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software evolution & architecture lab

University of ZurichDepartment of Informatics

Software Evolution Analysis &


Harald C. Galls.e.a.l. - software evolution & architecture labUniversity of Zurich, Switzerland


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Software repositories such as versioning systems, defect tracking systems, and archived communication between project personnel are used to help manage the progress of software projects. There is great potential in mining this information to support the evolution of software systems, improve software design or reuse, and empirically validate novel ideas and techniques. Research is now proceeding to uncover ways in which mining these repositories can help to understand software development, to support predictions about software development, and to plan various evolutionary aspects of software projects. This seminar presents some analysis and visualization techniques to understand software evolution by exploiting the rich sources of artifacts that are available. Based on the data models, that need to be developed to cover sources such as modification and bug reports, we describe some of our recent efforts to extract and analyze developer patterns, change couplings, and fine-grained change types.


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Instructor Biographies

Professor of Software Engineering, Department of Informatics, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Prior, Associate Professor at the TU ViennaResearch interests are in:

software engineering with focus on software evolution, software architecture, reengineering, program families, and distributed and mobile software engineering processes.

Program chair of ESEC-FSE 2005, IWPC/ICPC 2000 & 2005, IWPSE 2004, and MSR 2006 & 2007. Program co-chair of ICSE 2011

Harald C. Gall Michael Würsch

Research Assistant, Department of Informatics, University of Zurich, SwitzerlandMSc in Informatics, UZHResearch interests in:

software designsoftware evolution analysisdeveloper supportsearch-driven software engineering


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Objectives of the Course

Goal: Investigate means to analyze and control the evolution of object-oriented software systems at various levels.

Specifically, the course aims to answer the following questions:How does the architecture of a software system evolve over time? What are signs of architectural decay and how can they be tracked down?

How can hidden dependencies in a system that complicate and hinder its evolution be discovered?

How can the plethora of software data (such as source code, change and bug history, release data) be filtered and visualized? What are effective visualization models and techniques for that?


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I. Software AnalysisTechniques and Tools

Reengineering Patterns

II. Software VisualizationPolymetric Views

Class Blueprints

Software as a City

III. Software Evolution AnalysisRelease History Data

Change Coupling

IV. Software Quality AssessmentDesign Heuristics

Software Metrics

Code Clones

V. Empirical StudiesDeveloper networks

Cross-project failure prediction

Distributed Development


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Background & Motivation


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Real life is complex


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Software evolves ...


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Software evolves ...


annual rings


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Software evolves ...


annual rings





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It‘s about complexity ...

Corollary to Moore's Law:The complexity of software doubles every two years.

IDC study15 years ago, firms were spending 75% of their IT budget on new hardware and software ...

... now that ratio has been reversed to fixing things

In Siemens (Reinhold Achatz, ICSE 2006)Only 40% is new development, the rest is evolution and maintenance

80% of products is software

> 80% of Siemens internal companies are CMM 3+


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Size of Operating Systems (LOC)

(c) Bertrand Meyer, ETH


1995 1998 2000






Lines of code (millions)

Windows 3.1: 3 MWindows NT: 4 M

Windows 95: 15 MWindows 98: 18 M

Windows 2000: 40 M

Red Hat 6.217 M

Red Hat 7.130 M

Linux: 10,000

Solaris 7: 12 M

Unix V7:10,000

Windows XP: > 45 M


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Why analyze Software Evolution?

„Nevertheless, the industrial track record raises the question, why, despite so many advances, [...]

satisfactory functionality, performance and quality is only achieved over a lengthy evolutionary process,

software maintenance never ceases until a system is scrapped

software is still generally regarded as the weakest link in the development of computer-based systems“.

Lehman et al., 1997


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Software entropy

Laws of Software Evolution [Lehman and Belady]Continuing change

Increasing entropy/complexity

Increasing size

Maintenance increases „software entropy“Erosion of architecture, design, modularization

Increase of interdependencies between software parts („Coupling“)

Decrease of orthogonal separation of concerns („Cohesion“)


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What is Software Evolution Analysis?

Investigating the evolution of a software system to identify potential shortcomings in its architecture or logical structure.

Structural shortcomings can then be subject to reengineering or restructuring.


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Reverse Engineering: What and Why ?

Definition: Reverse Engineering is the process of analyzing a subject system to identify the system’s components and their interrelationships and create representations of the system in another form or at a higher level of abstraction. — Chikofsky & Cross, ’90

Motivation: Understanding other people’s code (cf. newcomers in the team, code reviewing, original developers left, ...)

