Download - Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/ · (CIEL) Women's Environment ... In Paris, parties committed to

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    Center for International Climate and

    Environmental Research (CICERO)

    Victoria University Wellington (VUW)

    University of Oxford; University of Reading

    University of Reading

    Association for Development and Research

    of Sustainable Habitats (ADaRSH)

    University of Sussex - Sussex Energy Group


    Arctic Council (AC)

    Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF)

    Arctic Monitoring and Assessment

    Programme (AMAP)

    The European Organisation for the

    Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites



    Stockholm International Water Institute


    Imagine our world with +4C: coping with the impacts

    of climate change on water for SDG 6, 11 & 14

    Partenariat Franais pour l'Eau* (PFE)

    WWF (WWF)

    Earth Island Institute, Inc. (EII)

    Ecologic Institute

    Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and

    Innovation Research (FhG ISI)

    Foundation Environment - Law Society


    Monday, 6 November 2017



    2 Implementing NDCs: Diversity of Actors and Actions

    To understand, interpret and implement the Paris Agreement it is essential to

    understand the diversity of actors and their actions. This will have bearing upon

    the governance structures, implementation models and MRV structures. This

    event will dwell upon these issues and possible solutions.

    6Role of Women as Guardians of the Ocean at the

    Frontlines of the Climate-Development-Nature Nexus

    Women are leaders in ocean management and agents for building resilient

    communities and their valuable work bridges across climate action,

    sustainable development and nature protection. This event highlights the

    different roles women play in community resilience building and ocean


    7Long-term climate strategies & frameworks -

    elements for success

    This side event will showcase insights from ongoing analysis on the

    effectiveness of both the development and the implementation of long-term

    climate strategies and their respective legal frameworks at national level,

    drawing on examples from around the world.

    4Open data and local capacities to support the global

    response to climate change

    Showcase how open climate data and information provided by ECMWF

    Copernicus, supported by in situ and satellite-based observations, can support

    forcast climate change. Showcase how early warning systems in most

    vulnerable countries can be strengthened through the CREWS initiative.

    1Measuring progress towards Paris Agreement goals:

    aligning policy and science in global stocktakes

    Talanoa requires transparency: tracking progress towards the Paris goals of

    balance well below 2C needs accurate accounting of both emissions and

    climate response. We will present the latest science on emission metrics and

    warming to date, plus implications for SDGs and CO2 and methane policy.

    The global implications of a rapidly-changing Arctic

    The Arctic is a key component of the global climate system. What is the rate of

    Arctic melting, and the implications of warming in the Arctic for the rest of the

    world? What knowledge is needed to adapt to the inevitable change? A

    discussion of best current knowledge of climate change in the Arctic.

    Through +4C scenarios, this event will show why the +2C goal is vital for

    water, the main medium through which climate impacts are felt (scarcity,

    pollution and extreme weather, sea level rise) but also mitigated. Strong efforts

    need to be undertaken to interlink SDG Water -6, Cities 11 & Ocean 14

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 1/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    Costa Rica

    Oeko-Institut (Institute for Applied Ecology

    e.V.), Berlin

    Viet Nam

    University of Freiburg, Institute of Forest and

    Environmental Pol

    Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII)

    Imperial College London

    Munich Re Foundation (MRF)


    University of Zurich (UZH)

    Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies


    International Centre for Integrated Mountain

    Development (ICIMOD)



    International Climate Dialogue e.V.* (ICD)

    Technical University of Denmark (DTU)


    Environmental Quality Protection

    Foundation (EQPF)

    National Council for Climate Change,

    Sustainable Development and Public

    Leadership (NCCSD)

    Tuesday, 07 November 2017

    8NDC Accounting of GHG emissions: First-hand

    experiences from pilot activities

    13Ready for the Enhanced Transparency Framework?

    mastering BURs today, tracking NDCs tomorrow

    During the event, selected countries will share experiences and discuss ideas on

    national benefits of climate change reporting as well as illustrate the

    connection between current reporting requirements, the Enhanced

    Transparency Framework (ETF) and NDC-tracking.

