Download - SMUD Commercial Electric Vehicle Procedures Handbook


SMUD Commercial Electric Vehicle

Procedures Handbook

Table of contents

Incentives .............................................................................................................................................. 6

Equipment Eligibility ............................................................................................................................. 6

Installation Site Requirements .............................................................................................................. 6

Installation Requirements (Electrical/Meter) ....................................................................................... 6

Incentives .............................................................................................................................................. 7

Equipment Eligibility ............................................................................................................................. 7

Site Requirements: ................................................................................................................................ 7

Installation Requirements (Electrical/Meter) ....................................................................................... 7

Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) credits ............................................................................................. 8

Product Eligibility: ................................................................................................................................. 9

Site Requirements: ................................................................................................................................ 9

Electrical and Metering Requirements: ................................................................................................ 9

Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) ......................................................................................................... 9

Upon Project Completion ................................................................................................................... 13

Timelines ............................................................................................................................................. 14

Program Timeline: ............................................................................................................................... 17

Incentives: ........................................................................................................................................... 17

Incentive Payment: ............................................................................................................................. 17

Disclosure of Other Incentives: ........................................................................................................... 17

Branding: ............................................................................................................................................. 17

Eligibility: ............................................................................................................................................. 17

EV Requirements:................................................................................................................................ 17

Onsite EV Chargers: ............................................................................................................................. 18

Dedicated EV Data Meter: .................................................................................................................. 18

Charger Certification: .......................................................................................................................... 18

Vehicle Maintenance: ......................................................................................................................... 18

Delayed Application: ........................................................................................................................... 18

Additional Documentation: ................................................................................................................. 18

Disclaimer of Warranties: ................................................................................................................... 18

Program Database: ............................................................................................................................. 18

Program Modification: ........................................................................................................................ 19

Authority to Install Equipment: .......................................................................................................... 19

Withdrawal: ........................................................................................................................................ 19

No Endorsement by SMUD: ................................................................................................................ 19

Dispute Resolution: ............................................................................................................................. 20

Assignment:......................................................................................................................................... 20

No Third-Party Beneficiaries: .............................................................................................................. 20

Date of Enactment: ............................................................................................................................. 20

Renewable Energy Credits: ................................................................................................................. 20

HOV Lane Access: ................................................................................................................................ 20


SMUD’s Commercial EV Mission

To align with statewide goals to reduce carbon emissions, SMUD’s Commercial Electric Vehicle (EV) program supports the growth of commercial vehicle electrification and the increased need for electric vehicle service charging equipment (EVSE) by offering direct incentives for both fleet vehicles and installed on site EVSE installation. SMUD is continuingly looking to lead other municipal utilities in working with customers, contractors, industry, along with state and local governments to expand the EV marketplace and increase its market transformation.

SMUD’s Commercial EV Program Descriptions

SMUD has two EV programs which can be accessed by our ratepayers. The CALeVIP partnership program and the in house SMUD Commercial EV program. Each program should be examined by the customer and contractor to ensure the project uses the most beneficial program.

CALeVIP The California Energy Commission (CEC) was charged by the California legislature to develop and

implement the California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project. The Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE)

was chosen as the statewide implementor. In March of 2019, SMUD became the first utility to directly

partner with the CEC and CSE to provide direct incentive dollars to help fund the CALeVIP program in our

service territory. While the program processing is handled by the CALeVIP and the CSE (Insert link)

SMUD is directly involved with the process and authorizes the rebates for local CALeVIP pro-jects.

Full detail of the program and its policies and procedures can be found at

Sacramento County Project:

Please see the CALeVIP Sacramento Project website for the most up to date and complete pro-gram


CALeVIP Program and Incentives

The Sacramento County CALeVIP Project provides financial incentives for the installation of new Level 2

(L2) and dual standard DC fast charger (DCFC) installations in public or private shared-use locations in

Sacramento County.

The Project will dedicate a portion (25%) of available incentive funding for each equipment type, DC fast

chargers and Level 2 chargers, to disadvantaged communities (DACs). The Project allows sites to apply

incentives to a combination of L2 and DC fast charger equipment and coordinate with simultaneous

regional EV incentive projects to ensure that all Project goals are met and to avoid eligibility limitations

for potential applicants.

