Download - Social Media 'Celebrities'


1. Social Media Celebrities
Hannah Douglas
Faculty Mentor, Professor Don Krause
2. How to Spot a Celebrity
The celebrity is a person who is known for his well-knownness. Daniel Boorstin, The Image
Neal Gabler calls
celebrity the new
art form of the
21st century.
3. Seeing Stars in Social Media
Why do we follow celebrities?
Celebrity narratives
medium of life
The celebrity narrative has
not changed, but many are
now finding fame through
social media.
Chris Crocker- YouTube videos
4. Seeing Stars in Social Media ctd.
Justin Bieber
More klout than President Obama?
5. Seeing Stars in Social Media ctd.
Justin Halpern
6. Seeing Stars in Social Media ctd.
Mark Zuckerberg
7. Seeing Stars in Social Media ctd.
Antoine Dodson
8. Seeing Stars in Social Media ctd.
Online Celebrity Meter
Test your
own online
9. Celebrities at their Computer
One will never know how much of Michael Jacksons eccentricity was a way to keep his narrative (and his celebrity) going We dont know how much of Lindsay Lohans behavior is way to keep herself in the public eye when she has no movies to do so. (Gabler)
A changing communication
environment thats becoming
more interactive
10. Celebrities at their Computer ctd.
Charlie Sheen winning on Twitter
11. Celebrities at their Computer ctd.
Ashton Kutcher on Twitter
12. Reasons for the Follow
The people who post tweets that are completely different from what they are like in front of the camera. - Quame Hamlin, Editor at Norfolk State Echo
13. Reasons for the Follow ctd.
Main reasons for following:
1. Word of mouth celebrity recommendation
2. Intriguing content- whether for entertainment or educational purposes
3. Connection with the celebrity-
whether for networking or due to a
shared set of ideals
14. Celebrities at their Computer ctd.
The Wins and Fails of celebrities involvement in social media
Death hoax- Jaden Smith, Owen Wilson, Adam Sandler spread online through social media
Director Kevin Smith
tweets complaint about
Southwest Airlines
15. Conclusion
Social Media as a communication tool
Celebrity - a connecting element
That is how celebrity works- as a kind of endless daisy chain that
amuses us, unifies us, and
even occasionally educates
us. (Gabler)