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Social Anxiety Disorder

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Social Anxiety Disorder, also called S.A.D. or social phobia, is intense fear, distress, or inability to function in social situations. The intensity of the disorder can range from performance only to everyday situations.


Performance S.A.D

General S.A.D.

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Rates vary because social anxiety disorder often overlaps with other psychological disorders.

It is the third most prevalent psychological disorder and the most common anxiety disorder.


The average age of onset is 11.5 years of age. Onset after 25 is very rare.

It affects 5% of Adult Americans, 4.2% of Canadians, and 2.7% of Australians.

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Shyness, which can lead to social anxiety disorder, is genetic.

Infants which are more inhibited often have parents who are shy adults.

Social Anxiety disorder can develop when a shy person is subject to certain experiences.

Genetic Causes

Reserved infant

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Social Anxiety disorder is connected to past traumatic social experiences. It can develop after a person is ignored, rejected or bullied.

It is also affected by cultural attitudes toward a reserved personality.

It is more likely that a child will have social anxiety if their parents placed emphasis on the opinions of others or used shame as a disciplinary measure.

Experience Causes

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Dopamine: the levels of dopamine are lower in those with social anxiety.

In some studies, dopamine's binding affinity was lower in people with S.A.D., but that is believed to be only one possible cause of low levels of this neurotransmitter

Serotonin: there is some evidence that people with social anxiety disorder have reduced serotonin receptors.

Neural Cause: Neurotransmitters

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The amygdala is hypersensitive in people with S.A.D. The amygdala controls fear cognition and emotional learning. This results in affected people overestimating social threats.

The anterior cingulate cortex is also hypersensitive. It usually registers physical pain , but in people with S.A.D., it detects social pain (such as being left out of a group) as physical pain.

Affected Brain Areas

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Dread Self consciousness High performance standards Self-defeating thoughts Inaccurate memory of social events Constant review of actions of possible embarrassment

People affected by social anxiety disorder expect a negative outcome in social situations. They go over scenarios in their head of what could go wrong and how to prevent it. After a social situation, they review and overanalyze everything they do, looking for social errors. This process can take weeks.

Cognitive Symptoms

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Afraid of social activities )group outings, dating, or talking to strangers)

Nervous around authority figures Avoids social interaction Avoids eye contact Crosses Arms

Behavioral Symptoms

Avoidance of social interaction

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Tears Sweating Nausea Heavy breathing Heart Blushing Abnormal walk (so concerned about how others perceive them

that they overthink walking)

These physical symptoms worsen anxiety. Knowing that someone knows you are anxious only makes you more anxious. A combination of these factors can result in a panic attack.

Physiological Symptoms

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Low self-esteem Clinical depression Substance abuse Panic disorder Post traumatic stress disorder Bipolar disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Related Conditions



Bipolar Disorder

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Cognitive behavioral therapy: questions patient’s though process and changes reactions to anxiety provoking situations

Ironically, group sessions help patients with social anxiety disorder because they learn about others who are living with the same condition

A popular treatment for this disorder is self help books, tutorials, and websites

Medication: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the most popular drug. Over the counter drugs for nausea, or other physiological symptoms, are not successful.


Self help treatment

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Having Social Anxiety Disorder is when you do this before talking to people:

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Feel like this around people:

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And feel like this after talking to people:

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People without social anxiety tell you to “just do” things:

“Just introduce yourself”

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But you know it’s not that easy:

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When you’re alone or with friends, you can be like this (performance only S.A.D.):

(Introverted but not anxious)


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On a date you’ve done this:

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And you are constantly frustrated because no one understands:

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