Level 2 Charging Installations Incentives

Eligible rebates for projects in Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) include:

▪ Up to $5,500 per Level 2 Charger (per handle)

▪ Additional $1,000 per connector for Multi-unit dwelling

▪ Limit 10 handles per each Site

Eligible rebates for projects outside DACs:

▪ Up to $5,000 per Level 2 Charger (per handle).

▪ Additional $1,000 per connector for Multi-unit dwelling.

▪ Limit 10 handles per each Site.

Equipment Eligibility

▪ Chargers make and model must be on CALeVIP’s.

▪ Eligible Equipment List

Installation Site Requirements

▪ Located in Sacramento County.

▪ Premises must be well-lit, secure and in compliance with all federal, state, and municipal

laws, ordinances, rules, codes, standards, and regulations.

▪ Must be an eligible site: commercial (public availability), workplace (public or private

availability, must be shared use), multi-unit dwelling (public or private availability, must be

shared use), public facility, light-duty fleet use (public or private availability, must be shared

use), or curbside charging.

Installation Requirements (Electrical/Meter)

▪ EV chargers must be installed on a dedicated circuit with a submeter box, socket or can.

Alternatively, a meter blank on the main panel may be provided for SMUD to install a meter

on the circuit to measure electricity delivered to the EV charger.

▪ The SMUD meter must only measure electricity for the EV chargers included in the

application for this incentive. No other electricity loads can be fed through the EV chargers’


▪ A complete set of SMUD Installation requirements can be found in the Electric Service

Requirements. Failure to meet these requirements will make you ineligible for a rebate.

▪ Once your CALeVIP application has been submitted and you have received a reservation of

funds email, a single-line diagram must be submitted to SMUD to streamline installation.

To request a free single-line diagram review, please email [email protected].

DCFC Charging Installations


Eligible rebates for projects in Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) include:

▪ New, stub-out, replacement, or make-ready site: Up to $80,000 per DC fast charger or 80%

of total project cost, whichever is less.

Eligible rebates for projects outside DACs:

▪ New, stub-out, replacement, make-ready site: Up to $70,000 per DC fast charger or 75% of

total project cost, whichever is less.

Equipment Eligibility

▪ Chargers make and model must be on CALeVIP’s.

▪ Eligible Equipment List

Site Requirements:

▪ Located in Sacramento County

▪ Charger(s) are publicly available 24 hours/day, 365 days/year.

▪ Charger(s) must not be located behind a fence or in a gated parking lot closed to the public

after hours.

▪ Premises must be well-lit, secure and in compliance with all federal, state, and municipal

laws, ordinances, rules, codes, standards, and regulations.

▪ Be an eligible site: urban/suburban retail core, retail shopping center, grocery store,

restaurant, gas station, hospital, airport, police or sheriff station, hotel,

city/county/privately-owned parking lot or garage, library, casino, or public transit hub.

▪ All eligible DC fast charger sites are also eligible for Level 2 chargers as part of a combination


Installation Requirements (Electrical/Meter)

▪ EV chargers must be installed on a dedicated circuit with a submeter box, socket or can.

Alternatively, a meter blank on the main panel may be provided for SMUD to install a meter

on the circuit to measure electricity delivered to the EV charger.

▪ The SMUD meter must only measure electricity for the EV chargers included in the

application for this incentive. No other electricity loads can be fed through the EV chargers’


▪ A complete set of meter requirements can be found in the Electric Service Requirements.

Failure to meet these requirements will make you ineligible for a rebate.

▪ Once your CALeVIP application has been submitted and you’ve received a reservation of

funds email, a single-line diagram must be submitted to SMUD to streamline installation.

To request a free single-line diagram review, please email [email protected].

Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) credits

Customer agrees that all credits allowed by the State of California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)

credits program are the property of and belong to SMUD. Customer agrees not to take any actions to

claim such credits to its account. Customer further agrees to assign any such credits to SMUD.

SMUD Commercial EV Program SMUD offers incentives for EV projects within its service territory. SMUDs Commercial EV program is

designed to offer incentives for projects which might not qualify for the CALeVIP Sacramento County

project. Customers may be eligible to participate in both programs but cannot receive both program

incentives on the same unit. However, if max limits are reached in CALeVIP, then any additional

qualifying handles in a project may go through SMUDs Commercial EV program.


SMUD began its Commercial EV program on January 1, 2020.

