Download - Social Life Magazine July 2012 - Edition 9

Page 1: Social Life Magazine July 2012 - Edition 9

Swamps& SpaceshipsABC Radio’s Andrew Dunkley explores Orlando, Florida

Chichester’s Fungi with Wildlife PhotographerJim Thomson

Recycled Fashion

makes a comeback

for a good cause...

Issue: 9

july 2012

social/life magazine: JULY 2012

read all editions online

Page 2: Social Life Magazine July 2012 - Edition 9

Here’s something you CAN do...

Purchase these eco-friendly drink bottles to help raise much-needed funds to support the Sea Shepherd Project on it’s continuing mission to

protect whales in the Southern Ocean.

Visit: more information.

Here’s a myth worth busting…

I recently read that Columbus was on his way to Japan when he accidently discovered a new continent that we now know as America. I remember hearing the story at school and was intrigued by the idea that some of his crew believed that the Earth was flat and they would sail right off the edge to their deaths.

The story says that many people living at the time believed this.

Certainly, Columbus must have had navigational skills worthy of a sea captain and explorer and as a member of a society of traders and merchants that relied on sea transport suggesting that the ability to navigate from place to place across wide stretches of ocean was commonplace. Surely the fear of sailing over the horizon would have been a pretty big limitation for ocean-going traders.

I wonder how different the navigational mathematics of a flat earth would be compared to a round Earth. Perhaps that’s why he missed Japan and discovered America... I’m wondering why it’s taken me most of my life to suspect that the flat-earth story might have been a bit dodgy even though history books tell us that the flat-earth theory was a belief that people simply held to be true.

No. They wouldn’t have gone. They’d have stayed close to the coast and been safe while trading with their known customers – Never exploring, never venturing into mystery, danger, the unknown.

They must have known a lot more about the shape of the world before they set out. Even the great Australian explorers knew the basics about where they were going despite local legends and tales of danger. Imagine climbing Everest without even a little clue as to how – Or flying an airliner, or cooking a cake... (I always sail off the edge when cooking… It could be a genetic flaw. Not sure.)

Anyone in business will make plans and research their intended markets to improve their bottom line, efficiency, skills. But what advice do we listen to? What guidelines are there – for any kind of organisation for that matter?

We know that there’s a lot of help available these days – even on the internet. The processes and activities of running a business or organisation are well trod paths indeed. There are no real dragons or bunyips to dog our way and certainly no edge of the world to drop off. What is left is the ability to navigate. Your ability to reach out and try new things and manipulate the controls to your advantage – That’s the key.

Sure, there are dangers, and it’s still true that many businesses fail in the short-term. People fall foul of their decision-making and the poor execution of strategies … But the ability to tell where the benefits may lie is an important skill. Sorting out the truth from myth is the real treasure.

Social Life Magazine is a pioneering publication with several unique properties.

Producing it both as a printed glossy magazine and an online digital edition makes it easy to reach many thousands of readers. In fact, as I write this, we are reaching more than 100,000 people after only 7 editions. Check the circulation of most newspapers and we’re getting there… and Social Life Magazine doesn’t get left on the lawn. So far, almost every edition has made it safely to port with its readers.

Already we are sharing a wide variety of stories and events submitted by readers and we look forward to seeing more tales from our own Hunter Valley backyard and the world beyond. - Ed

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contributorselle sheedy

jim thomsontegan hughes

photographyaaron mansfield

peta wood

consultantgraham dunkley

website: www.facebook/sociallifemagazine

advertising enquiries: [email protected]

cover:Photography: Aaron W. Mansfield

Location: The Kent Hotel, HamiltonFashion: Red Cross Shop, HamiltonModels: Claire Elliott and Morgan Blayden Red Cross Shop in Beaumont Street is uniquely decorated to fit in with it’s “fashion precinct” location. Offering recycled fashion at more-than-reasonable prices means you don’t have to spend lots of money to look great. - page 6


“The longest journey begins with a footstep.”

- Little Heroes

© Copyright 2012 social life magazine.

Unauthorised copying or use of any material contained herein prohibited. All contents remain the property of social/life magazine. Reproduction or use without permission prohibited.

Disclaimer: Social Life Magazine is published in Newcastle, NSW. Submissions or advertising, third-parties, contractors or contributors do not necessarily express the views of the publishers, staff and associates. No responsibility is offered or implied by social life magazine for views expressed herein.

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contentsThe Secret Life of Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4Jim Thompson explores the colours of Fungus

Boutique By Any Other Name . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6Recycled Fashion is having a Revival

Winter Hair Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12Jodi Fowke reveals some winter hair fashion secrets

Raid My Wardrobe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12Newcastle Fashion event celebrates 2 years

Swamps and Spaceships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 14ABC Radio’s Andrew Dunkley discovers Orlando Florida

Q&A Brien McVernan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 16Local rocker is joining forces with a global rock’n’roll charity

Of Space and Colour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 18The Art of Donna Buck

Epic Proportions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20Two guys, 20 instruments, one epic performance

I’ll Be There For You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22Remember The Rembrants and the theme to Friends?

Ray Ramone Wins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 25Novocastrian wins international award

Surf Swimmers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 30The Revival of Surf Swimmers at Swansea/Belmont SLSC

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the secret lifeof fungi

Story and Photos: Jim Thomson

The Colours of fungi in the Chichester Region

Fungi are the main recycling agents for most of the dead plant material produced on earth without them logs and plant litter would not become humus and return to the soil.

To most of us group bushland Fungi as either being mushrooms or toadstools. By these terms we suggest that one group is edible and the other is poisonous. This idea is false. It also shows that common names for Fungi rarely exist, consequently most people use scientific names wherever possible.

For the Nature Photographer a trip to our Rainforest areas in the Hunter can be a very rewarding day out. Each year in the early winter, especially if we have had some rain, all colours of Fungi appear.

The ideal conditions are cold nights and dampness, these were the conditions my friend and I experienced on a recent trip to Telegherry State Forest near Chichester.

Our morning started well with our

drive up to Gresford and then over the rolling hills to above Dungog.

The lighting was dramatic, with patches of mist still hanging about. Eventually we entered the Telegherry State Forest, and down to the Telegherry River Park. In this area there is a track which takes you along the edge of the river before rising by means of steps to a higher level. The steps can be covered with damp leaves and litter and you must walk with care.

Once you reach the top the going can be rough so you should be well covered with good boots. I use gaiters that protect you from leaches.

It was very noticeable that there were more fungi once we left the river area. We found all types of fungi shooting up all over the area.

Although dark in some areas the colours were dramatic with sunlight filtering through the canopy.

The mosses and colours on trees stood out, whether you are a photographer or not the experience of

just being there can be an unforgettable experience.

For the Photographer though, certain guide lines have to be followed. First of all a Macro lens should be used, or you can use other close-up gear. A tripod for stability is a must as long exposures have to be used due to the low light and slow shutter speeds.

A cable release is a help as you have to avoid any movement during the exposure.

A flash should also be carried. There are a number of ways you can take your exposures including using back lighting.

