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SiMania Admods: The Musical

Act II, Scene One: I Have ConfidenceWritten by: Hippielayla86

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Hello everyone, and welcome back to SiMania Admods: The Musical! A joint legacy played by the admods at SiMania, The first generation was played by Taube/Roxy, I have them for this turn (hippielayla86/Lydia) and ilovereecee/Katie will have them after me.

So, to get you caught up from last time, we will be following Gen 2 heir Mark and his siblings as they embark on their lives in college. There are a few fun and special things to note about the Encores, one is that they have a custom blue skin tone that Taube created, along with eyes she created as well. We will try to keep this blue skintone going for as long as we can.

The other thing is that each heir will get 3 chances on a blind date to pick their spouses with a random integer picked between 1-5000 being the amount they can spend on that date. So things may get interesting... Thanks for coming back to read Act 2, Scene 1: I Have Confidence --->

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So, hopefully you remember our foundress Aria and her hubby Cleve? If not, you can see them above. Aria here is a Romance sim, and now that she's in a new neighborhood all of her wants are centered around Cleve. So, lucky Cleve gets to relish all of his wive's attention for once in his life, if for no other reason than she doesn't know anyone else yet...

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And it appears sim teens are no different from human teens, Joann and Mark do not appreciate all of their parents' PDA.

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The teens only last 2 days watching their parents romancing before Mark convinces his siblings that they needed to head off for college. Poor Angel was the only one who thought it was sweet that their parents were going on dates, but he got overruled. Mark was right, and he knew it. In Mark's mind, he is always right...

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So they moved out. And to my entertainment, as soon as the teens left for college Aria and Cleve immediately diverted their attention to the family's many dogs. If I didn't know any better I'd think they were trying to get their kids to leave....

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So, the three gen 2 kids arrived at Sim State University and were able to rent this huge house, thanks to Roxy and all of the scholarships she set them up for!

But, as you can see, they were not as lucky with their transitional clothing. Mark, for instance didn't get the memo that baby doll shirts are meant for women...

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From left to right, Angel, Joann and Mark headed to a local clothing store to find outfits that better suited their taste.

I think they cleaned up pretty well, especially Joann.

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I realize, I haven't really pointed out our heir yet, well gen 2's heir is Mark. And it is time that I rolled for Mark's random integer between 1-5000, and fortunately for him I got 4,238 simoleons – though his wallet may beg to differ. Hopefully this will procure some lovely ladies for him to choose from for his future wife.

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Well, Mark does have 3 bolts of chemistry with his #1 pick, Pamela Wade, but she has very unique facial features.

The two of them had a very short date where Pamela discovered Mark's mean streak (1 whole whopping nice point) as she was pelted with the baseball.


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It was short because Mark had to run off to his first college class. Between dates I'll have to be very careful to have Mark not greet any attractive women in the mean time so he can hopefully get them as a blind date.

He may like Pamela so far, but he gets two more eligible bacherlorettes to choose from.

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That night while working on his term paper, Mark only had thoughts of Pamela. Remember he is a family sim, so his objective is to find a mate as quickly as possible so he can have loads of children.

Both he and Joann were productive that night though, and chose their majors. Joann chose Poli Sci and Mark picked History.

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When the three weren't in class they were painting away their days so they could get enough money for Mark to be able to go on another date.

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All three of the 2nd generation completed their first semester of college with an A+. With their Dean's list money, Mark is very close to getting his second blind date.

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But not before a girl on girl fight while the male mascot stood around and cheered his cheerleader on. And then afterward did a victory cheer for Joann.

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Poor Mark really wants that second date so he doesn't have to sing karaoke alone anymore. On a side note, Mark's voice is very high, so I always know when it's him sneaking onto the machine and not Angel. Usually I'll cancel out the interaction when it's him but I'll let Angel sing. The first time I heard Mark at the machine I thought it was Joann....

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Once night hits, Mark calls up the matchmaker again for his second choice for his future wife.

The matchmaker gives him Kendal Kalson as his second date. He has 2 lightning bolts of attraction for this lovely lady, and the date commences.


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Mark and Kendal hit it off well, but don't have much time before Kendal gets hit by something else.

The pesky evil mascot sure knows how to break things up. Mark doesn't stand for it though and tells her to bug off.

