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Updated 1-2017

8th Grade Social StudiesPower STAAR Review Book

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Concepts Continued…..

Separation of Church and State- the church and the state (government) are organized separately- Roger Williams started Rhode Island this way and today it is separate because of the First Amendment.

Salutary Neglect- a time when Great Britain did not force American colonists to follow all of its laws to allow the economy to prosper

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Rebellions Bacon’s Rebellion- Nathaniel Bacon rebels with other citizens in

Jamestown for not being allowed to settle further west and lack of protection from Indian attacks by government- first rebellion in the colonies

Pontiac’s Rebellion- also called Pontiac’s War- after the French and Indian War the colonists tried to settle the Ohio Valley and were met with resistance from Indians led by Pontiac

Shay’s Rebellion- Farmers in Massachusetts having problems paying taxes and other debt rebelled against Massachusetts government for lack of assistance and foreclosing on their land. The rebellion was violent and motivated scared leaders to meet in Philadelphia to make changes to the ineffective Articles of Confederation. This meeting eventually led to a new government being formed under the new U.S. Constitution

Whiskey Rebellion- the government taxed the sale of whiskey and the farmer’s did not want to pay the tax- put down by the government (led by George Washington himself) and it proved that the government would use force to enforce federal laws

Important Dates that you MUST know!!!

1607: Jamestown, Virginia- the first permanent and successful English settlement in North America.

1620: Mayflower Compact, written by Pilgrims aboard the ship Mayflower, established their own self-government and laws.

1776: (July 4) the Declaration of Independence is approved.

1787: the U.S. Constitution is written at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.

1803: Louisiana Purchase- Jefferson buys the Louisiana Territory from France, doubling the size of the United States.

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1861-1865: the U.S Civil War- Union (North) vs. Confederates (South)

Important Documents, Policies and Events

The Magna Carta, signed in 1215 by King John of England, was the first document that limited power of the ruler and established the principles of trial by jury and the protection of life, liberty and property.

The Mayflower Compact was the document written aboard the Mayflower in 1620 by the founders of the Plymouth colony, the Pilgrims. This document represented an early form of colonial self-government and an early form of a written constitution, establishing the powers and duties of the government.

The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, drafted by the settlers in the Connecticut River colony in 1639, was the first written constitution in the colonies establishing a democratic government controlled by citizens.

The Virginia House of Burgesses, established in 1619, was the first representative assembly (group) in the American colonies. Famous delegates included Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington.

1754-1763: The French and Indian War- England and France go to war over control of North America; England wins and France loses all N.A. territories. Benjamin Franklin creates the Albany Plan of Union, the first attempt at uniting the American colonies.


Abolition- the movement to ban slavery forever

American System- the policy by Henry Clay that prompted (helped) U.S. industry with protective tariffs, more national banks, and the development of internal improvements (roads, railroads, canals, etc.)

Civil Disobedience- refusal to obey laws, pat taxes etc. as a nonviolent way to protest

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Civic Virtue- the act of putting the good of the country before one’s own personal interests – Founding Fathers

Foreign Policy- how America deals with other countries

Founding Fathers- men who took part in winning independence and creating the United States of America

Free Enterprise- business have few restrictions put on them and little government involvement.

Mercantilism- the economic system used by European nations using their colonies to supply raw materials and human labor for their benefit and to increase their gold supply. (It’s all about the Mother Country)

Nullification- the refusal of a state to enforce a federal law (State’s Rights)

The Plantation Economy – After the invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793, the plantation system grew, especially in the South. Plantations were large-scale farms typically with many slaves. The cotton gin made it easier and cheaper to remove the seeds from cotton and cotton became a much more profitable crop. This increased the demand for slaves in the South.

Popular Sovereignty- the people rule by consent (voting)

Protective Tariff- a tariff (tax) placed on a foreign goods consuming into the country so that American goods are protected by having lower prices and thus selling more goods. Tariff’s encouraged American Manufacturing.