Apart from Fungi, the rainforest was a mass of sound. Birds of all kinds calling including the Lyrebird which mimics other birds.

This time of year is breeding season with the male displaying. It’s quite an experience if you are lucky enough to be near the male when this happens as we were on this occasion.

Our day finished with the light going.

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Time to make for home after an enjoyable day in the Rainforest, we hope you all enjoy looking at the images as we do.

For the photographers, the most successful method to get top Macro shots of Fungi is to set your Camera on aperture priority, select an aperture about F16 to give you plenty depth of field. Mount a flash unit on the Camera and set it to manual and cut power to about 16th.

Now once this is done, make sure you are square with the subject, stand back make sure your camera is on the same plane as the subject. You have to remember you are working in low light conditions so you would be using the cable release.

Now focus on the subject.

Once you are sure everything is sharp, lock the focus. Any pieces of fungi in the frame further back will be soft so remove them.

Look in the frame for any distractions, such as litter or leaves and clear them out... You are now ready to take your first shot using your cable release.

What will happen is the flash will go first with reduced power and some time later the exposure will finish, that little bit of flash will bring out the colours better.

You can also use a back light with cut power and rim lighting, this will give better separation.

Enjoy your Photography. n

Jim Thomson is a well-known wildlife photographer from Maitland and is a member of the International Salon of Photography.


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Perhaps one of the best kept secrets in Hamilton is the unique Red Cross store just a few doors along from the Kent Hotel.

Unique? The store is a boutique by any definition. Stylistically, Manager, Julie Edwards has made her mark ensuring that the store is well at home within the famous Hamilton fashion strip.

The stock is derived from recycled clothing and accessories like a traditional op-shop but there are new items as well. Quality dresses and gowns as well as jeans and shirts abound in new season colours and classic designs.

“Everything is chosen carefully to blend with classic styles,” said Julie, “Classic never dates and our regular clients love that they don’t have to spend huge amounts of money to look and feel great.”

Julie’s first year at the store has brought a vitality and personality that is infectious.

There are stands of quirky items; a vintage book stands near a silk scarf, its title “The Queen’s Book of The Red Cross.” Clusters of cinnamon sticks tied with a rose and flowers adorning the fixtures to help create layers of personality.

“I think it’s important that our volunteers and our customers are both very happy to come here to work and shop.

It’s a happy place full of light and music. It’s very boutique - in fact, many customers take a long few seconds to realise it’s actually a Red Cross fund-raising store and not a chain boutique.

“Creating the sense of place here is about fitting it into the location,” said Julie, “We work hard to make sure the store, the stock and the ambience are all working together to get the very best result for both the customer and the organisation,” she said.

Perhaps one of the distinctive differences between this Red Cross boutique and other mainstream fashion outlets is that customers of all ages are comfortable shopping here, “There doesn’t seem to be any particular age group that frequents the store. We’re glad that it has such wide appeal,” said Julie.

The volunteers are equally committed to making the store a special place for customers. They treat the garments and accessories like precious stock items and make sure they are cleaned, pressed and presented to the public as if brand new fashion. Julie never fails to mention how the store just couldn’t do without the team.

With a background in the theatre, volunteer Queenie loves to decorate and arrange the displays to give them their best presentation. She has an eye for colour and detail. Together with the wonderful volunteers, Julie and Queenie are hoping to continue making a meaningful difference in Beaumont street. n

Red Cross Store Hamilton n Phone: 02 4961 204663B Beaumont St, Hamilton, 2303

Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm, Sat: 9am-5pm, Sun: 10am-3pm

Red Cross Stores are also located at Charlestown Square & Union Street, The Junction.

Visit website:

“boutique” by any other name

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Sexy, sassy & exciting... recycled fashion is having a revival

Photos: Aaron Mansfield Make Up: Francis Burns Stylist: Eve Boyle Models: Morgan Blayden Claire Elliott Fashion: Red Cross Store / Hamilton Location: The Kent Hotel Art Director: Steve Dunkley

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Electric blue, net-look fabric with underbust tie$19.95 (TARGET)

Strapless red dress. Stretch polyester with fish tail back$15.95 (VALLEY GIRL)

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Sleeveless little black dress$25.95 (D’OR DESIGNS)

Black cotton dress with cut-out sleeves$19.95 (MINK PINK)

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Photos: Aaron W. Mansfield

Make Up: Francis Burns [email protected]

Location: The Kent Hotel

Black dress with cross-over front detail$19.95 (EF)

Black dress V-neck front and back with overlay detail on one shoulder$19.95

Shoestring strap burgandy dress$19.95 (MAX TREND)

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Little red dress with frill, Stretch fabric$19.95

Floral sleeved mini, V neck$15.95 (VALLEY GIRL)

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For Winter 2012 the Catwalks have been filled with everything from effortlessly gorgeous to sexy and sleek.

Centre parts are enjoying a comeback along with glossy smooth locks. Morrocan Oil is a star standout for creating this result.

Long hair styling has been dominated by the versatile ponytail and romantic buns and braids combining both sleek and soft textures.

For those with finer hair wanting to create texture use Wella Ocean Spritz sea salt spray to prep the hair to give more control texture and grip.

Short hair is sleek and glam with high gloss finishes. Sebastian’s Gel forte is great for this uber cool feel.

Colours are trending to a more solid feel with nuances of colour shining through in soft fluidity.

Blondes are playing with soft pastels and sorbet shades of baby pink, mauves and aquas, whilst brunettes are delving into the

depths of rich violets reminiscent of eggplant and mahogany tones of shiraz and plum - and our saucy redheads are experimenting with ochre and sunny golden lights.

In makeup we have seen a return to dramatic eyes with shades of peacock, nude lips and strong brows are also featured in this seasons looks.

Don’t forget to maintain your beautiful tresses with a personalised haircare program tailored for your needs and a regular booster treatment to rehydrate your hair from the chilly blasts of winter and restore its shine.

Wella’s System Professional Alchemy treatments are perfect for taking care of multiple needs whilst indulging in essential pampering.

The ultimate in complexion perfection this winter is Napoleon Complex Skin Renewal Serum which restores moisture and boosts collagen production. n Jodi Fowke.... Evolution Hair, Marketown, Newcastle.


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So many books

- So little time.


Book Case

On my twitter feed last week I had a tweet from Karl Lagerfeld. ... The Chanel designer tweeted ...

“with every book you buy, you should buy the time to read it.”

This advice was definitely meant for me.

Around my house books have been abandoned with bookmarks positioned halfway through, or sometimes just a couple of pages in.

There are those books people tell you to read: Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, a literary self help book; Jonathan Safran Foer’s, contemporary yet controversial Extremely Close and Incredibly Loud; or Sarah Macdonald’s Indian pilgrimage, Holy Cow!

Then there are the classics I should read like Orwell’s 1984, Fitzgerald’s Tender is the Night and Salinger’s The Catcher In the Rye.

I planned to read them, to finish them, and still do.

