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  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc


    10758 DHEU Board Communication Alarm

    Alarm Meaning

    1. Description 

    This alarm is reported when communications between the DHEU and the TMU are abnormal.

     The alarm severity is major.

    2. arameters 

    !ame Description

    Site No.

    The number of the site where the faulty board or module is located.

    alue ran!e" #$%#&'

    Site Style

    The type of the site where the faulty board or module is located.

    ()" *TS+#(%,E

    -ard D

    The D of the faulty board or module.


    -ard No.

    The number of the faulty board or module.


    Sub No.

    ,larm sub$cate!ory number

    %))" None

    -ell D.

    nde/ of the cell where the board or module is located

    #$%#&'" -ell inde/ of the faulty cell in the data confi!uration

    0))+)" None

    Alarm "mpact

    1. "mpact on #$stem 

    The runnin! status of the DHEU cannot be obtained when the alarm is !enerated.

    2. #$stem #el%&processing


    Alarm Handling

    1. ossi'le Causes 


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    (1 The DHEU is not powered on.

    %1 The communication cables of the DHEU are not in !ood contact.

    +1 The communication cables of the DHEU are faulty. &1 The DHE- is faulty.

    2. Handling #uggestions 

    1( C)ec* +)et)er t)e DHEU is po+ered on.

    a1 -hec2 whether the DHEU is powered on.

    345 6o to step %1.

     N45 6o to step b1.

     b1 7ower on the DHEU.

    8bserve whether the alarm is cleared after the DHEU is powered on.

    345 The alarm is cleared. ,larm handlin! is complete.

     N45 The alarm is not cleared. 6o to step %1.

    2( C)ec* +)et)er t)e communication ca'les o% t)e DHEU are in good contact.

    a1 -hec2 whether the communication cables of the DHEU are in !ood contact.

    345 6o to step +1.

     N45 6o to b1.

     b1 9econnect the communication cables of the DHEU. 8bserve whether the alarm is cleared

    after the reconnection.

    345 The alarm is cleared. ,larm handlin! is complete.

     N45 The alarm is not cleared. 6o to step +1.

    ,( -eplace t)e communication ca'les o% t)e DHEU.

    8bserve whether the alarm is cleared after the replacement.

    345 The alarm is cleared. ,larm handlin! is complete.

     N45 The alarm is not cleared. 6o to step &1.

    ( -eplace t)e DHEC.

    8bserve whether the alarm is cleared after the replacement.


  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc


    345The alarm is cleared. ,larm handlin! is complete.

     N45 The alarm is not cleared. 7lease contact Huawei -ustomer Service -enter .

    5// #U Comm. Alarm

    Alarm Meaning

    1. Description 

    The communications between the 7SU and the 7MU in the power system fails or the 7MU

    detects that the confi!ured power module is out of position.

    The severity of this alarm is critical.

    2. arameters 

    !ame Description

    Site No.

    The number of the site where the faulty board or module is located.

    alue ran!e" #$%#&'

    Site Style

    The type of the site where the faulty board or module is located.

    (%" *TS+#(%

    (+" *TS+##0-

    (&" *TS+##%E

    ()" *TS+#(%,E

    -ard D

    The D of the faulty board or module.

    '%" D7MU

    -ard No.

    The number of the faulty board or module.

    #$:" D7MU

    Sub No. ,larm sub$cate!ory number.

    Sub No.#" 7ower Supply Unit ;7SU1 # communication alarm.

    Sub No.(" 7SU ( communication alarm.

    Sub No.%" 7SU % communication alarm.


  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc


    Sub No.+" 7SU + communication alarm.

    Sub No.&" 7SU & communication alarm.

    Sub No.)" 7SU ) communication alarm.

    Sub No.0" 7SU 0 communication alarm.

    Sub No.'" 7SU ' communication alarm.

    Sub No.:" 7SU : communication alarm.

    Sub No.

  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc


    2( -econ%igure t)e module. #ee i% t)e alarm is cleared.

    345 The alarm is cleared. The alarm handlin! is complete.

     N45 6o to step +1.

    ,( C)ec* +)et)er t)e #U and MU in t)e po+er s$stem are secure.

    a1 -hec2 whether the 7SU and 7MU are ti!htly inserted.

    345 6o to step &1.

     N45 6o to b1.

     b1 7ull out the board and ti!htly insert it. See if the alarm is cleared.

    345 The alarm is cleared. The alarm handlin! is complete.

     N45 6o to step &1.

    ( -eplace t)e %ault$ #U. #ee i% t)e alarm is cleared.

    345The alarm is cleared. The alarm handlin! is complete.