    14Building capacity of tackling regional climate and

    sustainable challenges

    This event highlights comprehensive and multi-stakeholder approaches to

    address various implementation dimension for climate action. It will look at

    opportunities for some key elements to scale up the ambition with best

    practices, risks and lessons learned toward a sustainable future.


    Insurance and comprehensive climate risk

    management addressing needs of the poor &


    Climate Risk Insurance (CRI) plays a central role in advancing adaptation to CC

    in vulnerable countries, noted by the Paris Agreement, G7 & G20. MCII &

    Imperial experts will elaborate on climate risks & CRI good practice examples

    that benefit the livelihoods of poor & vulnerable communities

    11NDC implementation and sustainable development


    NDC implementation can get traction via strong sustainable development

    results. Indicators of co-benefits can rely on experiences such as Bhutans Gross

    National Happiness approach, which employs 9 different domains to quantify

    progress toward GNH with linkages to the SDGs.

    9Bringing NDCs to the next level and preparing for the

    implementation of the Paris Agreement

    To fulfill its commitments, the Vietnamese government is reviewing its NDC in

    the alignment with the national development priorities and countrys

    sustainable development objectives. We will share how the process is going on

    and discuss how to mobilize resources for the implementation of the NDC

    12Coordinated action on sustainable development and

    climate change

    Sustainable development and climate change are inextricably linked and must

    be addressed jointly, especially in regions most vulnerable to climate impacts.

    Topics include improving air quality for climate and health; synergies between

    sustainable development and GHG emissions cuts; climate finance.

    Accounting for NDC emission reductions is a cornerstone of the climate

    architecture. It provides countries a meaningful tool to track the achievement

    of NDCs and certainty to the international community about the latter. We

    share experiences from a BMUB IKI project with Costa Rica, Colombia, Mexico

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 2/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    University of Texas at Austin

    Bellona Foundation

    Carbon Capture and Storage Association


    Fundacin Ambiente y Recursos Naturales


    World Resources Institute (WRI)

    ClimateWorks Foundation


    ACT Alliance - Action by Churches Together

    (ACT Alliance)

    Sustainable Markets Foundation -


    CARE International (CI)

    Center for International Environmental Law


    Women's Environment and Development

    Organization (WEDO)

    Coordinating Body of Indigenous

    Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA)

    Ejecutor de Contrato de Administracin de la

    Reserva Comunal Amarakaeri (ECA - RCA)

    Third World Network (TWN)

    South Centre

    19Guaranteeing Rights & Gender Equality in all Climate

    Action:prerequisite for sustainable&fair action

    In Paris, parties committed to combat climate change while promoting a fair &

    inclusive transition. Building on UNFCCC mandates & the Paris principles, we

    highlight entry points to advance gender equality and human rights,incl.

    through the Paris Implementation Guidelines, work on L&D & food security

    20Traditional Knowledge, Paris Agreementa and

    Indigenous Territorial Organizations

    COICA will present approaches of traditional knowledge with scientific allied

    organizations for climate conservation. These climate action proposals also

    include Amazon Indigenous REDD+. The aim is to articulate joint actions with

    State leaders, environmentalist and international cooperation.

    18Title: Achieving a Just Transition: Climate Change

    Mitigation Success Stories from Around the Globe

    The Sustainable Markets and the Climate Scorecard

    Project/ EarthAction will share mitigation success stories about the transition

    from fossil fuels towards renewable energy.

    17The Paris Agreement & Global Equity: how to

    implement the concept of Equity at the global level

    The Global Stocktake will also assess global efforts from the perspective of

    Equity. Global Equity is conceptually not an easy feat as Equity is primarily

    associated with fair burden sharing. We will explore solutions to this challenge

    from an ethical, scientific and political perspective.

    21 What to expect at COP 23The event will feature key negotiators from developing countries and

    organisations on what they expect as key outcomes at COP 23.

    16Enhancement options, participatory processes, and

    rapid implementation of NDCs.

