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The King Whose Great Wisdom and Wealth Were Known Throughout the World

Solomon: TheCelebrated King of Israel

Study Points

Solomon’s Turbulent Rise to Power 2 Samuel 12:24–25; 1 Kings 1:1–2:46For many people, the mention of the name Solomon evokes images of wisdom,wealth, and royal power that are unrivaled in history. Solomon was not theeldest son of King David, and thus was not the next in line to inherit David’sthrone. But God passed over Adonijah, Solomon’s older brother, choosingSolomon to be Israel’s next king. One indication of God’s favor on Solomonwas the name God Himself gave Solomon: “Jedidiah” (2 Samuel 12:25), meaning “beloved of the Lord.” David vowed to Bathsheba that Solomonwould succeed him, but there was plenty of intrigue in Israel’s royal family asAdonijah schemed to take power. As the aged King David fell ill and remainedin bed, Adonijah claimed the throne and began celebrating his ascension.

Since this was done secretly, many in the royal court did not know what washappening. The prophet Nathan, who had advised David for many years,informed Bathsheba and Solomon of Adonijah’s actions, and warned themthat their lives were in danger. Bathsheba moved quickly, urging David todeclare Solomon as king. This was done, and then it remained for Solomon, probably only twenty years old, to deal with the enemies who wanted himnot only dethroned, but dead! Several plotters, including Adonijah, losttheir lives as Solomon consolidated his power and ended the turbulent timesduring which he came to Israel’s throne.



On Pages:

1. Solomon’s Turbulent Rise to Power

3. King’s Prayer for Wisdom

4. Building the Temple

5. Dedication of the Temple

6. Solomon’s Worldwide Fame

7. Downfall of Solomon

8. Life Lessons from Solomon


JOURNEYThrough The Scriptures

By Rabbi Yechiel EcksteinJuly 2006 $5.00

1. How could King David assure Bathshebathat Solomon would be Israel’s king?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why did Adonijah want to claim thethrone?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Why did Solomon interpret Adonijah’srequest to marry Abishag as an attempt to gainthe throne? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Why did Solomon order the execution ofpeople such as Joab and Adonijah?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Solomon: TheCelebrated King of Israel



Something to Think About:The rise of King Solomon is a wonderful example of the Lord’s favor. This study reminds us of boththe blessing that God has in store for those who are faithful to Him, and the futility of trying to circumvent God’s will by human scheming. God fulfills His promises to those who serve Him, no matter what other people may do.


1. Why did Solomon ask for wisdom from Godwhen he could have asked for anything?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why did God decide to give Solomonwealth anyway?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. How did the people of Israel benefit fromGod’s blessing on Solomon? (Hint: Read 1 Kings 4:20.)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Why did the writer of 1 Kings mentionSolomon’s work in the animal and plant kingdoms? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Solomon: TheCelebrated King of Israel



Something to Think About:One reason we are so amazed at Solomon’s humble request for wisdom is that it flies in the faceof the human tendency to grasp for wealth and power. But by seeking what was most necessaryand important for a person in his position, Solomon also enjoyed accompanying blessings fromGod, who delights to honor those who honor Him (see 1 Samuel 2:30).

King’s Prayer for Wisdom 1 Kings 3:1–28; 4:20–34

Without a doubt, the most famous attribute ofKing Solomon was his great wisdom. Solomon’swisdom was such that one rabbi said, “He whosees Solomon in a dream may hope for wisdom.”This alludes to the way Solomon received thisgreat gift in a dream, as God appeared to himand offered to fulfill the young king’s greatestdesire. His display of wisdom in dealing with thetwo prostitutes who claimed to be the mother ofthe same baby was also acknowledged in rabbinicalwritings. It was said of Solomon that he had noneed to rely on witnesses in deciding a case, butsimply by looking at the contending parties, heknew which was right and which was wrong.