SMUD Incentives

To achieve the EV market transformation, carbon reduction and commercial EV electrification goals,

SMUD developed the following incentive structures:

Electric Vehicle (EV) Incentives

Classification Duty

Classification Weight limit

Incentive (per vehicle)

BEV Examples

Passenger car Light duty N/A $750 Bolt, BMW I3, Leaf

Class 1 Light truck 0–6,000 pounds $750 Compact truck (BEV)

Class 2a Light truck 6,001–8,500 pounds $750 1/2-ton truck or van (BEV)

Class 2b Light/medium

truck 8,501–10,000 pounds $750 3/4-ton truck or van (BEV)

Class 3 Medium truck 10,001–14,000

pounds $5,000 1-ton truck or van (BEV)

Class 4 Medium truck 14,001–16,000

pounds $5,000 Heavy 1-ton truck or van (BEV)

Class 5 Medium truck 16,001–19,500

pounds $5,000 2-ton truck or van (BEV)

Class 6 Medium truck 19,501–26,000

pounds $7,000 Beverage truck, single axle box (BEV)

Class 7 Heavy truck 26,001–33,000

pounds $7,000

Duel axle box vans, short haul tractor (BEV)

Class 8 Heavy truck 33,001 pounds+ $15,000 Large semi tractors, dump trucks (BEV)

Electric Vehicle Service Equipment (EVSE) Incentives

Charger Type Circuit Average Charging

Times Incentive

(per handle) Notes

Level 1 120V 8 – 20 hours $500 See notes below

Level 2 240V 4 – 8 hours $1,500 No additional network requirements

Level 3/DCFC <50kW 480V ½ hour – 1 hour N/A

Level 3 DCFC >50kW 480V N/A

Level 3 DCFC >150kW

480V N/A

Stub outs

2-inch minimum

spare conduit stub


Must be installed with at least four qualifying and incentivized chargers. Customers may install and collect incentives on up to 10 sub outs per incentivized charger

Additional Program Requirements

Product Eligibility:

▪ All EVs must be Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV). Plug-in Hybrids (PEV) are not eligible for

commercial incentives.

▪ All EVSE must be J1772 or CHAdeMO handled or charging port equipped.

▪ Qualifying electric fleet vehicle must be charged at an EVSE participating in the SMUD

Commercial EV program.

▪ Project must not be receiving any incentive funding from CALeVIP or other SMUD EV

incentive program on the same EVSE unit.

▪ SMUD’s Commercial EV program incentivized projects can participate or stack incentives

from other programs and state grant opportunities., just not from the CALeVIP Sacramento


Site Requirements:

▪ Vehicle charger (EVSE) must be located at and powered by a SMUD commercial account.

▪ Properties that have both SMUD program participating EV chargers and non-participating EV

chargers will not be eligible for EV vehicle incentives.

Electrical and Metering Requirements:

▪ SMUD’s Electrical Service Requirements must be followed, both T004 and T017.

▪ All EV chargers on site must be recorded through a SMUD EV data meter.

Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)

▪ For any project participating in the Commercial EV program, all parties will release the LCFS

credits attributed to the equipment to SMUD, in exchange for acceptance of the incentive.

▪ Customers may qualify for SMUDs LCFS sharing.

Pilot Program Incentive Opportunities (Level 1 Chargers and Stub Outs)

SMUD will offer special onetime incentives for certain projects that provide unique value to the

community. Workplace charging programs can apply for Level 1 chargers and stub out incentives.

Incentives will only be approved where the customer can demonstrate an adequate and equal number

of vehicles on site. Stub outs are limited to 10 stubs out per Level 1 or level 2 charger with a maximum

of 40 per site.

These incentives are strictly limited to a $250/stub out incentive for the addition of up to ten stub outs

per Level 1 or 2 project. SMUD will also consider $250 and All EVSE equipment must have a minimum 5-

year warranty provided in combination by the manufacturer and/or installer to protect the purchaser

against defective workmanship, vehicle, or component breakdown.

Parties in the SMUD Commercial EV Program/Process

The Commercial EV program is available to SMUD commercial customers who receive electricity from


▪ The Host Customer must be the utility customer of record at the location where the Electric

Vehicle Service Equipment (EVSE) is located. The Host Customer may also act as the

Applicant. In circumstances where the Host Customer is not currently an active SMUD

customer, the New Service request work order # and SMUD designer contact info must be

submitted along with the application.

