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Skin Care Routine: How to Build Your

Perfect Daily Regimen

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Your Skin: Why the Largest Organ in Your Body is Worth Your Investment

To build your perfect skin care routine, you need to remember your skin is worth investing in. You don’t need to take countless skin care quizzes to understand the importance of keeping your complexion in tip top shape. You also don’t need to wait longer to establish your skin care routine, like in your 30's.

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Before You Start: Get to Know Your Skin Type

You might be tempted to buy whatever daily skin care routine products you see during your shopping spree. Apparently, you might be wasting money and you’ll end up throwing those products out, because they may not work for you.

Before you splurge on skincare products, get to know your skin type first. This is important because if you buy products that are not appropriate for your skin, they will be ineffective.

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Glossary of Terms: Defining the Products You Need to Establish Your Skincare Routine

There are tons of skincare products available in the market. The question is how much you know about them and their effects on your skin. Here is the list of common skincare products: cleansers, toners, exfoliants and moisturizers, as well as acne, skin lightening and anti-aging treatments.

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Establishing Your Essential and Healthy Skin Routine

For your morning ritual, make sure to start your day by cleansing your face with a cleanser that is appropriate for your skin type. Tighten your skin using a toner, and finish it off with moisturizer.

At night, you can do the same sans the sunscreen. The good news is you can follow this basic skin care routine regardless of your skin type. It will become different if you are battling with a certain skin care condition.

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Let’s Get Started: How to Cleanse According to Your Skin Type

Cleansing is an important process in skin care routines. It may sound simple, but one wrong move and you are sure to create havoc in your face.

When it comes to cleansing, don’t just grab any soap you can find, apply it on your face, and rinse it off with water.

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Toning: Another Skin Care Regimen You Should Never Skip

Toning is an essential step because it removes pollutants and residual substances from your favorite cleanser. At the same time, it restores your skin’s pH balance, while preparing your face for the succeeding steps that are about to come.

Here’s the thing: toners from the Western hemisphere – yes and that includes America – contain alcohol, which could irritate your skin and lead to further damage. The good news is, Korean variations are less harsh and drying, which your skin will surely love.

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Keep Your Skin Smooth and Supple by Moisturizing Regularly as Part Of Your Skincare Routines

Your skin needs moisturizer, regardless of your skin type. Moisturizer helps your skin from drying out, while maintaining enough hydration to keep it smooth and supple.

Make sure to apply moisturizer immediately after bath time, while your skin is still damp. This will help seal the moisture in your skin.

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Remove Dead Skin Cells and Other Unwanted Substances Through Exfoliation

On your scheduled exfoliation day, replace your daily cleanser with an exfoliating wash appropriate for your skin. Do not scrub too hard, because the purpose is to remove only the dead skin.

After removing your makeup, gently massage the exfoliator in outward circular motions for 30 seconds. Concentrate on areas that could easily clog, such as the creases by your nose.

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Don’t Forget the Eye Using an Intensive Eye Cream

Dark circles, puffiness, fine lines, and wrinkles will show as you age. The good news is you can do something to prevent them from showing. In this case, an intensive eye cream will help. It helps keeping your skin moisturized to prevent drying out that could trigger more fine lines.

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Lather on Sunscreen Whenever You Go Outdoors

Even if your moisturizer has sunscreen, it is best if you apply another sunscreen that works against UVA and UVB rays. Use a sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30. As much as possible and even if it the sun is not out, apply sunscreen at all times. This will provide ample protection on your skin and minimize your risk of skin cancer.

Don’t forget to re-apply every two to three hours, especially if you are staying outdoors for a longer time.

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The Essential Part in Korean Skin Care Routine You Should Know

Essence is a nourishing liquid concentrate that enhances your skin’s cellular renewal process. This increases your skin’s elasticity and firmness while making your skin brighter. It also speeds your skin’s cell turnover rate, which makes your skin smoother.

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There is Another Product You Need to Know to Add in Your Skin Care Routine

If you think that essence is enough, then think again. Apparently, that is not enough. If you want to jumpstart your skincare regimen, then you need to add ampoule in your list.

It is a condensed and vitamin-rich version of essence with slicker consistency. This is equivalent to serum or booster in the West.

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Add Face Mask In Your Daily Skin Care Routine

A face mask is among the best products you could feed your face. If you want to take your skincare regimen to the next level, then you should add this in your routine.

This is because facial masks provide deep nourishment to your skin and helps keep it moisturized. Face masks also detoxify, increase circulation and replenish nutrients back into your skin.

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How Your Lifestyle Matters in Building the Perfect Skincare Routine

These little things could help kick your bad habits and eventually save your skin from damnation:

• Quit smoking• Get enough sleep. • Exercise regularly. • You are what you eat, so eat healthy,

including fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean meats in your diet.

• Drink eight to 10 glasses of water daily to keep your skin hydrated.

• Learn to manage your stress.

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Last Reminders: Simple Steps to Remember to Make your Skin Care Routines More Effective as Ever

Cleansing, toning, moisturizing and exfoliating could make a difference in your skin; however, it doesn’t end there. In fact, there are some simple tips and tricks that will surely change your game in the skincare department.

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The Best Skin Care Routine Tip To Remember to Make Your Skincare Regimen Work

Keep in mind the effects of skincare products do not happen overnight. In fact, you need a minimum of three weeks to a month before you see noticeable results in your skin. If you stop on the third day, and then resume your chosen skin care method on the second or third week, the effects won’t show.

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