Download - Single-Phase Meter Installation - SaskPower 3 Book 1/9. SINGLE...Objectives: From memory, you will be able to explain single-phase meter test procedures, calculate consumption costs,

Page 1: Single-Phase Meter Installation - SaskPower 3 Book 1/9. SINGLE...Objectives: From memory, you will be able to explain single-phase meter test procedures, calculate consumption costs,

March 31, 2005


Single-Phase Meter Installation

Page 2: Single-Phase Meter Installation - SaskPower 3 Book 1/9. SINGLE...Objectives: From memory, you will be able to explain single-phase meter test procedures, calculate consumption costs,

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2 S T U D E N T T R A I N I N G M A N U A L

Prerequisites: • None

Objectives: From memory, you will be able to explain single-phase meter test procedures, calculate consumption costs, as well as perform pre and post meter installation checks.

Rationale: The installation of a meter to the customer is the last phase in the construction process. It is important to do this correctly so proper metering is provided to the customer and accurate consumption and billing is provided to the utility.

Learning Objectives• Describe the application and permit requirements for meter

installations.• Explain the pre-installation checks required for single-phase meters.• Explain the post-installation checks required for single-phase

meters.• Calculate the consumption and demand costs of a single-phase

meter.• Demonstrate the procedure used to perform an accuracy test.• Explain the procedure used to process a dispute test.

Learning Methods• Self-learning + On-the-job• Self-learning + On-the-job• Self-learning + On-the-job• Self-learning + On-the-job• On-the-Job Demonstration and Practice• Self-learning + On-the-job


• Written test• Written test

Page 3: Single-Phase Meter Installation - SaskPower 3 Book 1/9. SINGLE...Objectives: From memory, you will be able to explain single-phase meter test procedures, calculate consumption costs,

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• Written test• Written test• On-the-Job Evaluation• Written test


• Electric Service Guide• Revenue Metering Connection Diagrams

Learning Steps1. Read the Learning Guide.2. Follow the steps outlined in the Learning Guide.3. Clarify any questions or concerns you may have.4. Complete the Practice and Feedback.

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4 S T U D E N T T R A I N I N G M A N U A L

Lesson 1: Application and Permit Requirements for Meter InstallationsLearning Objective:Describe the application and permit requirements for meter

installations.Learning Method:Self-learning + On-the-jobEvaluation Method:Written test

Application for Service

The application for service should be made at the local utility office andshould include the following information:

• Type of service• Overhead or underground• Single-phase and/or three-phase• Supply voltage preferred• Site plan, including location of service entrance• Date the service is required• Connected load and anticipated demand, both single-phase and

three-phase• Motor schedule• Switch gear requirements• Special load characteristics - voltage sensitive, motor starting

characteristics, computer operations, etc.• Applications involving customer owned substations and non-utility

generators require additional information as outlined in the ElectricService Guide


Any work being completed on a service requires a form. This ensuressafety to the home owner, the electrical contractor, and, of course, theutility. There are three forms and a disconnection order which must beconsidered:

• Electrical Permit (previously Form J)• Form K• Form G• Electric Service Disconnection Order

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Electrical Permit

An Electrical Permit is issued by the SaskPower inspection division toelectrical contractors or others responsible for permanent or temporarywiring installations, alterations, repair or extensions. Conversions offarm yard distribution from overhead to underground are included. Thispermit is also required for reconnection of services that have beendisconnected for more than one year or disconnected due to fire or flood.

This form is an authorization for the utility to provide service to acustomer and ensures an inspection of the installation by the SaskPowerinspection division. A copy of the Electrical Permit must be sent to thelocal SaskPower office. The service will be connected once a copy ofthe Electrical Permit is received from the licensed contractor with theappropriate fees paid. The service must meet proper groundingpractices and clearance standards, and must be deemed free of shortcircuits and other defects.

An Electrical Permit is required prior to the connection of a temporaryservice. A separate or additional Electrical Permit is required whentransferring the service from temporary to permanent. This form statesthat everything is intact and the service is ready to be energized.

Form K

A Form K is a written notice issued by the electrical inspector informingthe electrical contractor to make changes to a new service in order tocomply with the electrical code.

Form G

A Form G is a written notice issued by the electrical inspector informing

CAUTION!The main switch is to be left open on servicesrequiring connection.

---Note---Temporary services must be disconnected after the permanentservice is connected.

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6 S T U D E N T T R A I N I N G M A N U A L

the electrical contractor to make changes to an existing service in orderto comply with the electrical code.