▪ The Equipment Owner is the owner of the equipment at the time the incentive is paid. In

the case of a third party-owned Equipment (a leased EVSE unit, for example), the third party

(or lessor) is the Equipment Owner.

▪ The Applicant is the primary contact for the application process and maybe the Host

Customer, the Installer, or Equipment Owner

▪ The Payee will be the recipient of the incentive and may be the Applicant, Equipment

Owner, Installer, or Host Customer.

▪ Installers install the EVSE units and must possess a Contractors State License Board A, B, C-

10, contractor’s license. In all cases, Equipment must be installed in conformance with the

manufacturers’ specifications and all applicable electrical and building codes and


SMUD Fleet and EVSE Contractors List

SMUD does not maintain a list of contractors. Outside agencies such as CALeVIP Connects, which list

EVSE companies, are accessed by many of our customers.


Project or Fleet Size

There is no limit on project or fleet size; however, incentives are limited to 20 of each type per

project. (i.e. 20 vehicle and 20 EVSE). Larger projects will be considered on a case by case basis and any

additional funds over the 20 units would only be issued at program year-end if funds are still available.

Equipment Warranty

All EVSE equipment must have a minimum 5-year warranty provided in combination by the

manufacturer and/or installer to protect the purchaser against defective workmanship, vehicle, or

component breakdown.

SMUD EV Data Meters

All Equipment will be installed with a SMUD EV data meter. The SMUD EV data meter socket will be

provided by the installer. The meter will be provided by SMUD at no cost.

It is highly encouraged to contact SMUD prior to installation to coordinate meter location and

equipment specifications. Information regarding Commercial Fleet EV data meters can be obtained at

the following web site:



Equipment is intended to be in place for the duration of its useful life. Only permanently installed

equipment are eligible for incentives. This means that the fleet vehicle or EVSE project must

demonstrate adequate assurances of both physical and contractual permanence prior to receiving an

incentive. Physical permanence is to be demonstrated in accordance with industry practice for

permanently installed equipment. Equipment must be secured to a permanent surface. Any indication

of portability, including, but not limited to, temporary structures, quick disconnects, unsecured

equipment, trailer mounted EVSE, or platform, will deem the equipment ineligible.

Inspections and Certifications

SMUD reserves the right to perform inspections for each project. The first, if required, will be after the

Reservation of Incentive Form and required documents are delivered to SMUD. This initial inspection

establishes the accuracy of the application, physical location, and interconnection suitability. The second

inspection can be performed after the project is installed, and receipt of the Notice of Completion has

been received by SMUD. This inspection will document the final vehicle and EVSE specs, and equipment

characteristics along with SMUD previously mentioned Electric Service Requirements- T017.

This is not a formal NEC compliance inspection; however, wiring inconsistencies or electrical connections

may be addressed. If a project fails an inspection by either SMUD or the local authority having

jurisdiction, the contractor will have 30 calendar days from date of inspection failure to bring the project

into compliance, or the project will be dropped from the incentive program. If funds are still available,

the project me reapply for an incentive at that time.

Incentive payments

The customer can choose one of the following options:

▪ Incentive payment made directly to the Host Customer.

▪ Incentive payment made to the Equipment Manufacturer in lieu of Host Customer.

▪ Incentive made to Installation Contractor in lieu of Host Customer.

▪ Incentive payment made to Applicant in lieu of Host Customer.

In no instance will SMUD split an incentive payment among the parties. The parties are free to have

their own arrangements, but SMUD will only issue one payment.

Codes and standards

The installation must comply with any applicable federal or state standards,

ASHRAE, city and county building codes, ASTM, Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC), National Electric Code

(NEC), Uniform Building Code (UBC), California Building Code (CBC) and manufacturer installations

specifications, as appropriate. EVSE installations must meet the highest industry standards in terms of

safety, workmanship, reliability, and performance.

SMUD requires proof of appropriate City/County/State building permits for all installations of EVSE.

Installation shall be considered complete when the relevant City/County building permit has been

signed off by the relevant authority and submitted to SMUD.

Any damage caused by the contractor or workers to the customer’s property or premises shall be

repaired at the contractor’s expense.

Additional Commercial EV Program Requirements

▪ Qualifying electric fleet vehicle must be charged at a charger (EVSE) participating in the

SMUD Commercial EV program.