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Being the kind gentleman he is, or maybe he was trying to cop a feel you be the judge, he went over to console Kendal after shooing the evil mascot away.

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And then he decided the next logical step would be to do the chicken dance and then do what he had just scolded the evil mascot for, hit Kendal in the face with a pillow... but Kendal didn't seem to mind this time.

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After a rousing round of pillow fighting Mark drew Kendal in close for a kiss.

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And the two celebrated by singing a karaoke duet. And I again got to laugh at Mark's very feminine voice.

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Mark decided he wanted to get a better look at Kendal so he offered her a makeover.

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And he took her out to buy her a new outfit. I think Mark is very smitten, but he does still have one more chance at love.

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As gen 2 completes their freshman year with A+'s all around, Joann and Angel lament over their scholarship money being spent on their brother. But, they really are the lucky ones, though poor ones (financially) right now, they get to choose their future spouses.

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“You've got me on my kneesLayla, begging baby please,Layla... can I please keep someOf my money? Layla?”Nope, sorry Angel, we've got tospend your money on your brother's dates first. And then you can have some of it. How about you sing me another song?“How about you shut it?” – Wait a second I thought you were the nice one.“You won't like me when I'm angry.” But angel, you're blue, not green. “Shut it”

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Speaking of blue and green, Mark has decided that he didn't care whether or not speedos were in fashion. He was sexy and he knew it... or something...“I am you know, I have two women in love with me”Hold on, aren't you a family sim?“Just because I want a family doesn't mean I can't think that I'm sexy”Ah, yes, there's those 2 nice points shining through.“Hey lady, how about that third date?”How about you put some clothes on? I still can't believe you went to class like that!

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As annoying as Mark can be sometimes, I do need to get him on his third date so he can choose his spouse.

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So Mark gets his third date, Kea Johnson a knowledge sim who he has 2 lightning bolts of chemistry for.


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Mark decides to look past her clothing that makes her look 15 years older than she really is and the two hit it off really well.

Though its hard to guess Mark's thoughts because he always seems to be glaring no matter what he's doing.

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Since Mark gave Kendal a makeover, he couldn't resist doing the same for Kea. And he was pleasantly surprised by her once he had her let her hair down a little though she wouldn't fully give up her bun.

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And this is about the point where I decided I hated the karaoke machine. If Mark's lady voice wasn't enough, having a tone deaf Kea sing along added the icing on the hate cake. At least Mark hits the right notes... an octave too high.

Seriously, be glad you can't hear them and you can just look at them being cute.

Oh, and he couldn't get Kea to fully let go of the suit looking outfit either, but a vest is better than an orange blazer.

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To my relief the two stop singing and start flirting. And during a rousing game the hobby lady comes to encourage Mark's girly singing... thanks a lot. ;)

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Mark and Kea do make a pretty cute couple and spend the whole night with each other. I decided at that point to have Mark “choose” his future spouse by his wants. Whoever he “wants” to propose to will be the lucky lady. I have my favorite of the three, but we'll see.

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Judging by their glances and embraces I think I know who Mark's favorite is too.

Kea finally leaves after staying for few days. It wasn't until I had Mark try to invite her over a few days later that I realized she is technically a vacation townie and that's why she stayed for so long.

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Seriously guys, can't you find something more productive to do, like your term papers?

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Since Mark has had his three dates, I decide to let Angel and Joann invite over their up until this point close friends.

Angel is overjoyed when he invites his friend Aurora over.

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The two quickly find that they want to be more than just friends when it starts to snow.

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But drama is never far away, the cow mascot decides to interrupt yet another date, and Angel has to follow his brother's example and shoo the unwanted guest away.

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And Angel does a bit of consoling of his own choosing.

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At this point Christian and Joann had been friends for 3 years, they met while they were sophomores, and were basically pen pals. They didn't meet in person until their senior year, their friendship had been formed over the phone. Oh campus directory, I love you.

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Joann and Christian quickly fall in love...

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Share their first kiss and then can't stop kissing each other.

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Mark thought he would help out with some “mood music.”

Mark, do you not understand the word privacy??

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Christian and Joann decide to take their date outside. And Joann practically drowned her new love in the hot tub while trying some... water... aerobics... yeah, that's what we'll call it.

