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SMART MOVING KAMPALA Design of NMT-zone in Namirembe Road and Luwum Street 3 february 2014
Smart Moving Kampala2
Iganga Foundation Smart Moving Kampala, Design of NMT-zone in Namirembe Road and Luwum Street 3 february 2014 Concept Tonny Bosch, Hans van der Stok, Jeroen Kuijpers and Marco Aarsen
1.2 National NMT-policy
1.4 The contents of this report
2 NMT as a part of the future traffic system 12 2.1 Commuting into Kampala
2.2 Traffic policy for Kampala
2.3 Comprehensive traffic planning
3 Assessment: Benefits of NMT 22 3.1 Objectives of NMT
3.2 Economic and other problems caused by traffic
3.3 Benefits of Introduction of NMT
3.4 How will Kampala benefit?
4 Design for the NMT-zone 34 4.1 Design principles
4.2 Traffic structure around Namirembe Road and Luwum Street
4.3 Basic profiles
4.5 Artist impressions
5.2 Costs
The concept of non-motorized transport (NMT) was introduced in
Kampala some years ago. Of course, the majority of the trips in Kampala
have always been made by foot and some by bicycle. But the use
of private cars and matatus has been growing the last decades. This
augmented mobility of people contributed to the economic growth of
the city. But at the same time the intensification of traffic has led to
congestion of the main roads and centre of the city, air pollution and
traffic accidents. In a way, motorized traffic has become prey to its own
success. This has been happening in many cities around the world. A
more sustainable way of organizing urban transport had to be found.
Many cities, facing this kind of problems, found improvement of both
traffic circulation and economic prosperity by introduction of areas with
less or no cars, accessible for pedestrians and cyclists only. The concept
is generally known as NMT.
In 2011, a first investigation of possibilities for Sustainable Urban
Transport in Kampala was made. This has been the basis for the Pilot
Project for Kampala City Centre. Part of this pilot project was a first
design for the NMT-zone along Namirembe Road and Luwum Street,
prepared with the assistance from Goudappel Coffeng and Goudappel
Africa. With help of the Iganga foundation this year, Goudappel Coffeng
is able to prepare the next step.
1.2 National NMT-policy
In may 2013 a national NMT-policy was launched by the Minister of Works
and Transport,
Increase the recognition of walking and cycling in transport,
planning, design and infrastructure provision.
Provide safe infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists.
Mainstream resources for walking and cyclists.
Develop and adopt universal design standards that provide
for access of all categories of people inthe community and
improve regulation and enforcement to enhance safety for
pedestrians and cyclists.
The recent launch of this policy indicates that the national government
of Uganda is recognising the important yet vulnerable position of
pedestrians and cyclists on the road.
As it is a national policy, no local projects have been defined as part
of it. However, some goals are set and some intentions have been put
forward: In general the policy states that “Infrastructure for pedestrians
and cyclists should be included in all major works for road upgrading and
Government will require the relevant authorities in Kampala
and other large urban areas, to plan for through cycle routes
between high density residential areas and major places of
Government will support the pedestrianisation of certain
urban roads, provided this is for the overall public good. In all
cases, adequate planning and attention must be undertaken
to understand and address the consequences of the changes
to infrastructure.
Government will provide guidance to the Uganda Road Fund to
finance specific projects, in line with its mandate, that are part
of approved NMT plans.
Smart Moving Kampala 11
Development Plan
The recently completed Physical Development Plan (PDP) for the KCCA
recommended a significant investment in NMT facilities. One of these
facilities is a pilot corridor designed for NMT modes only. Successful
implementation of such a pilot corridor can lead to increased investment
in similar facilities and a strengthening of the share of NMT trips in the
KCCA area.
In 2012 an investigation was done by ROM Transportation Engineering
into the traffic effects of implementation of the NMT-project.
1.4 The contents of this report
This report shows the results of the designing process that has been
undertaken in 2013. It builds on the conclusions drawn by ROM by making
new traffic arrangements for the surroundings of the NMT-zone. An
assessment of the advantages of NMT is presented, and finally a detailed
design will be presented for the whole NMT-zone.
The following items will be covered in separate reports or have to be
addressed in the next phase of the project:
Communication and marketing aspects.
(potential) users.
drainage and hydrological designs.
implementation of the plan.
