Download - Social Media, Social Networking and School Libraries.

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Social media, social networking

and school libraries

Judy O’Connell

May, 2012

Presented for KB Enterprises - Series on School Library Management

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Viewing and linking

Single view online

web pages for

information and


Web 1.0

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Choice & experiences

Portable, socially

powered, focused on

life-stream, content,

and powered by

widgets, drag and

drop, and mashups of

user engagement.

Web 2.0

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Immersive & pervasive

Connections and


augmented and

transformed through


technology and

smart data.

Web 3.0

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This is our


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This is our context!

Multi-literate environments

Variety of ‘services’

Curriculum understanding

Collaborative work spaces

Media flexibility

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Engagement through

enhanced information

fluency activities

This is our context!

Engagement through

gaming and social media

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Connecting with the

‘outside world’ through

comprehensive projects,

activities and multi-media.

This is our context!

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Empowered by a

pedagogical approach

to a participatory 21st

century technology


This is our context!

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The Internet has become a participatory medium, giving rise

to an environment that is constantly being changed and

reshaped by the participation itself, changing the flow of news,

effecting tacit as well as explicit knowledge, and embedding a

new culture of learning. cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo by moriza:

A New Culture of Learning ~ Cultivating the

Imagination for a World of Constant


Douglas Thomas and John Seely Brown

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The socially powered web is exploding, and

is the new baseline for all our internet and

technology empowered interactions.

cc licensed ( BY SD ) flickr photo by See-ming Lee 李思明 SML:

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What’s inside?

cc licensed ( BY SD ) flickr photo by opensourceway:

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The King James Bible

required seven years to

translate and many

months for scribes to


Now we can have it

‘whispernetted’ into

electronic paper in


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“K-12 must address the

increased blending of formal

and informal learning.”

“Students can take advantage

of learning material online,

through games and programs

they may have on systems at

home, and through their

extensive — and constantly

available — social networks”

Horizon Report 2012

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“Provide the divergence

and convergence in media

needed to foster motivation,

differentiation, collaboration

and connections necessary

for 21st century learning.”

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by Éole:

Change has arrived at an iSchool library near you. Judy O’Connell

Our Horizons

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Our Horizons

“The library of the future

will be a platform for

participation and

collaboration, with users

increasingly sharing

information among

themselves as well as

drawing on the library’s


WE-THINK ~ Charles Leadbeater

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by mark raheja:

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Our Conversation Prism

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The art of listening,

learning and sharing.

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connect, communicate, collaborate

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Social Media & Entertainment

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Social Media & News

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Social Media & Libraries

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Social Media in Business

The 5 most popular social media activities conduced by

business in 2010

* Nielsen: Community Engine Social Media Business Benchmarking Study 2011

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1 in 4 Businesses have Facebook


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Five top social media targeted by


* Social Media Use in European Libraries 2010 by EBSCO

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Social Media in AU Libraries

• Facebook

• Twitter

• Youtube channel

• Foursquare

• Flickr

• QR Codes

• Virtual Tours

• Podcasts

• All kinds of events

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by César Poyatos:

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School libraries need to

be there because social

media is here!

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by Ѕolo:

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Begin with

your [social]


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[social] self

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Personal learning environment – relying

on the people we connect with through

social networks and collaborative tools e.g.

Twitter, Yammer.

Personal learning network – knowing

where or to whom to connect and find

professional content.

[learning] self

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Personal web tools – used for tracking

our life and powering our information

organisation e.g. photos to Facebook,

pictures to Flickr, photos to Twitter.

[learning] self

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Cloud computing - utilising open access between

sources and devices e.g. Edmodo, Evernote, Diigo.

Mixed reality – adopting e-devices and augmented

reality e.g. ebooks, QRcodes, Layar browser.

Content curation - utilising web services to filter

and disseminate resources, news, and knowledge


[learning] self

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Social bookmarking and tagging

Collaborative writing

Information management - e.g. Zotero, Easybib

Information capture on multiple devices - e.g. Evernote

Library resources, databases all used for information

collection, RSS topic and journal alerts

Aggregators and start pages

Online storage for access across multiple platforms

[information] self

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[team] self

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This is the portable web!

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collecting information

sharing information

finding information

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by Jerrycharlotte:

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What are YOU trying to achieve?

Don’t roll the dice!

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by sgs_1019:

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Focus on just a three

goals to begin with.

What does success look like?

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by Mykl Roventine:

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Who is your audience?

Which social networks match the target


Keep the library’s objectives clear

Conduct some in-house research - offline.

Ask the community what social media use

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What are the school’s requirements?

What is the connection to

your school’s goals?

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by paul bica:

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Include your policy planning

Write a social media policy for staff

Include a disclaimer

Don’t share confidential information

Use good judgment

- remember that everything an employee

posts will be archived by search engines,


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Important elements

General Social Media Best Practices

(Overview, Personal Social Media Participation, Site Set-Up,

Site Management, Profile Standards, Online Posting

Guidelines for User-Generated Content, Additional

Guidelines for Staff-Generated Content, General Social

Media Best Practices, Notifications and Comments,

Statistics, Publicity, Additional New Tech)

Practices for Specific Sites

(Twitter, Facebook, wikis, blogs, social bookmarking, photo

sharing, podcasting, videocasting)

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Profile standards

- Profile images

- Profile name standards (e.g. St Joseph’s


- Account email, log-ins, & passwords

- Location, contact info, website

- Biography template

- Disclaimer and/or posting policy links

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Notifications and comments

Site coordinator should subscribe to

notifications for comments/messages.

Staff should post-moderate daily.

Staff should reply to all comments within 24


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How will you get there?

responsibility | accountability

existing activities | timeline

barriers | governance

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Identify the stakeholders

cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo by Pete Reed:

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Identify the barriers

who? what? why?

