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Social Media Adoption among Businesses



QualifiedLINK’s global community of consultants help organizations leverage the power of social media to drive greater business agility and value

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Key Takeaways

The survey findings clearly show that there is an urgent need for change in the way businesses view and leverage the power of social media.

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Most organizations view this as another channel for broadcasting updates and end up missing out on a lot of value that exists out there.

Your followers, prospects, customers, critics, suppliers are constantly talking about you and your industry and they are doing so in an unbiased, uncontrolled, comfortable environment, where they are free to speak their mind.

What’s important to note is that although most of this information is not initiated by you, it’s already impacting your business.

Knowledge of what’s being said out there is like gold and could be mined only if organizations had the strategy to sift through the dirt and get to the gold.

1Social media is a channel for listening into existing conversations and not just broadcasting updates

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Accelerate product innovation cycle and reduce the risk of that innovation. This can be done by identifying your lead users and involving them in your business processes.

Lower costs of customer acquisition, retention and support. By building deeper relationships with some of your key customers and evangelists, you can quickly build a customer-to-customer interaction and learning community who can help in the growth of your business.

Go to market faster with products that have a much higher probability of success – Involving customers early on in the product definition phase and also listening to the customers on social networking channels would ensure that the products you develop are exactly what the customers want.

2Social media management can generate value across business functions

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Agile start-ups can now have access to the same sort of information that large organizations used to collect through expensive market surveys. Social media has the potential to make customers your most reliable sales force, no matter how big your organization.

Large organizations need to be aware and not overlook the opportunity to leverage social media to the fullest.

Start-ups & SMEs need to realize that, finally, we are in a world where all that matters is the appeal of the product.

As tools evolve and become accessible and affordable, the starting lines will merge and paradigm shifts will become common.

3Social media makes the playing field more level

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Respondent Mix

We had a wide mix of responses from across the globe

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Current Role

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Size (USD million)

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Percentage of marketing budget spent on social media marketing

Majority of organization across the board still invest very little on social media. This is a grave mistake. Companies that don’t increase their investment will fail!

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How important is a social media strategy in adding value to the following business activities in your organization

Majority still consider leveraging the social media channel only for brand building and demand generation.

Organizations haven’t yet realized the value of social media-driven product/ service validation and employee acquisitions & retention as a key part of their social media strategy.

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Which of these platforms do you currently use for connecting with your customers

Clear indication that Social CRM tools haven’t yet gained popularity.

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Which of these social media monitoring and analysis tools do you currently use

Just 20% of the respondents responded to this question indicating that most are oblivious of their online sentiment, key influencers and the impact of their social media campaigns. They are traversing the social media landscape blind-folded!

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Which of the following activities do you undertake using social media campaigns

Building brand awareness seems to be the most popular activity

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What platforms do you use for the following activities

Those few that do leverage social media for validating branding concepts, branding image, product testing, polls/ surveys and generating ideas have found other specialized tools to do so and have graduated from the regular tools like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN and Youtube.

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Would an online platform/ service for launching, managing, promoting and analyzing social media campaigns be of interest to you

We have developed a tool that can help you launch and manage social media campaigns through online focus groups. The platform is supported by our global community of consultants. Contact us, if you would like to know more.

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Our ServicesSocial Media Maturity Assessment (Free)

Social Media Strategy

Social Media Marketing

Social CRM Consulting

Sentiment Analysis

Text Analytics

Virtual Marketing Team

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