Download - SMARTS Newsletter Issue 12

  • 8/14/2019 SMARTS Newsletter Issue 12


    None of this detracts from the large number of bespoke enterprise solutions

    being developed for clients, and this type of work will continue. It provides a

    useful set of tools and capabilities to deliver more comprehensive solutions with

    better integration to businesses.

    A key strength of Intergens work is its Microsoft Gold Certified Partner status.

    To ensure this status continues competencies have been developed in four areas:

    >> Business Process & Integration Solutions

    >> Information Worker Solutions with a specialisation in Portals &

    Enterprise Content Management

    >> Data Management Solutions with a specialisation in

    Business Intelligence

    >> Custom Development Solutions.

    We are also working to complete the requirements for Business

    Solutions competency with specialisations in both Dynamics

    CRM and Dynamics NAV.

    These competencies and specialisations have been specifically

    targeted, as together they reflect exactly the kind of solutions

    that will be the mainst ay of Intergens business for the future.

    You will find an early preview of 2007 Office System in this edition of SMARTS

    and you will see much more over the coming months. We welcome the opportunity

    to talk to you more about why we are so excited, and I hope we will have an

    opportunity to work with you in the future to help your organisation realise the

    benefits of the new generation of technologies.

    The upcoming release of Microsofts 2007 Office System

    is very exciting. It is more significant than just anotherupgrade to Office. The 2007 Office System has a

    suite of 14 client applications and five servers

    that present huge possibilities for

    productivity enhancement.

    Office System required a significant investment from

    Intergen in training, recruiting staff with different skill

    sets and acquiring businesses with the necessary skills

    to complete our skills and experience. In addition to

    Intergens technical development and deployment skills,

    its capabilities in areas such as Business Process, InformationArchitecture, Business Intelligence, CRM, Finance, Workflow

    and Enterprise Search have also improved.

    The focus on 2007 Office System goes hand in hand with Intergens

    acquisition of a Microsoft Dynamics NAV business and a growing number

    of Dynamics CRM implementations. There are great benefits in combining

    Intergens broad set of technical skills gained through the development of

    numerous bespoke solutions with an increasing amount of business-focused

    application implementation, configuration and customisation.

    < Copyright 2006 Intergen Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission of Intergen Limited >

    I S S U E T W E L V E

    >> HOT NEWS:

    >> T H E I N T E L L I G E N T B U S I N E S S M A G A Z I N E

    Productivity enhancement you bet!

    [email protected]

    2007 Office System:A two pagesummary of 2007 Office System is a

    challenge our writer almost failed, but

    with tight editing we got there. So for

    those who want a succinct summary of

    the most significant improvements and

    features check out pages 4 and 5.

    TechEd 2006: TechEd was a sell-outand as usual a great success. Intergen

    were there in force with yellow seen in

    every direction!! As well as running the

    Hands-On-Labs we had three speakers

    in Auckland and one at the Gold Coast.

    Andrew Tokeley was, for the second

    year running, voted the best non-

    Microsoft speaker. Thanks to Microsoft

    for running such a great event.

    On the move: Intergen Wellington is

    moving to new premises in December.Due to increasing staff numbers we are

    moving over the road to Plunket House,

    126-132 Lambton Quay. All contact

    details will be the same. We look

    forward to seeing you in our new offices.

    SERVICES >> 2










    Intergens BA/Consulting Team

  • 8/14/2019 SMARTS Newsletter Issue 12


    The scalability of our solution, the depth and breadth of its functionality and

    our knowledge is such that we can provide a return on investment to clients

    whether they have a small five user system or a very large system with over

    150 users. The industries we support are as diverse as the size of our clients.

    Our clients include not for profit organisations, SOEs, distribution companies,

    a holiday resort, government agencies, local authorities and many more.


    Prior to 1988 all New Zealand ports were owned by Harbour Boards which simply

    levied rates to fund their operations. Since commercialisation, financial

    management systems were installed in the late 80s and early 90s, many of

    which were still used until last year.