A friend, who calls himself “a mad, keen reader,” told me he reads up to five or six books on the go at once. He takes his time to read a book, even up to a year at times, letting the pages and the characters become part in his life.

I have figured out it is not a commitment issue for me, rather an overabundance in enthusiasm, of the literary kind.

There is just so much out there to read today, in order to stay up-to-date or up-to-the-minute, from the daily newspaper and magazines, to emails, blogs, Facebook and Twitter.

I mean, there are more than a million new books published eash year with half of that in the U.S. alone.

The rise of the Kindle and other E-readers mean it is even easier to purchase books with just the click of a button or the touch of a screen, and with virtual books a lot cheaper - the classics are even free - imagine the unread library you could end up with!

I vow not to go near a bookshop of any sort until I finish the current pile of abandoned books.

Reading is a decadent activity, something you dream about indulging in on a holiday, when you have the time.

Sacrifices must be made to achieve time, and it may be as simple as turning off the television and laptop, which tend to waste our time.

Next time you are about to purchase a book either physically or virtually remember it is not just as simple as having the financial means, you must have the commitment to afford the time.

by Tegan Hughes

Last month ‘Raid My Wardrobe - Quality Preloved Fashion Event’ celebrated its 2nd birthday at the Newcastle Basketball Stadium, Broadmeadow. Despite the rain, record crowds of over 1100 people came in droves to refresh, recycle and reinvent themselves.

A highlight of the event was local fashion designer Linda Bergskas (pictured left) from Guanbana Designs opening her personal wardrobe to the public.

Raid My Wardrobe Celebrates 2 Years

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When ABC Radio’s Andrew Dunkley and his wife Judy travelled back to the USA for a holiday with friends, he knew the home of movie magic, childhood dreams and the

space-race would not disappoint.... first stop... Orlando Florida...

The travel bug bit me and my wife Judy several years ago. Since then we’ve taken every opportunity to visit overseas countries. With the dollar so strong at the moment, it’s much easier than ever before.

Our most recent trip had three stages, Orlando, Florida in the United States, the Bahamas and New York.

I’ll start with Orlando and it’s not what you might expect at first. It’s hot, sultry and a little unappealing on the eye at first. Instead of a burgeoning city sprawl like LA or NYC, there are communities spread out over a vast area. This is mainly due to the wetland topography. Some areas are impossible to develop so people live in concentrated pockets.

You can drive for miles and miles through nothing then suddenly hit a sprawling shopping precinct before it vanishes and

you’re back in the swamp.

Orlando has become home to a massive Disney enterprise which consists of multiple attractions. Disney World, Downtown Disney, EPCOT and a bunch of others. Once you enter the Disney property it suddenly becomes clean and incredibly well manicured.

As we’d already seen Disneyland in California, we decided to try new things. EPCOT might not suit everyone but it was fascinating to walk around the world.

There were regular street performances from many cultures, lots of food to sample and of course the big golf ball. Well it’s not really a golf ball but a ride called Spaceship Earth. Inside it’s a high tech experience winding up inside the ball while finding out how we’ve developed technologically as a species. It’s fascinating.

Oh! and you have to see Cirque de Soleil in Downtown Disney. It was truly one of the most mesmerising and exciting things I’ve experienced in a long time. The three little Chinese girls with their diablos will melt your heart while the BMX riders will blow you away. Top stuff!

We didn’t just stick with Disney though; we also looked over Universal Studio’s theme parks. The Harry Potter site is impressive but be prepared for very long lines. Even the day we were there, which was quiet, you had to wait 45 minutes.

Again, Universal is spread out over a large area with no shortage of things to see and do but if you’ve done Movie World on the Gold Coast you might feel you’ve blown your dough. Universal is identical but on a much larger scale. The kids will love it of course.

Sea World on the other hand definitely

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Sea World’s Orca showAlligator take away

Saturn V Display at the Kennedy Space Centre

doesn’t disappoint. First stop for us was the Orca (killer whale) show starring Shamu.

They are awesome creatures and basically run the show themselves. You can’t help but be amazed. And if you sit down the front be prepared to get wet! It’s much the same at the dolphin show which is also great fun.

There are some giant aquariums too where you see sharks, turtles, matinees, polar bear, beluga whales and a dolphin tank, all of which can be viewed from above and below; funny how the locals don’t seem to bother with the alligator exhibit. Like us with kangaroos I guess.

All of these places have huge roller coasters too. I had to partake in at least one to satisfy my need for speed. The one I chose went underground twice and did two spiralling loops. Lunch was not an option!

Finally we checked out the Kennedy

Space Centre. We learned that the whole area has a natural defense system. The waterways around it have approximately five thousand alligators in residence. And sure enough we saw some living in the table drains next to the highway. It was truly bizarre.

With the shuttle program now over, they’re building a new museum to put Atlantis on display which should be something to see. What’s there will amaze you though; the rocket garden, which is often used as a set for movies is a must see.

I tried the shuttle simulator which was quite a ride too. Then we took a bus tour of the facility and saw the shuttle preparation area, the biggest open space building in the world. The launch platforms were off limits but you could see several of them in the distance.

For me the highlight was visiting the Apollo/Saturn V exhibition.

They’ve reconstructed the original Apollo 8 control room and you sit through the entire launch sequence before walking into a room where they have a full sized Saturn V rocket on display. Mind blowing!

Finally we spend a wonderful evening at Cocoa Beach at Cape Canaveral. We enjoyed live music at a local pub with the best food.

I actually tried deep fried alligator and yes, it did taste a bit like chicken but a bit fishy although it was much softer in texture; very yummy.

Next month I’ll take you to the Bahamas.

Andrew Dunkley is the Regional Manager of ABC Radio, Western Plains. Originally from

Maitland, he now lives in Dubbo.

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Brien McVernon musician / songwriter

You’re known as a dad, a performer, a charity worker and a teacher... What do you tell people you do?

I usually tell them that I do all of the above. All of these things make up who I am, I’m not just one of them, but a combination of them all.

What does music bring to your life?

It brings so much. When I am happy, I celebrate with it, When I am sad it consoles me or joins me in my sadness, It flows through me and never gives up on me or denies me. It is life.

You’ve been a soloist, and a band member including a lengthy stint with the local legends, The Funbusters, what are you doing these days?

I still do my solo shows and I still have my group, The Retro Rockets. I travel to the US a lot more and am developing my work network over there. I am in a new phase of writing which I am very happy about and looking to develop a new solo album this year.

Some of your earlier bands like CIRCUS LIFE were fairly avant garde for a Newcastle audience.. ...Did you create your own gigs in those days?

For sure. When I started Circus life (top right) I had written a ton of songs and had this great band able to play three 45 minute sets. Lots of songs, lots of stage presence, no shows.

So I approached venue owners and asked for a Monday night residency or a Sunday. Any night where I didn’t have to compete with everything else going on. It worked. The band drew in consistent audiences on those nights, I was able to pay the band ok money and we developed our new show and prepared it for bigger nights in the future.

What is the charity you’re involved with? Tell us about it?