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I love how smitten Christian is, they do make a really cute couple.

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So... I got rid of the karaoke machine and almost instantly the boys discovered the stereo that had been in their rental house since they first moved in. So, now they're not singing duets a little too closely, they are smustling together... a little too closely.

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I do have to give them kudos though for their synchronization.

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In a last ditch effort, I try to get Mark to finally do something productive. And that's when it dawned on me that the family could have snapdragons! I've been playing the apocalypse challenge so much lately I tend to forget about all of the nice objects that make sims less cranky. So, get to work Mark!

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Angel and Aurora continue to spend all of their time together – that is when Angel isn't dancing or singing with Mark – and feeling more comfortable now that she's in a happy relationship, Aurora decides she can stop wearing contacts and start wearing her glasses again.

I think she looks adorable in them.

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Before I knew it my little, inappropriate, blue sims were all ready to grow up and move out.

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All of gen 2 graduated summa cum laude and move back to Belladonna Cove.

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Before we get back to Mark and his future spouse, we will follow Angel and Aurora's life after college.

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As you can see, Mark moved into a house overlooking the bay in hopes to impress his college sweetheart.

Though it seems Aurora is more fascinated with the butterflies than the view.

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I like to call Angel's house the house of love. Samantha and Gabriel showed up as part of his welcome wagon and autonomously fell in love. It almost makes me want to go play the new lovebirds... almost.

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Not to be upstaged, Angel asks his lovely girlfriend to move in with him, and she accepts.

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Aurora grows up into a random outfit that I'll actually keep her in, good going Aurora.

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The happy couple decided that they don't need all of the fanfare of a huge wedding and get married in their living room.

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It isn't long before Aurora finds out she's pregnant with the first baby of the third generation of Encores.

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When Mark and Joann graduated they moved back into their childhood home.

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Only to find that their mother and father had packed up all of their belongings to move into a new home.

The ever glaring Mark didn't look too pleased as he realized Joann got to keep the family's mansion.

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After her parents and Mark left, Joann invited her boyfriend Christian over to her home.

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The two choose to move in together.

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After a make over Christian settles into an adult look that suits him.

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And then proposes to his lovely girlfriend out on their new deck.

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Unlike her twin, Joann did want a wedding. And with a view like that, who wouldn't?

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The couple shared their first dance ashusband and wife. The normal sim weddingactivities were complete with the excessivetoasting...

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The drunken dancing guests. (Aurora excluded from the drunkenness)

After the after wedding woohoo.

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Angel and his lovely wife kept in the wedding spirit as they went home that night. But even that couldn't help keep Aurora's nausea away.

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The next morning Angel and Aurora woke up at the same time to tend to very important things. Angel in keeping his house tidy and Aurora to deliver their baby, yup, it's very important to be making your bed right now Angel.

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The first baby of the third generation is the baby girl Louisa with a her mother's blonde hair and light eyes. It wasn't until this point that I realized Cleve must have blonde or red hair genetically.

I choose the Sound of Music as my musical for the third generation. I used to watch that movie often when I was sick because it would help me fall asleep – I know that makes it sound like I didn't like it, but I did. Louisa was the second oldest von Trapp daughter who also has blonde hair.

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And without further ado, I unveil to you the new Encore home. A Maxis house that came with the base game that I always adored, but always thought was too small.

With some effort, I made the house more livable, ie larger and I'm quite happy with the results.

Before After

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Since I had to do a lot of remodeling though, the Encores were not left with much money to furnish their new home.

1st floor 2nd floor

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So Aria and Mark get to work on making money to furnish it.

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A couple of paintings later and the family has enough money to furnish and decorate their dining room. But even on a tight budget, Mark cannot let go of his expensive taste in cuisine.

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With one room down, Mark decides to invite over his future bride to be to meet his parents and move in with them.

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And that is where this chapter ends. Thank you for reading and make

sure you catch the updates for this family either here or check for mid

chapter updates over at the SiMania forum



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Aurora had trouble dealing with all of her extra hormones during her pregnancy and pulled a Britney.


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And one of the wedding guests at Joann and Christian's wedding decided to dress as if they were going to a disco.

Thanks again for reading, and I'll see you next time!

Happy Simming! HippieLayla86