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Generally, is defined as a social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to oversee the bearing and raising of children. Family

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: “place of the mother”; residential pattern in which the married couple lives with or near the wife’s family. matrilocality

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_____________: “place of the father”; residential pattern in which the married couple lives with or near the husband’s family. patrilocality

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Family ties or ___________ are created in several ways: kinships

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less common/very rare - Greek for

“__________” - connected to

female infanticide; less women to go around

Many men

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_____________________: marriage that unites one male and two or more females.


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The ______________________is a social group of two or more people, related by blood, marriage or adoption who usually live together. Family Unit

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__________________ refers to marriage that unites three or more individuals.

This form of marriage is often instituted for religious or economic reasons Polygamy

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Greek for “_____________” - Illegal in the United States but practiced in many Asian and African nations

many women

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When you were born, you became a member of a ____________, a family which is composed of your parents and siblings. Family of orientation

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_______________: marriage that united one female and two or more males


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When you, yourself, decide to get married, you and your spouse will form a _______ in order to have or adopt your own children. Family of Procreation

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In the Western world, when we think of families we tend to focus our attention on the ______________. That is, a family unit composed of one or two parents and their children. Typically, this is the most recognized form of a family in the United States. Nuclear Family

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__________ refers to the marriage of two individuals. This form of marriage is often used in industrialized societies. Monogamy

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Throughout the world, families form around ________ which is the legally sanctioned relationship, usually involving economic cooperation as well as sexual activity and child bearing, that people expect to be enduring. marriage

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In every society, marriage patterns often reflect the cultural norms of that particular society. In some cases, __________ is the preferred form of marriage. endogamy

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In other cases, ________ is the preferred form of marriage, uniting people of different social categories.Builds alliancesEncourages cultural diffusions exogamy

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Limits marriage prospects based on age, race, _______ and social class religion

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______________: “new place”; residential pattern in which the married couple lives apart from both sets of parents. neolocality

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There are __________________ ways which societies trace the descent of kinship. three

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________________ is a system of tracing kinship through the men of the family.

Patrilineal descent

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________________ is a system of tracing kinship through the women of the family.

Matrilineal descent

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______________, which refers to the system by which members of a society trace kinship over generations, is also a large piece of the structure of the family.


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_____________________ is a system tracing kinship through both sides of the family (men and women).

bilateral descent

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