encounters you experience in a world were anything is possible.

This game is based on a game system called C.R.E.S.T (Cooperative role-playing envisioned system tactics), a game were you will use various dice, and a character record sheet: in which your character will be laid out for you.

The game lets you use the game setting to your advantage by customizing and creating your very own character, in which you will choose a class, a race, powers, and many other things to your advantage. Always taking in mind the consent of the game master, for he will maintain the balance of the game.

Son's of Arcadia has a set of base rules were you must follow and bend but not brake.

You, the players and the game master can also apply house rules to your campaign, which decides things that would be appropriate for the game. This game has no bounds nor limits, you can create what you desire.

There are no limits, the only limit is your imagination. - Pedro A. Mojica

Att: The Game Master

Whats in a Tabletop RPGWhats in a Tabletop RPGTabletop RPGs are the forerunners of the electronic RPG's, console games or computer games. It is a social activity where a group of people meet with a Game master to participate in the creation of a story. It combines elements of improvisation and normal board games, but unlike other board games where other players go against each other, in tabletop rpg's all participants cooperate to achieve a common purpose, against a story full of adventure and emotions that entertains all participants. Some game settings of the tabletop rpg's are fully developed in the imagination of the participants, others use maps, figures, and even models to represent the elements of the game in a visual way, but remember that these visual elements are not required but optional since everything takes place in your imagination.





Page 5: Sons of Arcadia Core rule book - - The ... · taking in mind the consent of the game master, for he will maintain the balance of the game. Son's of Arcadia has a


In 1992, me and a bunch of friend got together and started playing video games but for many, including myself videogames were too expensive and so one the playtesters had bought a tabletop rpg and we fell in love with the tabletop rpg's. My friend wanted to create a game system so we could use super heroes, at the time there was no good super hero tabletop. I was more of high fantasy type of player and so I also started to created my own table top rpg so it could have many other type of fantasy elements. My friend had quit developing his game and as time went on I started to create my game and design it base on the characters that I would love to use on a rpg. On March of 1999, I finished the rules and started to test it with my friends. I was the GM and I became a TPK (total party kill) kinda GMbut once I became a player, I started to adjust the game so it would be more friendly and so after two years, on 2002, Sons of Arcadia was created.

Whats in the gameWhats in the gameSons of Arcadia is a tabletop role-playing game, a form of role-playing game (RPG) in which the participants describe their characters' actions through speech. Participants determine the actions of their characters based on their characterization, and the actions succeed or fail according to the rules and guidelines. Within the rules, players have the freedom to improvise; their choices shape the direction and outcome of the game.

Unlike other types of role-playing game, tabletop RPGs are often conducted like radio drama: only the spoken component of a role is acted. This acting is not always literal, and players do not always speak exclusively in-character. Instead, players act out their role by deciding and describing what actions their characters will take withinthe rules of the game. In most games, a specially designated player called the game master (GM) creates a setting in which each player plays the role of a single character. The GM describes the game world and its inhabitants; the other players describe the intended actions of their characters, and the GM describes the outcomes. Some outcomes are determined by the game system, and some are chosen by the GM.

World OverviewWorld OverviewThis game is a game based on a medieval era, were it delivers certain fantasy traits such as magic, to have a towardsthe unnatural, which strives to use characters with powers beyond the limits of reality. This feeling still will be overwhelmed by a sense of vulnerability for the world is build on mortals who shed blood, not Gods who are indestructible such as super heroes. The reason Son's of Arcadia is built on a medieval world is for the players to form a party and band together on a quest to aid or destroy on a world full of dangers and monsters that could destroy their existence in every corner and that is because the world is nor ruled by creatures who can speak and think, instead the land is ruled by wild and savage creatures who roam the land such as Orcs, Trolls, Dragons, and many others.

