Download - SM 1.51.32 Lecture 3

  • 8/7/2019 SM 1.51.32 Lecture 3


    S A VDr. G. NairSDC


    May 1999

    Lecture 3

    Part 3



    Marketing Research and Analysis

    Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

    OHT 1

  • 8/7/2019 SM 1.51.32 Lecture 3


    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    Marketing Research and Analysis

    1. Aims and Scope of Marketing Research2. Marketing Research Method (The Research Process)

    3. Market Research

    4. Information Sources

    OHT 2

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    S A VDr. G. Nair


    Scope of Marketing Research

    1. Product Studies

    new product development

    new uses for existing product packaging problems

    2. Distribution Analysis

    modes of market coverage and channel comparisons retail buying policies

    reseller selling and merchandising methods

    OHT 4

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    S A VDr. G. Nair


    Scope of Marketing Research

    3. Pricing Research and Analysis

    market price compatability

    discounting policies price positioning

    4. Promotional Research

    media research: coverage, rates, etc. measuring ad-effectiveness, ad-testing

    awareness and ad-recall research

    OHT 5

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    S A VDr. G. Nair


    Scope of Marketing Research

    5. Economic and Business Research

    research and analysis of market shares sales analysis

    forecasting of general economic trends

    OHT 6

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    S A VDr. G. Nair


    2. Marketing Research Method

    The Research Process (6 steps)

    Define the problem Design a suitable research procedure

    Selecting the sample

    Execute the research work (Data collection)

    Process the data collected

    Reach conclusions and report the findings

    OHT 7

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    S A VDr. G. Nair


    1. Define the problem

    The problem (or aim) of the particular piece of research

    must be clearly defined.

    Marketers must decide exactly what they want to know,

    and set down a precise, specific problem to be solved

    by the research.

    2. Design a suitable research procedure

    The next step is to design an appropriate research


    to select the tools and method best suited to achievingthe specific aim or resolving the problem defined in

    Step 1

    OHT 8

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    3. Selecting the sample

    A sample is a segment of the population selected to

    represent the population as a whole.

    Ideally, the sample should be representative so that

    the researcher can make accurate estimates of the

    thoughts and behaviours of the larger population. Designing the sample size calls for 3 main decisions:

    - First, who is to be surveyed (sampling unit)

    - Second, how manypeople should be surveyed

    (sample size)- Third, howshould the people in the sample be

    chosen (sampling procedure)

    OHT 9

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    4. Execute the research work (Data collection)

    Step 4 is to execute the secondary and/or primary


    Data collection involves 2 types of data -

    - secondary data (equally important data that already


    - primary data (fieldwork)

    5. Process the data collected

    The fifth step is to assemble, collate, and analyse the


    OHT 10

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    6. Reach conclusions and report the findings

    Finally, conclusions must be drawn from the research


    These must presented in a clear, business-like report

    which makes it easy for people to act on the findings.

    The formal report is an important record for the

    organisations data bank.

    It should contain the major findings, conclusions, and

    recommendations for action.

    OHT 11

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    3. Market Research

    Definition and Scope of Market Research

    Market Research seeks data concerning thematching of markets and products and the formation

    of offers and strategies appropriate to those markets

    and products

    OHT 12

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    The Aim of your Market Research should be to find


    what goods and services people are likely to buy

    if you already have an idea for a product or service,

    are people really likely to buy it what changes to make to a product to better suit the


    where, when, and how often customers will buy

    OHT 13

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    The Aim of your Market Research should be to find


    how products or services should be presented

    how many potential customers there are in a givenarea

    what sort of people these are

    OHT 14

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    3 Main Market Research Questions

    Does a market exist?

    If so, what is the size and composition?

    What offer(s) should be made to it and how are

    they best presented

    OHT 15

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    1. Does a market exist?

    Aim is to acquire factual evidence that every new

    launch will meet and fill a customer want.

    2. Market size

    Reliable estimates rest on adequate research of several

    factors such as

    total number of customers in the overall market

    the number of those customers the firm can reach

    with an offer

    OHT 16

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    Market size

    the approximate value after researching

    - the average price expected to be paid for a product- relevant customer buying patterns - seasonality,

    frequency, and size of normal purchase

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    3. Customer Profile

    3 broad categories

    Demographic - age groups, income range, sex,occupation, household size

    Geographic - region, city size, diversity of settlement

    (urban, suburban, rural, remote)

    Psychographic - life style, social class, culturalbackground, ethnic background

    OHT 18

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    4. Information Sources (Sources of primary and

    secondary data)

    3 Major information sources:

    what people say

    what people do

    what people have done

    OHT 19

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    a) What people say

    Direct - questioning actual and potential customers

    Indirect - expert opinions from professionals in

    contact with relevant markets


    problem of designing appropriate samples and

    survey methods

    respondent and interviewer biases

    at times, data can be misleading

    OHT 20

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    b) What people do

    Informal observation of shoppers by marketing staff

    Customer flow studies

    Studies of behavioural patterns by specialists

    OHT 21

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    Primary Data Methods (Field Research)

    1. Surveys

    2. Observation

    3. Experiment

    1. Surveys

    Personal interview

    Mail survey Telephone

    Group discussion

    OHT 22

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    Some pointers on Questionnaires

    Close ended or Open ended or Both

    Wording the questions (should be clear and simple)

    Rating scales - 2 types

    1. Likert Scale - asks respondents to indicate their

    degree of agreement with each statement presented

    to them

    eg. Reebok tennis shoes are expensive

    Strongly Agree/Agree/Undecided/Disagree/Strongly Disagree

    OHT 23

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    Some pointers on Questionnaires

    2. Semantic Differential - requires respondents to

    indicate the position of their response along a

    continuum (from one extreme to another) for each of

    the several characteristics.

    Eg. Reebok tennis shoes

    Expensive 7 : 6 : 5 : 4 : 3 : 2 : 1 : Inexpensive

    OHT 24

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    Comparison of Typical Characteristics of the

    3 Survey Methods

    Refer to T1

    OHT 25

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    Group discussion or focus group interview

    involves loosely structured interviews with groups of

    6 to 10 people who focus on a product. During a

    group dynamics session, individuals give theircomments and reactions to new product ideas or

    explain why they buy (or do not buy) certain items.

    OHT 26

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    2. Observation

    the systematic recording of behaviour, objects, or

    events as they are witnessed

    3. Experiment

    a research design that allows the investigator to

    change one or two variables while observing the

    effects of these changes on another variable

    OHT 27

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    c) What people have done

    information that already exist

    Sources of secondary data

    company records, previous reports, sales records

    government statistics

    libraries - trade and academic journals, magazines,


    commercial market research reports

    newspapers - business press

    trade associations

    OHT 28

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    Secondary Data (Desk Research)

    1. Advantages

    they are almost always less expensive

    they can be obtained rapidly, ie. timely

    2. Disadvantages

    secondary data is previously collected data and is,

    therefore old and possibly out dated

    some data is collected only periodically

    OHT 29

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    Secondary Data (Desk Research)

    data may not have have been collected in the form


    users of secondary data may not be able to assess

    its accuracy

    OHT 30

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    Factors to consider when collecting data

    impartiality - make sure that you are very fair in

    collecting the data. No biasness in the data and the

    results and conclusions

    validity - make sure it is representative, properly


    reliability - make sure it is from proper sources,

    should be checked especially for secondary data

    homogeneity - consistency in the collection of thedata

    OHT 31

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC

    Potential value of marketing research

    should exceed its estimated cost

    Refer to T2

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    S A VDr. G. NairSDC


    OHT 33