The charity is called The Love Hope Strength Foundation. It was started by British rocker Mike Peters of The Alarm and Big Country and Texan music insurance broker James Chippendale. Both these men were Cancer survivors. They got together and decided to create a global cancer charity that would use rock’n’roll musicians and music events to raise much needed funds for supporting all people with cancer, especially those in places where no cancer treatment was available.

How did you get involved - Where did your experiences start?

It began for me in 2007 when I was playing a festival in New Zealand with Stray Cats drummer Slim Jim Phantom. Jim was already a member of the LHS musicians team and suggested that I should get involved as well. Having lost my grandfather, my Uncle, a close family friend, several friends from my university days all to cancer and I also watched one of my daughters young friends, Jade Hill fight and loose to cancer, it was a no brainer, I signed up to help.

There are some well-known

musicians involved - Why?Cancer is the largest killing disease on

the planet and like most of us, they want to help. We are all touched by cancer. Nobody escapes it, even famous people.

What kind of work do they do?I have been fortunate enough to join

musicians like John Oats (Hall and Oats), Slim Jim Phantom, Fastball, Donovan Frankenreiter, Billy Duffy (The Cult), Robin Wilson (Gin Blossoms), Cy Curnin (The Fixx), and many others with a guitar and a voice, raising awareness, raising funds and getting more people on the international bone marrow registry.

Where do you come in?I come in to make a difference. In the

words of Joni Mitchell, “a cog in something turning.” That’s where I want to be.

Where has the charity work taken you?

I have trekked and played concerts on the top of mountains in Peru (Machu Picchu), Africa (Mt Kilimanjaro), Japan (Mt Fuji), Hawaii... which is more a volcano. I have also played raised funds in Australia and New Zealand and played twice at a major festival in Union County New Jersey where LHS hold a stand for Bone Marrow Registration and we, the musicians encourage the audience to go and get on the list.

Is there an experience or place that has left a big impression on you?

So many, each of these events has been special and important in so many ways,

“We raised enough funds

to build the first children’s cancer

centre in East Africa.”

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73a King Street, Warners Bayp: 49482370 for appointments

new stylenew colour

new you!



Each trip we have cancer survivors telling their stories, people representing friends or family members that they have lost.

Mt Kilimanjaro was the hardest challenging thing that I have ever had in my life. Both mentally and physically. To complete that event and see the result is amazing. We raised enough funds to build the first children’s cancer centre in East Africa. That is a wonderful achievement.

Do we need massive organisations to do this work? Can people make a difference themselves?

We can all make a difference individually, but collectively we have greater power to do bigger and better things. That is in all things in life. n

“collectively we have greater power to do bigger and better things.”

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of space & colour

freedom to explore artistically.

Her palette is awash with vibrance and intensity. Her colours are strong but never harsh; bright without overpowering.

Instead, Donna’s current focus is producing original abstract works for office and home created to match the mood and decor of the space. She uses colour to add light, presence and a dynamic space to locations like offices and rooms.

“My focus is to produce original artwork that suits the decor, mood and purpose of your room. and when possible, I’ll work with your interior decorator’s colour scheme to

Her colourful work was commissioned also for the label of the boutique winery Little House of Red. The image of a cottage is both naive and figurative in style - but her colour is the hero. The image is again a bold presentation and, this time, gorgeous quaintness.

Several years ago Donna illustrated some childrens books giving her another creative string to her bow.

These days Donna is kept busy with ongoing commissions and exhibitions. She is excited to have been one of the artists selected to donate her work “Reflective Moments” (shown to the right) to the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) for their upcoming charity auction Ball on July 7th. ” n

After discovering a certain talent for illustration at University of Newcastle’s Wildlife Illustration course 20 years ago, Donna Buck played with various styles. Her artworks were typically vivid portrayals of animals and flowers.

After University, Donna went on to illustrate for publishers, helping to create a number of children’s books, posters and other items. Some of these items were published internationally. Others were sold nationally in outlets such as Australian Geographic and Taronga Zoo.

Until a kind of abstract style gave her the

get the colours just right,” said Donna.

Recently her works, commissioned by Markey Insurance in Newcastle, reflect the iconic real life location including the ocean baths but she treats the image with lush, sweeping colour - It’s an exploration of emotion with a literal anchor.

At once, her works are recognisably Novocastrian - boldly so.

While her wildlife illustration has given her the privilege of being immortalised on two Taronga Zoo posters, an honour to be associated with yet another Australian icon, Donna is finding her strengths in abstract.

Main Pic: Serenity , Top Right: Donna in her home studio, Above: Foundations, Above Right: Laman Street Fig Trees, Right: Reflective Moments

Newcastle artist, Donna Buck shares her vibrant works

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Top Left: Spilt Milk, Top Right: Little House of RedAbove: The Markey Insurance Brokers Commission

p : 0 2 4 9 2 9 3 0 3 3 n a : S h o p 5 , T h e R o y a l 5 K i n g S t r e e t , N e w c a s t l e n e : m i c k @ b a r p e t i t e . c o m . a u




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Page 20: Social Life Magazine July 2012 - Edition 9

EpicProportionsMike Oldfield’s classic Tubular Bells is re-born and played by just two musicians

... LIVE!

One album, two blokes, too many instruments...

Mike Oldfield’s Tubular Bells is perhaps the most unlikely smash hit record ever to be released.

The original Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield was released in 1973 and was the first album released by Virgin Records and an early cornerstone of the company’s success.

Vivian Stanshall provided the voice of the “Master of Ceremonies” who reads off the list of instruments at the end of the first movement as they play the famous melody line in turn.

The opening piano solo was used as

a soundtrack to the blockbuster William Friedkin film The Exorcist (released the same year) and Tubular Bells gained considerable airplay because of this.

The sprawling progressive Celtic-folk-rock opus shot to number one in albums charts during 1973 and 74, throwing its young composer into the international spotlight and kick-starting Richard Branson’s Virgin empire.

Now, nearly 40 years late, two multi-instrumentalists, Daniel Holdsworth and Aidan Roberts, have arranged the entire album to be performed by just two blokes.

With over twenty instruments to juggle, the performers are pushed to their limits as

they dash from one side of the stage to the other, with hardly a moment to catch their breath.

There’s pianos, organs, electric guitars, acoustics and Spanish guitars, bass guitar, mandolin, tuned percussion, loop pedals, synthesizers, plus, tubular bells.

The award-winning theatrical event has mesmerised sell-out audiences both internationally and around Australia.

Whether you’re a long-time fan of the original album, or a Tubular Bells virgin, Tubular Bells for Two is guaranteed to be an enthralling experience.

See Tubular Bells For Two on Thursday, 19 July 2012 at Lizotte’s Newcastle



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Page 21: Social Life Magazine July 2012 - Edition 9


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This is a musical tour de force. It is genuinely entertaining, amusing and mesmerising to watch.

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The Rembrandts formed in 1990, when Danny Wilde and Phil Solem, who had previously been in the band Great Buildings, teamed up to record some demos in Wilde’s Southern California garage/studio.

