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Socialprise: Leveraging Social Data in the Enterprise Rev 0109

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Contents I. Socialprise: Capturing Smart Insights into Agile Relationships

II. Socialprise Applications: Getting the Who, What and When of

Business Where You Need It Most

III. The New Science of Deal-Making a. What you know: Casting a Wide Net for Relevant Information b. Who You Know: Mapping Information to Behaviors & People c. When You Know: Getting the Right Information at the Right Time d. Where You Know: Getting the Right Information in the Right Place

IV. InsideView: The Pioneer in Sales Intelligence Applications

V. About InsideView

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I. Socialprise: Capturing Smart Insights into Agile Relationships “It’s not what you know, but who you know.” You’ve heard that old phrase countless times, no doubt - and it continues to be true for many aspects of business relationships even today. Having good information that can lead to good business deals is important, but having the right social connections also matters. It used to be that executives would spend a lot of time in social activities to connect with the right people at the right time. Golf and athletic clubs, conferences and other settings for social activities still bring many executives together today to help them build business relationships. But for a lot of dealmakers those techniques went out the window as their primary networking tools a long time ago – as did the business information systems that supported them. Take Bob, for example. Bob’s an up-and-coming executive at a major technology company selling big-ticket solutions to major enterprises as well as to small and medium businesses. Bob has a pretty good personal network, but oftentimes it’s no match for the number and caliber of people he needs to reach in his company’s strategic sales efforts. For Bob, figuring out how to connect with his prospects at dozens of companies takes more than a game of golf down at the country club. Between trying to update and track profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook and Plaxo, keeping up with text messages and emails, news feeds from blogs, his company’s subscription databases and intelligence reports, Bob is desperately trying to make sense of the ocean of information at his fingertips. As if that weren’t enough, the people he does know are constantly changing jobs and moving in and out of his target industries. He hardly has time to know who’s gone where, much less to understand what their new business needs may be. These agile relationships are challenging Bob to uncover the fresh insights that can trigger the best business opportunities. Put simply, trying to keep up with who you should know and what you should know about them and their current business priorities is a tough job for Bob these days. Bob’s got a real problem. His company’s business information services don’t do anywhere near enough to help him sort through potential deals and dealmakers, His subscription databases and list building services can give him facts, data and news, but the filtering they provide is rarely enough to help Bob identify the most relevant prospects for sales and business development activities. Search engines? Fine for hit-or-miss information on a few companies, but they don’t offer a real scalable solution across his territory – and they certainly don’t help him understand all that much about a prospect’s immediate pain points. LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media portals help Bob keep tabs on his social and professional relationships, but they don’t really help him understand what business opportunities would be right for them in any detail. Maintaining these “parallel universes” of social media for personal relationship information and of business information services for news, data and research just doesn’t work for Bob anymore. It’s time-consuming to say the least and oftentimes results in missed opportunities even when he had the right relationships and the right products. Bob’s tired. Bob’s frustrated. Bob needs to try something new.

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II. Socialprise Applications: Getting the Who, What and When of Business Where You Need It Most Bob’s real problem is that he cannot easily combine the insights from business information with the relationships most ready for deal-making. The key to solving Bob’s problem is recognizing it’s not who you know that will make business deals happen but “what you know about who you know” tightly synched with “when you should know it”. He needs insights into what is motivating people in his deal flow to help him understand who to target first on a daily basis. Once Bob identifies the right opportunities he needs to understand quickly who’s going to be the best person to approach. To achieve Bob goal’s requires combining the best enterprise-ready information sources with the best insights into social relationships and buyer behavior. But there’s no one source which has everything that Bob needs to know. What Bob needs is a service that will harvest and aggregate intelligence from any and every source that can make a difference, map that information into actionable insights concerning key events and behaviors exhibited by his prospects and to integrate all of that into whatever applications he already uses on a daily basis. What Bob needs is a Socialprise application. Socialprise is the natural convergence of social media and enterprise applications, emerging as a mash-up of both the information and user experience of these previously separate universes.

