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>mmt lFifty;Ninth \ Congress^Opens Now

ser of Sir Henry in drawing D*,ccian Di^ up the list of his official family AuSolall *\10f wHich will be , presented 4o bis majesty. Mr. Morley himself as considered likely to go to the,, Indian ocean and it is probable that' Herbert Henry Aequith will be chancellor of the ex­chequer. , The foreign affairs portfolio will go either to Lord Elgin or Sir Edward

? Thfc Fifty-ninth congress was •opened last Monday, ail the odd •officers being reelected. The democrats ' nominated John

;Sharp Williams of Mississippi i^for speaker, and he thus ipso

facto became the lpader o£ the ihiinerity. It is an interesting jfikely to be made secretary f< factthatheis aloyal supporter lthe colonies. - -of President Roosevelt in the matter of railroad rate iegisla-

, tion will probably develop some § interesting situations during the

Sresent term. In this support, owyver, he is opposed by Rep­

resentative Hay of Virginia, who favors a democratic bill on the -regulaticns of railroads.

,'though the ltaetr is considered ilikely to be i '.the colonies..

& S'/V, i 1

Some Points ^: On Advertising

•With the Inter-Ocean increas­ed (to. twice its normal size, and then -aoicrowded with advertise-

The rules of the last house were \ ments that important' reading Adopted, which gives the speaker mattter <is crowded oat, it hardly and. sthe two other majority seems necessary to tell patrons members of the committee on thai it pays to advertise. But rules ithe power to practically i ther-e is something more thain •dictate legislation. „ " t advertising, when the work of

Some new characters appear this paper is such as to receive in the house among whom is T. favorable commemt from such B. Davis, a brother of the late firms re the Stein-Bloch com-democratic candidate for vice joresident, who was elected at a fecial election last spring from ie Second West Virignia dis-

. rict, which fotf fourteen years [ -was represented by William L. I Wilson, th? author of the Wil-[pson-Gorman tariff bill of the If €levelianci regime. $. B. Davis |f and Henry Gassaway Davis, both

democrats, .eaused the defect of I, Wi Ison because he favored a

•duty ,on coal, iin the mining of

pany .of Rochester, IN. Y. following letter from, them to S. L. Winenun spea<ks for itself:

*' Your fu»U page advertise nent of the 24th inst in the "Devils Lake Inter Ocean" has been re eeived. it lis very effective, and we are glad to note that you give Stein-Bloeh the centre of the page. We have placed it oh ouu file."

A little m o r e than a year ago when Mr, Wineman was just

greatest political - r. tion in the history of tne world since the or e of a -century ago in France is now on iin Russia, and while comttiunicrtion with the outside world is cut off, e ough

— is gathered to know that riot for]and revolution, with incendiar­

ism and murder are flourishing on' every hand. The imperial-,1'amily are certainSy in danger,? and^their flight at any moment would not cause surprise.

The latest seraous develop-" ments were in the mutiny of rttie army, a Iarsge portion of t which with about .thirty officers,' J went over to (the strikers, j Moscow is in flames, and riot-1 ing occurs in the principal j streets. Anti-Jewish uprisings are uccuring throughout the em pire. A story comes by way of London that the grand dukes are plotting to establish them-selves in power again. They

Tki %Y°^;tlie bureauocnaey and the A«e old time rieoimp. > ; if;

n-wMvj.iyit VVM«) Mil MiV, llilllllig Vi ** * » JAiyUMU WAO JUOV

• Which the Davises were interestr beginning to advertise Stein-ed. The district has been repre­sented by a republican since the defeat of Wilson until the pre-

, jesent time. |i| Another interesting chara­

cter who has returned to the house is ex Speaker Keife of Ohio, who twenty-five years ago was its speaker. H^e entered

^congress *in *1861. [j*!*- r

*Th<l "political crisis in-the United Kingdom reached a cli­max today when Arthur J. Balfour, the premier, formally tendered the resignations of Simselj and the members of his c&binet to King Edward, mi ho accepted them. His majesty has invited Sir Henry Camp-bell-Bannerman to interveiw him, when he will offer the

Bloch clothing invitations' were mailed to a number of customers asking them to meet the sales' man and seieet suits. Eight orders-were taken. At the last visit from the salesman about the same number of invitations were sent ojt and forty eight orders were taken.

