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Social Networking: Learning Theory in Action By: Ruth Reynard Beyond Social Networking: Building Toward Learn

ing CommunitiesBy: Ruth Reynard Social Networking in Schools: Incentives for Parti

cipation By: Patricia Deubel

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In Ruth Reynard’s article, she addresses whether social networking is productive in the classroom and what benefit it has. She presents the idea that this type of interaction between peers is already taking places, but it is happening in a more passive way. She encourages educators to use social networking to engage their students. The graph displayed is an example of how involved the youth of this country is in social networking already. Reynard suggests that as educators we direct their interests in networking toward an educational benefit. Since this is a tool most students already know how to use, she proposes that it will be easier to peak their interest in educational subject matters.

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Reynard mentions allowing the students to be creative in their uses for social networking and work collaboratively. She feels that if use properly social networking can be a great benefit to allow the students another avenue in education. She says, “Students who use networking tools more collaboratively, creatively, and with actual project outcomes in mind—the uses of the tools can change according to the intentions of the user and more complex and learning- related skills can be developed, if the purposes change” (¶ 6).

Overall, Reynard feels that social networking has great benefits in the classroom, but it is very important that the teacher implements its use properly and that it contains educational value.

Reynard also suggests that there is a high difficult y for teachers in creative ways to use social networking in the classroom. This should not be something you throw into you lesson just to say you used it. There should be meaning and purpose to integrating it into your lesson. She also says, “The challenge then becomes how to encourage more students to use the tools actively rather than passively—the user controlling the tool rather than the tool dictating the user’s activity” (¶ 7).

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In Reynard’s article, I was moved toward believing that social networking can be used properly in the classroom. Before reading this article I did not see how it could be done efficiently without allowing it to become a game for the students. Not I see how this can be done. Next, I found the thought about students already being familiar with this tool to be eye opening. I think using a tool that students are practiced in can be a great way to get them involved and interested. I had not thought of this before. I have had the thought that much of the technology we have now can be a waste in the classroom, because so many teachers do not know how to use it, but now I see that as a teacher I need to learn how to use it because it can be a very effective tool. I was also amazed by all the different uses of social networking mentioned in Reynard’s article. There are many more uses that I ever imagined. As I reflected on what the article has addressed, I realized that there are many tools accessible by teachers and I would like to be one that put those tools to use.

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In this article, Reynard addresses the importance of maintaining a constant presence over your students while they are using certain tools, keeping them engaged in the activity at hand, using a variety of tools, and focusing the tools to build knowledge and explore new ideas. She also mentions that as a teacher having your own social networking space, but that you should refrain from sharing that space with your students unless it is directly related to learning and education, because some students may find that “creepy”. Reynard also mentions that social networking is a common place more many more than just younger children. The graph to the right demonstrates its popular use among all ages.

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Reynard continues to talk about the importance of social networking should be used to build confidence in students to share their work and it should create knowledge construction. Reynard says, “While good teaching and learning rests on effective relationships (Cummins, 2000), in an active learning community, those relationships should evolve into actual idea exchange and knowledge construction.” (¶ 2). She promotes the idea that social networking a way to have students share their ideas with each other without having to be in front and possibly be embarrassed. While she thinks this tools is effective and should be used in the classroom, she also stressed the importance of maintaining supervision over your students while they are using these tools. They should not be used for idle things. When used in the classroom these tools should be promoting learning and education. Another thing mentioned in Reynard’s article is the idea that social networking allows the teacher to be more organized and in control over the educations of their students. By allowing students to use social networking, a teacher can see their ideas and problems. Overall, Reynard talks about the wide use of social networking for all ages and the positive and negative uses for it in the classroom.

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When reading this article, I started thinking about how important it is to be a teacher and supervisor at the same time. Especially when implementing things with technology it is very easy for students to get distracted and loose focus of their task. This article just reminded me of the multi-tasker I will have to be when I start teaching. After reading this article, I definitely see the benefit of using social networking in the classroom, but I also see that it have to be in a controlled environment. Students left to their own will find ways to waste time. This article also opened my eyes to see how much of the world uses social networking on daily basis. It is not only kids. It is adults and senior citizens. Everyone has a hand in the emerging technology. Learning to use these types of technology helps you become a multi- tasker. Students of all ages are capable of keeping up with several networks at a time. They can have a blog, facebook, twitter, wiki, etc. Social networking in reality is a way to get studetns interested and wanting to participate. When used properly these tools can be a help for students and teachers.

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In Patricia Deubel’s article, she confronts the government with evidence to support using social networking in the classroom. Up until now, the government has voted down the use of social networking being promoted in the classroom because of online safety for the students. Deubel argues that there are many sites and project based web pages that could be beneficial in the classroom. She argues that they are not searching to find the evidence they need. Instead they just keep putting it off. She mentions several websites created specifically for classroom use. Here are some examples mentioned in this article:

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Deubel suggests that the government needs an incentive to promote social networking in the classroom. In her article, she is presenting evidence to support the positive use of this kind of technology in schools. She mentions that using this type of technology would further students learning potential and cause them to be more active learners. She says, “If we want social networking to make a difference in instruction and learning, the medium should also be used for its publishing and production aspects, reaching higher levels of collaboration and creativity, and for enabling learners to network with experts in various fields” (¶ 10). Overall, Deubel believes that government should be promoting social networking in the classroom because it would cause our students to be more interested in their studies and show higher academic achievement.

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In Deubel’s article, I began to realized how many tools there really are for educational purposes. There are so many resources at our finger tips. I was thinking about how many privileges we have today that those before us never had. For a while I look at some technology as a waste of time and more trouble than it was worth, but now I see how useful it can be when used properly. Another thing that stood out to me as I read this was the the government is not really promoting certain forms of technology. While I understand they have legal issues to considers, this surprised me. I was really interested in the multiple resources presented in this article. As I looked each one up, I found things that I already know will be used in my classroom. I decided that social networking will be used in my classroom.

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In conclusion, I have learned a lot about social networking and the benefits it can have in education. I have been introduced to many different sites and resources available to teachers that will help grab students attention and construct knowledge at the same time. Overall, social networking is a very useful tool and can be implemented in many ways. Although using these tools takes some extra work on the teachers part, I feel it will be worth it in the end.