Reasons for European Exploration & ColonizationReligious Freedom: Many religious groups were looking to escape persecution (mistreatment) based on religious beliefs. Economic Gain: Gold, land, cash crops, natural resources, and a market for exportsEuropean Rivalries: Countries like England, France, Spain, Portugal and The Dutch competing with each other for new territory, glory, and world dominance. Northwest Passage: find a quicker route to Asia through the North America Continent _______________________________________________________________________

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-Cities were established by water for survival, transportation, and trade-Mountains and rivers were natural barriers to the pioneers moving west-Mississippi River was important for transportation of goods and people

Supreme Court Cases

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Marbury v. Madison(1803)- established the principal of Judicial Review- Supreme Court and no one else determines the constitutionality of the law

McCulloch v. Maryland(1824)- limited state power by forbidding states from interfering with federal institutions located within their borders

Gibbons v. Ogden(1824)- upheld federal right to regulate interstate commerce (trade between states); states could regulate trade only within their own borders

(Cases listed above)IMPACT: 1. Strengthened Supreme Court

2. Strengthened federal (national) power over the states

Worcester v. Georgia(1832)- ruled that the Cherokees did NOT have to leave Georgia. Jackson ignored the ruling and forced the Cherokee off their land anyway.

Dred Scott v. Sanford(1857)- ruling that slaves were property and not citizens and could not file lawsuits. The Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional. (The 36’30 line)

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)- This 1896 U.S. Supreme Court case upheld the constitutionality of segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine.

Mercantilism: the economic system used by European nations using their colonies to supply raw materials and human labor for their benefit and to increase their gold supply.

3 Colonial Regions Develop

1. New England Colonies: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut

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• People: Mostly Puritans from England • Climate: Long cold winters, rocky soil, vast forests • Economy: Shipbuilding, timber, fishing, whaling, merchant trade

2. Middle Colonies: Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware • People: Diverse population from different European countries, Quakers • Climate: milder winters, longer growing season, good soil for cash crops • Economy: Cash crops of wheat, other grains, fruits, vegetables, artisans

3. Southern Colonies: Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, • People: English Anglicans, Catholics, enslaved Africans • Climate: Warm, rainy, year-round growing season, rich soil for cash crops • Economy: dominated by plantations, cash crops of tobacco, rice, indigo And cotton RELIGIOUS GROUPS: • Puritans-The Great Migration, wanted to purify the Church of England

Settled in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and founded all of the New England Colonies

• Pilgrims- Separatists (Wanted to separate from the Church of England) a and settled in Plymouth, wrote Mayflower Compact 1620.

• Quakers- Wanted “Peace and Harmony”, William Penn founded Pennsylvania, later worked for abolition and women’s rights • Catholics- Maryland, Act of Tolerance (other religions were accepted) Maryland founded by Lord Baltimore

Grievances to Resolutions

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Complaint Resolution

Taxation without Representation

All citizens have representation in Congress which sets taxes

King has absolute power

Congress has the power to override Presidential veto

Colonists not allowed to speak out against the King

1st Amendment- Freedom of Speech

Quartering Act forced colonists to house troops

3rd Amendment-No quartering of troops

Allowed homes to be searched without warrants

4th Amendment- No unwarranted search and seizure

No trial by jury of peers 6th Amendment- Right to speedy public trial

7th Amendment- Trial by jury

The American Revolutionary Era

George Washington - Commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution.  He was also the 1st President of the United States.

Thomas Jefferson – Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States. He was inspired by English philosopher John Locke’s ideas of citizens having power over their governments (“consent of the governed”). He was also Governor of Virginia. 1776: Declaration of Independence – (Philadelphia, Pa.-Second Continental Congress) Lists grievances against King George III and announces to

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the world that the colonies are forming their own nation and breaking away from England.

Unalienable rights - rights that cannot be taken away: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Reasons for Colonists’ Discontent (anger) Imposing taxes on colonists without their approval (No taxation without

representation!) Forcing colonists to quarter (house) British troops Denying colonists the right to trial by jury in many cases Preventing colonists from trading with nations other than Great Britain Denying colonists legislative representation in Parliament

Causes of Revolution: "No taxation without Representation!" - Colonists resented being

taxed without having a voice in Parliament. Tax acts passed include the Stamp Act (tax on most printed paper in the

colonies), Sugar Act (placed taxes on sugar on other luxuries), and Townshend Acts (tax on glass, lead, paints, paper and tea)