Last-week Ghas. Pillsbury of this city inserted a local of a cutter for sale. Monday he telephoned the office tri cut it oat as the -people, were setting him; wild about it,< and he stated that he could have sold a .car load, of cutters-bad he nad them.

mission of forming a new cabi­net. Sir Henry will accept the task atid within a few days, even within a few hours, a n 3W government will be formed.

•' A brief official announcement was made tonight that the cabi­net had resigned, the king had accepted the resignation of his ministers, and that Sir Henry Campbel 1-Bannerman had been sent for. .

It would now appear that the entire program has been cut and dried for some time and it is even probable that the liberal leader has already completed his cabinet, though this, like every-hing else in connection with quarte British officialdom, must be'kefc " left to surmise. It may be stated as certain that Lord

ifKosebsry will be entirely ignor-• ed*io the makeup of the new cabinet and that John Morley

E^rill be one of the chief advl-

Land Sales j r, ; V:: Are Increasing A gentleman who is a large

land owner "in this "COUnty and who keeps in closer touch with land transfers- probably than any other man in the county, in a conversation this week with an Inter-Ocean" representative said that he had never seen land changing hands-faster than at the present time in this county. If, therfe is a quarter on the mar­ket, some one has an option on it, and if he does not take up the option on the very day,^ ha'f a dozen people are ready ]:to step into his shoes. Nearly $1 these purchases are being made how­ever by farmers who have lived fifteen and twenty years in the county^ They knov the value of the land as a crop producer and tliey are getting hold of every

5r that is put on the mar-The outsider' who has any

fears about investing in real estate need only look about to see that the men who are thor­oughly familiar with the county do not hesitate to. make similar investments.

: t

k, a V?H1PPLB Pmidint


Surpiui# lf$i£w f . w

ated through the Union Central • * - Partial pay- . tCincinaati,OWa,.pa permitted at any time


old time regime Immense land .concessions

have been made to t&e peasant- j ry* but each concession, instead 1 of satisfying their demantls has! onJy iinoreased their thirst for more. I he Czar is powerlfS3,| and even Witte, strong and cour-f agewufi man that he is, is stag­gering under the load he is carrj?ingL|§^^ .

Tax Sales And Tax Titles

The tax sale at the court house this week attracted the average number of purchasers, but be­cause of the fact that a tax title is little better than none at all makes these sales some-wha^farcical. The taking of.; a cian's property for taxes" is a serious matter, and no man should have his property so sequetered without a reasonable opportunity for redemption/ But where the owner is a nori= resident and suffers his taxes to lapse and at the same time holds his land for the increase in value from the development of the countrv by the people who pay taxes, there should be some way of placing the land on the market after due notice to the owner and selling it for a fair value, returning the surplus to the owner, and then the tax title should be made perfect.* .;

Soo Line's M mm®

BSB First Trams

Commmencing last Monday the Soo line through Warren, Minnesota, inauguated a pas­senger service from Thief River Falls to Overby, N. D.j a dist­ance of 200 miles. Flourishing towns have sprung up like mushrooms in a night along this new line and ic is expected that the new train will do a very good business from the start;

Correction" In Sale Date

The Arnesoa Mercantile Com­pany wishes to announce that the date-on their ''Must Be Sold" bill should be DECEMBER 9th in­stead o£, November 9th. Anyone wishing to'attend a money saving sale Bhould reme'mber Dec. 9th.

• 'V »i!.'-1", .visi.',-xr,.v

A 'DISASTROUS CALAMITY. ^ it -i%a disastrou3 calamity when

4roti loee your health because indi-gestidn and constipation have sap­ped it away. Prompt relief can be |iad in pr. King's New Life Pills. They build up your digestive or-, gans and cure headache, dizziness, colic, constipation etc. Ouarauteed at Greene's drug store; 25qi -

, 's^wrfeatkil^ai^o^ ha^^c) endure the terrible tortur^ of piles. "1 can truthfully say,n

writes H Carry Olson of Mason-ville, Iowa, "that for blind, beedT

Salve'is tliel :or. cqtsJ

reene's,1 burns and injuries.

i m


isimas Will Soon be Here

'here are only 14 shopping '<lays from now until Christmas -~^£ is not too early to think of ^fr' Many of th6-'forehanded5

boyers are already making sel­ections, thus securing the widest possible assortment from.which to fihcose^Whether you want to *>#uy now or not it is well to be-gihr lookihg around and this will sa^:you considerable worry la-*^vhen you are ready to make 3W»r selections.