Generating UML diagrams is NOT reverse engineering... but it is a valuable support tool


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I. Software Analysis


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The Reengineering Life-Cycle

(0) req. analysis(1) model capture

issues• scale• speed• accuracy• politics




(0) requirementsanalysis

(1) modelcapture

(2) problemdetection

(3) problemresolution

(4) program transformation


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Reverse Engineering Terminology

Chikofsky, Cross ‘90

Design Implementation Requirements

Forward Engineering

Forward Engineering

Reverse Engineering

Reverse Engineering

Design Recovery

Design Recovery

Re-Engineering (renovation)

Restructuring Restructuring

Re-Engineering (renovation)

Restructuring, Redocumentation


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Reverse Engineering Patterns

Reverse engineering patterns encode expertise and trade-offs in extracting design from source code, running systems and people.

Even if design documents exist, they are typically out of sync with reality.

Example: Read all the Code in One Hour

Speculate about the Design

Interview During Demo


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Reengineering Patterns

Reengineering patterns encode expertise and trade-offs in transforming legacy code to resolve problems that have emerged.

These problems are typically not apparent in original design but are due to architectural drift as requirements evolve

Example: Move Behavior Close to Data

Build a Bridge to the New Town


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Case Study: Telecom Switching System

10 Million LOC

4 programming languages

20 releases


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RSN ... Release Sequence Number


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TSS visualized


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II. Software Visualization


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Information Visualization

Software Visualization

The Reengineering Context

ExamplesStatic Visualizations

Dynamic Visualizations

Practical Approaches



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Information Visualization

The human eye and brain interpret visual information in order to “react to the world”

We want to answer questions on what we perceive

J. Bertin inferred three levels of questionsLower perception (one element)

Medium perception (several elements)

Upper perception (all elements/the complete picture)

Information Visualization is abouthow to display information

how to reduce its complexity


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Software Visualization

“Software Visualization is the use of the crafts of typography, graphic design, animation, and cinematography with modern human-computer interaction and computer graphics technology to facilitate both the human understanding and effective use of computer software.”

Price, Baecker and Small, “Introduction to Software Visualization”

2 main fields:(Algorithm Animation)

Program Visualization


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Conceptual Problem

"Software is intangible, having no physical shape or size. Software visualization tools use graphical techniques to make software visible by displaying programs, program artifacts and program behavior.”

Thomas Ball


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…software is intangible, having no physical shape or size…


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…software is intangible, having no physical shape or size…


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…software is intangible, having no physical shape or size…


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…software is intangible, having no physical shape or size…


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…software is intangible, having no physical shape or size…


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Software Visualization in Context

There are many good-looking visualization techniques, but..when it comes to software maintenance & evolution, there are several problems:

ScalabilityInformation RetrievalWhat to visualizeHow to visualizeReengineering context constraints

Limited timeLimited resources


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The Reengineering Life-cycle




(0) requirementanalysis

(1) modelcapture

(2) problemdetection (3) problem


(4) program transformation

(2) problem detectionissues

• Tool support• Scalability• Efficiency


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Program Visualization

“The visualization of the actual program code or data structures in either static or dynamic form” [Price, Baecker and Small, “Introduction to Software Visualization”]

Static Visualization and/or Dynamic Visualization

Overall Goal: Generate views of a system to understand it

Complex Problem Domain/Research AreaVisual Aspects

Efficient use of space, overplotting problems, layout issues, HCI issues, GUI issues, lack of conventions (colors, shapes, etc.)Software Aspects

Level of granularity?

Complete systems, subsystems, modules, classes, hierarchies,...

When to apply?

First contact with an unknown system

Known/unknown parts?

Forward engineering?



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Static Code Visualization

The Visualization of information that can be extracted from the static structure of a software system

In other words: information obtained at compile-time

Depends on the programming language and paradigm:Object-Oriented PL:

classes, methods, attributes, inheritance, …Procedural PL:

procedures, invocations, …Functional PL:

functions, function calls, …


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Example 1: Class Hierarchies

Jun/OpenGLThe Smalltalk Class HierarchyProblems:

Colors are meaninglessVisual OverloadNavigation


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Example 2: Tree Maps

Pros100% screenLarge dataScales well

ConsBoundariesCluttered displayInterpretationLeaves only

Useful for the display of hard disks


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Examples 3 & 4

Euclidean conesPros:

More info than 2DCons:

Lack of depthNavigation

Hyperbolic treesPros:

Good focusDynamic

Cons: Copyright


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Example 5: UML and derivates

ProsOO conceptsWorks very well for small parts

ConsLack of scalabilityRequires tool supportRequires mapping rules to reduce noiseHardly extensible


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Example 6: UML goes 3D


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Example 6a: Rigi

Scalability problem

Entity-Relationship visualization




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Example 6b: Rigi

Entities can be grouped

Pros:Scales well

Applicable in other domains

Cons:Not enough code semantics


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Static SV: Evaluation

ProsIntuitive approaches

Aesthetically pleasing results

ConsSeveral approaches are orthogonal to each other

Too easy to produce meaningless results

Scaling up is sometimes possible, but at the expense of semantics


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Dynamic Code Visualization

Visualization of dynamic behavior of a software systemCode instrumentation

Trace collection

Trace evaluation

What to visualize

Execution trace

Memory consumption

Object interaction


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Example 1: JInsight

! Visualization of execution trace


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Example 2: Inter-class call matrix

! Simple! Scales quite well! Reproducible


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Dynamic SV: Evaluation

Code instrumentation problemLogging, Extended VMs, Method Wrapping

Scalability problemTraces quickly become very big

Completeness problemScenario driven

Pros:Good for fine-tuning, problem detection

Cons:Tool support crucial

Lack of abstraction without tool support


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III. Software Quality Assessment


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Visualization and Metrics

Why is visualization important at all?

Is it actually useful?No, visualization is only a means, not the end…

Yes, visualization is only a means, not the end!!!

The question is: “What is the end?”We want to understand systems…

Question 2: “Why are visualizations not used more?”The “context” does not permit heavy-weight approaches

This is where reality kicks in, i.e., what is actually useful in practice?Lightweight approaches!


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OO Metrics in a Nutshell


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What is a metric?The mapping of a particular characteristic of a measured entity to a numerical value

Why is it useful to measure?To keep control of…complexity

AdvantagesAbility to quantify aspects of quality

Possibility to automate the “measurements” of systems

DrawbacksNumbers are just numbers: don’t trust them

Metrics capture only fine-grained symptoms, not causes of design problems

Hard for developers to deal with them

Inflation of measurements


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What is interesting for a developer/designer?

Understanding the CodeCode outsourcing

New Hires

Evaluating & Improving the CodePortable Design

Flexible Design


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Understanding the Code

“Yesterday I met a system…”How many lines of code? --> 35’000 LOC

How many functions/methods? --> 3’600 NOM

How many classes? --> 380 NOC


Is it “normal” to have a system of…380 classes with 3’600 methods?

3600 methods with 35’000 lines of code?

What is “normal”? What about coupling or cohesion?We need means of comparison: proportions are important

Collect more relevant numbers: the more the better…or not?

How can we characterize the design of a system?52

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Characterizing the Design of a System

How do you describe a system?Lines of code? Classes? Methods? Megabytes? Files?

Characterizing a System with few metrics is difficult because ofUnbalanced Characterization

How “object-oriented” is a 500-class/25 kLOC system?Misused Metrics

What can I say about a 100 kLOC system?Uncorrelated Metrics

100-class/20kLOC vs. 100-class/1MLOCMissing Reference Points

What is “normal”?

How do we characterize design?The Overview Pyramid

Polymetric Views


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The Metrics Pyramid


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The Overview Pyramid

A metrics-based means to both describe and characterize the structure of an object-oriented system by quantifying its complexity, coupling and usage of inheritance

Measuring these 3 aspects at system level provides a comprehensive characterization of an entire system


Size & Complexity Coupling


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The Overview Pyramid in Detail

The left side: System Size & ComplexityDirect metrics: NOP, NOC, NOM, LOC, CYCLO

Derived metrics: NOC/P, NOM/C, LOC/M, CYCLO/LOC


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The Overview Pyramid in Detail

The left side: System Size & ComplexityDirect metrics: NOP, NOC, NOM, LOC, CYCLO

Derived metrics: NOC/P, NOM/C, LOC/M, CYCLO/LOC

The right side: System CouplingDirect metrics: CALLS, FANOUT

Derived metrics: CALLS/M, FANOUT/CALL


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The Overview Pyramid in Detail

The left side: System Size & ComplexityDirect metrics: NOP, NOC, NOM, LOC, CYCLO

Derived metrics: NOC/P, NOM/C, LOC/M, CYCLO/LOC

The right side: System CouplingDirect metrics: CALLS, FANOUT

Derived metrics: CALLS/M, FANOUT/CALL

The top: System InheritanceDirect metrics: ANDC, AHH


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Interpreting the Overview Pyramid

The pyramid characterizes a system in terms of size&complexity, coupling, and inheritance; based on 8 computed proportions:

They are independent of the size of the system!