▪ Vehicle charger (EVSE) must be located at and powered by a SMUD commercial account.

▪ All EV chargers on site must be recorded through a SMUD EV data meter.

o Properties that have both SMUD program participating EV chargers and non-

participating EV chargers will not be eligible for fleet vehicle incentives.

Participating Project Process Flow

Projects Not Requiring SMUD Line Work

A complete and fully executed Reservation of Incentive form and supporting documents are submitted

to SMUD.

▪ Supporting documents include:

o Single Line electrical drawing including load calculation in the main service panel.

o Plan set for project including.

▪ Single Line Electrical drawing including load calculation on the main service


▪ Site plan calling out the location of ESVE unit locations.

o Vehicle Purchase Order which is executed and signed by all parties.

o Executed EVSE contract or if a local government or Muni, proof of an RFP being


o Copy of Building Permit Application and plan check fee payment receipt.

The project must complete within nine months.

Upon Project Completion

The Applicant will submit a Notice of Completion:

▪ Documents needed include:

o Notice of Completion Form

o Copy of project contract(s) for all equipment and vehicles.

▪ Must include Make, Model, and VIN or EVSE serial number.

o Copy of signed off building permit or certificate of self-certification.

▪ PE stamp is required for self-certification.

SMUD will, after ensuring all documents have been submitted:

▪ Schedule a site inspection, if required.

▪ Request an EV data meter be set by SMUD meter technicians.

▪ Record EVSE unit’s data into the CARB database for LCFS registration.

o Make, Model, Serial Number, SMUD account meter number, and GPS coordinates for

each EVSE unit.

After EV data meter installation and notification from CARB of SMUD success in registering the EVSE

units, SMUD will issue incentive requests.

▪ Incentives usually take 10-14 business days to be processed and mail to payees.

Projects Requiring SMUD Line Work

A complete and fully executed Reservation of Incentive Form and supporting documents are submitted

to SMUD.

▪ Supporting documents include:

o Plan set for project including:

▪ Single Line Electrical drawing including load calculation on the main service


▪ Site plan calling out the location of ESVE unit locations.

▪ Vehicle Purchase Order which is signed by all parties.

▪ EVSE contract or if a local government or Muni, proof of an RFP being issued.

▪ SMUD Rule 16 application and deposit must have been submitted and underway.

▪ Copy of Building Permit Application and plan check fee payment receipt.

The project must complete within 18 months.

Reserved incentives for projects that fail to comply with any or all the above specified milestones will be

released and redirected to other projects.


All timelines start the first business day after SMUD receives the documents at

[email protected].

▪ Upon receipt of Reservation of Incentive form SMUD has 30 days to process, accept or reject.

o A confirmation email with an approved and counter signed Reservation of Incentive

form is sent upon approval to both applicant and host customer.

▪ Applicant completes project.

o Projects not requiring SMUD line work are to be competed in nine months.

o Projects requiring SMUD line work are to be competed in 18 months.

o Upon project completion applicant will submit a Notice of Completion.

▪ Upon receipt of Notice of Completion SMUD has 14 days to accept or reject the notice of


o If Notice of Completion is accepted, SMUD will request an EV data meter be set.

▪ EV data meters are set within 10-14 days of request date.

o If Notice of Completion is accepted, SMUD will register the EVSE units with CARB.

▪ CARB usually takes 30 days to complete registration. SMUD is unable to commit

to a timeline on the CARB registration process.

If an issue is found, the applicant will have 30 days to correct the document and resubmit the corrected

documents. This will restart the 30-day timeline.

▪ While SMUD will strive to meet these goals, it is possible that an individual application will take

longer due to unforeseen circumstances.

How to Participate Details To be eligible for an incentive, the applicant must submit a Reservation of Incentive Form and required

documents through the [email protected] inbox. The link to the Reservation of Incentive form:

INSERT LINK HERE. The applicant must meet all SMUD Commercial Fleet program requirements prior to

receiving an incentive. All-electric vehicle and EVSE units receiving incentives under the SMUD PV

Incentive pro-gram must be connected to the local electric utility’s distribution system and have a SMUD

EV data meter installed.

Application Process

1. Applicant

Submits Reservation of Incentive form

▪ Applicant downloads Reservation of Incentive form at INSERT HYPERLINK.