Atco Records was so impressed that the demos were released ‘as is’ under the name The Rembrandts.

The release featured the smash hit Just The Way It Is, Baby. The top 20 hit and subsequent singles attracted critical

acclaim and propelled the debut album into the Billboard Hot 100.

Two years later, the duo followed with their second album, Untitled, featuring the Top 40 hit Johnny Have You Seen Her.

Two albums in, The Rembrandts had gained popularity not only for their hit songs, but for their signature harmonies and catchy hooks that filled their albums from start to finish.

By 1995, Solem & Wilde had completed

a third album. But before its release, the duo agreed to record the theme song to a forthcoming television series. The band asked to do it anonymously, but when Friends became a worldwide hit, the record label demanded that Phil & Danny record a full length version and add it to the album. I’ll Be There For You was the #1 song on radio, their album, LP, went multi-platinum, and The Rembrandts became household names.

After a couple years of touring endlessly

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behind a song that didn’t really reflect The Rembrandts sound, the duo split up in 1997. But by 2000 they had reunited and in 2001 released another critically acclaimed album, Lost Together. In 2005, they released a collection of re-recorded hits called Choice Picks. The following year, Rhino released a 20 song collection, The Rembrandts Greatest Hits. The Rembrandts continue to tour and record while also finding time for solo projects.

In keeping with Brian Lizotte’s ability to

bring world-class acts to the Hunter, he’s thrilled to announce that The Rembrandts will taking the stage at the Lizotte’s Newcastle as well as his Dee Why and Kincumber venues.

Best known for their smash hits I’ll Be There For You (the theme song from friends) and Just The Way It Is Baby, The Rembrandts are sure to rouse more than a few memories of a certain era for many Novocastrians. And like a sequel to our experience of the 80’s and 90’s, they are on

their way with their brand new album The Rembrandts Via Satellite.

The new material will make its performance debut, along with all the hits during their long awaited Australian tour including all three Lizotte’s Venues. Newcastle – August 26, Dee Why – August 29 and Kincumber – August 30.

Visit website for more

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Page 24: Social Life Magazine July 2012 - Edition 9

Stressing out and sitting up late poring over revision might be the student stereotype, however experts advise just the opposite and advocate a balanced diet - and lifestyle - if you want to achieve your potential.

Feeding the mind with the correct food can significantly improve brain performance, and breakfast - which many students skip - is vital for the brain’s cognitive function.

Nutritionists advise eating slow release foods and avoiding high sugar items, like some cereals, as your body burns these off at a faster pace resulting in a drop in blood sugar, causing tiredness and drowsiness.

To improve your memory you need to increase blood flow to the brain and the best way to do this is by taking Omega 3, found in almonds, mackerel, sardines and walnuts. You can also buy Omega 3 supplements from health stores.

Food which is good for your gut, such as probiotics which are found in yoghurt, will also help boost your brain performance as half the neurotransmitter functions in the brain are actually made in the stomach.Fluid intake is also vital to function at optimum level.

Almost every bodily function is dependent on water, and hydration is key for mental focus. While popular, caffeine and energy drinks are not recommended as they only give the body a short-term lift, swiftly followed by a slump in energy levels.

To work out how much water you should be drinking on a daily basis, multiply your body weight in kilograms by 0.033, which will give you the amount of litres you need to consume; ie if you are 10 stone (63.5kgs) you should have 1.9 litres a day.If you don’t like water, try adding a slice of lime to flavour it or try coconut water.Other tips include regular exercise, as it promotes blood flow to your the and helps improve focus and even a 20 minute daily walk will enhance mental clarity.

Finally - and most importantly - sleep.

Six to eight hours sleep a night are the recommended amount for busy students and key to memory retention.

Now is not the time to diet or stay up all night!

Top tips to get the best results: * Create a revision timetable with sensible work slots and breaks and keep to it.

* Know where your exams are and when they start, how long they are and what equipment you are allowed to take in.

* Make sure you have one weekend day when you don’t revise or think about exams.

* Tell your family about your revision timetable - and ask them for help if you need it.

* Keep bullet points on crib cards highlighting main subject theories. Use these for quick revision and when you have a few spare minutes, eg, waiting for the school bus.

* Use mnemonics - using initials of a word helps your memory.

* Some people revise well by listening, so you could try recording your revision onto your iPod or tapes. Listen to these lying in bed, travelling in a car or walking to the shops.

* Cut down on your weekend or evening job to give yourself more time to revise - you can usually make it up later.

* Prepare your equipment the night before the exam.

* On the morning of the exam, have a good breakfast, stay calm and allow plenty of time to get to school or college.

And remember that you can only do your best!

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Australian Ray Ramon from Newcastle picked up Australia’s first Award at the historic 1st ever Indie Music Channel Awards in Hollywood.

The Indie Music Channel Awards 2012 took place at the legendary House of Blues where Stevie wonder, Michael Jackson have performed. It is also well-known as the place Tupac Shakur’s last performed.

Nigerian born Australian Citizen Ray Ramon was awarded Best Contemporary Christian Producer for his song “I Had a dream.”

Ray Ramon became the first Australian to ever win this historic award making it his first international award after winning last year’s Best Male Gospel Artist at the Afro/Australian Music and Movie Awards 2011 at the Enmore Theater in Sydney.

After receiving word of his nomination, Ray Ramon, wife Jenni Lea Ramon and seven week old Baby Eligh boarded a flight out of Australia to attend the prestigious red carpet award ceremony.

A well rewarded venture after clinching a trophy.

The unsung hero prepares to jet back to Australia after making an indelible mark in world’s history becoming Australia’s first citizen to be awarded at this international event.

The atmosphere was electrifying as hundreds thronged the event from across the globe.

Ray was the talk of town in the “City of Stars.”

Congratulations Ray. n

International Award for Ray. Nigerian born Ray Ramon had be come the first Australian to win a historic award in Hollywood.



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Elle’s easy recipe

Recipe Elle SheedyPhoto Peta Woods



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it’s allaboutyou,

From The Shops:n 75g soft light brown sugar

n 365ml white dessert wine

n 2 cinnamon sticks

n 1 vanilla pod

n 6 ripe pears, peeled and cored

In The Kitchenn Place the sugar, dessert wine, cinnamon

sticks and vanilla pod in a pot and simmer for 5 minutes.

n Add the pears into the pot, turning gently to coat with cooking liquid and simmer for 20 minutes or until the pears are soft but not mushy.

n Strain the pears and let them cool. Remove cinnamon sticks and the vanilla pod.

n Return the cooking liquid to the saucepan and reduce in volume by simmering.

n Serve as a dessert side or just with ice-cream, and spoon the reduced sauce over the pears.

Enjoy Elle : )

Poached P earsElle’s easy recipe

in dessert wine

Unique Portraiture 0413 962 [email protected]

Page 27: Social Life Magazine July 2012 - Edition 9

QUALITY: Hunter Valley Premium Meats supplies over 50 leading restaurants, pubs and clubs from the Central Coast & Newcastle and across the Hunter Valley.