     N45The alarm is not cleared. 7lease contact Huawei -ustomer Service -enter .


    /20 Board Communication Alarm

    Alarm Meaning

    1. Description 

    The alarm is reported when communication between the DEMU and DTMU interrupts.

    The alarm severity is critical.

    2. arameters 

    !ame Description

    Site No.

    Site No. of the faulty board or module

    alue ran!e" #$%#&'


  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc


    Site type

    Site type of the faulty board or module

    (%" *TS+#(%

    ()" *TS+#(%,E

    *oard D

    Type of the faulty board or module


    *oard No.

     No. of the faulty board or module

    #$%" DEMU

    Sub No.

    ,larm sub$cate!ory number

    %))" None

    -ell D.

    nde/ of the cell where the board or module is located

    #$%#&'" -ell inde/ of the faulty cell in the data confi!uration

    0))+)" None

    Alarm "mpact

    1. "mpact on #$stem 

    The DEMU cannot report the alarm.

    2. #$stem #el%&processing


    Alarm Handling

    1. ossi'le Causes 

    (1 The -*US+ is faulty.

    %1 The cables of the environment monitorin! module are faulty. 8r the DEMU is not inserted


    +1 The environment monitorin! module is faulty.

    2. Handling #uggestions 

    1( udge t)e causes according to ot)er alarm in%ormation.

    -hec2 if there are board alarms of other -*US+ on the =MT.

    345 6o to ?,larm Handlin! of -*US+?.


  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc


     N45 6o to Step %1.

    2( ind out ot)er causes.

    a1 -hec2 if the indicator on the near end is on.

    345 6o to Step b.

     N45 7ower on the DEMU and chec2 if the alarm is cleared .

     b1 Ma2e sure that the DEMU is properly connected to the bac2plane.

    345 The alarm is cleared.

     N45 6o to step c.

    c1 Securely connect the DEMU and the bac2plane and see if the alarm is cleared.

    345 The alarm is cleared.

     N45 The alarm is not cleared. 7lease contact Huawei -ustomer Service -enter .


    522 Board Communication Alarm

    Alarm Meaning

    1. Description 

    This alarm is reported when the main controllin! module detects abnormal communication

     between it and the radio fre@uency ;9A1 front module.

    The alarm severity is major.

    2. arameters 

    !ame Description

    Site No.

    Site No. of the faulty board or module

    alue ran!e" #$%#&'

    Site type

    Site type of the faulty board or module

    (%" *TS+#(%

    ()" *TS+#(%,E


  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc


    *oard D

    Type of the faulty board or module

    00" DD7UBDD7M


    *oard No.

     No. of the faulty board or module

    alue ran!e" #$+)

    Sub No.

    ,larm sub$cate!ory number

    %))" None

    -ell D.

    nde/ of the cell where the board or module is located

    #$%#&'" -ell inde/ of the faulty cell in the data confi!uration

    0))+)" None

    Alarm "mpact

    1. "mpact on #$stem 

    This alarm indicates that communication is unavailable between the main controllin! module

    and the 9A front module. ,s all the alarms of the 9A front module are reported throu!h the

    main controllin! moduleC this alarm cannot be monitored in the *S-.

    f there is not other problem with the 9A front moduleC the basic services can !o on.

    2. #$stem #el%&processing


    Alarm Handling

    1. ossi'le Causes 

    (1 The correspondin! 9A module is not installed.

    %1 The communication interface board in the 9A front module is faulty.

    2. Handling #uggestions 

    1( C)ec* i% t)e - module )as 'een installed and po+ered on.

    -hec2 if the 9A module has been installed and powered on.

    345 6o to Step %1.


  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc


     N45 The 9A module has not been installed or powered on. nstall it and connect the cables.

    Then !o to Step +1.

    2( C)ec* t)e ca'les 'et+een t)e - %ront module and t)e main controlling module.

    7lu! out the serial port cable of the 9A front module and see if the terminal and the terminalcable are normal.

    345 7lu! in the serial port cable of the 9A front module and !o to Step +1.

     N45 ,djust the terminal and the terminal cable. Then !o to Step +1.

    ,( C)ec* +)et)er t)e alarm is cleared.

    -onnect the cables of the 9A front module properly and power it on. -hec2 whether the alarm

    is cleared.

    345 The alarm is cleared. ,larm handlin! is completed.

     N45 The alarm is not cleared. 7lease contact Huawei -ustomer Service -enter .

    7, 3emperature #ensor ault

    Alarm Meaning

    1. Description 

    This alarm is reported when communication between the NA-* and the temperature sensors

    on the NA-* and air inta2e vent is interrupted.

