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Page 1: Solving conflict in a professional setting

Managing Conflict in a Professional Setting

By: Nima Rahman 6A Professional Communications 11/14/13

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Conflict and the differing opinions

• The business that I work for has it’s most important client, as all businesses do, and ours is the cereal brand Cocoa Puffs.• Our business has different opinions on how we should

help this cereal company promote themselves. • One side suggests to keep a traditional campaign,

appealing to the long-time buyers.• Others believe we should appeal to a new demographic

by including new technological approaches (social media). • Now the department managers are aware of this issue.• WHAT DO WE DO?

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As a team member, different solutions would be …

1. Amongst the workers, take a vote on whether one idea is better than the other.

2. Schedule a meeting to find a compromise between the two groups.

3. Have a manager handle it.

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Possible outcomes would be…

1. If you take a vote, one team might resent the other team, and then other conflicts may arise for there on out.

2. If you try to compromise, you are most likely going to please everyone by having everyone’s idea be heard.

3. If you have a manager handle it, your manager (BOSS) might not feel it appropriate to have his worker have a say at all, believing you can’t handle a conflict; thus, not ever letting you guys have a say in his decisions.



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• The best decision to make would be to schedule a meeting, so that everyone can hear from the differing sides and create a compromise.• This is known to be the

best way to solve a solution because everyone feels as if they had a part in the decision.

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As a manager, different solutions would be …

1. Notify the department managers to deal the problem because you have too much to do.

2. Choose the decision for yourself.

3. Ask your workers to create a proposal for each side, and you will compromise the two ideas.

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Possible outcomes would be…

1. If you notify your head that you can’t deal with this conflict, you most likely will get fired because you can’t held a simple problem.

2. If you are making the decision, your team might me annoyed with you because you are acting as if you are a dictator, not a leader.

3. If you compromise, you will consider both ideas and incorporate both of them to make an idea that will satisfy everyone.

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• Your final decision should be create a compromise because it shows that you have a mutual respect for everyone’s ideas. • This creates trust in the

workplace.• This actions will display

that you are a good and fitted leader.

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Remaining info pertaining to the conflict

• To avoid this big of a conflict in the future, you should have approached it sooner.• This way the department

managers feel as if you are handling the things to be dealt with in the workplace very well.• This is also very important,

so you keep healthy relationships with your colleagues.

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Works Cited:

• My notes on the business management skills from class.•