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Page 1: Skills development journal

This is my background image, I chose this image as the colours suited my indie theme perfectly, and the city view adds a touch of excitement. This image will not be put on the front cover of my CD in this size, but parts of it will be selected and placed with other images.

Page 2: Skills development journal

This is the image that will be used for the front cover of my CD. I purposely chose a model who’s style was unique. I wanted a model who has certain characteristics that were exaggerated. The bright hair bit bow give the CD cover an ‘out there’ feel, which is exactly what I aimed for with the genre type.

Page 3: Skills development journal

The previous image was copied and pasted into black and white, while the red of the hair was ‘colour selected’ and placed over the black and white image. Many photographers use this technique with their work to make certain areas more eye-catching than others.

Page 4: Skills development journal

A font was selected from and print screened, cut out, and placed into my Photoshop document. Each letter of the word ‘diverse’ was separated and individually changed in colour. This was don’t to make the title of the album to not

Only catch peoples attention, but to make it easily distinguishable to the black and white tone of the background image. The mixed colours also suit the brightness of the hair of the model.

Page 5: Skills development journal

The colours red and yellow were selected from the image on the first slide, and placed over the front cover image. The red and yellow were the only colours selected because the red and in hair of the image has been exaggerated with it and the yellow was already in the image which ties in nicely with the yellow in the title.

Page 6: Skills development journal

The last step in completing the front cover to my CD is with the subtitle. I decided that the subtitle should not be in colour as the attention should be mainly on the title, so the subtitle was put in the same front but kept in black and white. When in black, the title is

Barely readable, but when put in white it is just as bad. So the writing was kept white but with a drop-shadow put on it it is easier to read and looks professional at the same time.