    The alarm severity is critical.

    2. arameters 

    !ame Description

    Site No.

    Site No. of the faulty board or module

    alue ran!e" #$%#&'

    Site type

    Site type of the faulty board or module

    (%" *TS+#(%

    ()" *TS+#(%,E

    *oard D Type of the faulty board or module

  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc



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     N45 The alarm is cleared.

     b1 Aor the temperature sensor of the air inlet faultC ma2e sure that the cables on the front panel

    of the fan bo/ and the interface board of the temperature sensor are properly connected. Then

    chec2 if the alarm is cleared.

    345 The alarm is cleared.

     N45 The alarm is not cleared. 6o to Step c.

    c1 9eplace the interface board of the temperature sensor at the air inlet. -hec2 if the alarm is


    345 The alarm is cleared.

     N45 The alarm is not cleared. 6o to Step d

    d1 -hec2 whether the fan bo/ is faulty.

    345 9eplace the fan bo/.

     N45 7lease contact Huawei -ustomer Service -enter .

    /80 #U Communication Alarm

    Alarm Meaning

    1. Description 

    This alarm is tri!!ered when the communication between the 7MU and the 7SU is


    The severity of this alarm is minor.

    2. arameters 

    !ame Description

    Site No.

     Number of the site where the faulty board or module is located

    alue ran!e" #$%#&'

    Site type Type of the site where the faulty board or module is located

    +" *TS+#


  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc


    )" *TS+(%

    (#" *TS+#(%,

    ((" *TS+##0,

    (%" *TS+#(%

    (+" *TS+##0-

    (&" *TS+##%E

    ()" *TS+#(%,E

    *oard D

    Type of the faulty board or module

    :&" 7SU

    *oard No.

     Number of the faulty board or module

    #" 7SU #

    Sub No.

    ,larm sub$cate!ory number 

    %))" None

    -ell D.

    nde/ of the cell where the board or module is located

    #$%#&'" -ell inde/ of the faulty cell in the data confi!uration

    0))+)" None

    Alarm "mpact

    1. "mpact on #$stem 

    hen the communication between the 7SU and the 7MU is interruptedC the 7MU cannot

    monitor the 7SUC and the 7SU related alarms cannot be reported to the 7MU.

    2. #$stem #el%&processing


    Alarm Handling

    1. ossi'le Causes 

    (1 The communication between the 7SU and the 7MU is interrupted. ,ny fault of the devices

    on the communication lin2 will lead to this alarm.

    %1 The power supply has not been installed.


  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc


    2. Handling #uggestions 

    1( C)ec* +)et)er t)e #U )as 'een installed

    f this alarm occurs to all of the 7SUs installedC !o to Step +1 if otherwiseC chec2 whether the

    7SU has been installed.

    3456o to Step %1.

     N45nstall the 7SU. iew whether the alarm is cleared.

    2( C)ec* +)et)er t)e #U is %ault$.

    3459eplace the 7SU if faulty.

     N456o to Step +1.

    ,( C)ec* +)et)er t)e MU is %ault$.

    9eplace the 7MU if faulty. iew whether the alarm is cleared.

    345 The alarm handlin! ends.

     N45 6o to Step &1.

    ( C)ec* +)et)er t)e 'ac*plane o% t)e po+er suppl$ is %ault$.

    9eplace the bac2plane of the power supply. iew whether the alarm is cleared.

    345 The alarm handlin! ends.

     N45 Huawei -ustomer Service -enter  to replace the bac2plane of the power supply .

    5,28 4eel 2 6#- Alarm

    Alarm Meaning

    1. Description 

    The DU7 Unit reports a S9 alarm when detectin! that the S9 on antenna port , or

    antennal port * is !reater than #erious #tanding ae -adio Alarm 3)res)old ;default

    alue" +.#1.

    The alarm severity is critical.

    2. arameters 


  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc


    !ame Description

    Site No.

    Site No. of the faulty board or module

    alue ran!e" #$%#&'

    Site type

    Site type of the faulty board or module

    (%" *TS+#(%

    (+" *TS+##0-

    (&" *TS+##%E

    ()" *TS+#(%,E

    *oard D

    Type of the faulty board or module

    00" DU7 Unit

    *oard No.

     No. of the faulty board or module

    alue ran!e" #$+)

    Sub No.

    ,larm sub$cate!ory number

    #" 7ath , standin! wave critical alarm

    (" 7ath * standin! wave critical alarm

    -ell D.

    nde/ of the cell where the board or module is located

    #$%#&'" -ell inde/ of the faulty cell in the data confi!uration

    0))+)" None

    Alarm "mpact

    1. "mpact on #$stem 

    The DT9U connected to the DU7 Unit stops outputtin! power when the alarm is tri!!ered.The services will recover only after the alarm is cleared and the DT9U is manually reset.