The Boston Massacre – conflict between colonists in Boston and British soldiers which resulted in the death of five people; named a “massacre” by Samuel Adams, and used as propaganda against the British.The Boston Tea Party- Sons of Liberty dump British tea into the Boston Harbor to protest the Tea Act (granted a tea monopoly to the British East India Company)

The Intolerable Acts – A series of laws passed by Parliament to punish the people of Boston and Massachusetts and bring the colonists under control

Loyalists - Americans who supported Great Britain during the revolution. Patriots - Americans who favored independence from Great Britain during the revolution.Patrick Henry: Virginian patriot that famously proclaimed "Give me liberty Or Give me death!”Thomas Paine: wrote “Common Sense” to convince Americans thatIndependence from the British was necessary.

Even more important historical figures/events:Thomas Hooker: Puritan leader, founder of Connecticut, main writer of the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.

Charles de Montesquieu: French philosopher whose ideas of separation of powers and checks and balances inspired the design of the U.S. Constitution.

Wentworth Cheswell: African-American patriot during the American Revolution, made a midnight run to New Hampshire to warn of a British invasion, fought with Continental Army at Saratoga.

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Abigail Adams: American patriot, wife of John Adams, and early supporter of women’s rights.

Mercy Otis Warren: American patriot woman, famous for writing anti-British Revolutionary poetry and books.

James Armistead: former slave, served in the Continental Army under Marquis de Lafayette, was also a spy for the Americans.

Bernardo de Galvez: Spanish naval commander, helped the Continental Army, defeated a British fleet at New Orleans during the Revolutionary War, secured the Gulf of Mex.

Crispus Attucks: African-American patriot, shot and killed at the Boston Massacre in 1770, 1st American to be killed by the British.

Haym Salomon: polish-born Jewish immigrant, banker and financier, supplied the U.S. government with loans to finance the Revolutionary War.

William Carney: African-American soldier that fought with the 54th Massachusetts Regiment in the Civil War, first black soldier to win the Medal of Honor.

Philip Bazaar: Chilean immigrant, Hispanic Union naval hero during the Civil War, received the Medal of Honor.

Battle of Antietam: bloodiest one-day battle of the Civil War, 23,000 dead, close victory for the North, ended Lee’s attempt at winning in Maryland.

Hiram Revels: (1870) First African-American to be elected into the U.S. Senate, represented Mississippi.Henry Bessemer: Invented the Bessemer Process, a way to make cheaper steel from iron.

Other Significant Revolutionary IndividualsKing George III – King of Great Britain during the American Revolution who disbanded the colonial legislatures, taxed the colonies, and refused the Olive Branch Petition leading to the final break with the colonies.

Samuel Adams – was a founder of the Sons of Liberty who started the Committees of Correspondence to stir public support for American independence, organized the Boston Tea Party.

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Paul Revere- member of Sons of Liberty, Boston silversmith, created Boston Massacre engraving, rode to Lexington and Concord warning of the arrival of the British. “The Regulars Are Out!” (“The British Are Coming!”)

Benjamin Franklin – was an inventor, statesman, diplomat, and signer of the Declaration of Independence. He negotiated the alliance with France and then the Treaty of Paris which ended the war. He also participated in the U.S. Constitutional Convention in 1787.

The Marquis de Lafayette – was a wealthy French nobleman who came to America to support the Revolution. He became good friends with General Washington and was with him at Valley Forge and Yorktown.

Thomas Paine – wrote the pamphlets Common Sense and The Crisis to encourage American independence and resolve.

Important Revolutionary Events:The first battles of the American Revolution were fired at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, in April 1775. Known as the “Shot heard round the world”.Battle of Bunker Hill: (June 1775) A British Victory but sustained heavy losses.

Battle of Trenton: (Dec. 1776) Washington and the Americans cross the Delaware River and defeat a Hessian army camped in Trenton, New Jersey.

The Battle of Saratoga in New York (1777) was the turning point of the American Revolution; it resulted in a major American victory that helped to convince the French to join the Americans against the British.

Valley Forge, PA.: Americans spend a brutal winter camped there, becomes a symbol of American suffering and commitment to the war.

