Download - Social in 2012 at a Glance: Reach and Network Size


The Spredfast Social Engagement Index Benchmark | @Spredfast |

Social media allows companies to communicate directly with individuals that have “opted in” to their brand messaging, to the tune of an average 1.83 million network connections in 2012. With changes to the algorithms used to determine how often content is seen, and the introduction of new options to promote content, reach was a hot topic in 2012. One thing remained certai: content that compelled individuals to like, share, or retweet it was seen by more people.

Total Network Size

Companies still see most of their connections (about 75%!) on Facebook. These numbers make sense when you consider the size of each network overall- Facebook topped 1 Billion members in October and Twitter has an estimated 200 Million active accounts as of December. When LinkedIn announced redesigned Company Pages in September, it created a home base for professionals to follow companies - keep an eye out for those numbers to grow.


Companies made almost half a million daily impressions on social channels in 2012. These brand touch points occurred not only with the individuals that opted in to connect with specific companies, but with the connections of those individuals as well - likeminded connections of your network who are also likely to share an interest in your brand.

Social in 2012 at a Glance

Reach and Network Size

Some of the data is presented here in three segments—Activating, Expanding, and Proliferating. These represent companies with similar levels of internal and external social engagement. Our Social Engagement Index is an analysis of 154 Companies based on 7 key metrics that demonstrate engagement of both the internal organization and external audience. To learn more, read our full Social Engagement Index Report here.

The Social Engagement Index

The Spredfast Social Engagement Index Benchmark | @Spredfast |

Staying Social in 2012: CNN

Social media has become a critical element of many traditional media outlets’ communications. CNN, for example, uses social media to publish news content, interact with fans of particular news personalities, and enrich the news watching experience by providing an additional channel for interaction.

Social Resolutions for 2013 Uncovering Contextual Learnings from Social Activity Establish a method to uncover which content, messages, and activity types drive the most engagement. Your brand will be better equipped to make decisions on how to optimize current efforts and discover new opportunities to connect with your social audiences.

Understanding Social Network Utility Companies are embracing a multi-channel approach to social media activity. Your brand may reach different segments of your audience on different social channels. Understand who makes up your network on a given social channel and why they follow you.

To dive deeper into the state of corporate social media programs and understand how brands are engaging internal resources to drive engagement with their audience via social, download the full report at