2 NMT as a part of the future traffic system
Smart Moving Kampala14
2.1 Commuting into Kampala
In many ways Kampala is the capital of Uganda. It is a metropolitan
area, with 1.5 million inhabitants and more than 1.5 million commuters
traveling into the city every day. Car ownership is higher than in the rest
of Uganda, 15 cars for every 100 inhabitants (2.4 is average for Uganda).
Many of these commuters travel into Kampala by foot, some by bicycle.
From all people traveling into Kampala by motorized transport, more than
80% use 14-seater matatus. Private cars, have a modal share of 37% of
all motorized transport, but transport less than 10% of the people. The
number of private cars is expected to grow even further in the coming
years. BodaBoda’s have a modal share of over 40%, but carry only 9%
of commuters to the city. The large numbers of people traveling into
Kampala on a daily basis, combined with the absence of a well organized
system of roads, lead to problems of congestion.
Congestion in the city centre In the centre of Kampala, many roads are congested most of the day.
Streets are very busy and filled with cars, buses and motorcycles. In
Kampala, each day 24.000 man hours are lost by commuters due to traffic
In the area near the Old Taxi Park many streets are blocked by matatus
waiting to enter the taxi park. This happens every day and makes flow
of traffic impossible in the nearby streets. As a result the theoretic road
capacity is not available during most hours of the day.
‘‘In Kampala, each day 24.000 man hours are
lost by commuters due to traffic jam.’’
Share of motorized transport
Smart Moving Kampala 15
Traffic Safety At this moment, the situation on Kampala roads is not as safe as
desired. Improvement is imperative and possible. The position of
pedestrians in Kampala is pathetic: Half of the fatalities in traffic are
The road network is not categorized, i.e. there is no real distinction
between main roads and residential streets in either geometric design
or usage of the street plan. Most roads have no safe sidewalks for
pedestrians, except for some streets in the city centre.
Pollution Pollution is a big problem in Kampala. Due to heavy traffic, congestion
and the use of lead-containing fuels, air quality is poor. Due to the
numerous challenges faced by the National Environment Management
Authority (NEMA), the urban street air pollution caused by road transport
is still not monitored. Circumstances are a threat to the health of all the
people staying and visiting the city centre.
Smart Moving Kampala16
2.2.1 Traffic planning for the near future
KCCA has developed goals for traffic planning in Kampala for short,
medium and long term. On the short term efforts are concentrated in
building the organization and professional capacity, and extending the
field of traffic planning by introduction of:
traffic management/signalization
parking policy
A system of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is already being planned.
Implementation is expected in 3-5 years. These new areas of work have
to be integrated in a comprehensive Mobility Plan, in which all modes
will be organized as part of a well designed and sustainable concept.
NMT in Kampala 5
Congestion in the city centre In the centre of Kampala many roads are congested during large parts of the day. Streets are very busy and filled with cars buses and motorcycles. In Kampala, each day 24,000 man hours are lost by commuters due to traffic jam. In the area near the Old Taxipark many streets are blocked by matatu’s waiting to entre the taxi park. This happens every day and makes flow of traffic impossible in these streets. In this way, the theoretic road capacity is not available during most hours of the day.
Facilities by mode of travel 2010
Smart Moving Kampala 17
2.2.2 BRT-project
A Bus Rapid Transit system will be built in Kampala in the coming years.
A plan has been made containing a network of BRT-lines to be developed
in the coming three years. At this moment detailed designs for the first
BRT-corridors are in the final preparation stage. In the city centre these
corridors will be built on Jinja Road – Kampala Road – Bomb Road and on
Entebbe Road.
The way the BRT-project deals with traffic will influence the ways
the NMT-zone can or will be designed.and might thus lead to (minor)
alterations to the presented plans.
On the longer run the BRT-system is due to take over a major part of the
current public transport. Matatus will serve less in the city centre and be
transferred into feeder-services to the BRT-system, that will bring people
into the city centre.
This will lead to minimization of the space used by matatu’s in the city
centre, especially in the Old Taxi Park and above all, the streets leading
to the Old Taxi Park, resulting in less congestion and less in efficient use
of public space.