The British, commanded by Lord Charles Cornwallis, are defeated at Yorktown, Virginia (Oct. 1781) by American and French troops, becomes the final major battle of the Revolutionary War.

The Treaty of Paris of 1783 ended the American Revolution and forced Britain to recognize the United States as an independent nation.

Important Speeches and Laws during the Civil War and Reconstruction:

Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address: “One section of our country believes slavery is right and ought to be extended, while the other believes it is wrong and ought not to be extended. This is the only substantial dispute. Physically speaking, we cannot separate. We cannot remove our respective sections from each other nor build an impassable wall between them. A husband and wife may be divorced and go out of the presence and beyond the reach of each other, but

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the different parts of our country cannot do this…In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow country-men, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war.”

Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address: “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

Jefferson Davis’s Inaugural Address: “Our present position has been achieved in a manner unprecedented in the history of nations. It illustrates the American idea that government rests upon the consent of the governed, and that it is the right of the people to alter or abolish a government whenever it becomes destructive of the ends for which it was established. The declared purposes of the compact of Union from which we have withdrawn were to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, to provide for the common defense, to promote the general welfare, and to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity; and when in the judgment of the sovereign States now comprising this Confederacy it had been perverted from the purposes for which it was ordained, and had ceased to answer the ends for which it was established, an appeal to the ballot box declared that so far as they were concerned the government created by that compact should cease to exist..”

Homestead Act: 1862 law that gave loyal Americans 160 acres of land west of the Mississippi River as long as they lived on it for 5 years.

Dawes Act: 1887 law which allowed individual Native Americans the right to own their own land in reservations and established a path to citizenship for Natives.

Morrill Act: 1862 law that provided federal lands and money for the establishment of higher-education facilities throughout the United States greatly increased access to colleges and universities for millions of Americans.

1787: The United States Constitution ( Philadelphia, PA.)Influences: Magna Carta- Govt. power limited/individuals have rightsEnglish Bill of Rights (1689) – English document that further limited the power of the English king and granted even more rights to all English people.Mayflower Compact 1620- the first governing document of Plymouth Colony.

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Important American DocumentsDeclaration of Independence (1776) – The Bill of Rights and the Constitution addressed grievances from the Declaration of Independence. It also lists the unalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This document declared to the world that the 13 Colonies were independent from British Rule.

Federalist Papers (1787-1788) – anonymously written essays to encourage ratification of the constitution. The authors include Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison.

The Articles of Confederation (1781-1787) – the first federal government of the United States, created a weak central government and stronger states. It was replaced by the US Constitution. Weaknesses of the Articles included…

No executive branch to enforce laws Congress could not collect taxes or regulate trade No national court system Each state had only one vote in Congress, regardless of population There were 14 different types of currencies (Money)

The Northwest Ordinance (1787) – created a process for U.S. territories to become states, prohibited slavery in the NW Territory.Important Facts1787 – Delegates from the 13 states drafted the US Constitution in Philadelphia.The Preamble – is the introduction of the Constitution that states its purpose. We the

People, in order to form a more perfect union…Great Compromise – Compromise between the big and small states over representation

in Congress. Created a bicameral (two-house) Congress – the Senate and the House of Representatives. The number of members in the Senate is equal for all states (2), and the number of representatives in the House is proportional (dependent on the size) to a state’s population.

Three-Fifths Compromise – Compromise between northern and southern states over how slaves would be counted in determining a state’s population for representation 3 out of every 5 slaves would be counted.

Ratification – to formally approve. Before it could go into effect, 9 out of the 13 states had to ratify the Constitution.

Results of the Civil War Robert E. Lee surrenders at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia in

1865 and the South loses the war. Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth five days after the

end of war. The Southern economy is devastated while the Northern economy

became stronger than before the war. Reconstruction begins.

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“With malice (evil) toward none and charity (love) for all.”Abraham Lincoln

Reconstruction (1865-1877) – The period after the Civil War in the US when the southern states were reorganized and reintegrated into the Union.

Reconstruction Plans- Lincoln (lenient-easy), Radical Republicans (harsh)

Freedmen’s Bureau: federal agency that supplied the newly freed slaves with money, education, houses, and protection.

“Carpetbaggers”: Northerners that went south to help former slaves.“Scalawags”: Southerners that supported helping the former slaves.Andrew Johnson becomes first President to get impeached.

