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Drought in Australia & Sustainable Solutions

By Maxine Sinclair

“Massive droughts” (Flickr, 2010)

OverviewDrought definition

The reason Australia is prone to drought

Sustainable solutions & immediate plan of action


Definition of DroughtDrought is a natural disaster

Drought refers to a water shortage (National Museum Australia, n.d.)

“Perth rainfall” (Water corporation, 2014)

The reason Australia is prone to droughtGeographic location (National Museum Australia, n.d.)

Australia is a flat continent

“University campuses” (Flickr, n.d.)

Rainfall totals for Australia over 24 months

“Twenty four monthly rainfall totals for Australia” (Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, 2014)

Sustainable solutions & immediate plan of action To live sustainably in Australia, farmers,

communities and cities need to adopt strategies to conserve water and effectively manage environmental conditions

These sustainable solutions include:1. Working with the land (National Museum

Australia, n.d.)

2. Water recycling options3. Water storage solutions4. Continue research into sustainable

solutions to conserve and store water5. Everyone conserve water

Reflection Actions to improve sustainability are both

individual and collective endeavours shared across local and global communities (Australian Curriculum Assessment & Reporting Authority, 2014)

Everyone can do there bit to conserve water

The Western Australian Government is already planning for the future of Perth with plans for a water recycling facility

As rainfall declines in Perth and demand rises due to population increases the Western Australian

State Government has confirmed plans for a water recycling plan in Perth. Potentially providing up to 115 billion litres of water a year by 2060 (Mercer, 2014)

Is it possible to ‘drought-proof’ Australia?Based on the evidence drought is a natural part of the Australian environment, therefore to reduce the impact of drought, Australia needs to be less vulnerable “Waiting for the rains to come” (Flickr, 2012)

ReferencesAustralian Curriculum Assessment & Reporting Authority, (ACARA). (2014).

Retrieved from

 Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology. (2014). Twenty four monthly

rainfall totals for Australia [image]. Retrieved from

 Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. (2012). Drought in Australia.

Retrieved from

 Flickr. (2010). Massive Droughts [image]. Retrieved from Flickr. (n.d.). University campuses [image]. Retrieved from  

References continued

Flickr. (2012). Waiting for the Rains to Come [image]. Retrieved from

 Mercer, D. (2014, June 12). Perth faces wastewater reality. The West Australian,

Retrieved from

 National Museum Australia. (n.d.). Investigating drought – its causes, impacts,

management. Retrieved from

 Water Corporation. (2014). Perth rainfall table [image]. Retrieved from