    But a changing market presents shifting challenges. Mason Robinson, accountant

    for Port Nelson, says, A lot of the management decisions and drivers that led

    to decision making were no longer being identified through the financial

    management reporting systems.

    In a relatively small city like Nelson,

    we didnt want to head towards the

    likes of Oracle databases where you

    need specialised staff. Instead, the Port chose to go with Microsoft SQL Server.

    Essentially Port Nelson needed a program that would combine the information

    from accounting, payroll and harbour management software, creating an overall

    picture of the ports current state.

    On Christmas Eve 2004, Port Nelson finalised the deal to implement the MicrosoftDynamics NAV accounting application, and throughout January 2005, both

    Dynamics NAV and PayGlobal were put through their paces in scoping exercises.

    PayGlobal went live in February 2005, followed by Dynamics NAV in May.

    According to Parke Pittar, Port Nelsons Chief Commercial Officer, a close

    partnership has been critical to the systems success. The team clearly understood

    our business and our needs and are a key factor to the success of the

    implementation. They did a very thorough implementation plan, provided the

    right level of technical detail and strong support they just got the job done.


    < S M A R T S - T H E I N T E L L I G E N T B U S I N E S S M A G A Z I N E . I S S U E T W E L V E >>> S E R V I C E S>>2

    Asuperchargeto Intergen clients

    Intergen can now provide a complete end to end

    solution of all the information in an organisation.

    The result of combining Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP suite and Intergens Business

    Solutions team is bringing together people, process and collaboration, content,

    and process technologies into an integrated solution a solution that can work

    harmoniously to capture ideas, experiences, knowledge and financial information.The complete lifecycle of all enterprise information, i.e. its creation, sharing, archiving,

    retrieval and eventually its deletion can be managed right across the organisation!

    The Intergen Business Solutions team

    Intergen Business Solutions supplies, implements and supports Microsoft Dynamics

    NAV. Dynamics NAV is a comprehensive suite of software application modules

    including applications for retailers, manufacturers, wholesale distributors, and

    service companies doing business domestically or in multiple countries.

    By leveraging the services available from the other Intergen teams, we are able

    to provide useful business information tools to staff right across the organisation.

    Now for the first time forecasters and analysts, sales and marketing, customer

    service and warehouse personnel are all able to interact and contribute to the

    success of your company.

    Why the Business Solutions team

    The Intergen Business Solutions team was formed from the original purchase

    of the Ernst & Young Navision practice. The team has an enviable record of

    success and many years of experience with Microsoft Dynamics NAV including

    implementing over 40 solutions.

    Richard Jacobs

    What do you do?Lead Intergens newest team, called Business

    Solutions. As well as strategic thinking Im

    focussed on the welfare of our greatest

    asset, our people. I see it very simply, our

    staff come to work for three key reasons:

    have fun, make an impact, make a living.

    How do you make a difference?

    I originally trained as an accountant,however the last 15 years have been in the

    IT business in a variety of roles. As a former

    ERP user I have first hand practical

    knowledge of the potential operational

    issues. I see business as common sense

    investment needs to have an ROI. This

    approach helps when looking for the value

    proposition we can provide our customers.

    What do you love about your job?I love mentoring and seeing my team grow

    in confidence, skill and experience. I enjoy

    the thrill of the chase when looking for new

    clients and the feedback from clients who

    commend the teams good work.

    A bit about meI live in Auckland with my beautiful wife,

    Philippa, two lovely daughters (aged 16

    and 14) and my son 11. My hobbies include

    boating, fishing, hydroponics, an old toy

    collection, and in Latin Ballroom and Rock

    n Roll dancing. We are actively involved

    in Christian Life Centre Auckland. I am also

    on the Board of Trustees for Botany Downs

    Secondary College.