+ Who You Know • Automated discovery of personal and professional relationships • Aggregated from social networks, contacts lists, and company relationships

+ What You Know • Actionable insights about opportunities and deal-oriented activities • Harvested from many different sources of both structured and unstructured data

+ When You Know • Pro-active alerts about deal-related behaviors, events and key insights • Generated by smart agents that continually search for key business events

+ Where You Know • Delivered within the familiar context of enterprise applications like CRM which are already used every day to develop and manage business opportunities

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III. The New Science of Deal-Making Socialprise technology is the answer to situation that many companies are finding themselves in as they search for more effective business information services. After a decade of watching their staffs use new search tools and consumer applications on the Web to become more productive in their personal lives, smart enterprises are realizing that it pays to give their people access to any information or tools that can make them equally productive in their professional lives. Though search engines on the web are pretty good at finding basic business information quickly, “Googling” has never been a particularly good way to sift through thousands of possible companies and contacts to figure out who was really worth talking to today. It is a hit-or-miss approach to information gathering that can never scale to build a powerful business intelligence service. Subscription business information services enable you to build lists of people who might be worth contacting, but not really who is a likely prospect today. At best most business information services can give you very rough filtering parameters such as the size of a company or its current revenues. News retrieval services offer current news headlines and articles, but the filtering available on these services doesn’t really help you to focus on the types of activities that are most likely to yield insights into who’s ready to do business today. Social networks at least help us identify specific people in trusted relationships, but they rarely expose their current business activities or needs. The trust, openness and engagement offered by social networking platforms is useful in evaluating people who are emotionally accessible for a sales approach on a personal level but they don’t really tell us where to start evaluating sales readiness any more effectively than traditional business information services. A new generation of Sales Intelligence solutions, powered by socialprise technology, can help businesses to step beyond these limitations by combining the best that each of these services has to offer, leveraging advanced technologies to discover and aggregate all of this information and distill it into a whole that’s far greater than the sum of its parts. What’s more, Sales Intelligence presents the resulting insights within the meaningful context of existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications and business processes – which is precisely the point of need. Sales Intelligence works by answering the key questions: What do I need to know to make the right calls today? How can I know who is in what state for deal-making before I even pick up the phone or send an email? Sales Intelligence, one of the first application categories to benefit from socialprise technology, can help businesses to step beyond these limitations by combining the best that each of these services has to offer, leveraging advanced technologies to discover and aggregate all of this information and distill it into a whole that’s far greater than the sum of its parts.What’s more, Sales Intelligence presents the resulting insights within the meaningful context of existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications and business processes – which is precisely the point of need. Sales Intelligence works by answering the key questions: What do I need to know to make the right calls today? How can I know who is in what state for deal-making before I even pick up the phone or send an email?

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What you know: casting a wide net for relevant information To be able to answer these questions a Sales Intelligence application needs first to be agnostic about where the information may come from to provide the insights that are needed. Corporate Web sites, traditional media outlets, blogs, enterprise databases and portals, subscription information services, social networking sites, sales productivity platforms – all these and more can be potential sources for your Sales Intelligence application. Capturing this information is not always as easy as making a query on a structured database or a search engine. Oftentimes the information that you need to access has to be harvested from unstructured pages of text on a Web site or in an enterprise document management system. As information is collected it must be correlated to specific people and organizations for further filtering and analysis. By casting a wide net across any and all trusted information sources, much deeper and relevant insights are revealed. All of a sudden anything could be part of a rich global intelligence database that will have meaningful structure.

Who You Know: Mapping Information to Behaviors & People The second key requirement for Sales Intelligence is the ability to map information sources to the activities and behaviors of individuals and their organizations. Sophisticated semantic processing of information is an essential component of these applications. For example, if a company issues a press release on a routine earnings announcement, what words are there in the document that would indicate “leadership changes” or “partnerships” – activities that might act as “alerts” to a sales or business development team that an opportunity or a threat might be developing? Who are the people associated with those activities? What relationships do you have that can lead you to those people? The ability to interpret all of this information and organize it into meaningful categorizations of behaviors relating to specific people and organizations that are significant to deal-making is far more important than simply categorizing a press release under a topic such as “earnings reports”.

When You Know: Getting the Right Information at the Right time The third key requirement for Sales Intelligence is the ability to deliver insights in a timely fashion within the applications that people use regularly. Going to multiple Web sites, search engines, research databases, and enterprise portals to cut and paste together reports is OUT. Getting the right key insights automatically presented within the right applications at the right time is IN. The timeliness of this approach relies as much on the way that information can be organized as the freshness of the information itself. If your new information can’t easily be presented into the most commonly used applications, reports, and search results then it’s as good as being old information. The use of behavior-oriented “alerts” that categorize key business insights and identify highly relevant personal and company relationships is the starting point for ensuring relevance, but it takes the right delivery mechanisms as well.

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Where You Know: Getting the Right Information in the Right Place Sales Intelligence brings the “who”, “what” and “when” of your prospects together into integrated results. Call it a “mashup,” call it meta-aggregation, call it a workflow application – whatever the label, the effective integration of disparate content sources, distilled down to actionable insights, and delivered at the point of need is a fundamental promise of Sales Intelligence.