    2. #$stem #el%&processing

    The system stops the DT9U.

    Alarm Handling

    1. ossi'le Causes 

    (1 The connections of the antenna feeder transmit channel are faulty.


  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc


    %1 The DU7 Unit hardware is faulty.

    2. Handling #uggestions 

    1( -eset t)e DU Unit

    9eset the DU7 Unit on the =MT and chec2 if the alarm is cleared.

    345 The alarm is cleared. ,larm handlin! is completed.

     N45 6o to Step %1.

    2( C)ec* t)e connections 'et+een t)e antenna port o% t)e DU Unit and t)e antenna.

    -hec2 the connections of the jumper of the DU7 Unit antenna portC the li!htenin! arresterC

    feederC tower mounted amplifier and the antenna. -hec2 and fasten the connector between the

    antenna port and the antenna and see whether the alarm is cleared.

    345 The alarm is cleared. ,larm handlin! is completed.

     N45 6o to Step +1.

    ,( 3est t)e standing +ae ratio o% t)e Antenna eeder #$stem.

    Test the standin! wave ratio of the jumper of the DU7 Unit antenna portC the li!htenin!

    arresterC feederC tower mounted amplifier and the antenna. f there is wron!C replace the faulty


    345 The alarm is cleared. ,larm handlin! is completed.

     N45 The alarm is not cleared. 6o to Step &1.

    ( -eplace t)e DU Unit

    345 The alarm is cleared. ,larm handlin! is completed.

     N45 The alarm is not cleared. 7lease contact Huawei -ustomer Service -enter .

    & !ote9

    • f the standin! wave ratio of the jumper of the DU7 Unit antenna port is abnormalC

    you can confirm that the DU7 Unit but not the jumper is faulty.

    • 9eset the T9F to restart the services.

    5,2/ 4eel 1 6#- Alarm

    Alarm Meaning


  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc


    1. Description 

    The DU7 Unit reports a volta!e standin! wave ratio ;S91 alarm when detectin! that the

    S9 on antenna port , or antennal port * is !reater than #tanding ae -adio Alarm

    3)res)old ;default value" %.#1 but smaller than #erious #tanding ae -adio Alarm

    3)res)old ;default alue" +.#1.

    The alarm severity is major.

    2. arameters 

    !ame Description

    Site No.

    Site No. of the faulty board or module

    alue ran!e" #$%#&'

    Site type

    Site type of the faulty board or module

    (%" *TS+#(%

    (+" *TS+##0-

    (&" *TS+##%E

    ()" *TS+#(%,E

    *oard D

    Type of the faulty board or module

    00" DU7 Unit

    *oard No.

     No. of the faulty board or module

    alue ran!e" #$+)

    Sub No.

    ,larm sub$cate!ory number

    #" 7ath , standin! wave alarm

    (" 7ath * standin! wave alarm

    -ell D.

    nde/ of the cell where the board or module is located

    #$%#&'" -ell inde/ of the faulty cell in the data confi!uration

    0))+)" None

    Alarm "mpact

    1. "mpact on #$stem 

    9adiated power of the antenna lowers and covera!e reduces.


  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc


    2. #$stem #el%&processing


    Alarm Handling

    1. ossi'le Causes 

    (1 The connections of the antenna feeder transmit channel are faulty.

    %1 The DU7 Unit hardware is faulty.

    2. Handling #uggestions 

    1( -eset t)e DU Unit

    9eset the DU7 Unit on the =MT and chec2 if the alarm is cleared.

    345 The alarm is cleared. ,larm handlin! is completed.

     N45 6o to Step %1.

    2( C)ec* t)e connections 'et+een t)e antenna port o% t)e DU Unit and t)e antenna.

    -hec2 the connections of the jumper of the DU7 Unit antenna portC the li!htenin! arresterC

    feederC tower mounted amplifier and the antenna. -hec2 and fasten the connector between the

    antenna port and the antenna and see whether the alarm is cleared.

    345 The alarm is cleared. ,larm handlin! is completed.

     N45 6o to Step +1.

    ,( 3est t)e standing +ae ratio o% t)e Antenna eeder #$stem.

    Test the standin! wave ratio Gof the jumper of the DU7 Unit antenna portC the li!htenin!

    arresterC feederC tower mounted amplifier and the antenna. f there is wron!C replace the faulty


    345 The alarm is cleared. ,larm handlin! is completed.

     N45 6o to Step &1.