DELIVERY: 5 days per week throughout Newcastle twice weekly to the Hunter Valley

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EXPERIENCE: With four generations of experience within the meat industry, we have compiled a wide range of premium meats & products with tastes to suit all menus.

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When you attend a culinary class, you learn how to prepare foods. and learn how to develop your cooking skills. You will learn the fundamentals of preparing foods and how to prepare a menu. Many cooking classes these days will also teach about wines and the palate.

As you learn more about preparing foods, you will also become more focused on the knowledge of the heritage and history of fine cuisine. As you learn to prepare foods, you will see that cooking is an art all its own with it’s own special history.

Presenting the foods is a part of cooking - the term “plating” has become familiar due to various cooking TV shows. Once you see how to prepare and present your dish, you will also understand about appeasing the palate. This is important for any chef (or home chef), or whether you work in a fine dining kitchen or a diner.

You may want to discover more about the history of gourmet cuisine and how it is prepared and served. Understanding the foods from other countries and how to prepare foods that people will enjoy is a great skill to have for future parties and events.

After a few lessons, your repertoire will increase as you experiment with new ingredients and flavours. Eventually, you will be able to prepare some of the finest cuisines from around the world. n

is there a chef

in the house?When Michelle Bridges enters the room it’s not hard to see why she is Australia’s most sought-after fitness trainer.

She seems to radiate fitness and her enthusiasm towards all things fitness is quite remarkable.

She is best known as the straight talking red team trainer of Channel Ten’s top-rating TV show The Biggest Loser (now in it’s fourth season)

Michelle’s no-nonsense approach to both fitness and diet has helped thousands of Australians on a road to better health.

Her fitness and cook books have proven to be a huge success with knockout recipes for rapid weight loss.

Michelle’s online work with her 12 Week Body Transformation has seen thousands of Australians lose thousands of kilos which she is particularly proud of.

Novocastrians have a rare chance to spend an evening with Michelle to hear her reveal her secrets on weightloss and a better lifestyle.

The event will be held at The Newcastle Panthers Club on August 23rd at 7:30pm.

Tickets are available through

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the revival of Swansea-Belmont Surf Swimmers

Since 1927 the spirit of mateship and teamwork has been an integral part of Swansea Belmont. The Club’s position of high esteem both in the surf lifesaving movement and amongst the community can largely be attributed to our ability to get things done.

The prime obligation of the club is beach patrols and undoubtably the patrolman/woman on the beach without whom we would have no club.

However the challenge of the sea and the continual striving to master the elements is traditionally part and parcel of the lifesavers existence.

Swansea Belmont has been a dominant force in Surf Lifesaving competition with results of distinction at World, Australian, NSW and Hunter Branch Championship levels of competition.

The club has 93 Australian Champions and many NSW champions on record and can be well satisfied with the competition results of the past 85 years.

Members are encouraged to participate in competition at all levels. The average member remains the backbone of the club and a competition policy covers every aspect of participation and development of individual members.

With the Bombora and the Bend producing perhaps the biggest rideable body surf in Australia, the Club has produced an unbroken line of impressive surfers. The Surf Swimming Section has been vital to the club as it forms the basis of most team events including the taplin and lifesaver relays, swim teams, board rescue, tube rescue, belt swim and rescue and resusitation. It also forms the basis of training for board paddling and an ironman/ironwoman cannot be competitive without a very strong swim base.

Swimming is where nearly all our competitors start from an early age in the nippers.

With the roots of the club being boatrowing in the early years the club didn’t produce many

champions until the forties with names such as “Billo” Davies and his Belt Swimming, Jack Dobell, Harry “Wizzy” Wilson, Bill and Ben Brehends, Arch Dick and Albert Paul.

In this period they met many other great surf swimmers including the legendary Bob Newbiggin who they sometimes bested including a great swim win by Ben Brehends at a

Newcastle carnival.

Although the club had a lean period in the fifties there was a shining light with Ron “Jake” Moses (a Balmain Tigers Rugby League grand finalist) being one of the few successful winning our first Branch Junior belt Title in 1951. Jake still swims every morning at the club with his mates.

Other swimmers of note in the early days were “Pimple” Watkins, Jack Chapman and Jock Gregory.

In 1959 President, Harry Walton and Club Captain, the late Jim Charlton, the club committee and members sparked of a revival to restore the clubs prestige in the sport. This led to the return of one of the clubs all time swimming greats “Slim Jim Turner” who is features in the Club’s logo who contributed largely to the success of the Club at the time.

Jake also made a comeback and others to help the revival included Don Beasley, Peter Lee, Cliff Marsh, Roy Osmond and Jim Corkett.

At this time a young cadet gained his QC and Trevor “Tiddles” Morton began to make his mark coached by his brother Tex. Trevor became our first Branch Surf Champion and in 1960 he was joined by Doug Genders and they became known as the swim twins.

Trevor still swims with the early boys and we are trying to get Doug in the action.

The Swimming Section of the Club was again boosted then by John Lindbury, Arthur Thompson and Ross Blatchford contributing.

The Club gained its first Australian Championship

Swimming Medal in 1970 when Ron Liddell came 3rd in the junior division at Ocean Grove (Vic.) Outstanding young swimmer Geoff Burt appeared in 1966/67 with immediate success in the cadet (U/15 yrs) and Juniors (U/18 yrs) and became open Branch Belt Champion in 1970 (unfortunately cancer took him at 17yrs old.)

Ron and Geoff were joined by two other top liners in John Clifford and Graham Muir all regular branch team representatives.

The Swimming Section then grew stronger with Doug Connelly, Glen Jones and Branch Surf and Belt Champion, Mike Hart. Then young Steve Nunn and Mark Scully appeared as cadets. The Club’s

first Australian Swim title came with a magnificent effort by Mark to win the cadet swim title at Dee Why in 1975. Joined by Phil Crosgrove, Greg Milton, Owen Starr, Greg Kelly, Paul Davies, Andrew Mitchell and cadets Greg Wilkes, Mark Nunn, Steve Gomboso and Ross Brooks they combined to form one of the clubs strongest swim sections to date winning the open Aussie surf teams event in 1977.

Mark Scully went on to win 19 State and Australian Championship medals

(including 4 Aussie Gold and 2 NSW Gold) and representing three state teams, he won five annual Across The Lake Swims and won against Australian and USA Olympic swimmers.

He also won the Magnetic Island 9km Marathon Swim. Mark is ranked 3rd in the region’s top ten surf race champions. He was second in the Hawaii Waikiku Rough water swim and third in the 1983 event and 2nd in the Surf Rescue World Championships also in 1983. In the early 80’s he was world-ranked in the 200/400/800m freestyle.

He also holds 50 Still Water gold medals. Phil Crosgrove won two Australian swim Golds and five NSW Golds.