The Bible says that God was so pleased withSolomon’s request for wisdom to govern Israelrightly that He also granted the king the wealth hedid not ask for. Solomon’s wisdom would also servehim well in planning and building the Temple, atask that no ordinary man could undertake withoutdivine insight and knowledge. Besides constructingthe greatest building in Israel’s history, Solomon alsowrote 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs, in additionto the book of Ecclesiastes—preserving His wisdomfor future generations.


1. Why was David not allowed to build theTemple?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why did Solomon include such incredibledetail in the construction of the Temple?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Knowing as we do that Solomon did not endhis life well, why was God’s word to Solomon in 1 Kings 6:11–13 so important? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Why was the Temple such a sacred place forthe Israelites? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Solomon: TheCelebrated King of Israel



Something to Think About:God takes our worship seriously! The construction of the first Temple serves as a lesson thateven the smallest details of worship matter to God, and therefore, should matter to us. Theouter forms that worship takes are not designed to be a substitute for the proper heart attitude,but they provide a framework within which we can properly express our devotion to God.

Building the Temple1 Kings 5:1–6:1, 11–13, 37–38; 7:13–51

If Solomon’s wisdom was his greatest attribute, hisgreatest accomplishment was building the firstTemple of the Lord in Jerusalem. Although KingDavid had made plans and provisions to build theTemple, it was not until Solomon took power thatit was actually built. From the descriptions wehave in Scripture, it is clear that Solomon’sTemple deserved to take its place among the wonders of the ancient world. It took thousandsof workers and craftsmen seven years to build thisbeautiful house of worship for the God of Israel—a worthy dwelling place for the true God!

To say that Solomon spared no expense in theTemple’s construction is a great understatement.The king ordered cedar to be shipped in from afar.Elaborate carvings and decorations lined theTemple’s walls. Solomon understood the magnitude of the honor he had been granted tobuild the Temple that his father David hadwished to build. Solomon was determined tomake good on his assignment and honor God bybuilding the Temple according to exact specifications. The Temple that Solomon builtbecame the cornerstone of Israel’s spiritual lifeand society for the next four centuries.


1. What was the significance of the cloud thatfilled the Temple (v. 11)? ______________________________________________________________________________

2. Why was building this great Temple so important to Solomon?______________________________________________________________________________

3. What was the significance of the Ark being inthe Temple?______________________________________________________________________________

4. During his prayer, Solomon acknowledged thatthe continuation of God’s promises depended uponthe faithfulness of His people (vv. 25–26). Whatlesson does Solomon’s later life teach us about theimportance of being faithful to the Lord?_______________________________________________________________________________

5. Why was it fitting that the Temple’s dedicationoccurred during the Feast of Tabernacles?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Solomon: TheCelebrated King of Israel



Something to Think About:We will likely never have an assignment as daunting as Solomon’s in the building of the Temple.But we can exhibit the same dedication to honor God and fulfill His purposes in the daily tasks Hegives us to do.

Dedication of the Temple1 Kings 8:1–66

First Kings 8 is one of the Bible’s longer chapters,but it will richly repay your careful study. The magnificent prayer offered by Solomon at thededication of the first Temple is a model prayerfrom which we can learn much in terms of howto express our praise and petitions to God. Thecenterpiece of this great ceremony was the transporting of the Ark of the Covenant from thetabernacle David had built for it (2 Samuel 6:17)to its installation in the Temple between thegolden cherubim. We can only imagine the joythe Israelites felt as the Ark was carried throughthe streets of Jerusalem to its new home.

God had chosen to place His “Name,” standingfor all that He is, in Jerusalem, and the Templewould be a holy sanctuary for His presence.Solomon praised God for keeping His promise toallow David’s son to build Him a temple, andmade requests for God’s presence, protection, forgiveness, mercy, and victory for Israel. Thenumber of sacrifices offered is mind-boggling, butwas well within Solomon’s ability to provide. TheTemple dedication coincided with the Feast ofTabernacles, which was celebrated for two weeksinstead of one in honor of this great occasion.


