Download - Some Libraries for Kinect 1 2. Open NI Open NI supports many API functions, can combine middleware to increase ability for Kinect. * Support: - Detect.

Page 1: Some Libraries for Kinect 1 2. Open NI Open NI supports many API functions, can combine middleware to increase ability for Kinect. * Support: - Detect.

Some Libraries for Kinect


2. Open NI

Open NI supports many API functions, can combine

middleware to increase ability for Kinect.

* Support:

- Detect gesture.

- Skeleton tracking

- Windows, Linux, Mac OSX

Page 2: Some Libraries for Kinect 1 2. Open NI Open NI supports many API functions, can combine middleware to increase ability for Kinect. * Support: - Detect.

Some Libraries for Kinect


3. Point cloud library

Point cloud is library to process image in 3D space. Having many

algorithms such as: filtering, surface reconstruction, segmentation,

feature estimation… PCL can apply on many platforms such as:

Window, Mac OS, Linux, Android,…

Page 3: Some Libraries for Kinect 1 2. Open NI Open NI supports many API functions, can combine middleware to increase ability for Kinect. * Support: - Detect.

Some applications by using Kinect1. Display the depth image side by side with color image


Page 4: Some Libraries for Kinect 1 2. Open NI Open NI supports many API functions, can combine middleware to increase ability for Kinect. * Support: - Detect.

Some applications by using Kinect2. Looking at the pixel


Figure 3.2 Display R,G,B values when click mouse on image

Page 5: Some Libraries for Kinect 1 2. Open NI Open NI supports many API functions, can combine middleware to increase ability for Kinect. * Support: - Detect.

Some applications by using Kinect3. Finding the closest Pixel


Figure 3.3 Our red circle following my outstretched fist

Page 6: Some Libraries for Kinect 1 2. Open NI Open NI supports many API functions, can combine middleware to increase ability for Kinect. * Support: - Detect.


1. System design

Figure 4.1 General design


Page 7: Some Libraries for Kinect 1 2. Open NI Open NI supports many API functions, can combine middleware to increase ability for Kinect. * Support: - Detect.




USB cable

IRsend sensor

Microcontroller board



Page 8: Some Libraries for Kinect 1 2. Open NI Open NI supports many API functions, can combine middleware to increase ability for Kinect. * Support: - Detect.

Implement1. System design

Figure 4.2 Detail design8

1 2 3



3 Kinect IDE


Kinect Driver

Page 9: Some Libraries for Kinect 1 2. Open NI Open NI supports many API functions, can combine middleware to increase ability for Kinect. * Support: - Detect.



Define pin


Set communication

Up Down


Val 1, Val 2, Val 3

Val 1 = 1 Val 1 = 2 Val 1 = 0




Val 2 = 1 Val 2 = 2



Val 2 = 0



Yes Yes


Page 10: Some Libraries for Kinect 1 2. Open NI Open NI supports many API functions, can combine middleware to increase ability for Kinect. * Support: - Detect.



The Kinect has been one of the pioneer in the consumer market of the human / virtual environment interaction without using some actual buttons or controller, but only by using natural gesture or speech. We have seen that this field has progressed a lot since the Kinect has been released (a bit more than 1 year) and find its application in many different domain whereas the Kinect was orignally planed to be mostly used for games. The Kinect has opened the doors of the Virtual and Augmented Reality to everybody but it is not the perfect device, it still needs a better reliability (better sensors, cameras and microphones) also related components, or combined (screens, robotics...) need to be improved to develop all the capacity of the Kinect.

Page 11: Some Libraries for Kinect 1 2. Open NI Open NI supports many API functions, can combine middleware to increase ability for Kinect. * Support: - Detect.


References[1] Chumbley, Eric M., Francis G. O'Connor, and Robert P. Nirschl. "Evaluation of Overuse Elbow Injuries - February 1, 2000 - American Academy ofFamily Physicians." American Academy of Family Physicians. American Academy of Family Physicians, 1 Feb. 2000. Web. 12July 2011. < <>.

[2] “Golf Swing Tips.” Golf Swing, 2011. Web. 9 July2011. <>.

[3] “OpenNI Modules.” Downloads.OpenNI TM, Nov. 2010. Web. June-July2011. <>.

[4] “Physical Therapy Charges.” AkronGeneral. Akron General Health System,2011. Web. 14 July 2011.<>.

[5] “Shoulder Problems and Injuries – TopicOverview.” WebMD. WebMD, LLC, 2011.

Page 12: Some Libraries for Kinect 1 2. Open NI Open NI supports many API functions, can combine middleware to increase ability for Kinect. * Support: - Detect.


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