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Slide Topic (at a glance): Leiomyoma (fibroids)

Module: 12 Slide:5 Name: References: Pathology notes Date:

IdentityGross image showing circumscribed, firm grey white masses.Micro image showing whorling bundles of smooth muscle that can be intramural, submucosal or subserosal.


Morphology Sharply circumscribed, firm gray white masses with whorled appearance. Can be embedded within the myometrium or beneath the endometrium or serosa.

Diagnosis Leiomyoma (fibroids)

Etiology Can be genetic in African descent and hormonal so estrogen and oral contraceptives can promote growth while menopause would decrease growth.

Epidemiology & Associations

Most common benign tumor in females and found in 30-50% of women during reproduction life. Some genetic influence and seen more commonly in black women. About 50% of women develop fibroids by the 5th decade.

Pathogenesis Caused by an increase in hormonal levels, estrogen which are important factors for growth and can be stimulated by genetic factors and will increase during pregnancy.

Structural Changes Whorling bundles of smooth muscle in myometrium and can also have fibrosis, calcification, necrosis and hemorrage.

Other Sites Areas of smooth muscle

Differentials Leiomyosarcoma

Signs/SymptomsMostly asymptomatic but can have menorrhagia (resulting in iron deficiency) and can have a dragging sensation and becomes palpable if large enough. Also with compression, increased urination.

Investigations Pelvic examination, MRI and ultrasound

Course of Disease More prone in black women and women of reproduction age which increases with estrogen and will regress after menopause. It will not become cancerous.

Exam Highlights Benign, well circumscribed, and well differentiated

Clinical Vignette

A healthy, yet balding woman, named Robin went to her local doctor for her annual exam. It was found that there was a mass discovered in the uterus and Ms. Camp quickly grew worried. After histological exam, there a few nodules appearent with whorling bundles of the myometrium. What was found? a. leiomyomab. robin was pregnantc. nothingd. polycystic ovarian disease