Black Codes- state and local laws in the South that enforced segregation and limited the rights of African-Americans.

The Compromise of 1877: Rutherford B. Hayes promises to remove federal soldiers from the South if they vote for him as President. The South agrees. Hiram Revels- First African-American in the Senate (In office for one year) Blanche K. Bruce- First African-American in Senate to serve full four year term

Reconstruction Amendments13th Amendment – Abolished slavery in all of the United States.14th Amendment – Gave citizenship and equal protection to anyone born in the

U.S.15th Amendment – Gave black men the right to vote.

The United States Constitution (1787)PRINCIPLESSeparation of Powers – Divides the powers of government into 3 branches.

1. Legislative Branch – makes the laws2. Executive Branch – enforces the laws3. Judicial Branch – interprets the laws

Checks and Balances – makes sure no branch of the government becomes too powerful. Example: The

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President can veto a bill, Congress can impeach a president, the Supreme Court can rule a law unconstitutional Federalism – Power is shared between the states and national government. Limited government – the power of the government is restricted by the U.S. Constitution. “No one is above the law.” Republicanism – A system where people vote for elected representatives to run the government. (Elect Representatives) Popular Sovereignty – The people hold the ultimate power. “We the people…” (Voting)Individual Rights-Individual rights and liberties protected

Federalists: supported a strong federal government, wanted the Constitution ratified as is. Hamilton, Madison, and Jay wrote the Federalist Papers to push ratification.

Anti-Federalists: feared a strong federal government, opposed ratification without a Bill of Rights added. Led by George Mason and Patrick Henry.

Bill of Rights 1st ten amendments to the Constitution Protect individual rights and liberties

1st Amendment – Freedom of speech, religion and press; right to assemble; right to petition our government

2nd Amendment – Right to bear arms (to own guns).

3rd Amendment – No quartering of troops during peace time.

4th Amendment – No unlawful search and seizure.

5th Amendment – Right to Due Process, no double jeopardy, do not have to testify against yourself.

6th Amendment – The right to a fast and public trial, right to a jury in a criminal trial, right to have a lawyer.

7th Amendment – Trial by jury in civil cases.

8th Amendment – No cruel or unusual punishment.

9th Amendment – Rights reserved to the people.10th Amendment – Powers reserved to the states Important Battles:

1. Fort Sumter: first battle of the Civil War2. Battle of Antietam: bloodiest one-day battle 3. Shiloh-Very bloody battle. Union victory. Grant and Sherman

criticized despite winning the battle4. Merrimack v. Monitor- battle of ironclad ships

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5. Emancipation Proclamation- a military strategy in whichLincoln freed the slaves in the South (not border state slaves)

6. Battle of Gettysburg: turning point of the war, ends Lee’s attempt at winning in northern territory.

7. Siege of Vicksburg: victory by Grant gives the Union complete control of the Mississippi River.

8. Sherman’s March to the Sea- a strategic march conducted by General Sherman that resulted in Atlanta and a large portion of Georgia being destroyed. Portions of South Carolina were also destroyed. March was designed to destroy the South’s capacity to wage war and to mentally break it’s will to fight.

9. Appomattox Courthouse- final surrender of Robert E. Lee to General Grant

Abraham Lincoln - President of the US during the Civil War. Lincoln was the first Republican President and his election in 1860 encouraged the South to secede (withdraw) from the Union and form the Confederate States of America.“Copperheads”: Northern Democrats that were against the Civil War and went against Lincoln’s policies. Ulysses S. Grant – Supreme Union general during the Civil War and later served as President of the United States.Robert E. Lee – Supreme Confederate general during the Civil War. Jefferson Davis – President of the Confederate States of America.Emancipation Proclamation (1863) – Document by Lincoln, declaring that all of the slaves in the South were free in territories under rebellion.

Gettysburg Address – “Four Score and seven years ago…” Speech given by Lincoln after the Battle of Gettysburg. In the speech, Lincoln stated, "We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

The New Nation (Washington to Monroe)

George Washington: 1st President (1789-1796)Washington’s Farewell Address – First President of the United States. President Washington served two terms as president of the United States. In his last speech Washington made these key points:

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• Warned against alliances with other countries • Warned against political parties

First two political parties are formed: 1. The Federalists, led by Hamilton and Adams, believed in a strong federal government and an industrial economy. 2. The Democratic-Republicans, led by Jefferson and Madison, believed in stronger states and an agricultural economy.