    Two Intergen case studies

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    < S M A R T S - T H E I N T E L L I G E N T B U SI N E S S M A G A Z I N E . I S S U E T W E L V E > >>3>> S E R V I C E S

    Users have unique and valuable knowledge about theprocesses specific to their roles within the business.

    Therefore, it is critical to test processes behind an

    applications functionality to ensure the system

    complies with all business procedures and workflows.

    A user is any person who uses an application. For example, most of us are users

    of various applications at work, such as e-mail, payroll, or an accounting or call

    desk support system. User acceptance testing (UAT) is performed by users of the

    application once it goes into production. The primary objectives of UAT are to

    ensure that the system requirements have been met and to test usability and

    business processes behind the applications functionality.

    >> Where does UAT fit within testing?

    UAT usually comes at the end of the testing cycle.

    User Acceptance Testing

    >> Various aspects of UAT

    UAT needs to be planned and managed

    to be successful. Some aspects that should

    be considered prior to UAT are defining

    scope, schedule and user groups, writing

    documentation and providing training for

    participating users.

    >> Let us help you

    We encourage our clients to perform user

    acceptance testing to prove that the

    delivered solution meets their needs and

    to give them confidence in the final

    product. UAT can be a complex and

    involved process that stretches far beyondtesting of the application. Intergen can

    offer guidance through the UAT process

    to ensure that clients achieve the most

    value out of it and to provide confidence

    that the application is ready for production.


    McKenzie & Willis has been operating for over 100 years, and today is a

    high-end provider of luxury furniture with stores throughout the South Island

    and a Natuzzi-branded store in Auckland.

    Until 2000 each branch did out its own accounts, which meant the company

    struggled to obtain the big picture. The tools and processes werent there to

    deliver what they needed.

    We had six computers in the whole company based in the back office, with none

    of them talking to each other, says McKenzie & Willis director Tim Willis. There

    was a combined creditors and general ledger program, with a separate debtors


    This meant there was no accurate record of inventory, supply chain management,

    reporting and calculating the most vital KPI of all gross profit.

    A fully integrated accounting solution was needed to realise the opportunities

    for McKenzie & Willis.

    After presentations from prospective vendors, McKenzie and Willis selected the

    Microsoft Dynamics NAV (formally Navision) product as ideal to deliver to the

    requirements for an integrated solution. The Intergen team were tasked with the

    implementation and addressing the need for the integrated solution.

    Today McKenzie & Willis is a changed business. There are more than 60 computers

    in use throughout the branches and, most importantly, they all talk to each

    other. Dynamics NAV provides the automation, integration and management

    capabilities the company was looking for, from supply chain management through

    to point of sale.






    Testing of individual components

    Testing of how well components work together

    Testing of functionality, performance, reliability,

    usability, etc.

    Testing of how well the system fits within the

    business environment and processes

    Selective retesting of the system to ensure

    that fixes and modifications have not caused

    additional defects

    For more information about UAT and

    Intergens quality assurance process

    contact: [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 SMARTS Newsletter Issue 12


    < S M A R T S - T H E I N T E L L I G E N T B U SI N E S S M A G A Z I N E . I S S U E T W E L V E >>> T E C H N I C A L P R E V I E W>>4

    Mission Impossible Microsoft OfficeSystem Suite Highlights

    The upcoming release of the 2007 Office System is an exciting leap forward.

    It provides a powerful set of tools to enable organisations and their information

    workers to work more efficiently with ever increasing amounts of information.

    There are many significant improvements and opportunities that the 2007

    Office System brings. In this SMARTS issue we would like to highlight just

    a few of the significant features and improvements.


    The new client applications for Word, Excel and PowerPoint feature a new user interface that focuses on a results-driven user

    experience. The primary interface is called the Ribbon and provides contextual access to the tools and options a user needs.