Instead of being your typical fantasy setting that clashes steel with metal, this game brings certain elements inspired from different games. This elements are brought to a more diverse world were the arcane magic is the higher power over the divine arts. The reason for this is to see a regions of a higher capital to have airships fleets roam the sky. Don't misguide the idea to impose a world of technology, this concept is derived through Mathicite, artifacts fueled by magic. The world is still a natural habitat were castles are constructed by bricks not iron, and the world isn't polluted by contamination. Nature still plays a big part on the world for wild forms, shape the world and its primal spirits guide the unknown.

This world has many faces, which doesn't look contemporary at all, instead is up to you to create your own fantasy world, so enjoy.





Page 6: Sons of Arcadia Core rule book - - The ... · taking in mind the consent of the game master, for he will maintain the balance of the game. Son's of Arcadia has a

How to playHow to play

In order to play you will need the following dices: 3d6, 1d4, 1d8, 1d10, and 1d12.

The Game master (GM) will create a world for you. As you have created your character with this core rule book, the GM will describe your characters background story and how you ended in the GM's world. The GM can use various rules during a non-combat scenario, having you character make skill checks, saving throws or puzzles to complete or perform the actions you want to make. During a combat scenario the GM will use the battle phases to determine the order in combat and once is your turn you can perform your actions using your Speed (Spd), take in mind that all your actions will have a cost which will expend your Spd during your round but don't worry for your Spd will rest once your round starts again. After you defeated the enemy by reducing his Bp to 0 you have won the encounter.

In this game, there are two types of time: Non-Combat and a Encounter. An Encounter is usally very presice, measuring each players round by six seconds in game, with exact actions and results. Because so much can happen in only six seconds of combat time the game master can adjust this actions to expends more seconds in game for purposes of the story or logic. Non-Combat in the other hand, isn't exact. This is when the GM sets the scene for the other players, telling them what's happening to their character's, and begins the plot of the adventure. Remember that hours, days, weeks and even months can pass in a few mintues of real time if the GM desires to, in order to maximize the game session time to set other scenes and not waste time.

Examples of playNon-combat: The GM has described to the players that they are in a town. In this town the must infiltrate to setfree one of their non-player (NPC) allies from a prison. As the GM describes the town, Peter the rogue uses his Stealth talent to no be seen and get there first. The GM tells Peter to roll a Stealth check using 3d6, plus his talent rank, to see if his roll surpasses the difficulty check of 13. Peter must get 13 in his 3d6 roll but since his Stealth rank is of a 3 his difficulty check is reduced to 10 and since Peter rolled a 11 he succeeds in his Stealth check and enters the town without being noticed, while the other players start using a Diplomacy check to find what is going on in the town.

Some non-combat events will progress as the player moves his character through the scenarios. Also the GM can impose skill challenges that will be made by a single character or by the group using aid of another. The GM can adjust the difficulty checks and the skills challenges to fit his scenario, some may be impossible to get but those may be set by the GM so the player doesn't enter those scenarios. The Non-combat scenarios usually take from 2 min to 15 min

Encounter: As the players enter the prison at night to retrieve John from his cell, they are seen by one of the guards. The GM tells the players that they have entered an encounter with the prison guard and they must roll initiative which is Phase 0. The enemy got a 18 on his initiative, John the NPC got a 5, Peter got a 17, Alex got a 15, and Owen got a 12. The first in order is the round of the prison guard. The prison guard attacks Alex with a medium attack (2 Spd) using his Spear attacking Alex in the face and the enemy got a 12 on his roll but since Alex is going to block he has 2 on his blocking roll reducing the roll to a 10 and so Alex rolled a 10 and blocked the attack. The next round in order is the round of Peter, he moves towards the prison guard to flank him and attack at the back of the prison guard, getting a 15 in his roll and since the prison guard rolled a 4 on his defensive rolls, Peter hits his attack. Since Peter made a medium attack, he rolls 1d6 of damage plus his daggers that deals 1d4 and adds his melee damage rolls to the roll, getting a 2 on the 1d6, 1 on the 1d4, plus 5 that is his damage rolls, dealing a total of 7 points of bleeding damage to the prison guard but since the defense (BD) of the prison guard is two the damage is reduced to 5, only dealing that amount to the enemy.

The Combat scenarios usually take from 15 min to 30 min



