Download - SOMA A USTRALIA SHARING Newsletter Newsletter SOMA Australia Inc. ... that city and was an opportunity to ... Plans are underway to move



Going ... making disciples ... baptising ... teaching 1

SHARING NewsletterSOMA Australia Inc.

[email protected]

A Newsletter of Sharing of Ministries Abroad (SOMA) Inc. AustraliaTestimony of Healing

“That spiritual stuff works!”

Page 2

Have Faith in God

Mission Miracle Memory

Spirit ’15

Partners in Mission

Page 1

Upcoming SOMA Missions

IPARCC - Canberra -Sep25 - Oct 2 2015

Vietnam - 2016

Indonesia -2016

Page 2 & 3

Message from the Chairman

Always let Jesus be Lord of your life

Page 3

Notes from the ND

Our regular update from the National Director.

Page 4

A Quarterly Newsletter June 2015

Have Faith In GodBy Rev Rex Marre (Retired)

It was our first SOMA mission – in Rajasthan, western India. Our team was divided in two, with my wife, Christina , and I allocated the less demanding duty of visiting major cities of the state, while the others under the leadership of Rev Tom Hall, were allocated a number of much smaller villages and towns on the fringe of the Great Indian desert.

We visited the town of Gangapur (pop. 120,000, about 300 of whom were Christian), where the Church of North India parish was centred on one Christian family and pastored by a visiting deacon.

About 40 members attended our evening service and nearly all of them came forward at the ministry time. Translation by the deacon revealed needs and after dealing with a number of students needing prayer for exams, I stood before a much older man, kneeling, who was the family patriarch.

His need was hearing. He could hear only 10% in one ear, 20% in the other. I was very tired at this time, and my immediate thoughts were, “What does this old bloke want? 70+ years of age – his ears are just wearing out”.

I immediately came under conviction. I almost heard God audibly say, “What right do you have to set limitations on my capacity to heal my own people?”

Quickly laying hands on the man’s ears I prayed a simple prayer for healing. It doesn’t always, but this time there was a real sense of warmth passing from me to him, but when he stood and left the church – a feast was being prepared in the gardens outside – there was no sign of change in the man’s condition.

I continued along the prayer line but soon was interrupted by shouts from outside, laughing and praising God. The man re-entered the church crying out in his local language. I turned to the deacon, who answered my unspoken question, “He can hear perfectly in both ears”.

I learned a most important lesson that night. If I was to be involved in this ministry, my faith for God’s healing is most important. As well as convicting me that night, I believe the Holy Spirit poured down His gift of faith (1 Cor 12:9) on both that old man and me – making up for the shortfall in mine.

Spirit ’15This year SOMA Australia partnered with the Anglican Parish of Batemans Bay to present the annual Spirit Conference at Broulee, on the weekend of April 17-19.

Keynote speaker at the Spirit ’15 Conference, Pastor Brian Goodell, from San Fransisco, focussed on what it means to be ‘called’ as a Christian.

Brian Goodell,, began by reading from Romans 8: 28-29, pointing out that all Christians are “called according to (God’s) purpose” and then explained that calling is:

• Belonging to God• Being Christ-like in our behaviour• Doing God’s work in the world• Living a life of purpose.For more see


Going ... making disciples ... baptising ... teaching 2

TestimonyBy Noelene Wait

For eighteen months I had been suffering extreme pain in my hip. I had great difficulty climbing stairs. I could not lie on either side at night and could only sleep on my back; sitting or travelling in the car for a short time was difficult and very painful.

My general practitioner sent me to a specialist, who then saw me regularly over a period. I had the usual x-rays and scans. The resultant diagnosis was that I had a form of bursitis – an inflammation of the bursa in my left hip. Any treatment from cortisone injections, physiotherapy, anti-inflammatories and pain killers gave little or no relief.

After eighteen months, I returned to my local doctor. Nothing was working and I was in a lot of pain most of the time. I needed relief from sleeping on my back all night as I was losing hours of sleep. So I was referred to another surgeon and the prospect of surgery on my hip was becoming imminent.