    Current pledges in NDCs are not enough to set us in a 1.5 path. Countries need

    to improve the level of ambition in their NDCs through participatory processes

    before 2020. This side event will share examples and options for the

    enhancement of NDCs in the lead to 2020.

    15CCS developments towards a 1.5 world; will they help

    the oceans and Small Island Developing States?

    Ocean acidification and the need for CO2 reduction-London Conventions

    response, CCS on industry including biomass, CCS supporting renewables, CCS

    infrastructure to achieve 1.5C, how green politicians see the societal case for

    CCS, project updates and opportunities for tech transfer.

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 3/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    Rural Development Institute * (Landesa)

    Rights and Resources Institute, Inc. (RRI)

    Asociacin Intertnica de Desarrollo de la

    Selva Peruana (AIDESEP)

    Federacin Nativa del Ro Madre de Dios y

    Afluentes (FENAMAD)

    Stichting Climate Action Network South Asia


    Bread for the World (BfdW)

    Clean Energy Nepal (CEN)

    ActionAid International

    World Council of Churches (WCC)

    Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales


    Coordinadora de Desarrollo y Defensa de los

    Pueblos Indgenas de la Regin San Martn


    Climate Action Network Canada (CAN-Rac)

    Environmental Defence Canada Inc.


    Asociacin Regional de Pueblos Indgenas

    de la Selva Central (ARPI-SC)

    Federacin de Pueblos Indgenas Kechwas de

    la Regin de San Martn (FEPIKRESAM)

    Federacin Regional Indgena Shawi de San

    Martn (FERISHAM)

    25 Bottom-up approaches to achieve NDCs

    Fast approaching, NDCs will be reviewed next year, and it is important to

    identify those initiatives from civil society, subnational governments and

    indigenous peoples that are currently contributing to the reduction of

    emissions and the development of a more resilient future.

    22Secure Womens Land Rights as Climate Change


    Integrating indigenous and rural womens land and natural resource rights into

    designed and implemented responses to climate change under the Paris Accord

    has the potential to improve efficacy of climate-smart interventions, enhance

    tenure security, and meet food security and nutrition needs.

    27Climate catastrophe, Adaptation and Indigenous


    Indigenous, state and cooperation agency actions on forest fires and

    savannization of the Amazon and indigenous alternatives

    23Indigenous climate action for the compliance of the

    NDCs to face climate denialism

    Consensus with the states, civil society and cooperation agencies to comply

    with the Paris Agreement and the NDCs with the indigenous contributions on

    Titling, Indigenous REDD, indigenous MRV, Territorial Surveillance, Full Life

    Economy and others.

    26Equity in the Global Stocktake and 2018 Facilitative


    COP23 must advance discussions on the Global Stocktake and FD2018, lest

    ambition ratcheting remain out of reach. In this event, civil-society experts will

    outline ways in which equity can fruitfully help fulfil the ambition-raising

    promises of the GST and FD2018.

    24Addressing Climate Induced Displacement and

    Migration in South Asia

    It is recognized that migration is growing across South Asia and links between

    climate change and migration/ displacement are not fully understood in policy

    discourse and practice. The Side event aims to amplify the shared

    understanding of South Asian CSOs to address the issue.

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 4/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    Jubilee South Asia Pacific Movement, Inc.


    Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and

    Development (APWLD)

    Academy for Mountain Environics (AME)

    Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

    United Kingdom of Great Britain and

    Northern Ireland


    Georgetown UniversityClimate and Clean Energy Policy in the U.S.: State

    Leaders Speak Out

    Center for Climate and Energy Solutions


    Institute for Conservation and Sustainable

    Development of Amazonas (IDESAM)

    Amazon Institute of People and the

    Environment (Imazon)

    Center of Life Institute (ICV)

    Women in Europe for a Common Future


    Federation of American Women's Clubs

    Overseas, Inc. (FAWCO)

    All India Women's Conference (AIWC)

    World Farmers' Organisation (WFO)

    International Fertilizer Industry Association


    Wednesday, 08 November 2017


    28 Fair Shares and Ambition in the Post-Paris Regime

    Based on the 2015 report Fair Shares: A CSO Equity Review of the INDC the

    broad CSO coalition behind that study will present an update to the report two

    years later. What has changed, what has not and what can we learn for justice,

    ambition and the design of FD2018 and the Global Stocktake?