As you can see in the above chart, Sales Intelligence applications deliver a unique blend of comprehensive and source-agnostic content aggregation, powerful event and insight analysis that alert you of new business deals, connection mapping that allows you to leverage personal and company relationships, and powerful filtering capabilities that help continually prioritize your current revenue generating activities. Typical business information subscription databases focus largely on selling collections of licensed content: they may have some useful features available to access that content but in general they fail to integrate Web, enterprise and user-generated content effectively. Search engines can be powerful tools to locate basic business or personal information quickly but they do not provide access to licensed content and lack the ability to effectively aggregate, analyze, and present information in an actionable format. Social networking databases are generally strong on relationship mapping but rather thin on applying that relationship data to broader business opportunities (much less identifying those events, insights, or opportunities). Going directly to corporate Web sites can be informative but extremely time intensive and un-scalable, resulting in wasted time and attention that would be better spent working real opportunities. And CRM and sales

Comprehensive Aggregation

Key Insight Discovery

Relationship Mapping

Filtering Tools

Sales Intelligence Applications

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Subscription Databases

Mostly licensed content No Rare Some

Search Engines

Mostly unlicensed content No No Limited

Social Networks No No Limited Some

Web sites No No No Limited

Sales Portals No No Limited Some

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force automation (SFA) applications have lots of great tools for storing and sharing contacts and basic company information for existing deals (pipeline management), but lack the content aggregation and analysis capabilities needed to discover, prioritize, and drive new opportunities (pipeline development.) The result of pulling all of the right information together into Sales Intelligence applications is the ability to make more deals - and better deals - more quickly than ever before by discovering the right insights and the right relationships at the right time. Understanding not only your connections to people but their readiness to hear your story will let you concentrate on the prospects who are most interested in hearing it. Sales Intelligence applications hold a lot of promise for sales and marketing professionals, and will accelerate the efficiency of deal-making as no other business information service has been able to deliver. Let’s get back to Bob and see how he’s doing now. Hmm, looks like Bob got smart – he started using SalesView, the new on-demand Sales Intelligence application from InsideView. SalesView harvests relevant business information from subscription databases, enterprise and social media content sources and mashes them up with his desktop. Now Bob has fresh and complete intelligence derived from company information, business connections, breaking news, and key business events, giving him detailed insights into sales readiness and relationship networks all in one place. Now every day Bob can automatically find and prioritize the prospects who are ready for him to make contact. SalesView smart agents make it easy for him to get the right information at the right time wherever he needs it. His social network information from LinkedIn and Facebook fits right in, too. He can find the people who he knows and who his team knows much more easily – all without having to leave his desktop. Bob is calling on the right people at the right time with the right information about what they need and why they need it. Bob amazes his customers – it seems like he reads their minds. Bob’s friends are glad that he called them when he did. Bob closes more deals. Bigger deals. Better deals. Bob is happy that he tried something new from InsideView.

IV. InsideView: The Pioneer in Sales Intelligence Applications Leading organizations that use InsideView have experienced measurable returns on their investment, enabled by closing the kinds of deals that you’re probably seeking today. InsideView has helped them gain fresh, complete insights into the agile business relationships that are essential to their deal flows - more effectively and more efficiently than any other data aggregation or business information services. Sales Intelligence, fueled by the Socialprise revolution, represents a very significant trend towards far greater efficiencies in sales and business development management. Sure, you’ll probably still pay some of your deal makers to tee up at the golf course now and again. But with Sales Intelligence applications, like those from InsideView, you’ll find them spending more time teeing up deals that will pay for those swings around the links. That’s a trend worth investing in – today.

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V. About InsideView InsideView is a Sales 2.0 leader, bringing insights gained from traditional editorial sources and emerging social media to the enterprise to increase sales productivity and velocity. The San Francisco-headquartered company was founded in 2005 by pioneers of the SaaS, Content and CRM industries to take advantage of the convergence of social media and enterprise applications. InsideView’s unique socialprise technology intelligently aggregates relevant personal, professional and corporate data in real time from thousands content sources to uncover new customer engagement opportunities. InsideView’s Sales 2.0 applications deliver fresh and complete intelligence within CRMs and to mobile devices to maximize sales productivity and accelerate sales cycles. The company is privately held and venture-backed by Emergence Capital Partners, Greenhouse Capital Partners and Rembrandt Venture Partners. InsideView's sales force automation partners include Landslide Technologies, Microsoft, Oracle,, and SugarCRM InsideView's customers include Ariba, Borland, IBM, John Hancock, Omniture and SuccessFactors. For more information, visit