I had, of course, had much prayer through friends and our home group. Then in mid-December SOMA held the first Regional group meeting in Brisbane. Rev Col Walters and Bishop Ian Lambert came to Brisbane to address it. Towards the end of the meeting, Rev Col said he felt as if there was someone there with something wrong with their leg or hip. I didn’t have to think about it – I accepted that the word was for me. Bishop Ian gathered those present around me and he prayed for my condition to be healed.

Now, there was no immediate result except that I continued to believe strongly the Lord did touch me. The healing did, however come and it unfolded in a round-about way. Just a few days after the prayer, I returned for my appointment with the surgeon. He said that I needed to have an operation because after that length of time it was not going to heal. However, he wanted to refer me to another surgeon who was more experienced in this particular operation.

This second surgeon couldn’t see me for a little over two months. In that time the improvement continued and by the time I saw him I gauged that it was about 50% improved. He decided not to proceed at that point. I told him about the prayer and he made some remark to the junior doctor with him that sometimes that “spiritual stuff” works!! Praise the Lord, the healing has proceeded and today I can say that my hip is now at 98%. I no longer have the pain, I can walk relatively freely and I have even danced in our church twice in the last couple of months – something I could not even contemplate for over eighteen months.

My healing led to an interesting side issue also. In sharing with a cousin of mine in Sydney she said that she also suffered from a similar problem, as also had her mother and our grandmother. This led me to pray for her and also for the breaking of any family curses or spiritual oppression over us as a family. The next time I spoke to her on the telephone, she was asking how I was going with the bursitis, so I was able to tell her what had happened. As she was about to sign off she said, “That’s funny, but mine has been much better too.”All praise to our Lord Jesus Christ!

Upcoming MissionsUniversity of Canberra 25 Sep to 2 Oct 2015 International peace, and reconciliation is on the hearts and in the prayers of many peoples all over the world. This conference will take place in spring this year; featuring the cultural diversity of the University of Canberra (UC), in a city that plays host and home for many who have travelled far and wide for work and study. We have an opportunity to minister to people from every tribe, tongue, and nation at a pivotal time in their lives. Diocesan Bishop Stuart Robinson has invited SOMA International to facilitate this equipping and edifying ministry. The diversity of

this team demonstrates the cross cultural and cross geographical nature of God’s kingdom. In this respect the Church is ideally placed for the spread of international peace and reconciliation. The keynote speaker Archbishop Ben Kwashi is coming from one of the most contested and divided regions of the world: northern Nigeria, where both Christians and Muslims are terrorised by Boko Haram. Archbishop Ben leads like a modern day apostle meeting fear and terror with love; standing in opposition to corruption and hypocrisy. Other SOMA leaders will journey from Northern Ireland, England, South Africa, Singapore, and the United States to be part of IPARCC. Delegates will be encouraged through exhilarating worship, training, ministering to each other, and reaching out in conversation and practical action. It is our prayer that Christians will join us from near and far to share in the event and so experience a fresh outpouring of the Spirit. Rev Owen Davies who is supporting the student leaders emphasised, “This week will not be just a head trip. We will have our hearts set on fire. We will get out into our community to demonstrate and put into practice peace making.”Partnering with SOMA the UC Anglican Church aims to build up Christians’ gifts and skills as peace makers. We are hosting this conference because we want to introduce others to the reconciling love that transforms lives and communities. To respectfully, carefully and creatively engage new Australians and international visitors with the love and power of God.The hosts of this week of growth and confidence in Christ is a small group of Christian students, themselves from a number of nations, and friends from nearby churches. They have been meeting to grow in Christ and build a new faith community at the University. Representatives from neighbouring churches will also participate in this


Going ... making disciples ... baptising ... teaching 3

outpouring of God’s love through IPARCC.UC student Elliott Hartman says: “it is a great work to travel, to visit and edify other Christian communities sharing the blessings that God has given you with your brothers and sisters in Christ, but it is not necessarily some far off thing. We are all of us ordinary Christians in ordinary places, and fellowship among believers is equally a blessing whether it is that you travel from the other end of the world or from the other end of the pew.” Visiting SOMA team members will also visit local churches while in Canberra.