Electric Service Disconnection Order

When orders to correct defects or hazards are not complied with, thechief electrical inspector can issue an electrical service disconnectionorder to cut off the service on a specific date. The utility will disconnectthe service on the date specified unless arrangements have been madewith the electrical inspection division. Reconnection of the service ismade only with the consent of, or instructions from, the chief electricalinspector. All appropriate paper work must be in place.

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Lesson 2: Pre-Installation Checks for Single-Phase MetersLearning Objective:Explain the pre-installation checks required for single-phase

meters.Learning Method:Self-learning + On-the-jobEvaluation Method:Written test


Prior to installing a meter at a new service location, be aware of thefollowing:

• Final meter height from the finished grade is to be 1.7m• Type of meter required (A-base meter, socket meter, demand meter)• Measurements Canada seal is intact on the meter (if the seal is

broken, the meter must not be used)• Secure mounting of the meter socket• Electrical Permit in possession• Live incoming wires are connected to the line side terminals of the

meter socket and customer wires are connected to the load side terminals of the meter socket

• Loose connections on the line and load side terminals• Proper ground connections in the meter socket and at the external

ground rod


For further information, refer to the Construction Standardsmanual or the Electric Service Guide.

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8 S T U D E N T T R A I N I N G M A N U A L

Lesson 3: Post-Installation Checks for Single-Phase MetersLearning Objective:Explain the post-installation checks required for single-phase

meters.Learning Method:Self-learning + On-the-jobEvaluation Method:Written test


Once a meter is installed, there are three precautionary checks tocomplete:

• Disc rotation• Light load starting• Meter creep

Disc Rotation

Ensure the disc turns in the same direction as the arrow indicates. Areversed rotation indicates the line and load leads in the meter socket arereversed.

Light Load Starting

A meter that is working properly should start rotating with as little as 15watts connected to it.

To check this, disconnect the service load and connect a 15 watt bulb tothe load side of the meter, first on one side of the circuit, then on theother.

CAUTION!Ensure that only 120V is provided to the light. Do nothook it up phase-to-phase.

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Meter Creep

Meter creep is when a meter turns under no-load conditions. A kWhmeter is said to be creeping when the disc makes more than onecomplete revolution after the load has been removed.

The following steps should be followed if a meter is suspected ofcreeping:

• Turn the main breaker to the “Off” position or disconnect the loadwires from the terminals.

• If the creeping stops, it is assumed there is a wiring defect in thecustomer’s load. Notify the customer.

• If the creeping continues, the meter is defective and should bechanged immediately. The meter should be sent to the meter repairshop and clearly marked “creeping meter”.

Causes of Meter Creep• Incorrect meter adjustment• Vibration• Supply voltage is too high• Magnets (brakes) in the meter are out of line• Short circuit in current coils• Current leakage in the customer’s wiring• Stray magnetic forces

---Note---If the meter is to be used, it must start rotating at this point.

---Note---If creeping occurs, it is usually in a forward motion and can bemistaken for light load.

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10 S T U D E N T T R A I N I N G M A N U A L

Lesson 4: Consumption and Demand CostsLearning Objective:Calculate the consumption and demand costs of a single-phase

meter.Learning Method:Self-learning + On-the-jobEvaluation Method:Written test


The amount of energy used, in turn, becomes a cost to the customer. Inorder to charge the correct amount, we need to know how to read a metercorrectly for kilowatt-hour consumption.

How to Read a Meter

There are four or five dials which are read to get the kilowatt-hourconsumption of the period. A meter is read in the following way:

• Extreme right-hand dial measures the single units• Second dial from the right measures the tens (10s)• Third dial from the right measures the hundreds (100s)• Fourth dial from the right measures the thousands (1000s)

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• Fifth dial, if any, would read ten thousands (10,000s)

Cost of Consumption

Using the previous diagram, we can calculate the amount of energy thecustomer has used since the meter was last read, and by multiplying thecost per kWh, we can determine the amount the customer will becharged.


The previous read was 4682. By the diagram, we can see that this readis 7250. The total amount of energy used is:

7250kWh - 4682kWh = 2568kWh

If the energy rate is 5.85 cents per kWh, we can determine the cost ofconsumption.

Cost = 2568kWh x 5.85 cents/kWh

Cost = 15022.8 cents divided by 100

Cost = $150.23

Therefore, a sum of $150.23 would be applied to this customer’s nextbill to cover their consumption.

---Note---There is also a test dial on the meter which is for test purposesonly.

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12 S T U D E N T T R A I N I N G M A N U A L

Rates for Metered Customers

Demand Energy Meters

A demand energy meter is in actual fact, two meters in one body. It is akilowatt-hour or watt-hour meter which measures energy and a demandmeter which measures kVA.

