Download - Skyfall analysis


Skyfall Analysis

There is a lack of lighting in the opening scene of Skyfall. This allows the audience to think the genre is a mystery or horror because often dark lighting is used in these genres.

Because the silhouette is of one character it gives the impression that they are the main character however you cannot see who they are properly which adds suspense as you would want to know who the main character is and what they look like. It also allows the audience to think that the character is mysterious because we cannot see them properly.

James Bond has now come forward a bit more now so you can see him a little more clearly however you can not completely see him because the lighting is still poor. You can now see he has a gun in his hands which indicates to the audience that it is an action movie. although because the lighting is still poor there is still that element of mystery because you cannot see much more and the audience will want to know why he has a gun.

In this long shot the audience can see a bit more now because there is some natural sunlight coming through the window however not even thing can be seen because even though there is more light there is not enough light to reveal everything in the room. We can see the main character has moved rooms but hasn't put his gun down yet which indicates that he is a murder or someone who is not afraid to be seen with a gun. He is pointing the gun at someone who is in a chair which indicates that he wants something important. This confirms for the audience that it is an action movie.

To get the effects that the director and producers wanted they use lighting to add mystery and tension in the shot by not allowing the audience to view everything clearly in the shots due to the lack of light showing the location and props.

They also get the desired effects by using props and actors such as showing the genre of the film to be an action film by using guns and making the character 'James Bond' look cautious and sneaky as though he is trying not to get caught.