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WE ARE A unit of Regent Research Writing

Private Ltd A team of academic writers, editors,

subject matter experts, and consultants who have years of experience in their specialised domains

Always on time The preferred choice of the scholars

pursuing research work

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DATA ANALYSIS HELPDissertation Data Analysis Help is one of our flagship offerings, under which we offer complete guidance for the following:

Data collection Data arrangement and

management Statistical analysis Interpretation of outcome Results section

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GRAPHS AND TABLES Illustrations play an essential role in

explaining the research report to the readers. The quality of illustrations can be enhanced when they are prepared by experts.

Our PhD statisticians make the illustrations with clarity and precision

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Dissertation Research Methodology Writing Help

The methodology is chosen after a detailed discussion with the scholar, and taking inputs from the supervisors

There are various methodologies which can be used depending on the nature of projects

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METHODOLOGIES MENU Qualitative Quantitative Pragmatic approach Participative approach

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QUANTITATIVE APPROACH Associated with the positivist/post

positivist paradigm Involves collecting and converting

data into numerical form Researchers will have one or

more hypotheses Objectivity is very important in

quantitative research

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QUALITATIVE APPROACH Associated with the social

constructivist paradigm  It is about recording, analyzing and

attempting to uncover the deeper meaning and significance of human behavior and experience

Approach adopted by qualitative researchers is inductive

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FAIR POLICIESWe have in place transparent policies for:

Money refund Fair use of the material we

provide Use of information shared by

clients Revision of documents (free

revision till up to 14 days of delivery of document)

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