CiHs For Men


fl? Books' Bibles

Magazines «,pill Bo jks J Toilet Sets

^ Shaving Sets ^Traveling Sets

. . ?- »!}>aper Weights

GdMar and Cuff Boxesf ' * Pipes

, i ' Cigars , , Brushes

-Ink -Wells •, CarJ Cases

Cigar Cases Smoking Sets Ash Receivers ; Playing Cards

Sterling Novelties Steins

4 I Camera i : vvCigar Jars

Cigar Clips v Paper knives i Photo Holders ? fountain Pens ; ^Necktie Boxes Fancy/ Calendars

' Purses ^ Pictures

, Soap Boxes -- <i -tfc Match Baxes r ' .;;,Po.'.ket Books



^ < J s':k Military Sets •S®

^.Safety Razors Suspender Boxes ;

m .

Goods Will be Laid Away


Goods on which you maker a small payment will be laid aside for you. By this means ycu can select gifts now when the -stock is entire and avoid the disap­pointment ; /and dissatisfaction that often { follows having, to make a hasty choice. aV.'the last minute when assortments are broken.;??, 1 \

We • , v. give

here a mere out-

o line of our jf holiday lines

each of which contain scores of

desirable gifts. We hope that you can soon : ;

find time to inspect them

carefully. We have gifts for every member of the family

frcm youngest to oldest, and in justice to them &s well as your­

self we ask that you see

v- what WE

have. The task of choosing gifts be­

comes a comparatively easy mat ter when you have as large and complete a stock as, ours to choose from. We also make it easy in the matter of price, for nowhere else can YOU get as,froori gifts for less than we ask.


Check Over This List

Elsewhere in this advertise­ment you will find lists of gifts suitable for your friends of eith­er sex or of any age. Look these lists over carefully and if they suggest items that would make good gifts for some one on your listlmake ' a note of it. Then come in and see the goods. By thus selecting just what lines you want to see you will save much time and worry and insure | getting the most satisfactory gifts for the money you have to spend.

Gifts For Ladies

Gifts For Children


' Toys | Dolls

v Horns Chairs ^

Rockers a Tricycles ? Doll Carts ,

Toy Stoves Washing Sets:

Magic Lanterns Balls fG Sleds

Banks Drums p; Knives Rattles

- Toy Guns , Foot Balls -

Hose Carts % ^ Music Boxes'

^JRailroad Trains

^ Desks Games

' Blocksp|' • Pianos II

; * {:• X'V Wagdns;Q^;:; • Watches Coasters

Air Guns . Harmonicas

Blackboards Automobiles

Police Patrols' ^Carpet Sweepers


Vases' ' . • Books

Clocks Cameras Fernieres Odor Sets Stationery

Art Pottery Fancy China Trinket Sets j

Manicure Goods J apanese. Novelties

Trays Albums Mirrors- ^

, Perfume Statuary Cut Glass

Card Cases Candelabra Hand Bags

Music Rolls Fancy Boxes Dresser Sets-Fountain Pens

Fancy Thermometers Bibles Lamps

. Jewelry Pictures

• Atomizers * Gold Pens Silverware

i, • Jardinieres Toilet Sets

'< Fancy Goods P hoto Holders -

Celluloid. Novelties.


We Will Ship Gifts

•w® m '' Y*i r,<t

We desire to be of_at sistance to, you in everyfpossible Iway. If requested we'will pack^ and ship gifts bought here for out of town friends and our facilities for doing this ; work*are* such that we can insuresafe delivery. Allow ample timefor Jgoods^to be shipped, as the express~com-panies are always rushed at Christmas. Goods will be de­livered in town Christmas morn­ing.






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