    33Enhancing farmers institutional capacity to gain

    effectiveness in a changing climate

    Farmers networks allow exchange of information best practices, challenges

    and solutions and provide farmers, youth and women, with capacity to tackle

    climate change. Cases on farmers initiatives to mitigate and adapt to climate

    change and measurement of progress will be shown

    29Latin America and the Caribbean: Mobilizing

    Investors for Implementation of the Paris Agreement

    32Gender and climate change: showcasing gender-

    responsive and climate resilient initiatives

    Climate change impacts women in a disproportionate manner, but their

    priorities and contributions are often ignored in climate policies. The event will

    showcase and reward gender just climate actions, that can be up-scaled and

    transferred in order to advocate for gender-responsive climate solutions.

    LAC is at the forefront for efforts to move onto a sustainable development

    pathway consistent with the objectives of the Paris Agreement. The event will

    consider approaches towards mobilizing investment in sustainable

    infrastructure and landscapes for implementation of countries SDGs and NDCs.

    31Reframing REDD+ in Brazil: long term solution to

    address deforestation + promote sustainable develop

    Presenting a public-private REDD+ regime in Brazil and synergies with carbon

    markets. Proposal of complementary markets so that forest protection, land

    use production, and decarbonisation of other sectors occur in parallel. Analysis

    of financial mechanisms and legal arrangements.

    U.S. governors have assumed the mantle of climate leadership. This session will

    feature governors and other senior officials who will share their leading efforts

    to curb emissions, prepare for climate impacts, and work together in new

    alliances across states, sectors and regions.

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 5/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    Saudi Arabia

    The Regional Organization for the

    Conservation of the Environment of the Red

    Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA)

    Environnement et Developpement du Tiers-

    Monde (ENDA-TM)


    Institute de recherche pour le

    dveloppement (IRD)

    New Zealand

    Centre de coopration internationale en

    recherche agronomique pour le

    dveloppement (CIRAD)

    Institut national de la recherche

    agronomique (INRA)

    Cornell University

    International Potato Center (CIP)

    International Water Management Institute



    Tebtebba Foundation

    International Youth and Student Movement

    for the United Nations (ISMUN)

    HATOF Foundation


    36Soil carbon stocks and climate change: how to reduce

    uncertainties to assess land management impact?

    Soil organic carbon- SOC is the largest carbon sink of the terrestrial biosphere.

    SOC has been recognised as an efficient option to offset the rise in atmospheric

    CO2. How designing appropriate options to maintain or increase SOC stock

    under uncertainties of SOC estimates and means to offset them?

    39Demonstrating Progress in Ghanas Climate Agenda:

    Trilateral Cooperation in RE, cities and climate

    The nexus of increased access to RE technologies and exposures of cities from

    urbanization, population growth, migration, poor spatial planning and deficits

    in city services versus effects of climate change, access to clean energy

    technology transfer, loss and damage outcomes and city resilience


    Is Sustainable Land and Water Management

    Compatible with Small-scale Farming under Climate


    Climate change adaptation in agriculture will be driven by growing pressure on

    water and land. Solutions include early-maturing, robust and water-efficient

    root and tuber crops, better water management, mechanisms to protect land

    rights and organize farmers, and an enabling policy environment.

    38Realising multi-stakeholders mobilisation and

    readiness to the Green Climate Fund (GCF)

    The event will enable experience sharing and peer-learning about multi-

    stakeholders mobilisation and readiness in national and international GCF state

    of play. Key challenges they face, including young people and indigenous

    peoples involvement, will be discussed towards strengthening that engagement

    35Approche territoriale des CDNs:

    Quel financement pour laccs aux technologies?

