Download - Skenario b Blok 22 Tahun 2015

Page 1: Skenario b Blok 22 Tahun 2015



A mother brought her 10 days old boy to the outpatieint clinic. She noticed that both of her boy’s foot looks excessively turned inward since he was born. There is no abnormality at other part of his body. She had normal delivery with normal weight birth. She never suffered from any kind of illness and never got any medical prescriptions during pregnancy. She has already brought him to a traditional bone setter but there was no improvement.

Physical examination

General examitaion within normal limit.

Extremity examination: at foot region there are abnormalities: 1. Equinus foot, 2. Varus of the foot

Klarifikasi istilah

1. Equinus foot : posisi kaki dan pergelangan kaki yang mengarah ke bawah dan ke belakang (dalam keadaan plantar fleksi)

2. Varus of the foot : Varus : melengkung ke dalam (hanya bagian dari tengah dan depan kaki), menunjukkan deformitas dengan sudut bagian tersebut mendekati garis tengah badan

3. Foot turned inward : club foot, deformitas yang meliputi fleksi pergelangan kaki, inversi dari tungkai, adduksi dari kaki depan, dan rotasi media dari tibia.

4. Normal weight birth : berat kelahiran normal (2,5-4kg), <2,5 BBLR, >4kg : Giant baby

Identifikasi masalah

1. A mother brought her 10 days old boy to the outpatieint clinic. She noticed that both of her boy’s foot looks excessively turned inward since he was born. (main problem)

2. She never suffered from any kind of illness and never got any medical prescriptions during pregnancy.

3. She has already brought him to a traditional bone setter but there was no improvement.4. Physical examination

General examitaion within normal limit.Extremity examination: at foot region there are abnormalities: 1. Equinus foot, 2. Varus of the foot

Analisis Masalah

Page 2: Skenario b Blok 22 Tahun 2015

1. A mother brought her 10 days old boy to the outpatieint clinic. She noticed that both of her boy’s foot looks excessively turned inward since he was born. a. Bagaimana hubungan usia, jenis kelamin, dengan keluhan pasien? Sinta nida, herib. Bagaimana anatomi pedis? Dul, klara sintac. Bagaimana gambaran anatomi dari club foot? Azis, shalid. Bagaimana klasifikasi club foot? Yayak, wasise. Apa DD dari kaki yang berputar ke dalam? Heri, dea

2. She never suffered from any kind of illness and never got any medical prescriptions during pregnancy. a. Apa faktor resiko terjadinya club foot? Sasini, sinta nidab. Bagaimana hubungan riwayat kehamilan dengan keluhan? Azis, puji tari

3. She has already brought him to a traditional bone setter but there was no improvement.a. Apa dampak dari anak di bawa ke tukang urut pada kasus ini? Dul, deab. Bagaimana tatalaksana yang tepat pada kasus ini? Sinta nida, pujic. Bagaimana rehabilitasi dan edukasi pada kasus ini? Yayak, sasini

4. Physical examinationGeneral examitaion within normal limit.Extremity examination: at foot region there are abnormalities: 1. Equinus foot, 2. Varus of the foota. Bagaimana interpretasi dan mekanisme abnormal pada hasil pemeriksaan tersebut? Wasis,

shalib. Apa makna klinis dari status pemeriksaan umum normal? Klara sinta, dul

Analisa Aspek Klinis

1. Bagaimana cara penegakkan diagnosis? Azis, dea2. Bagaimana DD, WD dan definisi penyakit pada kasus? Heri, wasis3. Bagaimana epidemiologi penyakit pada kasus? Sasini, shali4. Apa etiologi penyakit pada kasus? Puji, yayak5. Bagaimana patofisiologi penyakit pada kasus? Sinta nida, heri6. Bagaimana manifestasi klinis penyakit pada kasus? Yayak, dul7. Bagaimana tatalaksana penyakit pada kasus? Wasis, klara sinta8. Bagaimana komplikasi penyakit pada kasus? Klara sinta, puji9. Bagaimana prognosis penyakit pada kasus? Sasini, dea10. SKDI pada kasus : shali

Page 3: Skenario b Blok 22 Tahun 2015


Club Foot : aziska, wasis, heri, sinta nida, yayak,

Anatomy Pedis = otot, tulang, ligament : klara sinta, rhamdani, puji, sasini, shali, dea