This enables an objective assessment…

Wait a second…objective? Where is the reference point?


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Putting things in a real-world context

We measured 80+ systems written in Java and C++

Based on the obtained measurements we can now statistically assess the design of a system





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Overview Pyramid Example: ArgoUML





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See(k)ing to understand

The Overview Pyramid allows us to characterize the design of a system

But…we need to see what we are talking about


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Polymetric Views


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Polymetric Views

Metrics-enriched visualizations of software entities and their relationships; useful for

Rendering numbers in a simple, yet effective and highly condensed way

Visually characterizing a system in its own context


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The Polymetric View - Example

Nodes = ClassesEdges = Inheritance Relationships


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The Polymetric View - Example

Nodes = ClassesEdges = Inheritance Relationships

Width = Number of AttributesHeight = Number of MethodsColor = Number of Lines of Code


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The Polymetric View - Example

Nodes = ClassesEdges = Inheritance Relationships

Width = Number of AttributesHeight = Number of MethodsColor = Number of Lines of Code


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The Polymetric View - Example

Nodes = ClassesEdges = Inheritance Relationships

Width = Number of AttributesHeight = Number of MethodsColor = Number of Lines of Code

System Complexity View


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The Polymetric View - Example (II)

System Complexity View

Nodes = ClassesEdges = Inheritance


Width = # attributesHeight = # methods

Color = # lines of code


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The Polymetric View - Example (II)

System Complexity View

Reverse engineering goals

Nodes = ClassesEdges = Inheritance


Width = # attributesHeight = # methods

Color = # lines of code


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The Polymetric View - Example (II)

Get an impression (build a first raw mental model) of the system, know the size, structure, and complexity of the system in terms of classes and inheritance hierarchies Locate important (domain model) hierarchies, see

if there are any deep, nested hierarchies Locate large classes (standalone, within

inheritance hierarchy), locate stateful classes and classes with behavior

System Complexity View

Reverse engineering goals

Nodes = ClassesEdges = Inheritance


Width = # attributesHeight = # methods

Color = # lines of code


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The Polymetric View - Example (II)

Get an impression (build a first raw mental model) of the system, know the size, structure, and complexity of the system in terms of classes and inheritance hierarchies Locate important (domain model) hierarchies, see

if there are any deep, nested hierarchies Locate large classes (standalone, within

inheritance hierarchy), locate stateful classes and classes with behavior

System Complexity View

Reverse engineering goals View-supported tasks

Nodes = ClassesEdges = Inheritance


Width = # attributesHeight = # methods

Color = # lines of code


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The Polymetric View - Example (II)

Get an impression (build a first raw mental model) of the system, know the size, structure, and complexity of the system in terms of classes and inheritance hierarchies Locate important (domain model) hierarchies, see

if there are any deep, nested hierarchies Locate large classes (standalone, within

inheritance hierarchy), locate stateful classes and classes with behavior

Count the classes, look at the displayed nodes, count the hierarchies Search for node hierarchies, look at the size and

shape of hierarchies, examine the structure of hierarchies Search big nodes, note their position, look for tall

nodes, look for wide nodes, look for dark nodes, compare their size and shape, “read” their name => opportunistic code reading

System Complexity View

Reverse engineering goals View-supported tasks

Nodes = ClassesEdges = Inheritance


Width = # attributesHeight = # methods

Color = # lines of code


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Coarse-grained Polymetric Views - Example

Method Efficiency Correlation View

Nodes: MethodsEdges: -Size: Number of method parametersPosition X: Number of lines of codePosition Y: Number of statements



Goals:• Detect overly long methods• Detect “dead” code• Detect badly formatted methods• Get an impression of the system in terms of coding style• Know the size of the system in # methods


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Inheritance Classification View

Boxes: ClassesEdges: InheritanceWidth: Number of Methods AddedHeight: Number of Methods OverriddenColor: Number of Method Extended


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Polymetric View Example: ArgoUML


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Software Architecture


Projekt “EvoSpaces”, Tool by Wettel & Lanza


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ArgoUML City

Projekt “EvoSpaces”, Tool by Wettel & Lanza


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The age of a City

Projekt “EvoSpaces”, Tool by Wettel & Lanza


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Evolution of a City


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EvoSpaces Tool


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EvoSpaces: a closer look


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Metric look forms a City


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Reflections on Visualization

Visualizations are useless… …as pictures: Polymetric views are navigable & interactive

…if not accessible: Polymetric views are implemented in…

CodeCrawler, Mondrian, Sotograph, Jsee, etc.

