Download - Slides for World Plone Day 2010

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Juan Pablo Giménez Marcos F. Romero

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1996 2000 2010

C/C++ Linux PHP Plone

Juan Pablo Giménez

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1997 2007 2010

Lotus Notes Web sites, web-apps Plone

1999 2004

Marcos F. Romero

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• Open Source Support: >US$ 150.000

• Permanent pursuit of authors

• Better royalties for authors

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Contact Outline

1-Jun 7-Dic17-Jul

Writing of drafts





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• Martin Aspeli

• Alec Mitchel

• Emanuel Sartor

Technical reviewers

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The book > Project

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1. News items will be published in several sections and must include fields like country and lead paragraph or intro.

• Chapter 3: Creating Content Types with ArchGenXML.

– AGX installation.

– Configuring and using ArgoUML.

– Manual customization of code.

– Turn AGX product into a Python package.

The book > Customer requirements

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2. Multimedia content will illustrate and complement written information.

3. Multimedia content should be played online but may also be downloaded.

• Chapter 5: Creating a Custom Content Type with Paster.

– Creating a content type and adding fields.

– Validation.

– Changing default view with jQuery.

• Chapter 11: Creating portlets.

The book > Customer requirements

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4. Advertisement banners will be located in several areas of every page.

5. Advertisement banners may vary according to the section of the website.

• Chapter 6: Creating Lightweight Content Types.

– Creating content types with Zope 3 techniques and Dexterity.

– Creating zope.formlib forms and views.

The book > Customer requirements

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6. Commercial (and non-technical) staff should be able to modify the location of the banners.

• Chapter 9: Adding Security to your Products.– Creating permissions,

roles and groups.

– Restricting access to methods or operations.

– Adding security via workflows.

– Creating configlets with z3c.form.

• Chapter 10: Improving User Interface with KSS.

The book > Customer requirements

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7. All sections will have a front page with a special layout including the last published content.

• Chapter 12: Extending Third-Party Products.

– CMF skin layers

– overrides.zcml

– z3c.jbot

– browser layers

– subscription adapters

– Collage, a thorough example: views, utilities, forms, adapters and viewlets.

The book > Customer requirements

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8. Everything in the website must be translated or, at least, be translatable into other languages.

• Chapter 8: Internationalization.

– Installation and usage of i18ndude.

– Placeless Translation Services and zope.i18n.

– i18n in AGX and paster products.

– LinguaPlone intro.

The book > Customer requirements

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9. Accessing the website must be fast, especially for readers.

• Chapter 7: Improving Product Performance.

– Installing and configuring CacheFu.

– Several caching techniques: @view.memoize, @ram.cache and volatile variables.

– FunkLoad: load and bench test.

The book > Customer requirements

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10. All of the code must be properly commented and tested so that future changes can be made, without too much effort, by a different development team.

• Chapter 4: Prevent Bugs through Testing.

– AGX and paster products test suites.

– doctests with IPython.

– Zope functional tests.

– Selenium

• Almost all chapters.

The book > Customer requirements

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• Chapter 1: Getting started.

– Installing Python with virtualenv.

– Installing Plone in Linux and Windows.

• Chapter 2: Using Development Tools.

– IPython, ipdb, etc.

• Appendix: Creating a Policy Product

• Chapter 13: Interacting with other Systems: XML-RPC.– z3c.form

– Local and global utilities.

• Chapter 14: Getting our Products ready for Production:– Installing and using an

egg repository (PSC).

– A production buildout.

The book > Additional subjects

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Chapters' structure:

1. Getting ready

2. How to do it...

3. How it works...

4. There's more

5. See also

Chapter 1

• Recipe 1

• Recipe 2

Chapter 2

• Recipe 3

• Recipe 4

Chapter 14

• Recipe 70

• Recipe 71

Chapter 1

• Recipe 1

• Recipe 2

Chapter 2

• Recipe 3

• Recipe 4

Chapter 14

• Recipe 70

• Recipe 71

The book > Structure

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• Chapter 13: Interacting with other Systems: XML-RPC.

– Creating a configuration form (z3c.form)

– Registering a local utility.

– Registering a global utility.


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