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    14/12/14 18:21Pharma Treasures: Air Flow Visualization (smoke test) and contamination control - FDA's inspectional observations (483's)

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    Pharma treasures is an informatory site, which shares pharma related articles. The ultimate goal of this site is to become a knowledge hub

    by gathering all pharma related technical information under one roof...... This blog mainly talks about QMS,cGMP,Regulatory Filings &

    Guidelines,Validation & Qualifications,Drug Stability,FDA 483s &Media Fill. Hope this blog will cater the needs of both freshers and

    experienced professionals.

    Monday, 7 October 2013

    Air Flow Visualization (smoke test) and contamination control - FDA's inspectional observations (483's)




    Air flow visualization studies are intended to demonstrate

    visual evidence of air flow direction. The test helps to identify

    stagnant areas within a clean room; these areas can further

    act as a channel or reservoir of contaminants. The test can

    also be used to demonstrate the effects on airflow caused by


    The predominant sources of contaminants within a clean room are people

    and machinery. Air flow patterns in the clean zones can be easily

    disturbed by the factors such as machine guarding, equipment design,

    inappropriate component specifications or necessary interventions. These

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    This blog is written by Don Jacob,I vebeen blogging for almost three years,with a great enthusiasm to gain andshare knowledge by spending hours

    and hours and hours in literature searching andreading. I do enjoying this, because it is mypassion........ Please understand that the articlesposted in this blog is gathered from differentsources and may not be 100% scientificallyauthenticated .But I tried to be fair andtrustworthy while researching and posting eachand every topics. I do hope you enjoy this blog asmuch as I enjoy researching the posts and topicsdiscussed.

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  • 7/26/2019 Smoke Study English


    14/12/14 18:21Pharma Treasures: Air Flow Visualization (smoke test) and contamination control - FDA's inspectional observations (483's)

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    factors can altogether contributes to a higher potential risk of air borne


    FDA and regulatory agencies in the EU ask for documented studies about

    air flows in critical zones under dynamic conditions. Turbulence and

    stagnant air can act as a channel or reservoir for the accumulation of air

    borne contaminants.

    Smoke studies provides visual evidence of air flow direction. If a particle

    or air born contaminant enters a clean room, the smoke test will

    demonstrate where the particle will likelymove.

    Desired airflow characteristics in clean room are

    1.Air flow move toward potential sources of contamination and away from

    the product path. Ex:HEPA filtered air should not flow over clean room

    personnel and then over the product path.

    2.Air should be flowing smoothly in one direction with no turbulence or


    3. For movement within the air stream, such as a person manipulating

    materials or product, air disruption should recover quickly to regain

    unidirectional flow.



    WHO GMP For Sterile Pharmaceutical Products Working document

    QAS/09.295 Rev.1

    Grade A: The uniformity and effectiveness of the unidirectional flow

    shall be demonstrated by undertaking airflow visualization tests

    EU GMP Annex 1It should be demonstrated that air-flow patterns do not present acontamination risk, e.g. care should be taken to ensure that air flows do

    not distribute particles from a particle generating person, operation ormachine to a zone of higher product risk.

    Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention (PIC/S)GMP Annex 1 Revision

    2008 Interpretation Of Most Important Changes For The

    Manufacture Of Sterile Medicinal Products -Recommendation January


    Non-viable particles should be measured and are expected to meet grade

    A requirements. Smoke studies should be performed.

    FDA Guidance Document Sterile Drug Products Produced by AsepticProcessing Current Good Manufacturing Practice (September 2004)

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  • 7/26/2019 Smoke Study English


    14/12/14 18:21Pharma Treasures: Air Flow Visualization (smoke test) and contamination control - FDA's inspectional observations (483's)

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    Posted by Don at 09:43

    determine that the personnel activities do not negatively

    affect air flow patterns within ISO 5 hoods.

    7. The smoke study does not demonstrate critical aseptic

    connections performed during the assembly of ISO 5 hoods

    used to fill sterile pharmaceuticals.

    In any environment where human operators are involved ,microbial

    contamination is inevitable .Carefully designed ventilating system and

    operating practices can protect the product from contamination risks to

    some extent. Airflow visualization helps to diagnose problems such as

    excess contamination build up in clean room.

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