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by remuz [Jack The Ripper]:

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Work out roles and responsibilities

who is the owner?

what roles are required?

where do they sit within the organisation?

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by JefferyTurner:

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Map out the first three months

who? how? how much? how long? how often?

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by Dunechaser:

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Which tools will support your needs?

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by Rosaura Ochoa:

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Which tools will support your needs?

Different tools require different levels of

resourcing in technology, staff and time

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Establish trust

Always remember why your library is in this

space - to connect to others.

How many people will want to connect with

something that they cannot identify as

authentic or relevant?

get a vanity URL | customize | link your profiles

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Be transparent

Find your library’s voice

Talks about the challenges of your library

Explain changes

Own up to your mistakes

Talk about news, books, events - whatever is engaging

Don’t fill up social spaces with the equivalent of ‘spam’

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Watch all the time

Whenever your library posts a status update or

uploads some kind of media, look at the list of

goals and see which one it’s contributing to.

If the answer is “none” reframe it or drop it and

do something that will better serve the library’s


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Evaluation and success

Having a concrete idea about how many

people are interacting with your library’s

content is a good way to begin to

measure success.


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Evaluation and success

The application of social media tools must do more than simply present a different avenue to the same information.

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Social Network Management

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Now you are ready to begin

cc licensed ( BY SD ) flickr photo by Roby Ferrari:

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cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by Pixel Addict:

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Choose your own adventure

Find things on the social web

- Google or media alerts

- Search the social web with other tools

Keep up to date with new stuff

- Read analyst and practitioner blogs

- Subscribe to blog/web feeds and RSS reader

Creating and sharing content

- Sharing weblinks

- Sharing photos, videos, podcasts and screencasts

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“Blogging is my chief way

of making sense of things.”

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“Twitter is a

performance support

tool, learning

platform and social

network all rolled in


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Twitter for Libraries

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What the heck is a Twitter?

Tweet, RT, Reply, DM, Lists, #tags, favourites,

searches, @replies, URL shortening, Apps.

Visit twitter tools and discover twitter clients, and

twitter apps. Curation with, Tweeted Times.

Hootsuite, Tweetdeck.


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Twitter describes itself as a “real-time information

network”. It is a micro-blogging tool, allowing 140

characters for each “Tweet”.

Hashtags (#) on keywords allow easy searching

and linking of topics. Twitter Chat Schedule

The Twitter button added to a web-page

encourages the community to follow tweets.



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Twitter @ your school library

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Clearly defined Twitter brand

Organisational social media policy

Learn from mistakes

Be human and be honest

Listen, engage, and build relationships

Build off existing programs

Twitter ‘how to’

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Omit needless words

One thought per tweet

Describe and simplify

Embrace the ReTweet

Cross-post, respond, monitor

Keep organised lists


Twitter ‘how to’

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Look at your 20 last tweets. How many were


How many were retweets of other peoples work.

Do you have at least one ongoing Twitter search


Are the tweets you hope will be retweeted under 120

characters so people can retweet them?

Of the people you follow, how many are “influential” in

some way?

Twitter ‘how to’

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Facebook for Libraries

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• More than 800 million users

• Nearly half of those users log in every day

• One of the most-trafficked sites in the world

• Each user is connected to an average of 130 other users

• People spend over 700 billion minutes per month

• Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events

• On average, more than 250 million photos are uploaded per day

• More than 30 billion pieces of content shared each month

• About 75% of Facebook users are outside the US

• 350 million active users access via mobile devices

Facebook at a glance

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The Home Page

News Feed – personalized feed of friends’ updates

Application and messaging controls: Wall posts, Pokes, Status Updates, private messages, Chat

The Profile

Information user has chosen to share

Interests, education, work background, etc.







Facebook at a glance

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Home Page

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Profile Page

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Purpose or Organisation Page

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Create personal profiles

Add other users as friends

Exchange messages

Send automatic notifications when they update

their profile

Join common interest groups

Enjoy applications

Create and share media

What individuals can do

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Create organization profiles, groups or pages

Create and promote events

Communicate with users

Connect with other organizations

Update profiles and send notifications

Send messages to organization “likers”

Users must opt-in to your page by clicking “Like”

Track interactions

Feature discussions

Create and share media

What organisations can do

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Profiles are focused more on the individual.

Pages are focused on organizations or

communities e.g Digital Citizenship.

Groups (private or public) are focused on a

purpose or interest. e.g. School Library Association of

New Zealand

School Libraries should utilize the Facebook

page. This way you do not have to ‘friend’ your

students. e.g. TIGS library

Profile, Page or Group

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School Library FB Page

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• Your Facebook page will be tied to your personal profile as the admin of your Facebook page; however, only you and Facebook know the connection exists.

• You can have an unlimited number of fans (Facebook users who “Like” your page).

• Facebook Pages are public—anyone can find and view your page whether they are logged into Facebook or not.

• All content posted on your Facebook page gets indexed on Google.

What you need to know first

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• You can add additional admins (highly


• All admins have equal rights to administer your page,

including adding and removing other admins (choose

with care!).

• Select your page title and category carefully as they

cannot be changed once set.

What you need to know first

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Create a Page

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“Like” other local organizations

Link to the Facebook page on your library’s website

Link to the Facebook page in email newsletters

Cross promote on other platforms, such as Twitter,

blogs, etc.

Share on your personal profile and “Suggest”

Don’t forget to get your Custom URL

Don’t forget to create you page banner!

Growing your Facebook page

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More for Libraries

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Content Curation

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cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by нσвσ:

Google + >>

Google Hangout >>

What’s Next? >>


Social Bookmarking >>

Referencing >>

Digital Preservation >>

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Social media & social

networking are counting on you

to be there!

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