▪ Applicant prints and fills out all fields and obtains applicable signatures on SMUD Reservation of

Incentive form.

▪ Applicant sends signed Reservation of Incentive form and required additional documentation to


o Single line diagram

o Site plan (if applicable, see above)

o Copy of contracts pertinent to the purchase, installation, and/or financing of EV fleet

units and EVSE units.

o Contract and Purchase Order for vehicles

▪ If governmental or municipal agency proof of RFP for EVSE equipment and


o Rule 16 application

▪ Rule 16 SMUD work order number.

▪ Copy of building department applications and plan check fee receipt. Self-

inspection agencies excluded.

Supporting Documents

If supporting required documents are not submitted with Reservation of Incentive form, the applicant

will be informed of the deficiency, and the project will not be considered for approval. If the required

documents are not received within 30 days, the application will be placed at the back of the queue.


Receives project documents at [email protected].

▪ Reviews Reservation of Incentive form & documents.

o Reviews one-line & site plan drawings.

o Reviews financing application if applicable.

o Pre-installation inspection may be scheduled.

▪ Upon favorable review of the above,

o SMUD confirms the Reservation of Incentive and moves the project to reserved status.

▪ SMUD issues an email notifying applicant and host customer of reservation acceptance.

3. Applicant

Submits Notice of Completion

▪ After receiving email notification of Reserved Funds status, the applicant completes vehicle

purchase, EVSE installation, and gets a final building permit or Authority Having Jurisdiction

approval, the applicant submits the notice of completion.

o Documents required:

▪ Notice of Completion form.

▪ Proof of Building Department (AHJ) Final Inspection.

▪ Revised drawing set if applicable.

▪ Copies of applicable project contracts. Including vehicle, EVSE and installation



Receives Notice of Completion

▪ Reviews documentation

o SMUD may schedule an inspection of the project and vehicles.

o Any project changes since SMUD issued Reserved status should be submitted at this

time as they can modify incentive amount.

o Program staff requests installation of EV data meter

▪ The meter shop will inspect to ensure adherence to SMUD Electric Service

Requirements ESR-T014 before installing the EV data meter.

▪ If the project fails the meter set inspection, the customer will be notified by

meter shop regarding required repairs needed.

o Program staff records relevant EVSE data with CARB to register EVSE chargers in LCFS


o EVSE data required includes:

▪ Make, Model, serial number, SMUD account meter number and GPS coordinate

for EVSE.

• Note a single GPS coordinate can cover 15’ on each side or 30’ totals to

allow for a group, but all EVSE under that GPS coordinate must be

within that 30’ distance.

SMUD emails acceptance of the Notice of Completion to Applicant and Host Customer.


Issues incentive payment only after the following:

▪ SMUD verifies the EV data meter is set and operational.

o Expect EV data meter inspection and set approximately 10-14 business days after SMUD

approval of the Notice of Completion.

▪ SMUD is notified by CARB that the EVSE units have been successfully registered to SMUD.

o CARB approval can take up to 14-30 days for processing.

▪ SMUD requests incentive payment be mailed.

o Approximately 14-28 days after EV data meter set and CARB notification.

Terms and Conditions for Program Participation As a condition of participation in the SMUD Commercial EV program, the Host Custom-er and Equipment

Owner must acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions, which supplement and are

in addition to the program requirements described throughout this handbook and the contract attached

to the Reservation of Incentive Form.

Program Timeline: Effective date of this program is January 1, 2020. Only vehicle purchases completed

after this date, as identified by the bill of sale or contract date attached to the application submitted to

SMUD, are eligible. Only EVSE installations completed after this date, as identified by the final building

permit approval date attached to the application submitted to SMUD, are eligible.

Incentives: If the Project is installed as described on the Reservation of Incentive Form and all Program

and Contract terms and conditions are complied with, including timely submission of all documents

described in the SMUD Commercial Fleet Program Handbook, SMUD will pay an incentive to the entity

designated as the incentive recipient. SMUD reserves the right to modify or cancel the incentive if the

actual EVSE equipment, electric fleet vehicles or installation of the equipment does not meet the SMUD

Commercial Fleet Program guidelines, or if the project fails inspection, and/or if the documents

submitted fail to meet the requirements of the SMUD Commercial Fleet Program Handbook.