    What this means is when a user creates a table the Ribbon changes to show options for working with tables. Insert an image

    and the ribbon shows options for working with images. This change to a dynamic contextual user interface, with richer tooltips,

    allows users to easily discover the rich formatting and productivity features that are currently buried in Office client applications

    sub-menus and pop-up panels.

    The Ribbon also provides significant improvements

    to how custom functions and features can be integrated

    into Office client applications. This enables developersthe ability to easily extend and integrate the Office

    client applications and meet specific business needs.


    Arguably more significant than the shift in the user interface, is the adoption

    of a new file format for Office documents. The file extensions for Word, Excel

    and PowerPoint documents are extended with the addition of an x, .docx , xlsx,

    pptx. Or if the document is macro enabled then they are extended with the

    addition of an m .docm, .xlsm, .pptm. Now corporate policy can easily determine

    which documents are macro-enabled and are possible security risks coming into

    the corporate network.

    The new file format is also considerably more robust and significantly smaller.

    A current .doc Word document saved as a .docx will be over 50% smaller

    in file size. This not only reduces the required storage space, but also offers

    a significant reduction in network and email traffic with smaller documents

    being moved around.

    And for those worried about backwards compatibility with Office XP and Office

    2003, there is already a public available beta of the Compatibility Pack:


    While the new Office client applications enable users to author great documents,

    the 2007 Office System includes SharePoint Technologies that provide effective

    tools to store, share and manage these documents.

    Windows SharePoint Services version 3 (WSS v3) continues to enable collaboration,

    and now provides improved features for document management and workflow.

    With minor and major versioning, version roll-back, forced check out and automated

    approval workflows, WSS v3 boasts a rich set of features to support creating,

    controlling and sharing information.

    This core document management capability is also complemented by, the ability

    to easily publish an RSS feed of a document library allowing users to email

    documents directly into a document library, and new site templates to create

    Wiki and Blog sites.Illustration 1: the Ribbon

    enhances the user experience

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    >> T E C H N I C A L P R E V I E W < S M A R T S - T H E I N T E L L I G E N T B U S I N E SS M A G A Z I N E . I S S U E T W E L V E > >>5

    Stephen Dujakovic

    What do you do?

    I am the Solutions Manager at Intergens

    Christchurch office. I capture our clients

    needs, translate them into geek-speak

    for our Development & Integration team

    and make sure we deliver what the client

    expects us to deliver, within timeframe

    and budget.

    How do you make a difference?I have been privileged to experience all

    three sides of the story during my career:

    as a developer, employer and a client.

    This gives me an insight into everyones

    challenges and helps me understand

    what they need to succeed.

    What do you love about your job?

    It is extraordinary to have so many

    talented people around me to learn from.

    The fact that I can learn and improve

    every day makes me get up every day

    (and sometimes stay late at night).

    A bit about yourself

    A combination of Gallic and Slavic blood

    can give interesting results. Very

    passionate sommelier, keen football and

    basketball player, opinionated I am

    also a proud papa of my nine-month old

    daughter, Clara.

    Illustration 2: Enhanced document managementcapabilities of the 2007 Office System.


    Building on the WSS v3 features to provide enterprise solutions to Document

    Management, Web Content Management, Forms Management and Record Keeping,

    is Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS). One of the important new solutions

    MOSS enables is an Of ficial File Store to meet record keeping requirements for

    all content including, documents, web content, emails and non-digital assets.

    Through workflow and information policies an organisation can control their

    official records, automate archiving, manage retention and disposal policies, and

    place holds on records. This solution is designed to help organisations achieve

    compliance with standards and legislation such as the Public Records ACT 2005

    in New Zealand and the Sarbanes-Oxley ACT 2002 in the United States.


    Business Intelligence solutions span a number of new features in the 2007 Office

    System. The Excel client application provides some easy to use conditional

    formatting features to easily visualise patterns within data. These Excel documents

    can then be published to a SharePoint document library to be controlled and

    shared from a central repository.