Vietnam 2016Committee of Management member Chris Simon and his wife Kathryn recently met up with the local priest at Ho Chi Minh parish. This became

possible while Chris and Kathryn were visiting her brother who is currently Headmaster at an International School in that city and was an opportunity to make an initial contact prior to a proposed visit by the Chairman and Director of SOMA Australia.

Apart from a wonderful lunch, Chris and Kathryn were encouraged to hear of the growth of the parish from a very small membership 5 years ago to a very active current membership of some 60 members. Plans are underway to move to larger premises and there is an honorary lay assistant who is working towards Ordination having recently completed his MDiv by correspondence.

Vietnam is under the jurisdiction of Singapore Diocese and a recent Confirmation by Bishop Rennis Poniah, a strong supporter of SOMA, has increased the enthusiasm for a future SOMA mission.

While visiting, Chris and Kathryn were encouraged by the young and enthusiastic music team practicing for the next day’s service as well as the evidence of a significant proportion of young people in the congregation.

It was a great opportunity to explain more of the SOMA concept to The Rev Hongb-Chis Nguyenz, his wife and daughter and to learn that they are really

looking forward to further contact with SOMA Australia.

Indonesia 2016We are currently organising a SOMA mission to Indonesia from the 13 to 24 June 2016. We are currently negotiating with one of our team leaders in regard to him leading this team. We are also looking for people who are interested in supporting the local church in Indonesia as God brings new growth and life to his church by being part of this team. In a recent email the Anglican Dean of Indonesia Dr Timothy KH Chong wrote “looking forward to SOMA’s ministry in Indonesia.” This is a great opportunity for SOMA Australia and you, should you be interested tin being a part of a new mission field close to home. If you are interested or would like to be kept informed, please let us know soon through [email protected].

From the ChairmanI am not always successful in letting Jesus be Lord of my life ...sometimes foolishly, and faithlessly, I snatch it back thinking I know better than the God who lovingly created me.  All too regularly, I learn (again) that much more can be achieved when I give every aspect of my life over to Him - even my 'job'.  As Bishop to the Defence Force I have unique access across the nation speaking to other Bishops, clergy, theological students and lay people about what God is doing in other parts of the country. In recent weeks, I have had the privilege of

speaking to students and staff at Ridley Theological College in Melbourne and Moore Theological College in Sydney.  I was greatly encouraged by the vitality of the young people at these institutions, and I got to speak of the love of God at work, Defence Chaplaincy and also in SOMA.  Please pray for my on-going discussions with Ridley as we consider SOMA and Ridley partnering in

mission to Vietnam in 2016 and possibly Indonesia. With two congregations of around 120 young adults in Ho Chi Min City and and Hanoi, SOMA has a wonderful opportunity to advance the cause of the gospel.  Over the coming months I have several opportunities to speak about the love of God, renewal and the Holy Spirit.  This week I am at the 'Come Holy Spirit Conference' in Port Macquarie, and then similar regional gatherings in Brisbane, Perth, alongside the National Director, and later in the year in Bathurst Diocese.  It is a great privilege to serve the church in this way, and I would value your prayers that my ministry, and the ministry of SOMA would bring glory to God.

  Shalom, +Ian

SE QLD Regional GroupWe are currently involved in organising a renewal conference for Brisbane for the 18th and 19th September, as a joint venture between SOMA and Bardon Parish (with possible cooperation of a couple of other parishes also).  Final details will be clarified in early June and information will then be distributed.

Power for the Body of ChristWe have been given access to electronic copies of Michael Harper’s book Power for the Body of Christ written some years ago and now out of print. Rev John Wyndham a previous National Director of SOMA Australia commented that this is one of the best books, if not the best, on the subject of Baptism in the Holy Spirit. If you would like an electronic copy of this book at a cost of $5.00, copies can be arranged through [email protected].

