Download - Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Page 1: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Singapore’s Experience SMS & SSP

Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations)

Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 2: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.


1. SMS –Jan 2009 SMS Standarda. Singapore’s AOCs and AMOs

b. Principal Considerations

c. Roadmap

d. Lessons Learnt

2. SSP a. Key milestones

b. Challenges

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 3: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Singapore AOCs & AMOs

106 AMOs (67 local, 39 overseas)

8 AOCs

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 4: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Singapore AOCs & AMOs

• 185 Singapore registered aircraft

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 5: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Principal Considerations

• Early SMS education

(Culture changing, complex, top-to-bottom)

• Partnership approach

(Mutual learning experience)• Objective SMS assessment

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 6: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Singapore SMS Roadmap

2007 2010Jan 2009200820062005

Assessment protocol

Industry education and sharing

AC 1-3(0)

Implementation Review

AC 1-3(2)

SMS regulations

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Page 7: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Industry Education & Sharing

In-depth Understanding

SMS Courses

Compliance Guidance

SMS Workshops

Building blocks & industry sharing

Aviation Safety Forums (ASF)

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Page 8: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Aviation Safety Forums (ASF)Year Theme Participants

2005 Introduction to SMS 120

2006 SMS Hazard & Risk Management 300

2007 100 Qs Objective assessment protocol 450

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Page 9: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

SMS Courses

• Conducted at the Singapore Aviation Academy (SAA)

ICAO 5-day course

CAAS 2-week course

• In-depth knowledge of SMS principles and concepts

• Participants from many parts of the world

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 10: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

SMS Workshops - 2008

• Handholding of smaller companies

• Coaching on development of SMS Manual

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Page 11: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Advisory Circular 1-3(2)

Mandatory Requirements Implementation Guidance

• Core SMS components

• Non-compliance affects approval

• Suggested methods of compliance

• Performance-based requirement

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Page 12: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Guidance Material• Advisory Circular AC 1-3(2) [2008]

General What is an SMS Benefits of an SMS Senior Management Accountability

SMS Implementation Schedule Implementing an SMS Integrating SMS with existing systems Gap Analysis and Project Plan Frequently Asked Questions Guidance on the Development of a SMS Manual Examples of :

Hazard Management Flowchart Risk Management Process Flowchart Risk Mitigation Process

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 13: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

SMS Assessment 100 Questions Objective and transparent tool

Maturity over time: 3-level Questions

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 14: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

SMS Assessment Protocol

Lvl 1 Qns Lvl 2 Qns Lvl 3 Qns

Sub-element 1

SMS Component 2

SMS Component 1

Sub-element 2

Sub-element 3

Sub-element 1

Sub-element 2

Sub-element 3






100 questions

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 15: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.


SMS Component Sub-element

Safety Policy -

Safety Roles and Responsibilities

Accountable Manager

Safety Manager

Safety Committee

Safety Targets and Performance Indicators

Safety Objectives and Goals

Safety Performance Indicators

Hazard and Risk Management

Hazard identification

Risk management

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 16: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Safety Policy Formal written Policy statement.

Policy readily visible or accessible to all personnel.

Policy communicated to all employees, who are aware of their individual safety obligations.

Hazard and Risk Management

Documented risk evaluation procedure.

Process for the prioritisation and scheduling of identified hazards for risk assessments.

Procedure for periodic reviews of existing risk analysis records.

Safety Manager

Safety manager administers the SMS programme.

Safety Manager does not hold another post that may impair with his role as a Safety Manager

Safety Manager is a senior position independent of operations or production.

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 17: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Assessment Score ∑ YES

∑ (YES + NO)Score =

• Gap analysis

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 18: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

SMS Regulations & GM

• 2 Regulatory documents (SAR-145 and AOCR)

• 2 Guidance materials (AC1-3(2) and AW 127)

• 1 Internal guidance document - Inspector’s guidebook

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 19: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Compliance Status in 2009

• 8 AOCs –

• 106 AMOs 67 local AMO – 39 foreign AMO (local compliance/ mutually

agreed schedule to comply with Singapore SMS Regulations)

• Minimum - SMS Manual & pass Assessment

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 20: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Lessons Learnt1. Structured Approach

(a) Early engagement of the Industry

(b) Roadmap

2. Partnership Approach (a) Both parties learn along the journey

(b) Top Management buy in (Biz function)

(c) One size doesn’t fit all -100 Qs

(Size & nature of work)

3. Objective Approach

100 Qs assessment protocol useful


Objective Approach



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Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 22: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

SSP Key Milestones

In progress


Sep 09

National Aviation Safety Committee


Jan 10

Singapore Aviation

Accidents/ Incidents Reporting

System (SAIRS)

Acceptable Level of Safety (ALoS)

SSP Manual

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Safety Policy Statement

Nov 09

Safety Oversight

Management System (SOMS)

Aug 10

Page 23: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

• Integration of aviation activities under a common framework

- Approved SSP safety policy statement

National Aviation Safety Committee Sep 2009

Air Accidents Investigation

Bureau (AAIB)

National Environment AgencyMeteorological

Services Division

National Aviation Safety Committee


CAA Singapore

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 25: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Safety Oversight Management System (SOMS)

• Data-driven approach for oversight Ramp inspections Audit results for AOCs & MROs Line station inspections Line station audits

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Page 26: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Key Challenges in Implementing SSP

Page 27: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Challenges 1. ALoS (Initial) (Still grappling – large volume of safety data needed)

Step Taken: Technology in data collection & mining (SAIRS & SOMS)

2. Enforcement Policy – Voluntary reporting vital to success of SSP

3. Link between SMS, SSP and CMA

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Singapore’s SSP is still Work in ProgressSingapore’s WPs

WP 70 in support of a new Annex 19

i. Dedicated to safety management provisions

ii. Guidance Material on the integration of SMS, SSP & CMA

WP 74 on sharing of safety information

i. Unimpeded flow of safety information under the stewardship of ICAO is vital to success of SMS, SSP and CMA

ii. Briefings to senior safety decision makers on the link between SMS, SSP & CMA.

Looi Han Seng/Lix 29 Mar 2010

Page 29: Singapores Experience SMS & SSP Colonel (Retired) LOOI Han Seng Director (Airworthiness/Flight Operations) Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Looi Han.

Useful Link• CAAS Advisory Circular 1-3 (2)

Thank You!