Report 3: Demand and Operations version 3 i

“Network: BRT, bus and taxi will play complementary roles in
an integrated network. The BRT will have a dominant role in the
central part of Greater Kampala and the taxi and bus industry
is invited to expand their business to the fast growing suburbs.
This will be supported by the relocation of taxi parks to the
periphery” 1
proposed network BRT, phase 1
1 Bus Rapid Transit for Greater Kampala, Report 4: Interim Design, draft, ROM, April 2013
Smart Moving Kampala18
SMART MOVING KAMPALA Towards integrated networks for all modes center ring
car network
NMT pilot
after 0 5 10 meter
+ + = Car network BRT network Part of bicycle network clear position of bikes in traffic
Separating car- and bike infrastructures. Bike combined with BRT network
PILOT PROJECT KAMPALA CITY CENTRE Introducing sustainable urban transport
Kampala is the capital of Uganda and has a population of 1.2 million. During the day, this number increases to 2.2 million due to the influx of 1 million commuters. The streets are packed with taxis, motorcycles, cars, cyclists, pedestrians, street pedlars, all elbowing for a bit of space. Congestion, chaos and air pollution are at very high levels. But it is still a great place to be! In tandem with various organisations and the city authorities, Goudappel Coffeng and the Iganga Foundation have been working for some years now to get the traffic organised and resolve many of the problems in the process. An example in point is the Kampala City Centre Pilot Project, which introduces sustainable urban transport. UNEP (the United Nations Environment Program) is considering contributing 1.2 million dollars to help implement the project in 2012.
Namirembe road Namirembe-Luwum street Luwum street
Center ring. Main network for cars, but also space for bicycles, walking and green
0 5 10 meter
0 5 10 meter
Center ring. Main network for cars, but also space for bicycles, walking and green
0 5 10 meter
0 5 10 meter
PILOT PROJECT KAMPALA CITY CENTRE Introducing sustainable urban transport
Kampala is the capital of Uganda and has a population of 1.2 million. During the day, this number increases to 2.2 million due to the influx of 1 million commuters. The streets are packed with taxis, motorcycles, cars, cyclists, pedestrians, street pedlars, all elbowing for a bit of space. Congestion, chaos and air pollution are at very high levels. But it is still a great place to be! In tandem with various organisations and the city authorities, Goudappel Coffeng and the Iganga Foundation have been working for some years now to get the traffic organised and resolve many of the problems in the process. An example in point is the Kampala City Centre Pilot Project, which introduces sustainable urban transport. UNEP (the United Nations Environment Program) is considering contributing 1.2 million dollars to help implement the project in 2012.
Namirembe road Namirembe-Luwum street Luwum street
Clear identity of center ring Main network for cars, but also space for bicycles, walking and green
BRT network combined with bicycle, walking and green
Current situation Kampala road
2.3 Comprehensive traffic planning
As stated before the NMT-zone will have to be part of a comprehensive
way of looking at mobility. This implies that a pedestrian area and bicycle
lanes must not be isolated objects but part of a network of facilities for
NMT. All modes have to be accommodated in the system in a way that
the whole system will operate at its best. This means that a network
for motorized traffic can not be designed without considering public
transport, walking and cycling. This idea of comprehensive planning has
led to a process of planning the NMT-zone, in which proper operation of
all modes is to be addressed.
2.3.1 Car network
To start off with the car system: At this moment there is no attractive
route around the city centre, but the centre itself is congested most of
the day. The cut-through traffic has to be diverted around the centre in
order to create room for cars with their destination in the centre of the
city. Cut-through traffic will also have to be diverted from those routes
where the BRT will be laid out. For this reason a ring road structure has to
be adopted and designed. This doesn’t necessarily mean that new road
infrastructure will be created , but a combination of existing roads around
the centre that will be transformed into this ring. Our proposal is that this
ring will be formed by Yusufu Lule Road - Haji Kasule Road - Makerere
Road - Old Kampala Road (western branch) - Mwanga II Road - Mutesa
Road - Entebbe Road - Jinja Road. The main radial roads, like Jinja Road,
Bombo Road etcetera will be the entrances to the city. The ring will
accommodate the traffic to the area they want to be.