The demand portion of the meter measures and registers the load on theservice installation at any given time. This is necessary to determinewhat kind of load the customer is inflicting upon the apparatus.

For example, if a customer normally draws a load of 50kVA, butrequires 200kVA for one hour per day, we have no choice but to supply


There are a number of different rates for energy costs, dependingon the type of customer. For further information on rates, referto the Rates and Policies manual.

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him with a 200kVA service. To pay for this extra service, the customeris billed an extra amount based on the demand reading of the meter.

The demand portion of the meter is constructed so that a pointeradvances along a scale to record the present kVA demand.

A second pointer is integrated into the meter and performs the samefunction as that of the first pointer. However, the maximum valuereached will be retained, and can only be reset by the proper authorities(meter reader, district operator).

The maximum value recorded by the demand needle is the value inwhich the customer is billed.

Billing Multiplier

The demand reading is multiplied by the billing multiplier to calculatethe total demand. This demand can then be multiplied by the cost perkVA.


A customer has a demand reading of 800VA on the meter and the billingmultiplier for the service is 80. Calculate the demand charge if thecustomer must pay $13.01 per kVA on consumption above 50kVA.

Total Demand = Read x Billing Multiplier

Total Demand = 800 x 80

Total Demand = 64,000VA or 64kVA

Cost = (64 - 50) x $13.01

Cost = 14 x $13.01

Cost = $182.14

---Note---When reading meters, never forget to reset the demand or peakdemand needle as the customer may not reach that maximumlevel during the next billing period.

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14 S T U D E N T T R A I N I N G M A N U A L

Meter Accuracy

In many instances, a customer may believe the meter to be faulty orinaccurate, usually due to high electrical bills.

The customer may possibly have a reason for concern; however, mosttimes the problem does not lie with the accuracy of the meter. Thefollowing are some possible reasons for high meter readings:

• Customer load may have increased• Faulty equipment such as electric water heaters may draw

abnormally high amperages• Errors in the meter reading• Present reading was read too high• Previous reading was read too low

If you cannot satisfy the customer as to the explanation of a high powerbill, they have the option of disputing the meter through an accuracy testor dispute test.

Accuracy Test

An accuracy test can be done on site to check the accuracy of a single-phase meter. By performing this test, there is a good possibility ofreassuring the customer that the meter is correct and avoiding a disputetest.

---Note---The standards division requires that all meters be calibrated toensure that an error in registration does not exceed +/- 2% or +/-1% for electronic meters.

A meter involved in a customer initiated dispute must be within+/- 3%.

Meters sent to the meter repair shop are tested to an accuracy of+/- .5%.

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Load Check

• Perform a load check on the service being metered.• Calculate the metered load.

• Check the kh factor of the meter.• Simultaneously start counting time (in seconds) and the number of

disc revolutions.

• Calculate the load recorded on the meter.

Meter Accuracy

The above calculation will indicate the meter accuracy in percent. Apositive number indicates an error in favor of the utility and a negativenumber indicates an error in favor of the customer. If the meter accuracytest fails to convince the customer that there is not a problem with themeter, the meter can be put through a government dispute test.

CAUTION!To ensure consistent accuracy, there must be aminimum of ten disc revolutions over a period of atleast 90 seconds (minimum time).

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16 S T U D E N T T R A I N I N G M A N U A L

Lesson 5: Perform an Accuracy TestLearning Objective:Demonstrate the procedure used to perform an accuracy test.Learning Method:On-the-Job Demonstration and PracticeEvaluation Method:On-the-Job Evaluation

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Skills Practice

1. Demonstrate the procedure used to perform an accuracy test.

0. Check all wiring and connections.

0. Ensure the load is constant and purely resistive.

1. Check and record the voltage.

2. Check and record the amps on both legs.

3. Start timing and counting simultaneously.

4. Record the number of disk revolutions (minimum of 10).

5. Record the number of seconds (minimum of 90).

6. Record the kilowatt-hour value.

7. kVA calculations completed correctly.

8. kW calculations completed correctly.

9. Accuracy calculations completed correctly.

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18 S T U D E N T T R A I N I N G M A N U A L

Lesson 6: Dispute Test ProcedureLearning Objective:Explain the procedure used to process a dispute test.Learning Method:Self-learning + On-the-jobEvaluation Method:Written test


If a customer requests a dispute test, collect the specified fee. In theevent that the meter fails the dispute test, the fee will be returned, as wellas any money resulting from the billing adjustment due to the faultymeter. If the meter tests within + or - 3%, SaskPower keeps the fee aspayment for the test.