John Adams: 2nd President (1796-1800)

The XYZ Affair and Alien and Sedition Acts: Events during the John Adams Presidency which caused friction with France and with many people in the U.S. Jefferson and Madison write the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions to oppose Adams, introduce idea of State’s Rights.

Thomas Jefferson: 3rd President (1801-1809)

1803: the Louisiana Purchase – Thomas Jefferson buys territory from France that doubles the size of the U.S.

1804-1806: Lewis and Clark explore the Louisiana Territory. With the help of a native woman named Sacagawea, they bring back much valuable information.

Embargo Act of 1807- Issued by Thomas Jefferson in response to Great Britain’s interference with U.S. trade and impressment of U.S. sailors. It bans imports and exports (trade) with all foreign countries. It ruins U.S. economy and Jefferson’s Presidency.

The Civil War (1861-1865) – War between the North and South

Events that led to the Civil War: Sectionalism, Wilmot Proviso, Compromise of 1850, Fugitive Slave Act, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Kansas-Nebraska

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Act of 1854, “Bleeding Kansas”, John Brown rebellion,Election of Lincoln in 1860

Causes of the Civil War Differences between the North and South over slavery

and the issue of states rights. Increase of anti-slavery sentiment in the North

The Plantation Economy – After the invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793, the plantation system grew, especially in the South. Plantations were large-scale farms typically with many slaves. The cotton gin made it easier and cheaper to remove the seeds from cotton and cotton became a much more profitable crop. This increased the demand for slaves in the South. Political and economic power in the South was dominated by the wealthy plantation owners.

United States of America Confederate States of AmericaAbraham Lincoln Jefferson DavisUlysses S. Grant Robert E. LeeWilliam T. Sherman Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson“Yankees” “Rebels”54th Massachusetts Regiment(All African American Regiment)

Union (North) Confederacy (South) (Advantages) (Advantages) Population Military Leaders Industry Fighting on own territory Railroads Navy Food Production

The New Nation (Washington to Monr oe) Continued

James Madison: 4th President (1809-1818) The War of 1812 – Great Britain had been seizing American ships, kidnapping American sailors, and helping Natives against the U.S.

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government. This led to the outbreak of war between the United States and Great Britain. The war ended in 1815 without an obvious winner.

KEY EVENTS of the War of 1812 : Francis Scott Key wrote “The Star Spangled Banner”, Andrew Jackson wins the battle of New Orleans, a new spirit of unity, patriotism, and nationalism spreads throughout the U.S., leads to the Era of Good Feelings.

James Monroe: 5th President (1819-1824)The Monroe Doctrine (1823) President James Monroe issued this doctrine declaring the Western Hemisphere off-limits to further colonization by European powers. Other key events that took place during Monroe’s presidency:

Era of Good FeelingsMissouri CompromiseMonroe Doctrine

The Marshall Court - John Marshall served as chief justice of the U. S. Supreme Court. During his tenure he shaped federal law and increased the power of the federal government. Most important was the Marbury v. Madison decision (1803) in which he ruled that the federal courts had the power to determine whether or not a law was constitutional. This power became known as Judicial Review.  Marshall’s other important cases were McCulloch vs. Maryland, Gibbons vs. Ogden – both increased the power of the federal government.


ABOLITION: to get rid of slavery-

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Frederick Douglass-(North Star),Sojourner Truth-(Abolitionist/ Women’s Rights), William Lloyd Garrison-(The Liberator),Harriet Beecher Stowe (Uncle Tom’s Cabin), Harriet Tubman (Underground Railroad/Safe houses/hiding spots)

WOMEN’S RIGHTS: - Seneca Falls Convention-(Declaration of sentiments),-Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Lucy Stone & Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth(Ain’t I a Woman)

PUBLIC EDUCATION: Horace Mann- pressed for government-supported education for all children


The Civil Disobedience movement was led by the author Henry David Thoreau’s refusal to pay taxes to support the US-Mexican War. (Civil Disobedience= refusal to obey laws, pay taxes, etc. as a nonviolent way to protest)

19th Century writers and artists such as Walt Whitman and John Jay Audubon contributed to the creation of a unique American identity. (People should get back to and be one with nature)

Other Reform Movements:Child Labor/Workers Rights- child labor laws and labor unions were created to protect the rights of children and workers in the workplace.