2.3.2 BRT network
The BRT-network has been designed in detail. Interaction with other
traffic has been dealt with for the main corridors. The 3 pilot-lines of the
BRT will run through Kampala Road and Entebbe Road and take the main
roads from suburban areas to the city centre ( Jinja Road, Bombo Road,
Entebbe Road). Once this network is augmented, other corridors will be
The cycle network is practically non-existent at this moment. Bicycles
have to join the general traffic and blend with cars, buses and lorries.
This is a very unsafe situation. There are already thousands of cyclists
entering the city on a daily basis. A network has to be created, using the
main arteries of BRT and other radial roads to enter the city and reach the
centre. On these roads, cycle lanes will make cycling much safer.
In the design for BRT a choice has been made not to have cycle lanes
along the main BRT-corridors. We would recommend using these roads
for cyclists as well. Where there is no room for facilities for cyclists, a
parallel corridor should be developed, as long as this parallel corridor is
safe, fast and leads directly to the centre.
Smart Moving Kampala 19
center ring car network
Clear position of bicycles in traffic Separating car and bicycle infrastructures. Bicycle combined with BRT network.
Smart Moving Kampala20
Center ring. Main network for cars, but also space for bicycles, walking and green
0 5 10 meter
0 5 10 meter
Center ring. Main network for cars, but also space for bicycles, walking and green
0 5 10 meter
0 5 10 meter
Possible profiles for the center ring for the cars and for the BRT network. The bicycle is implemented in both of the profiles.
Smart Moving Kampala22
Smart Moving Kampala24
3.1 Objectives of NMT
NMT-policy has been launched as a way to improve not only the traffic
system in Kampala and the rest of the country. It is about the way the
public space and mobility in cities and rural areas. That is why for the
case of Kampala, the main objective of development of the NMT-zone is:
“To improve the urban quality of the central area of Kampala by
introduction of an NMT-zone, and by so doing, improve the economic
prosperity of Kampala and its inhabitants.’’
There are some secondary objectives as well, adding to the benefit of
introduction of NMT.
Improve air quality in a central area of Kampala.
Lowering of the number of fatalities in traffic.
Set an example of a well functioning NMT-area in Uganda and
caused by traffic
Urban areas have been growing for decades, thanks to the availability of
motorized transport. As earlier mentioned, motorized transport comes
with congestion, accidents, pollution etcetera. These disadvantages have
been known in many of the cities all over the world where the number
of private cars has been high. Many of these cities have implemented
policies to reduce the negative impact of motorized traffic.
The notion to focus not only on car-oriented planning has been adapted
by many unilateral institutions such as the WHO, UNEP and UN-Habitat
and has resulted in initiatives such as Share the Road.
Scheme with the main problems caused by motorised transport in urban areas
Smart Moving Kampala 25
3.3.1 General
A scheme of NMT is expected to have positive effects in several fields,
effects that have been seen in several other cities all over the world.
The main advantages of introduction of NMT are
Economic attractiveness of inner city
Quality of public space
Promotion of cycling and walking
The attractiveness of the inner city has its effect on the functioning
of shops and businesses. The main shopping area in the inner city of
Kampala is situated around Namirembe Road and Luwum Street. The
daily congestion makes it very hard to reach a destination in this area
by car. On the other hand the massive numbers of vehicles crowding the
streets is making the streets less attractive to stay or shop. A street with
less space for cars or completely without cars is a far more attractive
place to stay. This will have a positive economic effect on shops and
Pedestrians and cyclists are the most probable victims of traffic
accidents. By dedicating an area to pedestrians and cyclists only, and
reducing the number and speed of cars in other parts, the number
of accidents is due to fall dramatically. The unsafe situation, missing
facilities for cyclists in the traffic system and bad air quality discourage
people from cycling into the city centre. Only a small percentage of
commuters into Kampala use a bicycle to travel. Creation of cycle lanes
will encourage people to cycle and cause a growth in the number of
The overall assessment of these elements can best be illustrated
by collecting data (through simulation (chapter 3.4 ROM-report) and
questionnaires (chapter 3.5) in or nearby the location where the altered
infrastructure is introduced.
In the following paragraph more general findings on the benefits on NMT
are presented.