Incentive Payment: Payment will be mailed within 14-24 days subsequent to SMUD receiving and

approving all required documentation. Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis,

and incentive is subject to availability of funds.

Disclosure of Other Incentives: The Host Customer and Equipment Owner understand that other

program rebates, grants, forgiven loans, financial incentives, post-installation agreements, third party

LCFS agreements, and performance payments are “other incentives” and must be disclosed as soon as

those agreements or payments are made.

Branding: Customer agrees to allow SMUD branding on all electric vehicles and charging equipment

receiving incentives.

Eligibility: The SMUD Commercial Fleet Program is funded by SMUD utility customers and administered

by SMUD for customers within its service territory. Eligible participants in the SMUD Commercial Fleet

Program must be current electric distribution customers of SMUD at the facility (“Project Site”) where

the EVSE and vehicles will be installed and operated.

EV Requirements: Customer must be a SMUD commercial customer and the electric vehicles under this

incentive application must be registered and charged at a commercial address with an active meter

receiving SMUD electric service, and on EV chargers that are participating in and registered under the

SMUD EV program.

Onsite EV Chargers: All applicable chargers on site must be participating in SMUD EV program even if

installed previously. Please contact program management if you have questions about charger eligibility

at [email protected].

Dedicated EV Data Meter: All EV chargers must be installed on a dedicated circuit, and a sub-meter box,

or meter blank on main panel must be provided for EV chargers which charge incentivized vehicle. A

dedicated SMUD meter will be installed (by SMUD) on the circuit to measure electricity delivered to the

EV charger. This SMUD meter must measure only electricity to the EV chargers charging electric vehicles

i.e. no other ancillary electricity to lighting, landscaping, other electricity load, can be fed through the EV

chargers’ meter.

Charger Certification: The EV charger must be new equipment, UL or equivalent certified by a National

Recognized Testing Laboratory, installed for the first time, hardwired on a wall or pedestal mounting. EV

chargers must be installed by a qualified and licensed contractor in accordance with all state and local

codes, permitting, and inspection requirements. All EV chargers must utilize the SAE J1772 charge

coupler (or equivalent).

Vehicle Maintenance: Customer agrees to maintain the electric vehicles in good working order and to

promptly repair any non- or under-performing equipment reported to Customer.

Delayed Application: In the event a vehicle is delivered before a Reservation of Incentive form is

submitted a complete incentive application package must be postmarked within 60 days of the electric

vehicle purchase and charging date. Applications are not considered to be received until all required

documentation is complete and received at SMUD’s offices. Failure to provide all the required

documentation by this date may result in incentive ineligibility.

Additional Documentation: Customer agrees that SMUD reserves the right to request additional

documentation prior to incentive payment. The incentive payment may be denied by SMUD if this

condition is not met by the customer.

Disclaimer of Warranties: SMUD makes no representations, expressed or implied, regarding the design,

construction, reliability, efficiency, performance, operation, maintenance, or use of any equipment or

installation discussed, selected, rejected, purchased, or otherwise considered by customer. Any

decisions regarding the selection, design, purchase, installation, use and operation of any equipment or

consideration or selection of any contractor shall be at the sole discretion and are the sole responsibility

of the customer.

Program Database: The Host Customer and Equipment Owner shall agree to allow all information

provided as part of the Commercial Fleet Reservation of Incentive and Notice of Completion’s incentive

payment process to be entered into a SMUD database that will allow SMUD to register the EVSE units

with CARB for LCFS credit purposes. SMUD also will use all information provided in an internal database

to record and track the project process and incentive payment. This information will be available to

internal SMUD staff on this and other SMUD incentive programs.

Customer shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless SMUD, its directors, officers, agents, and

employees against all claims, loss, damage, expense, and liability asserted or incurred by other parties,

including but not limited to SMUD’s employees, arising out of or in any way connected with the

incentive payment and caused by the acts, omissions, intent or negligence, whether active or passive, of

customer, its agents, employees, and suppliers, and excepting only such loss, damage, or liability as may

be caused by the intentional act or the sole negligence of SMUD.

Program Modification: SMUD expressly reserves the right to modify, amend or terminate the program,

in whole or in part, at any time and for any reason without prior notice.

