Download - Soft drinks

  • 1. By RichardComputer 9 June 21


  • A soft drink is
  • a non-alcoholic beverage that typically contains carbonated water, a sweetener, and a flavoring agent.
  • More fact!
  • The sweetener may be sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, or a sugar substitute (in the case of diet drinks). A soft drink may also contain caffeine or fruit juice.

3. The answer is right here, all the dots represent the areas where people drink soft drinks and the color represents the different soft drinks. 4. In 1767, Englishman Joseph Priestley first discovered a method of infusing water with carbon dioxide to make carbonated water which has 3.4 mg in the drink when he suspended a bowl of distilled water above a beer vat at a local brewery in Leeds, England. His invention of carbonated water, (also known as soda water), is the major and defining component of most soft drinks.Oh Dear, What have I done? 5. Long, long time ago, when mineral water is found in natural springs. The first non-carbonated soft drink appeared in the 17 thcentury market. Later, scientists discovered that carbon dioxide was behind the bubbles in natural mineral water, so they added carbon dioxide to the soft drinks, to make it healthy, but it turned out to be in the list of top 10 unhealthy food in the 21th century. 6.

  • Soft drinks are because
  • The acid will burn your bones!!!
  • The sugar will make you fat!!!
  • The plastic bottles do the environment no good!!!
  • The sweetenerwill cause cancer, growth stops and other harmful disease!!!


  • There are five reasons why people drink it.
  • Its better than water
  • Just bored
  • Sweet Taste
  • Fun
  • Sugar High

8. Hope you learn something, and have a great day!!! 9.