3.3.2 A general assessment of NMT-introduction
In the NMT planning policy brief East Africa (produced by MOVE Mobility
for UNEP, June 2013) and overview of the Cost-effectiveness of integral
planning, which forms the basis for this NMT pilot, was presented. It
was concluded that both implemented integral planning schemes and
individual projects had positive cost benefits ratios. In many assessment
studies significant benefits were presented even though not all benefits
were properly covered by the evaluation studies, which mostly had a
transport economic focus.
Smart Moving Kampala26
3.3.3 Examples
Bogota, Colombia1
A high degree of political will in the city of Bogota, Colombia contributed
to dramatic changes in several areas; Bogotá achieved significant
synergies by simultaneously addressing several topics:
1. Reclamation of public space
2. Improvement of public transport
3. Promotion of non-motorised transport
4. Implementation of auto restriction measures
The near simultaneous application of these policies has produced
quantifiable benefits to the quality of life of city residents. Research
shows that property values in areas with urban upgrades have
appreciated considerably when compared to a control group of similar
properties. Additionally, the research shows employment benefits from
the city’s Sunday “ciclovía” (closing of streets to motorised vehicles) is
significantly greater than week-day auto-related employment along the
same corridors. Air quality monitoring shows emission reductions by
as much as 40 per cent for some pollutants. Social indicators related to
accidents, crime levels, and equity are also quite positive. Traffic deaths
have been reduced from over 1,300 in 1995 to less than 700 in 2002.
1. Reclamation of public space 2. Improvement of public transport 3. Promotion of non-motorised transport 4. Implementation of auto restriction measures
Reclamation of public space
This research looks predominantly at the economic and social impacts derived from the reclamation of public space. This reclamation includes the recovery of sidewalks, parks, plazas, and commercial areas. In most instances the public space had been lost either to invasions from informal traders or from parked vehicles. The reclamation process typically included several policy elements, such as new infrastructure development, area beautification, and enforcement of usage restrictions.
The areas chosen for analysis include some of the most notable transformations of urban s In the city centre, Avenue Jimenez has been recovered through the renewal of Plaza San Victorino and the establishment of a public transit/pedestrian corridor. This corridor now includes a small water canal, improved street lighting, brick-textured street and pedestrian surfaces, vegetation, and wider pedestrian space (Figure 1). The area was previously a focus of much criminal activity.
The city’s “Carrera 15” (Avenue 15) was previously reminiscent of a North American strip mall, a collection of shops along a street dominated by car parking. Walking along Carrera 15 was a wholly unpleasant experience due to noise, traffic, and a narrow uneven walking space. Today, Carrera 15 hosts an attractive, wide pedestrian space featuring trees, benches, and improved street lighting. Two lanes of traffic and on-street parking have been removed in order to make this transformation possible.
Figure 1 The revitalisation of Avenue Jimenez in Bogotá has helped to create a more dynamic public space.
In the more affluent north of the city, several dining and entertainment districts have been renovated through pedestrian improvement schemes. The “Zona Rosa T” (Pink Zone T) project involved closing two streets to traffic and thus forming a pedestrianised “T” shape along rows of restaurants and boutiques. The attractive area has become a focal point for nightlife in the city.
Finally, one of the most ambitious projects in terms of reclaimed space is still underway in Bogotá. The creation of the Third Millennium Park in the city centre has ambitiously sought to convert one of the most crime-ridden areas into a vast array of open space, recreational grounds, and educational centres.
Improvement of public transport
Like so many cities in the developing world, the provision of public transport had traditionally been left to a disparate group of private sector operators. With uncoordinated
The revitalisation of Avenue Jimenez in Bogotá has helped to create a
more dynamic public space
1 Reclaiming public space. The economic, environmental, and social impacts of Bogotá’s transforma-tion. Lloyd Wright, University
College London, Ricardo Montezuma, Human City Foundation, 2004
Smart Moving Kampala 27
The Hague, The Netherlands
In the city centre of The Hague the Traffic Circulation Plan has been
implemented in 2010. The city centre has been turned into an area
with less cars and more space for pedestrians and cyclists. The program
started shortly after 1990 and took a process of change that took
about 20 years. In that years the inner city slowly moved towards
pedestrianisation. The actual car-free area consists of more than 20
Less cut-through traffic in city centre
Good accessibility of city centre for cars
Better air quality, less pollution
Better quality of urban space for pedestrians and cyclists
An evaluation scheme in 2011 shows us that most objectives have been
Factually cut-through traffic through the city centre has been
made impossible in The Hague; all cars should use the Ring
Road around the city centre. Nevertheless accessibility by cars
has not deteriorated since introduction of the scheme.