The Age of Jackson- Jacksonian Democracy

Andrew Jackson: 7th President, “Old Hickory” *War hero, won the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812. First poor-born President

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Jacksonian Democracy- “The Common Man” – Common people(farmers, laborers, shopkeepers)- suffrage(voting) should be open to all white men.

Spoils system- those who helped him get elected received a government job whether or not if they were qualified.

National Bank Veto- Jackson vetoed the re-charter of the bank which led to its closure. This led to the Panic of 1837 which hurt the U.S. economy.

Tariff of 1828-“Tariff of Abominations” Tariff (Tax) placed on foreign goods to protect American manufacturers. This caused people to buy more American goods(Northern Manufacturers happy) – South became angry because less cotton was bought and goods from foreigners cost more- This led to the Nullification Crisis. (States Rights)

Trail of Tears- Indian Removal Act 1830, Worcester v. Georgia(Jackson Ignored), Indian Territory(Oklahoma)


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The Growth of Sectionalism – Sectionalism, or conflict, between the North and the South increased during the 1800s. Two main causes of sectionalism were:

Disagreements over states’ rights and tariffs The issue of slavery in the western territories

Northerners felt that the federal (national) government had greater powers under the Constitution.Southerners felt that the federal government’s power under the Constitution was limited and that the states were left with the most power.Sectional Leaders: North- Daniel Webster, South- John C. Calhoun, West- Henry Clay

Missouri Compromise 1820- Missouri enters a slave state, Maine enters a free state, 36’30 line drawn (slavery not allowed above this parallel)

Protective Tariff of 1828- Jackson-raised prices of foreign goods and protected American manufacturing- South hated it and called it the “Tariff of Abominations”

Compromise of 1850- California a free state- Fugitive Slave Act made stronger-the other territories in Mexican Cession would decide slavery issue by popular sovereignty

“Uncle Tom’s Cabin”- Harriet Beecher Stowe-book highlights the evils of slavery- South angered by the book

1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act- Kansas was to use popular sovereignty (people voting) to decide slavery issue- fighting broke out-known as “Bleeding Kansas”

1856 Dred Scott v Sanford- the ruling that slaves were not citizens and the Missouri Compromise 36’ 30 line was determined to be unconstitutional. This angered many abolitionists.

“Harpers Ferry” Raid- John Brown and his followers attack federal arsenal to ignite a slave revolt. He failed and was later hanged

Election of 1860 (Abraham Lincoln)- The South believes Lincoln will end slavery and southern states begin to secede (leave the country)

The Age of Jackson- Jacksonian Democracy

The Nullification Crisis: Andrew Jackson vs. John CalhounIn 1828 and 1832, the U.S. Congress placed tariffs on imported manufactured goods. This benefited U.S. manufacturers in the northeast but increased prices for consumers in other parts of the country. Southerners, led by John C. Calhoun felt that the tariff was unfair because there was very little manufacturing in the South and called it the “Tariff of

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Abominations”. South Carolina nullified or voided the tariff saying that it would secede from, or leave, the Union. President Andrew Jackson threatened to send troops to South Carolina to enforce the tariff. Compromise was reached with the help of Henry Clay – Congress reduced the tariff and South Carolina backed down.


Indian Removal Act in 1830- In 1830, President Andrew Jackson had the Indian Removal Act passed. The act called for Native Americans living in the southeastern United States to be moved west of the Mississippi River, into modern-day Oklahoma.

Indian Removal – In 1830, President Andrew Jackson had the Indian Removal Act passed. The act called for Native Americans living in the southeastern United States to be The most well-known incident of removal is known as the Trail of Tears, which was the forced removal of the Cherokee Indians from Georgia to Oklahoma in 1838 and 1839. Thousands of them died during the forced march.Worcester v. Georgia : Supreme Court case that ruled in favor of the Cherokees keeping their lands in Georgia but Jackson ignored it and forced the Cherokees to move anyway.