    Excel and MOSS both provide new data connection functionality to streamline

    integrating and viewing data from SQL Server 2005 cubes or other data sources. Within

    MOSS the new Business Data Catalogue has a framework for integrating application

    data into a SharePoint solution. This can be done either as a read-only view, or by

    supporting pushing data changes back to the external applications, or utilising the

    new Excel Services that provide a web services model for accessing spreadsheets.


    So how do you squeeze all you want to say about one of Microsofts biggest

    ever software releases into a two page spread? Well, you squash a whole list of

    other features into the last section:

    >> Improved search with best bets and keyword management, usage reports,

    and some cool features around social networking

    >> Significant improvements to customsing the user interface through the use

    of master pages

    >> Security trimming of the menus and actions to improve the user experience

    >> Take document libraries offline with Outlook 2007 integration

    >> New site manager that unifies tools and tasks for site administration

    >> Enhanced profile management, storage and audience targeting to provide

    a rich personalised experience

    >> New features to facilitate content translation and content reuse

    >> Create and publish compliant web forms using InfoPath and MOSS or

    integrate InfoPath forms into ASP.NET websites or even windows applications

    >> Enhanced Single Sign-On features l everaging new authentication providers

    >> Improved task management and visualisation of tasks within a gantt chart.

    Illustration 3: The Core SharePointinvestments that provide an extensibleframework for enterprise solutions

    [email protected]




    Eamon ORourke










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    < S M A R T S - T H E I N T E L L I G E N T B U S I N E S S M A G A Z I N E . I S S U E T W E L V E >>> I N T E R G E N A T L A R G E>>6

    Duncan Smith

    What do you do?

    I am an Auckland-based Senior Team Lead

    Developer in the Development & Integration

    team. My role is to guide the development

    team to ensure that projects use the best

    choice of technology, with a focus in the

    Business Intelligence space.

    How do you make a difference?

    I provide an intuitive link between the clientand the development team to increase

    project efficiency and ensure a clear

    understanding of the deliverables. Keep

    things simple is my motto and

    I put this into practice by making use of

    the most suitable technologies.

    What do you love about your job?

    Being able to learn a wide range of

    technologies and put them into practice

    commercially is a fantastic experience.

    Delivering successful solutions that make

    clever use of technology is what IT is all

    about and being a part of Intergen givesme this opportunity.

    A bit about yourself

    My wife Claire and I moved to New

    Zealand six months ago and we both enjoy

    the outdoor pursuits here. I enjoy racket

    sports and play indoor football. I am a keen

    musician but trying to find the time to

    practise is tricky! The climate here is much

    better than Scotlands and, fortunately, most

    people seem to understand what I say!

    In the fast lane

    Intergens MD, Tony Stewart, has been competing

    in motorsport for over 20 years.

    He is currently competing in the PRINTSTOP OSCA (Open Saloon Car Association)

    championship in a Mazda RX7 Turbo. The OSCA championship is for the wildest, most

    highly modified cars in New Zealand with plenty of big V8s and

    turbo cars. The car was brand new for last season

    and, despite missing two rounds, Tony

    finished the North Island Championship

    eighth overall out of the 47 cars

    that took part.

    The team are currently

    preparing the car for

    the 2006/07 NorthIsland Championship

    and a first attempt at

    the NZ OSCA

    Championship. The season starts at Taupo on Labour Weekend, then has rounds at

    Manfeild, Pukekohe and Christchurch leading up to the final round back at Taupo

    in Easter 2007.

    Competition this season will be more intense than ever with a number of new cars

    joining the championship. The cars competing include former Transams from the USA,

    former V8 Supercars from Australia, Porsche Turbos, V8 Capris, RX7 Turbos, Subaru

    WRXs, Nissan Skylines and even a Mini with a turbo charged rotary engine.