Air quality has been measured before and after introduction of
the scheme. Air quality has improved. For example, measured
decrease of NO2-concentration since introduction has been 6,5
μg/m3 on one of the streets concerned.
Quality of public transport and quality for pedestrians and
cyclists are judged “very good” by the visitors of The Hague.
NMT-area and Parking-route around city centre, The Hague
Grote Marktstraat, The Hague, before and after turning it into a NMT-zone
Smart Moving Kampala28
Traffic Calming in San Francisco
Valencia Street in San Francisco (USA) has been redesigned to a street
with more space for pedestrians and cyclists, and less room for vehicles.
Traffic calming is the combination of mainly physical measures that
reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behaviour,
and improve conditions for non-motorized street users. It is part of a
new movement in transportation engineering that is more multimodal
in focus (buses, bikes, pedestrians, etc.) and less auto-centric than
previous engineering trends. Common traffic calming techniques and
tools include speed bumps, crosswalk narrowing for pedestrians, better
signals or signs, new street trees or landscaping, bike lanes, removing a
lane of auto traffic, and reconfiguring or narrowing streets.
Valencia Street is located in a very dynamic part of the Mission District,
and integrates with pedestrian, bus, bike, and car activity along its
length. Prior to the installation of the bike lanes, Valencia Street had
two auto traffic lanes in each direction. The street was converted to one
traffic lane and bike lane in each direction, with a turning lane down the
middle of the road.
Twenty-seven merchants located in the Mission District of San Francisco
were interviewed about what impact the Valencia Street bicycle lanes
have had on their businesses. Four and a half years after the bike lanes
were built, the vast majority of the interviewees expressed support for
the bike lanes. Sixty-six percent of the merchants believe that the bike
lanes have had a generally positive impact on their business and/or
sales, and the same percentage would support more traffic calming on
Valencia Street.
Copenhagen, Denmark
Until 1962, all streets in the medieval city centre of Copenhagen were
filled with cars and all the squares were used as car parks. As car traffic
increased, conditions for pedestrians were rapidly deteriorating. As the
streets and squares in the city centre have been pedestrianized and
improved, the area has become more attractive yet also less accessible
for the motorist. The city authority has adopted an integrated traffic
management strategy (below), for the city centre:
Limiting the number of parking spaces.
Reducing the number of lanes on several main routes into the
city and using the space for bus and cycle lanes instead.
Restricting through traffic while developing the suburban train,
bus and bicycle networks.
Car traffic in the city core has been reduced and congestion is not a
problem. This marked the beginning of a gradual transformation that
has continued ever since. Today Copenhagen has a vibrant city centre
that attracts visitors throughout the year. The key to the success of
these inner city transformations was undoubtedly the gradual way these
rather drastic changes were made. This incremental approach has given
residents time to adapt, to change from driving and parking their cars to
walking, using bicycles and public transport.
Smart Moving Kampala30
3.4 How will Kampala benefit?
The analysis in the ROM-report showed that it is possible to mitigate
the negative impacts of the NMT corridor by applying a set of traffic
management measures, including the following:
1. On-street parking adjacent to the pilot corridor should
be professionally managed. Paid parking should be
implemented, parking duration should be limited to 2-3
hours, and taxi parking should be removed. On-street
parking should be allowed only on street sections where
traffic is not affected (i.e. at least 12 meters before the
signalized using modern controllers and managed centrally
from a professional traffic control centre. Signal phasing
should be based on actual demand on each intersection leg.
3. Geometric design of intersections outside the pilot corridor
should be changed. It is recommended that the size of
intersections be narrowed, thus lowering intersection
clearance times. It is also recommended to signalize
pedestrian crossings so that pedestrian movements will not
slow down vehicles. In some cases, roundabouts were found
to be better than classic at-grade intersection.
4. It is recommended to consider new traffic arrangements
on the main streets surrounding the corridor to specifically
include the exploration of a one-way traffic scheme. This
arrangement is also recommended by the BRT detailed
design study.