It will take some time and a lot of work for them to be accepted - time will tell

“Everything must change to remain the same” [Giuseppe Lanza Tomasi di Lampedusa, “Il Gattopardo”]


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Evaluating the Design of a System

What entities do we measure in object-oriented design?It depends…on the language

What metrics do we use?It depends…on our measurement goals

What can we do with the information obtained?

It depends…on our objectives

Simple metrics are not enough to understand and evaluate design

Can you understand the beauty of a painting by measuring its frame?


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Design Heuristics


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Professional Context

There has been excellent work in Software Design Design Patterns

Design Heuristics


Quality Models

What is good design?

What is bad design?

How do we detect design?Detection Strategies

The Class Blueprint


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Detection Strategies

A detection strategy is a metrics-based predicate to identify candidate software artifacts that conform to (or violate) a particular design rule


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The Class Blueprint

A semantically rich visualization of the internal structure of classes and class hierarchies

Useful for inspecting source code, and detecting visual anomalies which point to design disharmonies


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The Class Blueprint: Seeing Code & Design


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The Class Blueprint - What do we see?


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Nice! …but, what about the practice?

In practice the key question is where to start

We have devised a methodology to characterize, evaluate and improve the design of object-oriented systems

It is based on:The Overview Pyramid

The System Complexity View

Detection Strategies

Class Blueprints


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Design Harmony

Software is a human artifact

There are several ways to implement things

The point is to find the appropriate way!

Appropriate to what?Identity Harmony

How do I define myself?Collaboration Harmony

How do I interact with others?Classification Harmony

How do I define myself with respect to my ancestors and descendants?

Let’s see some examples86

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Identity Disharmony: God Class

An aggregation of different abstractions which (mis)uses other classes to perform its functionality

The “other” classes are usually dumb data holders

Difficult to cure: only do it if it hampers evolution

Detection: Find large and complex classes on which many other classes depend


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Oh my God…it’s the ModelFacade

ModelFacade: The Black Hole453 methods

114 attributes

3500 lines of code

Coupled to hundreds of ArgoUML classes


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Collaboration Disharmony: Shotgun Surgery

A change in a method may imply changes in many places

Detection: Find the classes in which a change would significantly affect many other places in the system

We have to consider both the strength and the dispersion of the coupling

We focus on incoming coupling


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I shot…the Project…

Project has several methods affected by SSCoupled with 131 classes (ModelFacade not shown here)

Cyclic Dependencies with CoreFactory & ProjectBrowser

Changing Project may lead to problems


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Classification Disharmony

The primary goal of inheritance: code reuseWhen you add a subclass you should look at what is “already there”: add/extend-abstract-change cycle

Detection: Find fairly complex classes with low usage of inheritance-specific members of the superclass(es)


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Kids never listen: The PerspectiveSupport Hierarchy

“Pipeline”-Inheritance with funky usage of abstract classes

Suspicious regularity in the leaf classes: duplicated code

TreeModelComposite ignores what is the superclasses


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Kids never listen: The PerspectiveSupport Hierarchy

“Pipeline”-Inheritance with funky usage of abstract classes

Suspicious regularity in the leaf classes: duplicated code

TreeModelComposite ignores what is the superclasses


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Recovering from a Design Disharmony

Misery loves company: The Design Disharmonies do not exist alone, they are correlated

Where to start?

How to start?

Recovering can be a lengthy process and must be evaluated in terms of effort/benefit


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A Catalogue of Design Disharmonies

For each Design Disharmony, we provide




Detection Strategy




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“A fool with a tool is still a fool”, but…

Better a fool with a tool than just a fool…

Everything presented is based on extensive toolingMoose



Free and open source - take it or leave it

(Parts of) these tools are now making it into industryThe Disharmonies are now part of “Borland Together”


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Software Visualization: Conclusions

Software Visualization is very useful when used correctly

An integrated approach is needed, just having nice pictures is not enough

Most tools still at prototype level

In general: only people that know what they see can react on that: SV is for expert/advanced developers

The future of software development is coming…and SV is part of it