Download - Similarity and Congruence Visual Identification Irma Crespo 2010.


Similarity and Congruence

Visual Identification

Irma Crespo 2010


Congruent Shapes

Same shape

Same size

More Congruent Shapes

Same shape

Same size

Similar Shapes

Same shape

Different size

More Similar Shapes

Same shape

Different size

Which is false?

A) Congruent shapes are identical.

B) Angles in similar shapes are always the same.

C) Similar shapes are always the same size.

D) Angles in congruent shapes are always the same.

Similar shapes are resized versions of the original shape.Congruent shapes are exactly the same shape and size.

So, all pairs of (congruent, similar) shapes

are (congruent, similar).

SquaresWhich of the following is true?

A) All squares are congruent.

B) All squares are similar.

C) Some pairs of squares are neither congruent nor similar.

TrianglesWhich of the following is true?

A) All triangles are congruent.

B) All triangles are similar.

C) Some pairs of triangles are neither congruent nor similar.

CirclesWhich of the following is true?

A) All circles are congruent.

B) All circles are similar.

C) Some pairs of circles are neither congruent nor similar.

Similar or CongruentYour Game

Similar or Congruent

Similar or Congruent

Similar or Congruent

Similar or Congruent

Similar or Congruent

Similar or Congruent

Similar or Congruent

Similar or Congruent

Similar or Congruent

Similar or Congruent

Similar or Congruent

Similar or Congruent

Similar or Congruent

Similar or Congruent

Similar or Congruent

Similar or Congruent

Similar or Congruent


Congruent shapes are identical. They have exactly the same shape and size.

Similar shapes have the same shape and can have different sizes.

Congruent shapes are similar.

Similar shapes are not congruent.

Practice Worksheet

Answer the 8 multiple choice questions.

For the 9th question, think about ways to mathematically determine if shapes are similar or congruent for the next lesson.

Main Resources

PowerPoint created by Irma Crespo. University of Michigan-Dearborn, School of

Education. Winter 2010.