5. It is strongly recommended that the pilot corridor itself
be paved and attractive street furniture be installed. The
corridor should also include enough parking facilities for
Smart Moving Kampala 31
These recommendations show that the NMT-pilot should be part of a
comprehensive plan for more than the NMT-zone itself.
Combined introduction of NMT, BRT and traffic management will cause a
more positive effect than each of these plans alone.
As far as road capacity is concerned, a remark can be made out of
observation on the street: The constant state of congestion of Namirembe
Road during daytime causes a very low number of cars that are actually
using the central parts of the NMT-zone in the current situation. As a
consequence, the loss of road capacity by introduction of a pedestrianized
street will be small.
3.5 Interviews
As proposed in the project plan the beliefs, attitudes and opinions of
the general public, stakeholders and potential users of the altered
infrastructure will be investigated by conducting road site interviews and
questionnaires. A total number of 300-400 persons will be interviewed
both before and after the implementation of the project.
The interviews will generate insight in the overall appraisal of
the traffic modes/traffic flow situation and conditions
Environmental conditions (air pollution/noise)
Smart Moving Kampala32
3.6 Conclusion
A number of aspects have been mentioned on how Kampala will benefit
from the NMT-zone. The main advantages being:
When the current plans for NMT and BRT are implemented in
an integral way, more people are drawn towards the centre.
Businesses and shops will profit from this, as will real estate
Congestion and heavy traffic will no longer be a source of
pollution and noise.
The central area of Kampala will be a much more attractive
place to stay.
Road sharing, with separated areas for motorized and non-
motorized traffic will help improve road safety a lot.
As a result of more attractive and safer roads, pedestrians and
cyclists will use the city centre more easily.
Smart Moving Kampala 33
Smart Moving Kampala36
4.1 Design principles
Cyclist is leading The basis of the design for the NMT zone is an optimal integration of the
bicycle in the street. The design is such that the cyclist has a safe place in
the whole. The cyclist is leading. The design meets the Dutch standards
regarding traffic safety and is very recognisable.
The cyclist has priority at crossroads and is combined with the zebra
crossing for pedestrians. To make it more understandable to give way to
a bicycle path we’ve chosen to make the zebra crossings green as well.
This combination of pedestrians and cyclists will help introducing the
proper use and expected behaviour towards cyclists.
Ready for the future The design takes into account future enlargement of the bicycle network.
The aim is to develop a network in the long term. The strongest basis for
a bicycle network is a structure with bicycle paths on both sides of the
road. This avoids crossing movements and keeps the adjacent facilities
and homes optimal accessible.
Different zones The design has different zones. The areas which are still accessible for
the car have bicycle paths on both sides of the road. This way we create
a safe situation for the cyclists. The central area of the city centre is
car-free. Here the cyclists are able to use a bicycle path in two directions
situated in the middle.
The middle area will be car-free, but should still allow (slow and limited)
access for suppliers. Further design and traffic management measures
will be needed to make the system function smoothly and according to
the design principles.
Speed-reducing measures for cars To slow down the cars, the road gets a couple of curves in the design.
In this way we prevent a long straight road with higher speeds. The
locations of the curves in the road create natural places for zebra
crossings for the pedestrians.
The curves in the road also provide a distribution of the parking spaces.
These are alternately located on both sides of the road. In this way we
can optimally respond to local parking needs.
Plants and trees Plants and trees do have an important position in the design. It serves
multiple purposes. Greenery provides the desired shade, it provides
filtering of the air and it provides an attractive and healthy environment.
In addition to these features, the greenery also has a conductive and
protective function. It conducts the cyclist, but also causes a physical
barrier between the bicycle path and the pedestrians and the vehicles.
Since bicycle paths are a new phenomenon in Kampala, the odds are big
that pedestrians are going to walk on the bicycle path. There is also a big
chance that cars and boda bodas are going to ride on the bicycle paths.
That is why we make it physically impossible. With the plants and the
trees we create a partition between the bicycle path and the rest of the
area. This way the bicycle path can not be blocked by other road users.
At the same time, the plants and the trees make the bicycle path even
more attractive.
On the locations where the curves in the road and the zebra crossings
are, there is extra space for plants and trees. With the plants these
locations are further highlighted in the whole streetscape.