The increasing strength of the Swimming Section included the previously mentioned Marks Scully’s brilliant performances at State and nationals, Craig Clark’s 1982 State Junior Belt win, Nick Toddhunter’s 1988 NSW Open Belt win and the1990 NSW Open Surf Race and Sean Davis’s fine performances the U/18 NSW surf race in 1989 and in Open Belt Competition winning the NSW title in 1992 & 2000.

Sean was selected in mulltiple Australian Teams in which he was Captain in1994-the ultimate honour. Sean is ranked 4th in the region’s top surf race

Stories of the Swansea Belmont Surf Lifesaving Club at Blacksmiths Beach go back to 1927- From a humble beginning,

the club overcame varied problems to establish not only physical structures but also lasting memories of gratitude built out of service

to the beach going public.

Adrian Tobin - Photo: New.Herald

Joshua Blair

Melissa Thurlow & Coach Graham Burge

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champions (30 state and Aussie medals including three Aussie Golds and 11 NSW Golds) just behind Mark Scully.

Prominent surf swim coaches, including Cliff Marsh, Jack and Ron Liddell, Tex Morton made a significant contributions to our surf swimmer ranks through the years especially in the mid 80’s-90’s by coaching still water swimmers into the club from local pools.

These swimmers have appeared in “waves” over the years usually wanting to join their mates to learn the trade and participate in some great winning teams. Col Andrews then also contributed with hard training sessions.

Over the years there have been a number of pool programmes run for swimmers at the Club including those run by Cliff Marsh at Swansea and Speers Point, Jack Liddell at Swansea and Bob “Tex” Morton at old Belmont Baths where he also coached Olympians Lyn Bell and Sonya Gray.

Peter Watts our past Swim Captain of many years put in some notable efforts at the time especially the 2nd placing in the NSW Open Belt at a State Title at Blacksmiths and the 1988 Cadet Team Title with Simon Meek, Brad Patterson and Craig Davidson and the 1989 U/18 NSW teams title with Brad Patterson, Sean, & Guy Andrews but his career was set back after a serious car accident returning from training at Maitland in 1991 the same year the Newcastle earthquake damaged the Arnold Swim centre.

Peter also combined with Stephen Rodd, Matt Rees and Nat McGregor to win the 1990 U/18 NSW teams title.

Nat McGregor was also a big swimmer in the 90’s with some huge taplin swims and Brendon Rodd came into the scene to win the U/15 Aussie Title and Team title with Troy Blatchford, Joshua Blair and Matt Scott. Jamie Jenkins also swam for the club over a 2-3 year period contributing well but unfortunately he was taken away from us in a tragic plane crash.

In the years 1990-1999 we also had some outstanding swimmers progress from our junior ranks. Notably Joshua Blair who won the 1993 NSW U/16 swim title and Adrian Tobin who won two state titles and two national teams titles as a nipper then the 1995 under 16 NSW Title.

They formed a “phantom” swim team with Nat

McGregor and Sean Davis and although all four contributed hugely to our taplin team wins etc in this era, they never competed as a team at the Aussies where many have said they could have been unbeatable.

Adrian’s win against former Australian and Cronulla open swimmer Daniel “Muffy”McClellan at the Australian Interstate at Surfers Paradise in 1994 as 17yr old and in the Open Surf race at QLD inter-branch (1999) against Sean and Wally Williams

is notable. But the lure of Ironman Competition in the mid-late nineties was too great for Josh (Uncle Toby’s) and Adrian (Kelloggs) to continue in surf swimming.

In the 2000-2005 era we also had good presence with wins to Jacob Blair, Jayce Nixon, Tom McGregor and Greg Tobin in the 2000 NSW U/16 Swim title and then again in 2005 with a similar win in the U/15 event by Michael Booth, Alister Harrison, James Taylor and Troy Ham.

Currently the Club’s main swimmer is 20yr old Sam Earp who has won a number of State and National Pool Rescue events especially the manikin tow.

Our female swimmers have also returned

outstanding wins for the club. Melissa Thurlow won the first ladies title in 1990 with a win in the NSW Open Womens event. Linda Cambell won the 1994 U/16 title. Then there were a number of womens teams comprising Kassia Hardie/Leah Sheperdson/Jackie Gibbs/Kelly Driffield and Carley Reid/Renee Urbanowicz/R Cavanagh/Kirran Mowbray in 1999.

Carley won the 2001 U/16 NSW title and Kate Ebrill the U/15 Womens tube. Olympian Donna Proctor also swam successfully for the Club in

the late 80’s/90’s.

From 2008-2010 our girls were the dominant swimmers in the Club with winning teams comprising Elisa Smith/Kirsty Waugh/Emily Chaffey/Michaela Bacon (U/15 Team Race 2008), Danielle Radford/Nikki Chapman/Emily Chaffey/Kirsty Waugh (Open Team title 2008), Elisa/Danielle/Emily/Kirsty (U/17 Team 2009) and Elisa/Emily/Kirsty/Rochelle Bird (U/17 Teams 2010) with Elisa/Emily/Kirsty combining with Nikki Chapman to win the 2010 Open Teams event.

Individually Kirsty Waugh won the U/15 Tube in 2008 and the U/17 Tube and U/17 Surf Race in 2009. She also won the Australian U/15 Tube race and again combined with Nikki/Emily/Danielle to win

Mark Scully

”NSW country clubs became prominent from the early 1930’s especially the Lakesiders from the Lake Macquarie Shire.

Here there developed boatmen invincible in northern contests and who at intervals dished up the metropolitan cracks.

The first challenge came from Swansea it seemed that every man of crews at the time at Swansea was born with an oar in his hand.’

- C.B. Maxwell “Surf-Australian’s Against the Sea”



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the 2008 U/19 Aussies Surf teams race.

In 2011 Kirsty Waugh was 3rd in the NSW Open Swim and Nikki Chapman 1st in the Tube Race.

At the same carnival Sam Earp was 3rd in the U/19 belt and combined with Ethan Whiteman and Troy Ham and Josh Elloy for a third in the open Swim Team.

In the 2012 State and Australian, Hannah Trypas won the NSW U/17 surf race was 3rd in the Tube, Hannah Lemke was 2nd in the Open Womens’ Belt and Amelia Johnson was 2nd in the U/15 Surf Race and also 2nd in the Tube. Sam Earp was 3rd in the U/19 Mens Belt Race.

In recent years the Masters competitors have performed well in swim events including strong performances by Dale Mowbray and Marilyn Clarence.

The Junior activities section has also achieved excellent results in surf swimming particulary at the annual NSW state surf titles. Gold Medals in this event have gone to Steve Gomboso (1972,) Anthony Monk (1982,) Brad Paterson (1987,) Jodie Watson (1987,) Brad Russell (1987& 1989,) Linda Campbell (1991,) Adrian Tobin (1992 & 1993,) Jayce Nixon (1994,) Kane Keith (1995 & 1996,) Kirran Mowbray (1998,) Jesicca Brecht (1999,) Chelsey Reid (2000,) Beth Haigh (2001,) Michael Booth (2001 & 2002,) Reece Pettit (2007,) and Lily Costello (2008.)

