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  • PHRONESIS-The Technoquiz Organisers: Vijay Odalwar Kaustubh Nande Salil Bhat SOFEE Department of Electrical Engineering, YCCE presents
  • ROUND #1
  • What will happen to Earths magnetic field if earth suddenly freezes (ice age)? Hint: This case is much simpler than hot or suddenly heated earth. a) Magnetic field will vanish suddenly b) It will decay completely in million years c) Magnetic field will amplify d) It will be reduced but wont vanish even after million years Ans: b
  • The only letter that does not appear in periodic table is: a) E b) J c) H d) W Ans: b
  • The speed of sound in air depends on: a) Frequency b) Wavelength c) Temperature d) All of these Ans: c
  • 1 2 + 3 4 + 5 6 . . . . . . up to infinity will be: a) 0 b) -1 c) 1/4 d) infinity Ans : c
  • Relativistic equations for time dilation, length contraction, and relativistic momentum and energy hold true at : a) Speeds near speed of light b) Beyond speed of light c) All speeds d) Everyday low speeds Ans : c
  • Because there is an upper limit on the speed of particles, there is also an upper limit on: a) Momentum b) Temperature c) Kinetic Energy d) None of these Ans: d.
  • If the Sun collapsed to become a black hole, Planet Earth would: a) Continue in its present orbit b) Fly off tangentially c) Sucked in it d) first (a) then (b) Ans: a
  • Astrophysicists are able to identify the elements in the outer layers of a star by studying its: a) Doppler effect b) Spectrum c) Molecular structure d) Temperature Ans: b.
  • Polarization is a property of: a) Transverse waves b) longitudinal waves c) all waves d) none of these Ans: a
  • The red glow in the neon tube of an advertising sign is a result of: a) Fluorescence b) de-excitation c) Polarization d) Coherence Ans: b
  • You swing to and fro on a playground swing. If you stand rather than sit, the time for a to-and-fro swing is: a) Lengthened b) Shortened c) Both a) and b) d) Unchanged Ans: b
  • white-hot filament of a common lamp, the current in the connecting wire is: a) Same b) More c) Less d) My head will explode now Ans: a
  • The surface of Planet Earth loses energy to outer space mostly due to: a) Conduction b) Convection c) Radiation d) Radioactivity Ans: c
  • The principal source of the Earths internal energy is: a) Tidal friction b) Radioactivity c) Gravitational Pressure d) Geothermal Heat Ans: b
  • The mutual induction of electric and magnetic fields can produce: a) Matter b) Energy c) Charge d) Light Ans: d
  • Euclid's fifth postulate states: Through a given point, not on a given line, exactly one line can be drawn parallel to the given line. If we assume that this postulate is false, then: a) Circle wont exist b) No non-intersecting lines cant be formed c) Ellipse will have one imaginary focus d) A triangle having all angles 90 degrees can be formed Ans: d
  • If Euclids fifth postulate is assumed to be false then which of the following physical phenomenons cannot be explained: a ) classical Mechanics b) Relativity c) thermodynamics d) Radioactivity Ans: b
  • In mathematics a sphere has how many sides? a) 2 b) 1 c) 0 d) infinite Ans: a
  • The compound lead in the pencil is: a) Plumbum b) Argentum c) Carbon d) Cadmium Ans: C
  • The correct statement is: a) Bee stings are alkaline, Wasp stings are acidic b) Bee stings are acidic, wasp stings are alkaline c) Both are acidic d) Both are alkaline Ans: b
  • Most expensive element in the world is: a) Gold b) Dysprosium c) Platinum d) Californium Ans: d
  • True statement is: a) Hot water freezes faster than cold water b) Cold water freezes faster than hot water c) Both freeze at same rate d) Water never freezes Ans: a
  • Where is BARC located? a) Shriharikota b)Trombay c) Nasik d) Coimbatore Ans: b
  • What is the name of the closest star to the earth? a) Cursa b) Sun c) Moon d) Saturn Ans: b