1. What is the significance of God’s promisethat His “eyes” and “heart” would always be inthe Temple (9:3)?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Solomon’s Egyptian wife, whom he marriedat the beginning of his reign (3:1), is mentionedin 1 Kings 9:24. What clue does this marriagegive us about Solomon’s later problems? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. How did the Queen of Sheba testify to God’sblessing upon Solomon?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What attribute of Solomon was still beingdisplayed even after he had been king of Israelfor many years?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Solomon: TheCelebrated King of Israel



Something to Think About:The last half of Solomon’s reign should have been the “golden years” of his life—and they were,to a large degree. But evidently a desire was slowly developing during those years that would culminate in Solomon’s spiritual downfall. Let us heed this reminder to guard our hearts!

Solomon’s Worldwide Fame1 Kings 9:1–10:29

Many people are tempted to rest on their laurelsafter a great achievement. Building and dedicatingthe Temple of God was the high point of Solomon’sreign, but he filled his second twenty years (9:10)on the throne with many other activities. It isimportant to note that “the LORD appeared to[Solomon] a second time” (9:2) after the Temple wascompleted. God made Solomon a great promise,but also warned him about the consequences of disobedience. Solomon’s actions as the king ofIsrael would have far-reaching implications, as thelater history of Israel demonstrated.

Indeed, the “avalanche” that was set in motion bySolomon’s failure to follow the Lord at the end ofhis life ultimately engulfed Israel and led to theBabylonian captivity. But the prospect that Israelmight one day meet disaster seemed far away asSolomon engaged in building projects and otherpublic works that displayed the magnificence ofhis kingdom. The visit by the Queen of Shebademonstrated the reach of his fame, as she traveled from the southern part of Arabia to see ifthe fabulous stories she had heard about Israel’sking were true. The description of Solomon’swealth and kingdom proved that the reports weretrue beyond her greatest imagination.


Solomon: TheCelebrated King of Israel



Something to Think About:One lesson we can learn from this study could be summarized this way: Like leader, like people!Solomon’s tolerance of foreign gods, and his encouragement of their worship by building shrinesfor them, apparently led to unfaithfulness on the nation’s part. Are the people around you beinginspired to follow God because of your example or are you turning them away?

1. Why would God forbid His people to intermarry with the people around them?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. How did God demonstrate His faithfulnessto His promises even in the midst of pronouncingjudgment on Solomon?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. God’s indictment for unfaithfulness takes avery interesting “turn” in verse 33. What doesthis verse say about the actions of the Israelitesas a whole?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What incredible promise did God make toJeroboam (vv. 38–39)?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Downfall of Solomon1 Kings 11:1–43

Every great man or woman is still an imperfectperson, with shortcomings and failures. Eventhe wisest and wealthiest man who ever livedproved to be no exception to this rule. KingSolomon knew it was because of God’s blessingand favor that he enjoyed such magnificent wisdom, wealth, and power. But as the yearspassed, Solomon found it difficult to followGod’s commands as his foreign wives led himinto spiritual unfaithfulness. Although many ofSolomon’s marriages were no doubt politicallymotivated, he still felt obligated to please hisforeign wives—and that included building altarsso they could worship their pagan gods.

God grew angry when Solomon turned his heartaway, and sent him a warning of the trouble ahead.This trouble materialized in the form of manyadversaries who began to threaten Solomon’s holdon his kingdom. The principal adversary wasJeroboam, an Israelite whom God had selected toreceive the bulk of Israel’s kingdom when thenation was torn in two during the reign ofSolomon’s son, Rehoboam. Solomon’s legendarywisdom failed him in his later years as he allowedhis heart to be turned away from God—an actthat cost his descendants the throne of Israel.


30 North LaSalle Street • Suite 2600 • Chicago, IL 60602 • 312-641-7200 • 312-641-7201 (Fax)[email protected] •

Solomon: TheCelebrated King of Israel



Something to Think About:At one time or another, all of us have experienced the frustration of pursuing something webelieve we want, but which is not in harmony with God’s purpose for us. The simple enjoymentof life and of God’s provision is a valuable lesson from the heart and mind of Solomon, wholearned these things in the crucible of life’s trials.