Postage CostsYou may have received fewer copies of this edition of Sharing. Why? We are trying to reduce our costs in terms of publishing and postage. If you would like more copies of Sharing, or if you would like to receive Sharing by email, please contact us by emailing [email protected] or post to 6 Herarde Street Batemans Bay NSW 2536. Mauris egestas lacus sit ame


Going ... making disciples ... baptising ... teaching 4

Update from the ND Vietnam  Mission  in  2016As  a  result  of  links  established  through  the  Singapore  Mission  Round  Table  at  the  end  of  2014  we  are  planning  to  send  a  mission  team  to  Vietnam  in  2016.  In  January  2016  the  Chairperson  of  SOMA  Bishop  Ian  Lambert  and  his  wife  Jill  along  with  my  wife  Kay  and  myself  will  travel  to  Vietnam  to  conKnue  the  negoKaKons  regarding  a  SOMA  team  working  within  Vietnam  next  year.  There  is  a  possibility  that  the  work  of  this  team  may  feed  into  some  current  PhD  research  on  preaching  with  an  interpreter.  Should  

you  be  interested  in  being  part  of  this  mission  team  or  want  to  be  kept  in  the  loop  please  contact  us  soon  through  [email protected].

Western  Australia  Regional  SOMA  GroupWe  are  working  toward  the  establishment  of  a  new  regional  group  in  WA.  Our  chairperson  Bishop  Ian  Lambert  and  I  will  travel  to  Perth  for  the  first  meeKng  of  this  new  group  on  Friday  4  and  Saturday  5  September  2015  at  St  Mary’s  West  Perth.  The  Rev  Cliff  Parish  a  member  of  our  Management  CommiVee,  now  living  in  Perth,  will  assist  with  the  organisaKon  of  this  regional  meeKng.  The  meeKng  will  include  worship,  teaching  by  Bp  Ian  on  We  Worship  a  Supernatural  God  and  an  update  on  the  work,  ministry  and  opportuniKes  in  SOMA.  More  informaKon  is  available  through  [email protected].

Living  Waters  ConferenceWill  be  held  at  the  Anglican  Church,  6  Herarde  St,  Batemans  Bay  from  9  to  10  October  2015.  Speakers  include  InternaKonal  SOMA  Directors:

• Archbishop  Ben  Kwashi,  Nigeria  • Rev  Chris  Viljoen,  South  Africa    • Rev  Ian  BallenKne,  Northern  Ireland  • Dr  Glen  PeVa,  USA  

More  informaKon  will  be  available  at    

Rev Colin Walters National Director

SOMA Australia

GET INVOLVEDI AM INTERESTED IN FINDING OUT MORE ABOUT SOMA AUSTRALIAI’d like to:! Go on a Mission ! Become a SOMA Intercessor ! Financially Support SOMA’s ministry ! Sponsor a mission team member! Receive the SHARING Newsletter & Prayer Diary ! Invite SOMA to my Diocese ! My Church become a Mission Partner

Committee of ManagementRev Colin Walters (National Director), Bishop Ian Lambert (Committee Chairman), Kay Walters (Secretary) Pauline Brook (Treasurer), Rev Rex Marre, Teresa Parish, Rev Cliff Parish, Rev Dr Chris Simon, Neil Wait, Susan Bruce

Contact SOMA AustraliaIf you would like more information, you can contact SOMA Australia, either through the website, through email [email protected] or mailing us at:

SOMA Australia6 Herarde St Batemans Bay NSW 2536

Support SOMA AustraliaGo on a Mission: We are looking for new members to join our mission teams. Trips last between 10 and 20 days and are always exciting, challenging, faith building and life changing.

Give Financially: Play a part in the future of SOMA Australia. Your financial gifts further this strategic work of the Holy Spirit and make a real and lasting difference to people and communities abroad.

Pray: Prayer and intercession are the solid foundation of SOMA’s ministry. Partner with SOMA in prayer in this unique and invaluable mission.

Invite: SOMA carefully and prayerfully considers all invitations for teams to minister.

If you feel called to any of the above activities, please fill in and return the slip below, or go online to

RETURN TO: SOMA Australia, 6 Herarde St, Batemans Bay NSW 2536 No acknowledgment required for my donation.


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