Download - SM380 Assessment Brief 201415 S1 UK CV Kap

  • 8/10/2019 SM380 Assessment Brief 201415 S1 UK CV Kap


    Assessment Brief Level Six Undergraduate

    Module Code: SM380

    Module Title: Doing Business Globally & Internationally

    Distributed on: Hand in Date: To be advised

    Instructions on Assessment:

    In Part A, students are required to address the questions below by usingacademic theory and concepts.

    In Part B, students are required to apply overall learnings from the moduleto their own personal development.

    Students are required to research the latest co-operation betweenPeugeot, the rench motor manufacturer, !ongfeng, the "hinese motormanufacturer, and the rench government #initially reported in ebruary$%&' and now underway(. )esearch and analysis should continue untilSeptember $%&'.

    Overall word limit: 3000

    PART A

    1 With reference to the academic literat re and sing o r anal sis of

  • 8/10/2019 SM380 Assessment Brief 201415 S1 UK CV Kap


    1 With reference to the academic literature and using your analysis of

    Assessment Brief Level Six Undergraduate

    . rawing upon academic literature and theory, critically discuss the

    possi"le e4ects, "oth positive and negative, of exchange ratemovements on the deal.

    &'0 mar(s)

    PART B

    5. !dentify three &3) speci#c aspects or challenges of doing "usiness

    internationally that you have come to appreciate through theseminars or 6xpert 7ectures on this module. 6xplain why these aresigni#cant personally and to the future of international "usiness.

    &'0 mar(s)

    Important note about ARNA regulations

    $e regulations s!e"i-y t$at students #ust "o#!lete every assess#ent "o#!onent "ontributing to t$e#odules on t$eir !rogra##e* $is a!!lies to all -or#s o- assess#ent as de-ined in t$e #oduledes"ri!tor* +lease note t$at

    i- any assess#ent "o#!onent is not "o#!leted1 students ill be -ailed in t$e #odule even i- t$e

    #odule !ass #ar2 $as been a"$ieved

    i- t$e re4uire#ents -or re-erral s!e"i-ied in se"tion ( o- 5675, are #et1 a resit o!!ortunity ill be


    i- unable to "o#!lete an assess#ent "o#!onent be"ause o- extenuating "ir"u#stan"es

  • 8/10/2019 SM380 Assessment Brief 201415 S1 UK CV Kap


    Assessment Brief Level Six Undergraduate

    I- t$is ord "ount is -alsi-ied1 students are re#inded t$at under 5675 !age 30 Se"tion 3* t$is ill be

    regarded as a"ade#i" #is"ondu"t*

    I- t$e ord li#it o- t$e -ull assign#ent ex"eeds t$e A,0 li#it1 ,0 o- t$e #ar2 !rovisionally aardedto t$e assign#ent ill be dedu"ted* Hor exa#!le i- t$e assign#ent is ort$ .0 #ar2s but is above t$eord li#it by #ore t$an ,01 a !enalty o- . #ar2s ill be i#!osed1 giving a -inal #ar2 o- )3*

    Students are advised t$at t$ey #ay be as2ed to sub#it an ele"troni" version o- t$eir assign#ent*

    Time limits and penalties for presentations

    $e ti#e allo"ated -or t$e !resentation #ust be ad$ered to* 5t t$e end o- t$is ti#e1 t$e !resentationill be sto!!ed and ill be #ar2ed based on $at $as been delivered it$in t$e ti#e li#it*

    Submission of Assessment:

    5ll assign#ents #ust be sub#itted via t$e Undergraduate +rogra##e :--i"e* a"$ assign#ent #ustbe a""o#!anied by an 5ssessed @or2 Hor# $i"$ #ust be "o#!leted in -ull* $e assign#ent ill notbe a""e!ted by t$e Undergraduate +rogra##e :--i"e unless t$e -or# is "o#!leted "orre"tly*

    Mar2ed assign#ents ill be returned to students* It is advisable to retain a "o!y o- your assign#ent-or you on re"ords* our #ar2 ill be returned on t$e 5ssessed @or2 Hor# via t$e Undergraduate+rogra##e :--i"e*

    Referencing your wor

    $e 5+5 #et$od o- re-eren"ing uses t$e aut$orJs na#e and t$e date o- t$e !ubli"ation* InKtext"itations give brie- details o- t$e or2 you are re-erring to in your text* 6e-eren"es are listed at t$e end

    o- t$e text in al!$abeti"al order by t$e aut$orJs na#e $e general -or#at o- an ele"troni" ournal

  • 8/10/2019 SM380 Assessment Brief 201415 S1 UK CV Kap


    Assessment Brief Level Six Undergraduate

    +lease note t$at t$is is intended to be an individual !ie"e o- or2* 5"tion ill be ta2en $ere a

    student is sus!e"ted o- $aving "$eated or engaged in any dis$onest !ra"ti"e* Students are re-erred tot$e University regulations on !lagiaris# and ot$er -or#s o- a"ade#i" irregularity* Students #ust not"o!y or "ollude it$ one anot$er or !resent any in-or#ation t$at t$ey t$e#selves $ave not generated*

    Hor -urt$er in-or#ation on +lagiaris#1 see t$e 6e-eren"ing and +lagiaris# to!i" on S2ills +lus**nort$u#bria*a"*u2/s2ills!lus

    Ma--ing to !rogramme ,oals and %b.ectives:

    T"is assessment will contribute directly to t"e following +ndergraduate -rogramme goals andob.ectives/ (Insert an X in boxes where applicable referring to !ndergraduate "rogramme#pecification Appendix X for mapping details$

    0/ &nowledgeable about t"e t"eory and -ractice of international business and management:be"tivesStudents ill be able to

    ,* De#onstrate "urrent 2noledge and understanding o- t$e #aor -un"tional areas o-business*

    '* De#onstrate "urrent 2noledge and understanding o- s!e"ialist areas o- business*

    3* De#onstrate1 t$roug$ t$e a!!li"ation o- 2noledge to business "ontexts and s"enarios1t$eir abilities o- analysis and synt$esis*

    1/ Silful in t"e use of -ersonal( -rofessional and managerial tec"ni2ues and -rocesses

  • 8/10/2019 SM380 Assessment Brief 201415 S1 UK CV Kap


    Assessment Brief Level Six Undergraduate

    s$are$older1 sta2e$older and "riti"al a!!roa"$es*

  • 8/10/2019 SM380 Assessment Brief 201415 S1 UK CV Kap


    Assessment Brief Level Six Undergraduate

    Assessment Criteria 5)BS6

    General 5ssess#ent 9riteria

    Trait 7 8 19 37 39 47 49 ;7 8 ;9

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