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  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya




  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya


    What are we going to learnin this session?

    Why do we need sociologicalinvestigation?

    Sociological research terminology

    The scientific logic (correlation andcausation)

    Sociological framework An introduction to social research


  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya


    What is TRUTH?

  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya


    Forms of Truth

    Belief or faith

    Expert testimony

    Simple agreement Science

    Logical system that bases knowledge on

    direct systematic observation

  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya


    Terminology (1)

    ConceptsA mental construct thatrepresents some part of the world in asimplified form

    VariablesConcepts whose valueschange from case to case

    MeasurementA procedure fordetermining the value of a variable in aspecific case

    Operationalizing a variableSpecifyingexactly what is to be measured beforeassigning a value to a variable

  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya


    Terminology (2)

    ReliabilityConsistency inmeasurement Does an instrument provide for a consistent

    measure of the subject matter?

    ValidityPrecision in measuringexactly what one intends to measure

    Does an instrument actually measure what itsets out to measure?

  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya



    Cause and effect A relationship in which change in one variable causes

    change in another

    Types of variables

    Independent: The variable that causes the change Dependent: The variable that changes (its value

    depends upon the independent variable)


    A relationship by which two or more variables change


    Spurious correlation

    An apparent, though false, relationship between two or

    more variables caused by some other variable

  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya


    CorrelationDoes Not Mean Causation

    Conditions for cause and effect to beconsidered Existence of a correlation

    The independent (causal) variableprecedes the dependent variable intime.

    No evidence suggests that a thirdvariable is responsible for a spuriouscorrelation between the two originalvariables.

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  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya


  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya


    The Sociological Framework

    Positivist sociology The study of society based on systematic

    observation of social behavior

    Empirical evidenceInformation we can verifywith our senses

    Interpretive sociology The study of society that focuses on the

    meanings people attach to their social world

    Critical sociology The study of society that focuses on the need

    for change

  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya


    The Sociological Framework

    Positivist neutral,objectivity.

    InterpretiveWebersconcept ofverstehen,subjectivity.

    Critical emancipatory,rejects objectivity.

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  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya



    Sebuah tawuran terjadi antara warga kampungX dan kampung Y. Berdasarkan pengamatan,tawuran dipicu oleh hal sepele, yaitu senggolanmotor antar pemuda. Sebagian besar para

    pelaku tawuran adalah para pemudapengangguran dan memiliki tingkat pendidikanrendah. Ketika diwawancarai, beberapadiantaranya menyatakan bahwa tawuran dipicukarena warga kampung Y yang menyenggolmotor warga kampung X menolak untukmeminta maaf. Selain itu, ada juga yang

    berkomentar bahwa tawuran juga dipicu olehadanya perebutan lahan parkir dan pekerjaandi sebuah mall yang berdiri disekitar keduakampung.

  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya


    Social Research Method

    Ethical Guideline Must strive to be technically competent& fair-minded

    Must disclose findings in full withoutomitting significant data & be willing to

    share their data Must protect the safety, rights, and

    privacy of subjects Must obtain informed consent; subjects

    are aware of of risks andresponsibilities and agree Must disclose all sources of funding &

    avoid conflicts of interest Must demonstrate cultural sensitivity

  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya


    I. Experiment

    ExperimentA research method forinvestigating cause and effect underhighly controlled conditions

    HypothesisAn unverified statementof a relationship between variables(an educated guess)

    Hawthorne effectA change in asubject's behavior caused by theawareness of being studied

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    The Importance of Control

    To be certain that the change in thedependent variable was due to theexposure to the independent variable, the

    researcher must keep constant otherfactors that might intrude.

    One method is to break group intoexperimental and control groups.

    Experimental group is exposed to independentvariable.

    Control group is exposed to a placebo.

  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya


    II. Survey Research

    Definition: A research method in which subjectsrespond to a series of statements orquestions in a questionnaire or interview

    Population The people who are the focus of the research

    Sample The part of the population that represents the


    Random Sample Drawing a sample from a population so that every

    element of the population has an equal chance ofbeing selected

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    Definition: A series of written questionsthat a researcher presents to subjects


    A series of fixed responses; easy to analyzebut narrows range of responses

    Open-ended Free response; broadens range of responses

    but harder to analyze

    Most surveys are self-administered;pre-testing can avoid costly problems

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    Other Social Research Methods


    A series of questions that a researcheradministers in person

    Participant observation

    A research method in whichinvestigators systematically observe

    people while joining in their routineactivities

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  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya


    10 Steps in Social Research

    1. Select and define topic2. Review the literature3. Develop key questions to ask4. Assess requirements for study5. Consider ethical issues6. Select a research methodology7. Collect the data8. Interpret the findings9. State conclusions10.Publish the findings

  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya


    Lying with Statistics

    Data selection

    Data might not be the whole truth.

    Data interpretation

    As if numbers can only mean one thing

    Use of graphs to spin the truth

    Manipulating timeframes on graphs

    Using scale to inflate or deflate a trend

  • 8/4/2019 Sociology Session 3-The Sociological Investigation-Aditya


    Thank You!

    Any questions?