    Photos by Trey Guinn

    CAR Mazda RX7

    ENGINE Mazda 20B Triple Rotor Turbo, Steel Crank, Dry Sump,

    Ported and Doweled. 705bhp (530kw) at rear wheels

    TURBO Garret GT42R Turbo, HKS 60mm wastegate.

    ENGINE Motec M800, Sequential fuel injection, multi-coilMANAGEMENT

    DATA LOGGING Motec ADL2 Dash Logger. Logging G-force, wheel

    speed, steering angle, suspension travel, braking, boost,

    oil pressure, fuel pressure, water temp, air temp,

    air-fuel ratio, rpm and lap times with Track Mapping

    and Overlay capability.

    CLUTCH 5.5 inch Quartermaster Triple Plate

    GEARBOX Richmond 5 Speed

    DIFF Winters Quick Change

    SUSPENSION Tein Type N1 Double Adjustable Dampers, Custom


    BRAKES Outlaw 4 pot Callipers, 330mm rotors

    WHEELS/TYRES Simons 3 piece 17x12, Dunlop 300x640x17 slicks

    SEAT Racetech Kevlar/carbon fibre

    BODY Mostly Fibreglass, Montgomery Motorsport Wide Body

    (250mm wider than standard)

    PERFORMANCE 0-100ks under 4 seconds, Top Speed over 280km

    (depending on diff ratio)

    BUILT BY Montgomery Motorsport, Palmerston North


    From left: Nadine and Maria take in

    the sun on the deck of the hired launch

    during the social club weekend. The

    Intergen crew enjoy a BBQ on the launch.

    Emma Barrett sports her Intergen

    branded shirt at the Intergen sponsored

    labs. Jeremy Boyd gets the crowd

    thinking during his TechEd presentation.

    The Intergen team does Taupo and TechEd

  • 8/14/2019 SMARTS Newsletter Issue 12


    Perspective focusing on the client

    and end user view of the world and

    how issues and benefits impact them,

    is imperative to understanding and

    resolving issues.

    Communication keep clients and

    users informed, communicate and share

    knowledge, consult and set clear

    expectations, and regularly follow up

    to ensure issues are resolved to a high

    level of satisfaction.

    Proactivity look, listen, observe

    behaviours and trends and take

    appropriate action before they escalate

    into major issues. Be alert for new ways

    to help clients and colleagues and

    make their jobs easier.

    Improvement continuously strive for

    improvement in service capability, team

    and personal performance. Focus on

    the source of problems, not just

    symptoms, and cultivate ideas of how

    to make improvements.

    Features of Intergens support

    offerings include:

    >> 7 x 24 hr phone call logging service

    >> Online issue internet logging tool

    >> Support email

    >> Dedicated support team including


    >> The flexibility to tailor support solutions

    to fit a clients requirements.

    >> S U P P O R T S E R V I C E S < S M A R T S - T H E I N T E L L I G E N T B U S I N E S S M A G A Z I N E . I S S U E T W E L V E > >>7

    24/7 and a whole lot more

    One of the key growth areas for Intergen has been

    the Support Services team. This team has a suite

    of support offerings to ensure that clients get the

    best from their information technology solutions.

    Intergens Support Services team provide quality services from direct end user

    support and second tier technical escalation, to implementing product defect

    fixes and small enhancements.

    Clients invest a significant amount of time and resource in developing an effective

    solution and in our experience, user participation and buy-in can be quickly

    eroded if the solution is not supported effectively.

    Intergen has a proven track record in the development and ongoing support

    of business applications and complex web solutions. The Support Services team

    operates on the following principles:

    Case management thecase for collaboration

    Few things are more frustrating than a call to a customersupport centre that results in a string of transfers from

    one department to another. How could this be?

    Most customer bases of any size these days are serviced via a call centre. Originally

    seen to provide a single point of contact most have been implemented to support

    a multitude of customer interactions. They ser vice everything from billing and

    payment enquiries through to service requests or service delivery status enquiries.

    However, the further along this continuum you travel the more complex the

    interactions become.