Smart Moving Kampala 37
after2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,52,5 3,03,0 meters 2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,5 2,5 3,03,0 meters2,0 2,05,0 4,04,0 meters
0 5 10 meter 0 5 10 meter
Basic profiles
scale 1:5000
after2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,52,5 3,03,0 meters 2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,5 2,5 3,03,0 meters2,0 2,05,0 4,04,0 meters
0 5 10 meter 0 5 10 meter
B ar
cl ay
s ba
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
after2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,52,5 3,03,0 meters 2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,5 2,5 3,03,0 meters2,0 2,05,0 4,04,0 meters
0 5 10 meter 0 5 10 meter
Smart Moving Kampala40
Smart Moving Kampala 41
vehicles. The cars on Ben Kiwanuka Street
intersect with the proposed NMT-zone
As mentioned, the lay out of the BRT-system is in the final stages of
the designing process. The current proposal contains a one-way loop
for vehicles, This loop will lead vehicle-traffic clockwise, using Kampala
Road, Entebbe Road and Ben Kiwanuka Street.
Ben Kiwanuka Street intersects the proposed NMT-zone. As a two lane
corridor doesn’t fit in very well with a pedestrianized street we assume
that the street profile can be reduced to one lane, as part of the traffic
calming proposed in the BRT-report.
The general idea of introduction of a ring road structure around the city
centre as proposed in chapter 2 is that, on the long run, this one-way
loop will attract less traffic and will no longer serve for cut-through
A design for the intersection of Ben Kiwanuka Street with Luwum Street
has been made, based on these assumptions.
Smart Moving Kampala42
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
The cars on Ben Kiwanuka Street intersect
with the proposed NMT-zone
Smart Moving Kampala 43
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
after2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,52,5 3,03,0 meters 2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,5 2,5 3,03,0 meters2,0 2,05,0 4,04,0 meters
0 5 10 meter 0 5 10 meter
4.3 Basic profiles
Smart Moving Kampala44
after2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,52,5 3,03,0 meters 2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,5 2,5 3,03,0 meters2,0 2,05,0 4,04,0 meters
0 5 10 meter 0 5 10 meter
Smart Moving Kampala 45
after2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,52,5 3,03,0 meters 2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,5 2,5 3,03,0 meters2,0 2,05,0 4,04,0 meters
0 5 10 meter 0 5 10 meter
Smart Moving Kampala46
B ar
cl ay
s ba
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
after2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,52,5 3,03,0 meters 2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,5 2,5 3,03,0 meters2,0 2,05,0 4,04,0 meters
0 5 10 meter 0 5 10 meter
Smart Moving Kampala48
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
after2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,52,5 3,03,0 meters 2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,5 2,5 3,03,0 meters2,0 2,05,0 4,04,0 meters
0 5 10 meter 0 5 10 meter
Smart Moving Kampala50
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
after2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,52,5 3,03,0 meters 2,0 2,01,01,01,0 3,5 2,5 3,03,0 meters2,0 2,05,0 4,04,0 meters
0 5 10 meter 0 5 10 meter
scale 1:2000
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
intersection Th
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
cl ay
s ba
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
cl ay
s ba
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
cl ay
s ba
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building needed
to be able to fit in the design of the
Deventer Postbus 161 7400 AD Deventer T +31 (0)570 666 222
Den Haag - Eindhoven - Leeuwarden - Amsterdam
Kilimanjaro Guest HousePlot 14
K ik
uu bo
Be n
Ki w
an uk
a St
re et
Park View Restaurant Building
M w
an ga
R oa
JBK Hotel
Fabaah plaza
City house
M ar
ia 's
Ga lle
0.7635 Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
When side street will be used for eithermotorised traffic or cyclists the disign needsto be changed. For example implementing acyclist crossing.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed.
Not enough space available to fit in the profile with parking. Expanding toward the North side looks possible?
Th e
cu rre
nt c
ro ss
-s ec
tio n
is n
ot kn
ow n.
T o
be a
bl e
to m
ak e
a de
si gn
, w e'
ve m
ad e
an in
di ca
tio n.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for this crossing will be needed. To be able to temporarily close off this street.
Further design measures for
Not enough space available to fit in the
profile with parking. Expanding toward the
North side looks possible?
Available space can be used to give moreroom for pedestrians and greenery.
Exact location of building neede