Proceed to change the meter and fill out the necessary paper work. Tagthe meter accordingly (dispute test meter) and mail the meter to themeter repair shop.

After the dispute meter is received at the meter shop, it is sent toMeasurements Canada to be tested. This is a federal governmentdepartment.

Once the meter is tested, the results are sent with one copy going to themetering department and one copy to the customer. The meteringdepartment will send a copy to the region office and customer accountsfor billing adjustments.

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To summarize this module, you have learned:

• The application and permit requirements for meter installations.• The pre-installation checks required for single-phase meters.• The post-installation checks required for single-phase meters.• To calculate the consumption and demand costs of a single-phase

meter.• To perform an accuracy test.• To process a dispute test.

Practice Feedback

Review the lesson, ask any questions and complete the self-test.


When you are ready, complete the final test. You are expected toachieve 100%.

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20 S T U D E N T T R A I N I N G M A N U A L

Review Questions

T / F 1. An application for service must be made through SaskPower.

T / F 2. An application must include a site plan with the location of the service entrance.

3. A written notice to make alterations to a new installation is a:(a) Form K.(b) Form G.(c) Electric Permit.(d) Electric Service Disconnect Order.

4. Authorization to provide service to a customer following an inspection of the installation is a:(a) Form K.(b) Form G.(c) Electric Permit.(d) Electric Service Disconnect Order.

5. Written notice to make alterations to existing wiring is a:(a) Form K.(b) Form G.(c) Electric Permit.(d) Electric Service Disconnect Order.

6. A requirement for reconnection of services which have been disconnected for over one year is a:(a) Form K.(b) Form G.(c) Electric Permit.(d) Electric Service Disconnect Order.

7. A document issued when an order to correct a defect or hazard has not been complied with is a:(a) Form K.(b) Form G.

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(c) Electric Permit.(d) Electric Service Disconnect Order.

T / F 8. Ensure the meter socket is secure before installing the meter.

T / F 9. Verify a Form K has been issued prior to a meter installation.

T / F 10. Ensure the Measurements Canada seal has been removed prior to the meter installation.

T / F 11. An inspection of the ground connections in the meter socket and ground rod should be completed prior to the meter installation.

T / F 12. The final meter height from the finished grade is to be 1.7m.

T / F 13. The final meter height from the finished grade is to be 2.0m.

T / F 14. Ensure live incoming wires are connected to the load side terminals of the meter socket and the customer wires are connected to the line side terminals of the meter socket.

15. Three items to check after a meter installation are:(a) Proper grounding, proper voltage, and meter

creep.(b) Disc rotation, light load starting, and meter creep.(c) Vibration (d) Final grade, Form G, and light load starting.

16. When a meter turns under no load conditions, it is called:(a) Disc rotation.(b) Demand.(c) Meter creep.(d) An energy meter.

T / F 17. A meter that is working properly should start rotating with as little as 15 watts connected to it.

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22 S T U D E N T T R A I N I N G M A N U A L

T / F 18. A meter that is working properly should start rotating with as little as 0 watts connected to it.

T / F 19. A reversed rotation on the meter disc indicates meter creep.

20. On a five dial meter, the middle dial reads kilowatt-hours by:(a) Tens.(b) Twenties.(c) Hundreds.(d) Thousands.

T / F 21. A customer who is metered by a demand meter is billed by a demand reading only.

T / F 22. A consumption meter or kilowatt hour meter measures the amount of energy used.

T / F 23. A consumption meter or kilowatt hour meter measures the amount of kVA used.

T / F 24. A demand meter measures the kVA required.

T / F 25. A demand meter measures the energy required.

T / F 26. The standards division requires that all meters be calibrated to ensure that an error in registration does not exceed +/- 2% or +/- 1% for electronic meters.

27. A meter which is involved in a customer initiated dispute must be accurate to within plus or minus:(a) .5%.(b) 2%.(c) 3%.(d) 5%.

T / F 28. A customer initiated dispute may originate from the use of faulty equipment.

T / F 29. A dispute test can be completed with the meter left in its original location.

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T / F 30. If a dispute test is required, the meter is sent to the meter repair shop where it is tested and inspected.

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24 S T U D E N T T R A I N I N G M A N U A L

Review Question Solutions

1. T

2. T

3. Form K.

4. Electric Permit.

5. Form G.

6. Electric Permit.

7. Electric Service Disconnect Order.

8. T

9. F

10. F

11. T

12. T

13. F

14. F

15. Disc rotation, light load starting, and meter creep.

16. Meter creep.

17. T

18. F

19. F

20. Hundreds.

21. F

22. T

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23. F

24. T

25. F

26. T

27. 3%.

28. T

29. F

30. F