  • Consider the following statements: 1.Atom bomb is based on the principle of uncontrolled nuclear fission. 2. Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of controlled nuclear fission. 3. Nuclear reactor is based on the principle of controlled nuclear fission. Which of these are correct? a) 3 b) 1, 2 c) 2, 3 d) 1, 2, 3 Ans: d
  • Tom runs k miles in n hours, how many miles would she cover in x hours? a) knx b) k/n c) kx/n d) kn/x Ans: C
  • Hall Effect is associated with: a) Voltage b) Charge c) Both a and b d) None Ans: C
  • Fighter bombers use the following type of engines: a) Turbojet b) Turbo propeller c) Rocket d) Ram-Jet Ans: a
  • Which on these is not a Hadron? a) Electron b) Proton c) Neutron d) Pion Ans: a
  • If you pour handful of salt into a full glass of water: a) The water level rises b) The water level goes down c) It stays the same d) depends on shape of glass Ans: b
  • You are lock in a cabinet such that you have no idea of your outside. A physicist is conducting an experiment on you. In case A you (inside the cabinet) are on earth and asked to drop an apple and measure its acceleration. In case B you are in space and the cabinet is accelerating upwards with 9.8m/sec2. You are asked to drop an apple and measure the acceleration of the apple. In both the cases you are not aware whether you are in space or on earth. What is the acceleration (in m/sec2) noted in both the cases? a) 9.8 in A and 0 in B b) 9.8 in both the cases c) 0 in A and 9.8 in B d) 0 in both Ans: b
  • Which one of them is not a property of particles? a)Awesomeness b)Strangeness c)Bottomness d)Charm Ans: a
  • Megaparsec is a unit of a) Charge b) Energy c) Length d) Time Ans: c
  • Gausss law states that the flux of electric field E through any closed surface is equal to net charge inside divided by permittivity of free space. The flux of magnetic induction B through any closed surface is equal to a) Permeability of free space multiplied by current b) 0 c) 1 d) depends on B Ans: b
  • A tunnel is dug from North Pole to South Pole through center of earth. A ball is released from North Pole into the tunnel. Then which of these statements is true about the ball: a) It will come out of South pole b) It will oscillate about the center c) It will stop at the center d) It will stop momentarily return back to North pole. Ans: b
  • A body is given a finite constant external torque. The angular momentum is.. a) conserved b) not conserved c) zero d)all of these is possible Ans: b
  • A light bulb is given an alternating current supply of 50 Hz. Then... a) It glows on and off repeatedly b) It glows constantly c) both a and b possible d) none of these Ans: a
  • Water evaporates at what temperature? a) 4 degree Celsius b) 100 degree Celsius c) room temperature d) All temperatures above freezing Ans: d
  • a) Gravitational, Electromagnetic, Strong, Weak b) Mechanical, Chemical, Nuclear, Electrical c) Attractive, Repulsive, Mechanical, Potential d) Frictional, Chemical, Electrical, Magnetic Ans: a
  • The average solar day is approximately: a) 24hrs 08 min b) 24hrs c) 24hrs 15min d) 24hrs 15 sec Ans: b
  • A physicist is approaching you on a vehicle with velocity near to that of light. He stops near you and asks you what the time is. You say it is 3:00 pm. At the same moment he looks at his watch. What time is his watch probably indicating? a) 2:57 pm b)3:00 pm c)3:03 pm d)Data insufficient Ans: a
  • Pi is a .. a) Rational Number b) irrational number c) Neither of them d) complex number Ans: b
  • The missing number in the series 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, _, 21, 34 is a) 11 b)12 c) 13 d)14 Ans: c
  • Which of these quantities are conserved during collision of particles: a) Strangeness b) Lepton Number c) Momentum d) all of these Ans: a
  • Figure shows a beam of light entering a compartment that is accelerating upwards. The path of beam as observed from inside is. a) Zigzag b) Straight line c) Parabola d) first straight line and then parabola Ans: c