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T h e f i r s t a n d o n ly p r iva te, m o b i l e co m m u n i t y p l a t f o r m f o r s c h o o l s !

Skoop for Schools

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The World Is Increasingly Moving To Mobile As a Means To Staying Connected.

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The Ugly Truth TodaySource: : Estimations based on Skoop’s Business Intelligence, AMS quarterly reports and Radicrati email stats reporting.

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The Purpose of Skoop for Schools is to provide a private social network where parents and teachers can engage in conversations and share media real time.

Parents can stay in constant touch with the school through a news feed and built in messenger.

Completely private

Mobile first for phones and tablets

School controls

the access

Built in notifications

Email chains cut down by


Instant messenger

built it to keep in touch with


Dedicated schedule that parents can


Live polling built in. Bye bye email surveys!

Built in marketplace to

swap books/clothes

etcData is

encrypted and


Superior photo editor

built in


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Why own a private social network for your preschool?

* No more email blasts!

* Removal of privacy imperfections & open groups on macro networks.

* Skoop content can not be indexed & allows for separation of personal social profiles.

* Improved quality of conversations between parents and schools.

* Passcode enabled authentication by school allowing users to share media, manage events, 1x1 or group chat with community and much more!

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What does Skoop for Schools Look Like?Messenger(Group Chat)

Heartbeat (Newsfeed) Search Profile

BumpHoots (Alerts)NewsFeed Options Other• Calendar• Polls • Invite• Status• Likes• Comments• etc…

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We are changing how schools and parents communicate with each other away from the noise and intrusiveness of macro social networks.

Neil PatwardhanFounder and [email protected]

Let’s Talk.

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