1. The Bible does not tell us how much ofIsrael’s downward path Solomon lived to see.What does the book of Ecclesiastes indicateabout his later years?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why would such a wealthy king dismiss allof his riches as “meaningless”?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Why is trying to pursue happiness apart from God like “chasing after the wind”? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Is Solomon telling us to give up on lifebecause nothing really matters? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Life Lessons from Solomon Ecclesiastes 1:1–2:26

There is no question that King Solomon left theworld one of the greatest legacies of wisdom everrecorded. He is credited with writing much of thebook of Proverbs, and is widely recognized as theQoheleth, or “teacher,” who wrote Ecclesiastes.Some Jewish sources even list Qoheleth asSolomon’s third name, along with Jedidiah.

The wisdom of Ecclesiastes may seem a bit heavyat times, but the truth of Solomon’s wisdom as contained in these pages comes down to one point:all of our efforts to achieve happiness or ultimatefulfillment are futile without reference to God.

Solomon’s advice and warning rings true as this“son of David, king in Jerusalem” (1:1) was uniquely qualified to claim that although he possessed everything, he found it to be of little value apartfrom the Lord. Solomon described a life withoutregard for God as chasing after the wind. He alsogave us a key principle of life in 2:24–26 when hestated that all enjoyment and fulfillment in life is agift from God that we cannot attain apart from Hisblessing. We would do well to heed Solomon’swise counsel—priceless lessons from the heart ofthe wisest and wealthiest person who ever lived.


Page 2: Solomon’s Turbulent Rise to Power

1. David certainly remembered the occasion of Solomon’s birth, when the Lord’s favor on him was announced. David also still held power even though he was old, and knew that his wishes would be carried out.

2. Adonijah no doubt coveted the power and riches that went with the kingship—and as the eldest surviving son of David, he probably felt he deserved to be made king.

3. Since Abishag was King David’s attendant and part of the royal household, Solomon knew that Adonijah’s marriage to Abishag would give him an “inside track” to the throne.

4. By taking these harsh measures, Solomon was actually executing God’s judgment on those who had committed murder and been involved in the plot to overthrow God’s anointed ruler.

Page 3: King’s Prayer for Wisdom

1. According to 1 Kings 3:7–9, Solomon was keenly aware that he had been placed in a position requiring knowledge and abilities far beyond his human capacity.

2. It is evident that God knew He could trust Solomon with great wealth without the king’s heart becoming corrupt. Granting Solomon wealth was also a way of honoring him and letting others know that Solomon enjoyed God’s favor.

3. The people of Israel enjoyed unrivaled peace and prosperity under Solomon’s reign.

4. This was a way of demonstrating the incredible breadth of Solomon’s wisdom, which was truly encyclopedic.

Page 4: Building the Temple

1. The Temple could not be built until Israel was at peace, and David was engaged in warfare throughout his reign.

2. God had, no doubt, given Solomon the details of the plan that God wanted to see fulfilled in the construction of the Temple.Solomon was not simply carrying out his own grand ideas.

3. By repeating His promise to honor and bless Solomon if he remained true, God was reminding the king that His first and foremost desire was for His people’s obedience.

4. The Temple was sacred because it was here, out of all the places on earth, that God had chosen to take up residence among His people.

Page 5: Dedication of the Temple

1. It was the shekinah, the cloud symbolizing God’s presence and glory.

2. Solomon knew God had promised his father, David, that David’s son would have the honor of building the Temple. Solomon was aware that this day was the fulfillment of God’s promise.

3. Since the Ark was the visible symbol of God’s holy presence, its arrival in the Temple signaled that fact that God had come to take up residence in the house Solomon built for Him.

4. Solomon’s later downfall serves as a sobering reminder that God expects obedience and deals with those who stray from the path.

