Download - SOLAR DEMON DETECTING FLARES, DIMMINGS, AND EUV WAVES IN NEAR REAL-TIME ON SDO/AIA IMAGES Emil Kraaikamp (p), Cis Verbeeck Royal Observatory of Belgium.


SOLAR DEMON DETECTING FLARES, DIMMINGS, AND EUV WAVES IN NEAR REAL-TIME ON SDO/AIA IMAGES Emil Kraaikamp (p), Cis Verbeeck Royal Observatory of Belgium 12 th European Space Weather Week, Oostende, Belgium Solar Storms: Flares, CMEs and Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events November 24, 2015 STCE CONTENTS Objectives Solar Demon overview EUV wave detection Results Questions OBJECTIVES Dimmings, Flares and EUV waves are closely related to CMEs Develop early warning system for earth-directed CMEs Flares and dimmings detected typically within 20 minutes after image was taken with SDO/AIA! Characterize flare, dimming and EUV wave events for research purposes Use dimmings (size, location,.) to estimate CMEs strength EUV wave speed v.s. CME speed? But beware of projection effects... SOLAR DEMON VERSIONS VersionQLKScienceNote Development YESYES, 2010 Now Not available all the time. Contains automated EUV wave detection. Production YESYES, 2010 Now EUV wave detection not yet integrated Archive NOYES, Oct 29, 2015 no longer updated For science catalog: semi- automatic EUV wave detection available SOLAR DEMON FLARE DETECTION -SDO/AIA 9.4nm -Accurate flare location information -No macro-pixels, accurate on pixel-level -Opens door for studies on morphological characterization of flares -Fast -Runs in near real-time, as soon as data is available (typically just 20 minutes delay) -Big science catalog (since May 2010-) events -Coupled to COMESEP alert system -Provides location for SEP alerts SOLAR DEMON DIMMING DETECTION -SDO/AIA 21.1nm -Base and running difference images -(also fast.. ) -Science and near real-time dimming detector events (since may >) -Studies on Dimmings and CME relation EUV WAVE DETECTION SDO/AIA 21.1nm images Uses Solar Demon flare detector as trigger Search for EUV waves around flare eruption center Manual EUV wave speed estimation Currently archived version of SD, and development version Automatic EUV wave speed estimation Extract 24 sectors around eruption center great circles Percentage running difference images EUV WAVE DETECTION -LINE FILTERING EUV WAVE DETECTION Currently only available for M and X class flares On development version (science data) To do Include C-flares and below Other source locations e.g. Search for EUV waves around all dimmings events Quick-look data Off-limb wave detection and tracking: RESULTS Locations of flares and dimmings (stonyhurst heliographic) RESULTS FLARE AND DIMMING COUNTS Flares Dimming RESULTS BUTTERFLY DIAGRAMS RESULTS LONGITUDINAL DISTRIBUTION Flares RESULTS LONGITUDINAL DISTRIBUTION Flares RESULTS LONGITUDINAL DISTRIBUTION Flares RESULTS LONGITUDINAL DISTRIBUTION Dimmings RESULTS LONGITUDINAL DISTRIBUTION Histograms QUESTIONS? Demonstration at the Fair Wednesday 16:30 18:00 (there will be coffee, and beer afterwards!) Solar Demon an approach to detecting flares, dimmings, and EUV waves on SDO/AIA images Kraaikamp, E., Verbeeck, C.