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Slaves Taking Roman Jobs

Roman Time Machine:

By: Adam Cameron

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Since slaves took many lower class Roman jobs the lower class needed money. The government spent most of their money on the lower class with grain, oil, and wine supply to Rome’s lower class. With the government helping mainly the lower class, they didn’t have enough money to support the military, which then caused no one in the military to fight. Rome tried to solve this problem by putting a high tax on slaves. Slave owners started freeing there slaves.

Slaves Taking Roman Jobs

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An average wealthy men would own about 400 slaves, for his house. Some wealthy men owned between 10,000 and 20,000 slaves.

Slaves Taking Roman Jobs

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Some jobs slaves took of Roman citizens were servants for the wealthy, working on farms, and cleaning the sewers.

Slaves Taking Roman Jobs

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A result in the fall of Rome was the military, social, economic, political, and Roman dependency of slaves.

Slaves Taking Roman Jobs

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Since lower class citizens depended on the government, the government taxed slave owners on their slaves to have enough money to feed lower class citizens and run the city. So slave owners started freeing their slaves due to the high taxes on them.

TAX $$$

Slave Taking Roman Jobs

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Offshoring is when jobs are moved outside the country and/or moved out of the company. It is not always essentially out of the company though.

Outsourcing is out of the company and not essentially out of the country.

Insourcing is when businesses in other countries send people to work in the U.S.

Offshoring, Outsourcing, & Insourcing

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The U.S. government isn’t doing, too much to solve the impact of outsourcing and offshoring. There are some good ideas out there though.

Offshoring, Outsourcing, & Insourcing

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Another idea is for the government to offer financial support to companies that want to expand in the U.S., from foreign countries.

Offshoring, Outsourcing, & Insourcing

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Another solution could be “work sharing.” “Work sharing” is usually when an employee works 40 percent fewer hours in a week and has a small cut in there pay.

Offshoring, Outsourcing, & Insourcing

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In 2007 the average wage per hour for a production worker in the U.S. was $24.59. While in Asia they can have production workers do the same labor for a lot less. These are the average hourly wages of production workers in the following countries, Sir Lanka ($0.61), Philippines ($1.10), Hong Kong ($5.78), Taiwan ($6.58), Israel ($13.91), Republic of Korea ($16.02), and Japan ($19.75). In 2005 average monthly wage for a production worker in China was $134 and their work week is 6 day unlike the U.S.’s 5 day work week.

Offshoring, Outsourcing, & Insourcing

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A way we could try to solve this problem is to have a reason to persuade companies to keeping jobs in the U.S. rather than moving them to another country. We can do that by lowering their taxes if they hire more people here in the U.S

Offshoring, Outsourcing, & Insourcing

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There are many ways to fix the issue of slaves taking Roman jobs. The best way is if slave owners freed some of their slaves and hired lower class citizens. As a result of this they could have taxes lowered for creating jobs for the lower class Romans. Another way could be like “work sharing.” A third way to solve this issue is if you offer financial support to men who freed their slaves and hired lower class citizens. The last solution I have to give to you is a limit of slaves based on area of land owned by a man.

Final Solutions To Emperor