The Industrial Revolution


Products made in factories en mass

Products made by hand one at a time

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Westward ExpansionFactors That Encouraged Westward


1. Economic Growth – the Industrial Revolution, the spread of cotton and wheat farming, advances in transportation, and the California Gold Rush (1849) all contributed to westward expansion.

2. Territorial Expansion – Treaty of Paris 1783, the Louisiana Purchase (1803), Annexation of Texas (1845), the Oregon

Rural (Agriculture/Farm)

Cities (Factories)

People moving to U.S. from other countries for a better life.

Most immigrants move to cities for jobs in factories

Assembly Line

Mass Production

Interchangeable Parts

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Territory (1846), the Mexican Cession (1848), and the Gadsden Purchase (1853).

3. The Mormon Migration – Mormons, seeking religious freedom, head west and settle in modern-day Salt Lake City, Utah.

4. Manifest Destiny – The belief that America had the God-given right to expand across the continent.

5. James K Polk- 11th US President: was a strong believer in Manifest Destiny and goes to war against Mexico to achieve it.

Technological Innovation


Cotton Gin

Eli Whitney Removed seeds from Cotton Slavery Increased because cotton

could be cleaned faster so planters were able to plant more cotton

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Textile factories

Samuel Slater/Frances Cabot Lowell Power Loom Lowell Mills Women and Children Workers

NOTE: the first factories were powered by water but later replaced by steam power.

Interchangeable parts Parts that could be substituted for one another in the manufacturing process.

Reduced the amount of time it took to produce goods and greatly increased factory production.

Eli Whitney

Steamboats Robert Fulton Powered by Steam Faster, more efficient New markets

Steel Plow and the McCormick Reaper

John Deere,(Steel Plow) Cyrus McCormick (McCormick Reaper)

Made farming corn and wheat easier More profitable and contributed to

the westward expansion of farming.


Samuel Morse Early form of electric communication Morse Code Rapid communication along long


Westward Expansion-War with MexicoThe Annexation of Texas – In 1845, Texas becomes the 28th state in the U.S., Mexico claims Texas still belongs to them.

Border Dispute- Mexico claims Nueces River is the border U.S. claims Rio Grande is the border

President Polk- offers to buy northern Mexico territory for 30million dollars. Mexico refuses and Polk is angered.

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The U.S.-Mexican War – The U.S. vs. Mexican War began in 1846 and was caused by the annexation of Texas. The war ended in 1848 with the United States defeating Mexico and the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo- Officially ends the war with Mexico. The treaty resulted in the U.S. annexing a large portion of northern Mexico. This was known as the Mexican Cession. This region makes up most of the western part of the United States.

Terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: Mexico officially gives up all claims to Texas and recognizes the Rio

Grande as the official border between the U.S. and Mexico. Mexico cedes northern territories to U.S. (Mexican Cession). This

includes all or parts of California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah.

U.S. pays Mexico 15 million for the territories.

Mexican Cession:

Industrialization: The use of machines (factories) to produce goods; radically changed life for many Americans.

Origins: During the War of 1812, trade between the U.S. and Britain stopped, forcing the U.S. to start manufacturing many items. After the war, this revolution continued to grow.

Effects of Industrialization:

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1. Led to rapid economic growth in the United States2. Became the main system for manufacturing goods3. Allowed workers without much skill or experience to earn

wages4. Urbanization—people moved to cities where most of the

factories were located, causing rapid growth of cities.5. Increased immigration from other countries

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Trails Listed:Oregon Trail- Begins in Independence Missouri/Ends in Portland Oregon

Spanish Trail- Begins in Santa Fe New Mexico/Ends in Los Angeles, CA

Mormon Trail- Begins in Nauvoo, Illinois/ Ends in Salt Lake City, Utah

California Trail- Begins off of Oregon Trail/Ends in Sacramento, CA

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Santa Fe Trail- Begins in Independence, Missouri/ Ends in Santa Fe, NM

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Page 34: Social Studies Department - barton bobcats · Web viewruling that slaves were property and not citizens and could not file lawsuits. The Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.