This year the club has introduced an innovative swim programme in conjunction with the Lake Macquarie Charlestown Swim Centre with Club training on Tuesdays and Thursday nights and an overall Hunter Branch Training session on Saturday mornings.

Coaches Cameron Roberts (Level 2 coach & coach of 150 still water swimmers to Nationals) Mark Scully and centre coach Ryan Strickland are running the programme backed up by surf skills coaches, Cliff Marsh and Ron Liddell at the beach (when it is warmer.)

The programme kicks off on Saturday 23rd June with an open day. Any one wishing to join the club and participate in the programme can contact Club Sports Director, Dave Marshall (0414489357) or Promotions Director, Pat Tobin (0407006790) n

Foot note - please be aware the preparation of these articles relies somewhat on some detailed research through club records and drawing on the memories of some of our older members who have reviewed the articles before they are submitted for publication.

If we have missed any one please accept our appologies but tell us so we can update the file record for future use. Junior activities results in particular are hard to come by as the official NSW records do not start until 1971 when the state body held its first official state championship.

Phil Cosgrove & Nick Toddhunter

It has long been thought by many musicians and music lovers that the story of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars would make a great movie.

Ziggy, arguably one of David Bowie’s more famous or infamous personalities, is a colourful and tragic character whose rise and fall epitomises many aspects of real-life musicians’ experiences both on stage and behind the scenes.

The undeniable influence of David Bowie as a larger than life character comes to life through the talents of three of Australia’s most electrifying performers, Jeff Duff, Steve Balbi and Brydon Stace, performing the songs of David Bowie at The Studio at Sydney Opera House.

Come on a theatrical and musical journey and explore the creative genius of Bowie’s songs as these three remarkable performers are joined on stage by The Ziggy Band with a Bowie song list featuring hit after hit - Heroes, Space Oddity, Life on Mars, Young Americans, Starman, Fame, Ashes to Ashes, Under Pressure, Ziggy Stardust, Let’s Dance ...and many, many more!

The cast features Jeff Duff – the acclaimed recording and rock vocalist whose international career has seen the release of 28 albums (including the current album Fragile Spaceman) and who first brought Ziggy to the stage in the nineties; Steve Balbi - one of Australia’s leading songwriters with Noiseworks, Electric Hippies and now a dynamic solo performer and Brydon Stace

whose long and varied career has included a stint as lead vocalist with INXS and the lead role in the Sydney Opera House production of Berlioz’s Requiem.

“We have an awesome line-up of the best of the best! It’s so exciting to be presenting Bowie’s incredible music to Sydney audiences again. With Steve Balbi, Brydon Stace and myself, we’ll be taking Sydney audiences on a magical theatrical journey through Bowie’s amazing songbook,” said Jeff Duff.

In a career which defined pop culture and gave us a wealth of ever changing visual imagery, it was the Top 5 hit Space Oddity that first brought attention to David Bowie in 1969. Since then we’ve been treated to hits such as Starman, Fame, Ashes to Ashes, Under Pressure, China Girl and Modern Love in what is seemingly an endless list of hits that have sold more than 150 million albums globally.

Earning rave reviews last year ‘Ziggy’ returns in 2012.

“Unique, impressive, phenomenal! A mind blowing concert

experience.” - Sunday Telegraph

ZIGGY will be at Lizotte’s Newcastle on September 29

tickets on sale from Lizottes or online at

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2012 London OlympicsWhen - Opening ceremony is July 27 but check out the official London Olympic events calendar to see what sports are on so you can plan parties around specific events.

Decoration ideas - Australian Flag, red, white and blue decorations all of which can be purchased from cheap stores or you may have laying around from Australia Day. Don’t forget the Olympic torch and Olympic rings.

Creating ambience - Throw on a John Williamson CD to get into the Aussie spirit.. or Powderfinger or Farnsy...

Food ideas - Prawns, Beef Skewers, lamingtons, Aussie Beer & Wine... Lamingtons !!!

Activities - Hold your own Backyard Olympics by creating a fun obstacle course. For children, divide into their age groups, pin numbers or their chosen country flag on their backs and at the end of the day hold a medal ceremony. Medals can be purchased from party sections of supermarkets pr made from jam lids and tinsel.

If you are holding an Adults only obstacle course you could incorporate some type of beverage reward. (be sure to drink responsibly people) Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi.

Ho Ho Ho Christmas in JulyChristmas in July (also known as Yulefest or Yuletide) is a wonderful, festive event that is celebrated in Australia and other countries in the Southern hemisphere.

As July is generally the coldest month of the year, Christmas in July social parties and events are commonly held to celebrate the winter, and the halfway point to Christmas.

Pull out all the Christmas decorations and put on a Bing Crosby CD and get ready to enjoy a Christmas roast in winter rather than the usual 40° temperatures of December.

Destinations like the Blue Mountains specialise in Christmas in July but a little closer to home up until 15 July you could head out to The Hunter Valley Gardens and enjoy their snow time in the garden including ice skating and snow tubing. Check out for further details.

Sorry kids Santa only comes in December.

National Tracky Dack Day - Friday July 6Every day, kids in hospital face challenges of ill health, isolation and emotional stress. They are encouraged to change out of their PJ’s and wear trackies or casual clothes to help boost their state of mind.

For just one day, we are asking you to ‘walk in their shoes’ and DACK UP!

Simply hold your own ‘Tracky Dack Day’ at your School, Workplace, Club or with your mates, collect a gold coin donation from everyone who participates and deposit the funds via the TLC for kids website.

- Complied by Amanda Butler - The Little Party Company

Party in JulyNot that you need an excuse to get together with family and friends but here are a few events happening in July that might give you a little inspiration for a celebration...

ph: 02 499711663 YAMBA STREET, HAWKS NESTemail: [email protected]:

Enjoy activities in the pristine Myall Lakes National Park and surrounds such as bushwalking, bird watching, surfing, sailing, windsurfing and boating on the extensive waterways of the Myall Lakes and rivers. . .

Fishing, golf, kayaking, snorkeling dolphin watching and cycling are just a few more of the wonderful experiences awaiting you in Hawks Nest.

Or just bring a book and enjoy the serenity, peace and quiet at the Hawks Nest Motel.

n Standard Roomsn One Bed Unitsn Family Accommodationn Spa Suites



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Newcastle’s Bowel of the Ball June 22, Wests (Lambton.)

We all know the plight of those suffering from breast cancer, but what you might not know is that that bowel cancer is now Australia’s biggest killer. Undoubtedly, bowel disease is not a pretty topic to talk about. That’s where Newcastle Bowel Of The Ball comes in.

More than 70,000 Australians suffer from the life-long ilnesses Crohn’s Disease and Colitis. The Ball served to raise awareness and help reduces the stigma of these diseases in the community. It was an uplifting and celebratory event at Wests in Newcastle.

Fellow sufferer, Peter Timbs of Big Brother fame played MC for the night which was a huge success.

For more information on bowel visit:

The Organising Committee

Kotara Family Practice All dressed up for the Ball

Enjoying the Night

Having a great time at the Ball