5. This feast commemorated Israel’s wanderings in the wilderness (Leviticus 23:41–43) when they lacked a permanent home, and the Temple’s completion signaled that Israel finally had this home.

Page 6: Solomon’s Worldwide Fame

1. The eyes of God signify His watchfulness and care, and His heart speaks of His love and compassion for those who follow Him.

2. According to 1 Kings 11:1, Solomon’s spiritual downfall was brought about by his marriages to non-Israelite women, of whom Pharaoh’s daughter was the first.

3. In 1 Kings 10:9, this non-Israelite ruler attributed Solomon’s greatness to the blessing and power of the God of Israel.

4. Solomon was still dispensing the incredible wisdom that God had given him and had brought him worldwide fame (1 Kings 10:24).

Page 7: Downfall of Solomon

1. God forbade intermarriage for the very reason demonstrated here in the life of Solomon. The people of the nations around Israel did not worship God, and led His people into spiritual unfaithfulness.

2. God announced that because of David’s faithfulness to Him, Solomon would not have to witness the tearing apart of the kingdom in his lifetime (I Kings 11:12–13).

3. According to this verse, the people of Israel themselves had also begun worshiping the gods brought into the nation by Solomon’s wives—a good indication of the impact that a leader has on his people.

4. God promised Jeroboam an enduring dynasty if he would faithfully follow the Lord, a condition that Jeroboam woefully failed to meet.

Page 8: Life Lessons from Solomon

1. Judging from these writings, Solomon lived long enough to taste some of the bitter fruit of his spiritual shortcomings.

2. Solomon learned the hard lesson that earthly wealth is neither a protection against spiritual failure, nor a comfort when a person is out of step with God.

3. This figure of speech suggests the futility of this effort because we can never truly catch the wind, no matter how hard we try!

4. Not at all! On the contrary, Solomon urges us to enjoy the good things of life that God provides and joyfully recognize that they come from His hand.

JOURNEYThrough The Scriptures

Answer Key for: Solomon: The Celebrated King of Israel

(Vol. 2, No. 5)

© 2006, IFCJ, all rights reserved

JOURNEYThrough The Scriptures

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, an Orthodox rabbi, is the founder and president of the International Fellowship ofChristians and Jews.

He is an internationally recognized teacher of the Bible, and an expert in Jewish life and customs who has helpedtens of thousands of Christians discover theJewish roots of their Christian faith.

Rabbi Eckstein is also the author of severalbooks, including How Firm A Foundation, anauthoritative guide to Judaism for Christians,and The Journey Home.

Rabbi Eckstein has spent over 25 years helpingJews and Christians bridge the gap of misunderstanding and mistrust that has markedthe past 2,000 years of their relationships.Realizing what could be accomplished ifChristians and Jews came together in mutualrespect and cooperation, and drawing on theirshared biblical heritage, Rabbi Eckstein founded The Fellowship in 1983 to build bridgesof understanding between these two faith communities.



30 North LaSalle Street • Suite 2600 • Chicago, IL 60602312-641-7200 • 312-641-7201 (Fax)[email protected] •

An Exciting Adventure ofDiscovery and Faith in the Pages of God’s Word

An Exciting Adventure ofDiscovery and Faith in the Pages of God’s Word

© 2006 IFCJ

JOURNEYThrough The Scriptures

An Exciting Adventure of Discovery and Faith in the Pages of God’s Word

An Exciting Adventure of Discovery and Faith in the Pages of God’s Word

Bible Study Series

Solomon: The Celebrated King of Israel





The Bible studies presented in Journey Through The Scriptures are intended to be a devotional andpractical teaching series, rather than a formal or in-depth examination of biblical theology. For the deepermeaning of many aspects of theology, and of Jewish practice, holidays, and events, we suggest thatyou consult Rabbi Eckstein’s book explaining Judaism for Christians, How Firm A Foundation, and his3-volume CD-ROM teaching series, Returning to Zion, all of which are available from The Fellowship.