Authority to Install Equipment: The Host Customer, Applicant, and Equipment Owner represent that

they have the authority to operate and install the electric fleet vehicles and EVSE units at the Project Site

or have obtained the permission of the legal owner of the Project Site, for said project. Equipment

Owner and Host Customer shall, at their own expense, obtain and maintain all licenses and permits

needed to perform work on the project.

Withdrawal: The Host Customer and Equipment Owner agree that either of them may withdraw from

the project for any reason by providing written notice of such withdrawal to SMUD. In the event the

Host Customer or Equipment Owner so withdraws, this Agreement will be canceled, and the Host

Customer alone will retain sole rights to the reservation. To preserve the reservation, the Host Customer

must submit a new Reservation of Incentive form at the same time written notification of withdrawal

from the project is provided to SMUD. Host Customer understands that if all available funds are

reserved for other Projects, the Host Customer cannot increase the originally reserved incentive

amount. Host Customer also understands that submitting a new Reservation of Incentive form will not

move or alter the project timeline required by SMUD. Host Customer further understands that if Host

Customer fails to resubmit a Reservation of Incentive form at the time of Project withdrawal, this

application will be terminated in its entirety by SMUD, and any previously reserved incentive funding

will be released. In that instance, Host Customer must apply for a new incentive reservation should Host

Customer still wish to participate in the Commercial Fleet program.

No Endorsement by SMUD: Host Customer and Equipment Owner understand that SMUD’s review of

the project described herein (Project) and Reservation of Incentive shall not be construed as confirming

or endorsing the qualifications of the Applicant or any person(s) involved with the project, including but

not limited to the Project installer(s), designer(s), or manufacturer(s); endorsing the Project design; or as

warranting the economic value, safety, durability or reliability of the project. The Host Customer is solely

responsible for the project, including the selection of any designer(s), manufacturer(s), contractor(s), or

installer(s). Host Customer and Equipment Owner understand that they, and any third parties involved

with the project, are independent contractors and are not authorized to make any representations on

behalf of SMUD. Host Customer and Equipment Owner shall not use SMUD’s corporate name,

trademark, trade name, logo, identity, or affiliation for any reason, without the prior written consent of


Dispute Resolution: The parties to this Contract shall attempt in good faith to resolve any dispute arising

out of or relating to this Contract promptly by negotiations between SMUD or his or her designated

representative and an executive of similar authority from Equipment Owner and/or Host Customer.

Either party must give the other party or parties written notice of any dispute. Within thirty (30)

calendar days after delivery of the notice, the executives shall meet at a mutually acceptable time and

place and shall attempt to resolve the dispute. If the matter has not been resolved within thirty (30)

calendar days of the first meeting, any party may pursue other remedies, including mediation. All

negotiations and any mediation conducted pursuant to this clause are confidential and shall be treated

as compromise and settlement negotiations, to which Section 1152.5 of the California Evidence Code

shall apply, and Section 1152.5 is incorporated herein by reference. Notwithstanding the preceding

provisions, a party may seek a preliminary injunction or other provisional judicial remedies if, in its

judgment, such action is necessary to avoid irreparable damage or to preserve the status quo. Each

party is required to continue to perform its obligations under this Contract pending final resolution of

any dispute arising out of or relating to this Contract.

Assignment: Neither Equipment Owner nor Host Customer shall assign its rights or delegate its duties

without the prior written consent of SMUD or its assignee, if any, except in connection with the sale or

merger of a substantial portion of its assets. Any such assignment or delegation without the prior

written consent of SMUD or its assignee, if any, shall be null and void. Consent to assignment shall not

be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Equipment Owner and Host Customer must provide assurance of

the success of a Project if assigned by providing any additional information requested by SMUD.

No Third-Party Beneficiaries: This Contract is not intended to confer any rights or remedies upon any

other persons other than the undersigned Parties hereto.

Date of Enactment: These Terms and Conditions apply for all incentive application packages

submitted/postmarked January 1, 2020 and subsequent.

Renewable Energy Credits: Customer understand by acknowledging below that participation in SMUD's

Zero-Carbon Electric Vehicle Program does not grant the ability to claim renewable energy credits or any

carbon savings through participation in the program.

HOV Lane Access: Customer understand that no additional benefits such as HOV lane access or parking

privileges are granted by participation in the SMUD Zero-Carbon Commercial Electric Vehicle Program.

Customers must check with state or local jurisdictions regarding those benefits.