    When complex multi party interactions are required, telephony and customer

    relationship management (CRM) systems alone are inadequate. The best CRMsystems are only as good as the contact and service notes recorded, but even

    then they are historical.

    Enter Microsofts Live Communication Server and Office Communicator

    This is a tool-set designed to enable true collaboration. It is an intelligent business

    solution that delivers a more responsive customer service solution built by

    adopting a number of fundamental building blocks:

    >> Peer-to-peer communication or multi party conferencing

    >> Multiple communication mode options for text, voice, video and handwriting

    >> Common work environments through whiteboards, application and

    desktop sharing>> Presence detection so that the right expertise can be invited to participate.

    Collectively they provide call centres with a rich suite of options to provide

    answers and to exchange the information, be it structured data from transactional

    systems or unstructured or complex digital assets and provide case management

    not call management.

    With a business solution designed and enabled in this way, a call centre operative

    can construct the right answer, close the call and keep the customer satisfied.

    [email protected] [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 SMARTS Newsletter Issue 12



    Auckland: 09 966 3070

    Wellington: 04 472 2021

    Christchurch: 03 964 0017

    Sydney: 02 9904 0443

    [email protected]

    forward to capitalise on the under-utilised opportunities to engage, educate and

    interact with customers through the possibilities of the internet.

    Teamed with the Green Man Group, Intergen rose to the challenge and the all

    new website is just the first output of the partnership.

    Sevens fever grips Intergen team!

    Sevens fever has long since passed for 2006, however this was our first involvement

    as official Sevens website partner/sponsor an extension of our existing supplier

    relationship with Positively Wellington Tourism.

    Our game plan was to ensure eager fans of this highly anticipated event on the

    Wellington rugby calendar were aware of ticket sale dates, timing and key event

    information. This is no ordinary rugby tournament so the design needed to reflect

    the festival experience and champagne rugby that the Sevens provides where

    anything is possible. To ensure online interaction, the website

    contained up-to-date information for fans before, during and at the end of the

    tournament. Work has already begun on the 2007 design!

    Exciting user interface design challengesfor our Interactive team

    >> I N T E R A C T I V E D E S I G N < S M A R T S - T H E I N T E L L I G E N T B U SI N E S S M A G A Z I N E . I S S U E T W E L V E >

    Its been an exciting and busy year so far for our Interactive team with a full

    and varied workload as well as a few new faces on the team.

    Most significantly, we have moved on from our centralised Interactive resource

    model and placed we hope the first of many designers in our Auckland office

    to help meet customer demand. Sam Al len is a recently returned kiwi ex-pat

    with a raft of user interface design experience gained over six years in Australia

    and Canada.

    In this issue of SMARTS weve chosen three diverse projects to give a t aste

    of the fantastic solutions weve been producing with our growing range of

    team skills and experience.

    All aboard virtual frigate sets sail!

    Get into it! for a life less ordinary captures the recruitment vision for

    the Royal New Zealand Navy, and they were determined there would

    be nothing ordinary about the first step people could take in seeing

    the real Navy life at sea. To get a foot on a career path within the

    Royal New Zealand Navy, the gangway onboard was about to

    become a virtual gateway, with an exciting redevelopment of the

    Navys existing website delivering a virtual birds-eye tour of

    the frigate HMNZS TE KAHA.

    What does the inside of a warship look like? What happens

    on the flight deck? Want to find out about the Five Inch Gun? No life jackets

    required, just

    Gillies Group All things property

    Malcolm Gillies is the man well known to most Wellingtonians as Mr Professionals

    and is soon to be associated with a far broader range of property services and

    interests. Malcolms rapidly expanding business vision required a great leap

    Sam Allen is our

    new designer at

    large on the

    growing Auckland

    Intergen team.

    Find out how Intergens Human-

    Centred Design approach can benefit

    your interactive project, contact our

    Creative Director Eamon ORourke

    [email protected]