Download - Similes for Year 6



Similes Similes are used to compare one thing to another.

as bad as a witch

as beautiful as a rose

as big as a whale

as black as coal / soot /

as blind as a bat

as brave as a lion

as brilliant as the stars

as busy as a bee

as calm as a cat

as clear as a bell / crystal/

as clumsy as a bear

as cold as ice

as cool as a cucumber

as cunning as a fox

as easy as ABCABC

as fast as lightning

as fat as a pig

as fierce as a tiger

as flat as a pancake

as fresh as a daisy

as good as gold

as graceful as a swan

as green as grass

as hairy as a gorilla

as happy as a king / a lark/

as hard as iron / nails/

as heavy as an elephant

as heavy as lead

as hungry as a wolf

as hot as fire/ oven/

as light as a feather

as loud as thunder

as loyal as a dog

as mischievous as a monkey

as old as the hills

as playful as a kitten

as proud as a peacock

as red as blood

as round as an orange

as safe as the bank

as sharp as a needle / a razor/

as shy as a squirrel

as silent as the grave

as slippery as an eel

as slow as a snail

as smooth as glass

as sober as a judge

as soft as butter

as sour as vinegar

as strong as an ox

as stubborn as a donkey

as sweet as honey

as tall as giant

as timid as mouse / a rabbit/

as tough as leather

as valuable as diamond

as warm as wool

as wet as a fish

as white as snow

as wise as an owl