    Face lurgence de laction climatique bon nombre de Pays en dveloppement

    ont identifi leurs besoins technologiques travers lEvaluation des Besoins en

    Technologie et les Contribution Dtermines au niveau National. Toutefois, il

    importe de renforcer la recherche et la promotion des synergies...

    34NDCs in addressing Marine and Coastal Zone

    Management in Red Sea and Arabia Gulf

    Showcase national regional collaborative efforts for ecosystem approach in

    NDCs addressing Marine and Coastal Zone Management, adaptation actions

    through: marine protection, coral reef; including their mitigation co-benefits

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 6/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    University of Cambridge

    Vasudha Foundation

    South Asian Forum for Environment (SAFE)

    Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA)

    Carre Geo & Environnement (CGE)

    Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)

    Coastal Association for Social Transformation

    Trust (COAST Trust)

    OXFAM International (OI)

    Tsinghua University, Global Climate Change

    Institute (GCCI)

    Renewable Energy Institute

    Climate Change Center (CCC)

    CGIAR System Organization

    Southern African Confederation of

    Agricultural Unions (SACAU)

    Comit permanent inter-tats de lutte

    contre la scheresse au Sahel (CILSS)

    Economic Community of West African States


    Union Economique et Montaire Ouest

    Africaine (UEMOA)

    Organisation Internationale de la

    Francophonie (OIF/IFDD)

    Thursday, 09 November 2017

    41Climate Justice, Adaptive Agriculture and Livestock

    Farming in Vulnerable Lands of Agrarians

    In Asia & Africa, frequent natural disasters are displacing populations; many are

    combating impacts of climate change by coupling technology and TEK. This

    event advocates for international status of climate refugees and promotes

    collective community interventions on climate adaptive agro-farming.

    42 Displacement, human mobility and climate change

    The event will assess progress in implementing the Paris Agreement and COP

    decisions, incl.the Task Force on Displacement that is tasked to develop

    recommendations to avert, minimize and address displacement, and discuss

    recent findings related to human mobility, slow-onset contexts.

    40Long-term, sustainable strategies for ensuring the

    transition to a net-zero future.

    2050 strategies are crucial for ensuring a sustainable future. This event,

    convening business leaders and civil society experts, will discuss action being

    taken in both developed and emerging economies and the benefits of a just

    transition to a zero-carbon future for both business and society.

    44 Scaling up private sector climate actions in agriculture

    Private sector led climate actions are key to helping countries achieve goals set

    out in their NDCs. This event will share experiences of private sector climate

    actions in agriculture and identify lessons for scaling up such efforts.

    45Implementation of NDCs in countries: Progress,

    challenges and perspectives

    CILSS, ECOWAS, OIF and UEMOA have gained some experiences in the

    implementation of NDCs in the countries. They want to share these experiences

    and other initiatives with other communities.

    43Energy transition and low carbon developments in

    North East Asia - China, South Korea, Japan

    This side event will invite the experts, scholar and delegates to discuss and

    share the knowledge of the opportunities and challenges both exist in low-

    carbon development and energy transit in China, South Korea and Japan

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 7/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    Federation of German Industries (BDI)

    International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

    Unin de Industriales para Saneamiento

    Cuencas Matanza Riachuelo y Reconquista


    United States Council for International

    Business (USCIB)


    Chamber of Commerce of the United States

    of America

    Mouvement des entreprises de France *


    Turkish Industry and Business Association


    Business Council for Sustainable Energy


    Corn Refiners Association, Inc. (CRA)

    Alliance to Save Energy (ASE)

    U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)

    International Livestock Research Institute


    Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical


    German Emissions Trading Association


    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH



    I4CE - Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE)

    Corporacin Andina de Fomento (CAF)

    European Investment Bank (EIB)


    Climate Action in Financial Institutions:

    Mainstreaming the Paris Agreement in the Financial


    The Climate Action in Financial Institutions Initiative has high potential to aid

    the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Member institutions will show

    how they are mainstreaming the 5 Principles for Climate Action and share their

    vision to make financial flows consistent with article 2.1(c).

