Download - SIMSWeb “Internet Remote Access” The most advanced central station software in the universe !

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SIMSWebSIMSWeb“Internet Remote Access”

The most advanced centralstation software in the universe !

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To log on, users must enter a central station assigned “Username” and “Password”. TheUsername consists of their assigned Group Code and their Id.

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Security Features

• Access is controlled from SIMS II’s Operator Maintenance screen.

• Id’s can be restricted to certain IP Address if desired to prevent access from other locations (even with valid id/password).

• All activity is logged to disk regarding valid functions in addition to security alerts.

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After the dealer logs in, they see a “news” file where you can post information to your dealers. In the old version of SIMSWeb the dealer had to specifically go look at the news page, in the new version it always shows after logon.

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The menu is now a pull down style, which is accessible from almost anywhere in the site.Just move the mouse over the menu item, and sub-menus will appear. This means that the dealer can jump another function without going back to the home page each time.

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Most search screens look similar, lookups can be performed by account number, name, address and other criteria depending on the type of search being performed.

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Many fields now have pick lists just like the real SIMS program does. Click on the “…” button next to a field, and a pick-list window with your choices will appear.

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After performing a search, the search results screen shows accounts that match. Check items one by one or use the “Mark All” and “Clear All” buttons to do bulk marking. Once the accounts you want are marked, press the “View” to run the report.

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The requested report is generated and displayed in the browsers window. From here they can print the report, email it to someone or even save it to their local disk if they want. Reports appear in separate windows so multiple reports can be viewed simultaneously.

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Account Editing is presented with web forms which also look very similar to SIMS for Windows. Note that fields they aren’t allowed to change directly are grayed out. Notice the calendar icons near the Reinstate on and Begin On dates……

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… clicking on the calendar icon which is next to most date fields will bring up a pop-up calendar that you can use. From this calendar you can scroll through months and years and click on a date to select it. The currently selected date is shown with a yellow background.

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The zone list, contact list and equipment list pages have been changed to use a pick-list style screen. Click on a zone in the list at the top and all the fields below are filled in with the information that corresponds. Insert and delete entries, even re-arrange them.

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View the dealer traffic files (if enabled at Central Station) which shows alarm traffic as it occurs. This can be set to refresh automatically as shown here with a five minute timer.

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Users can view accounts that are Out of Service. This can be a handy reminder that an installer forgot to notify the central station when they finished testing at a customer site.

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New to this version of SIMSWeb is the ability to allow dealers to place accounts out of service or return them to service.

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Each user can store their preferences for use with SIMSWeb. These are actually stored in theusers browser as a “cookie” which SIMSWeb retrieves on later logon’s. Note the Template Language entry on this page. SIMSWeb now supports language translation……

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Here is what a history search screen would look like in Dutch. Notice that even the pull-down menus change to the language selected. Currently English and Dutch are available.

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