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Social Studies

Social Studies

EuropeCreated byRonna BUckley

1Some of the links in this presentation require a subscription to I will try to make the full articles available to even non-subscribers using my blog.Ms. Ronna

Middle AgesThe period from about 500 to 1400 is called the Middle Ages.During this time, Europe is in a mess.The entire economy had collapsed!

Life During Middle AgesDuring the Middle Ages:Money was no longer used.Law & order vanished.Roads fell into disrepair.Cities just disintegrated.People knew nothing about life beyond their own tiny villages.

Roman Silver Coin from 200s AD

4Middle Ages by Another Name the Middle Ages, since the old government had failed, a new political system developed.Remember, there was no law & order.Feudalism was designed like this:A King gave estates to nobles. In exchange ,they gave the King military protection.Now, the King would have armies of nobles to protect him & the nobles would have land and fine homes.European Swords weighed about 6 to 12 pounds. The user needed 2 hands to fight!

6European Swords weighed about 6 to 12 pounds. The user needed 2 hands to fight!The Nobles were a little too prissy to protect the king themselves. They didnt want to get dirty or bloody. The nobles swore loyalty to the king & provided the protection the king needed in the form of knights.

Knights were mounted warriors for the Royal Army.

The nobles had a sweet deal because they got to build huge Castles & create their own kinds of coins.The nobles were sometimes called Feudal Lords because the land they controlled could be up to several thousand acres.


8The Nobles were a little too prissy to protect the king themselves. They didnt want to get dirty or bloody.

What do you think the most effective weapon of the middle ages was? If you said SWORD, you answered like most people would based on the movies set in the Middle Ages.The truth is the crossbow was the most effective weapon used in the middle ages. Even after gun powder was acquired from Asia, the crossbow was much more accurate in those days than using a gun.

"weapon." Britannica Student Encyclopedia. 2007. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 30 Dec. 2007 .

9What was life likeIn a Castle during theMiddle Ages?


Take a Virtual TourHereFeudalism described the ________ relationship between the King, Nobles & Knights.Manorialism described the _________ relationship between the Nobles & the peasants.PoliticalEconomic11PEASANTSPeasants lived on the estates of the Lords.In return for the protection during this lawless time, the peasants farmed the Lords lands. Most of the peasants fell into the category of SERFS. Serfs were bound to the land and the lord.Serfs were not considered slaves because they could not be bought or sold.Europeans did notBelieve in Chattel Slavery! Chattel Slavery is the actualOwning of another human being!12YOUR TOPIC GOES HEREThe Peasants or Serfs lived in tiny one room houses with dirt floors. They slept huddled together to keep warm. Their main diet consisted of porridge & bread.

Porridge was made from dried peas seasoned with a piece of pork fat.

Things ChangeNeither the Middle Ages nor Feudalism lasted forever.The religion of Islam began to spread like wildfire!Christians wanted to prevent Islam from taking over the world. They launched an effort to stop Islam from spreading & to spread Christianity.This effort is historically known as The Crusades.

14The CrusadesThe Crusades were really nine expeditions inspired by Pope Urban II to defeat Islam.

The threat of Islam was so great the nobles began to sell their estates, free the serfs and join the Crusades. They felt it was their duty to the Christian faith to prevent Islam from spreading. The Crusades took them to many foreign lands & they brought back many new ideas & new technologies. A great trade developed with Asia. The problem was that all the things they wanted from Asia could only be obtained by dealing with theMuslims whose religion was Islam!This marked the end of Feudalism & Manorialism.

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To get spices from Asia they would be forced to do business with the people they were trying to defeat. This is what caused the desire to find a new route to reach Asia. They could cut the Muslims out of the deal..Trading With The Enemy

18Why did they need spices so bad?

There was no warm water, so people went months without bathing. The spices would be used in perfume.There was no refrigeration, so meat would rot or spoil quickly. The spices would help to mask the smell & taste of rancid meat. Salt would cure the meat making it stay fresh longer.

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Four Strong States Emerged thatWould Finance Trade & ExplorationPortugalSpainEnglandFranceAt this same time, an intellectual revolution began. It is known as the Renaissance. It lasted from about 1350-1600.

Art Connection to Renaissance beginning on slide 34.

28People began to study ancient Greece & Rome. They focused on Math & Geography and studied work done by the Muslims (Arabs).From the Arabs they acquired knowledge of the Astrolabe.The Astrolabe was a navigation tool which used the sun to determine direction, latitude & time of day.

The Renaissance to build an Astrolabe!Build An Astrolabe29From the Chinese, the Europeans acquired the compass. This invention showed the direction of magnetic north.These navigation tools were vital in the ability to explore & travel, but what they really needed were ships capable of long-distance travel.Portugal was the first to develop such a ship.30Marshall Brain. "How Compasses Work". April 01, 2000 (December 29, 2007)

Build Your Own Compass & Learn HowThey Really Work. What You Need:A needle or some other wire-like piece of steel (a straightened paper clip, for example) Something small that floats such as a piece of cork, the bottom of a Styrofoam coffee cup, a piece of plastic or the cap from a milk jug A dish, preferably a pie plate, 9 to 12 inches (23 - 30 cm) in diameter, with about an inch (2.5 cm) of water in it The Portuguese developed a ship called the Caravel and they began to search for a new route to Asia.The Caravel was designed with:new triangular shaped sails instead of all squareNew steering rudder instead of steering oarsAnd a shallow hull to caravels!32People To RememberHenry the Navigator: a prince from Portugal who opened a school to train in the areas of geography, map making, astronomy & shipbuilding.Link to Henry the Navigator Activity Dias was the first to reach the southern tip of Africa proving there was a new way to Africa.Vasco Da Gama sailed all the way around the southern tip of Africa & sailed to India. Link to Vasco Da Gama Activity WATER ROUTE TO ASIA HAD BEEN FOUND

Cartography is the Art and Science of Mapmaking!33