    & !ote9

    f the standin! wave ratio of the jumper of the DU7 Unit antenna port is abnormalC you can

    confirm that the DU7 Unit but not the jumper is faulty.

    ( -eplace t)e DU Unit

    345 The alarm is cleared. ,larm handlin! is completed.


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     N45 The alarm is not cleared. 7lease contact Huawei -ustomer Service -enter .

    ,8 Batter$ 3emperature 3oo Hig) Alarm

    Alarm Meaning

    1. Description 

    This alarm is reported when the battery temperature is too hi!h.

    The alarm severity is critical.

    2. arameters

    !ame Meaning

    Site No.

    Site No. of the faulty board or module

    alue ran!e" # $ %#&'

    Site type

    Site type of the faulty board or module

  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc


    Alarm Handling

    1. ro'a'le Causes

    This alarm is !enerated when the ,7M detects that the battery temperature is hi!her than the

    set upper limit.

    2. -ecommendation 

    1( C)ec* t)e 'atter$ temperature alarm t)res)old.

    • -hec2 if the battery temperature alarm threshold is set properly.

    3456o to Step %1.

     N456o to Step ?Modify the battery temperature alarm threshold and see if the alarm is


    • Modify the battery temperature alarm threshold and see if the alarm is cleared.

    345The alarm is cleared. ,larm handlin! is completed.

     N45The alarm is not cleared. 6o to Step %1.

    2( C)ec* t)e )eat e:c)anger.

    -hec2 if the heat e/chan!er wor2s normally.

    3456o to Step +1.

     N456o to Step ?-hec2 and mend the heat e/chan!er if necessary and ensure that it wor2s

    normally. see if the alarm is cleared.?.

    • -hec2 and mend the heat e/chan!er if necessary. Ensure that it wor2s normally. See if

    the alarm is cleared.

    345The alarm is cleared. ,larm handlin! is completed.

     N45The alarm is not cleared. 6o to Step +1.

    ,( -eplace t)e temperature sensor and see i% t)e alarm is cleared.

    345The alarm is cleared. ,larm handlin! is completed.

     N45The alarm is not cleared. 7lease contact Huawei -ustomer Service -enter . 


  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc


    /50 4o+ Analog "nput #ignal Alarm

    Alarm Meaning

    1. Description 

    The alarm is reported when the e/ternal analo! input si!nal ( is over low.

    The alarm severity is warnin!.

    2. arameters 

    !ame Description

    Site No.

    Site No. of the faulty board or module

    alue ran!e" #$%#&'

    Site type

    Site type of the faulty board or module

    (%" *TS+#(%

    (+" *TS+##0-

    (&" *TS+##%E

    ()" *TS+#(%,E

    *oard DType of the faulty board or module


    *oard No.

     No. of the faulty board or module

    #$%" DEMU

    Sub No.

    ,larm sub$cate!ory number

    %))" None

    -ell D.

    nde/ of the cell where the board or module is located

    #$%#&'" -ell inde/ of the faulty cell in the data confi!uration

    0))+)" None

    Alarm "mpact

    1. "mpact on #$stem 

    The impacts depend on the confi!uration of the user.

    2. #$stem #el%&processing


  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc



    Alarm Handling

    1. ossi'le Causes 

    (1 There are correspondin! sensor alarms.

    %1 The distribution cables and li!htenin! protection board are faulty.

    +1 There is software confi!uration error.

    &1 The environment monitorin! module is faulty.

    2. Handling #uggestions 

    1( udge t)e causes according to ot)er alarm in%ormation.

    a1 -hec2 if the correspondin! analo! input si!nals to see if they e/ceed the thresholds.

    345 6o to alarm handlin! of correspondin! analo! input si!nals.

     N45 6o to Step b.

     b1 -hec2 the sensor. 9eplace the faulty one. -hec2 if the alarm is cleared.

    345 The alarm is cleared.

     N45 The alarm is not cleared. 6o to Step c.

    c1 Ma2e sure that the distribution cables of the DEMU front panel are properly connected.

    -hec2 if the alarm is cleared.

    345 The alarm is cleared.

     N45 The alarm is not cleared 6o to Step d.

    d1 Ma2e sure that the li!htenin! protection board is normal. -hec2 if the alarm is cleared.

    345 The alarm is cleared.

     N45 The alarm is not cleared. 6o to Step e.

    e1 -hec2 whether the environment monitorin! module is faulty.

    345 9eplace the environment monitorin! module.

     N45 7lease contact Huawei -ustomer Service -enter .


  • 8/19/2019 Some BTS alarms and solutions.doc