    50Market mechanisms 2.0: Whereto from here? Moving

    from the Kyoto regime to the Paris scheme

    What can we learn from the Kyoto mechanisms to inform the design of new

    market mechanisms, including whether and how the existing mechanisms can

    still play a role? Can sectoral mechanisms act as a stepping stone towards

    trading systems and what are issues around linking of trading systems?

    49Climate-contingent finance: Emerging instruments for

    mitigation in agriculture

    Developing countries urgently require finance to meet mitigation commitments

    in the agriculture sector. Speakers will present business cases to demonstrate

    different emerging instruments for climate-contingent finance in agriculture

    and identify needs for evidence and action to support them.

    48Mobilizing the Business of Clean and Productive


    The private sector is driving local & national action to help countries improve

    energy productivity, build a diverse low-carbon electricity portfolio and design

    smart, sustainable infrastructure replete with renewable bioproducts. Hear

    how smart policy and investments create jobs and grow economies.

    47Business engagement to assess progress and

    implement the Paris Agreement

    Implementing and strengthening the Paris Agreement will depend on

    marshalling business efforts, innovation and contributions to inform the

    facilitative dialogue and transparency process. We will showcase business

    initiatives, including through the Marrakech Business Action for Climate


    46Transforming the Industry: The Case for Transparency

    and Ambition in Markets and NDCs

    Discuss the chances and challenges energy intensive industry is facing on the

    way to GHG-neutrality; Identify how the framework and instruments of the

    Paris Agreement can support industry on its way to become GHG-neutral by

    2050; showcasing (inter)national initiatives that contribute thereto.

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 8/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation - Planet

    Pledge (LDF-PP)

    Yes to Life, No to Mining (YLNM)

    Organizacin para la Conservacin de

    Cetceos (OCC-Uruguay)


    International Federation of Red Cross and

    Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

    Solomon Islands

    Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)

    International Council of Chemical

    Associations (ICCA)

    European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC)

    Chemie (Chemie)

    Stichting Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

    Swiss Association for Environmentally

    Conscious Management (BU)

    Project Developer Forum Ltd. (PD-Forum)

    Climate Markets and Investment Association

    Limited (CMIA)

    Designated Operational Entities and

    Independent Entities Association (DIA)


    Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center,

    Japan (OECC)

    Achieving Socially and Ecologically Beneficial

    Renewable Energy Systems through Community


    Renewable energy is integral to our future. However, some projects have

    harmed ecosystems, vulnerable communities, and indigenous peoples rights.

    Active engagement between investors and communities, as well as strict

    screening and full reporting, can help ensure net, lasting benefits across SDGs.


    58Building upon traditional culture, Pacific Islands take

    the lead in Sustainable sea transportation

    Republic of Palau, and Okeanos Foundation, join forces to develop Pacific

    region sustainable sea transportation network. Building upon traditional

    knowledge, Pacific islands embrace modernized sailing canoes using only native

    renewable energies and provide model for global coastal communities.

    57 Where are the projects in the new Paris world?

    What is the role of the carbon markets under the Paris Agreement? What is the

    relationship between NDCs and exports of emission reduction rights? Can

    adaption projects help? How can projects get access to climate finance? Can

    projects support the SDG?

    Are there more chances or more problems?

    56 Advancing Corporate Disclosure on Climate Change

    Shareholder demand on climate disclosure is growing, investors increasingly

    seek to align with global sustainable development and climate change targets.

    The event will look at the investor, and financial markets, relevance of climate

    change related data for a sustainable global economy.

    55Making our impact measurable and transparent:

    Contributions of the chemical sector to the SDGs

    Experts will discuss the role of the Chemical Industry to achieving the SDGs

    through a low carbon economy. A focus will lie on ways to measure

    sustainability with consistent and transparent data and best-practice examples

    from the sector to contribute to the SDGs and deliver on Climate Action

    53 Excellence in Climate Adaptation

    How do we measure the impact of climate adaptation projects? Discussion

    about 'What is excellence in climate adaptation' from different

    perspectives.Panel discussion led by the Global Centre of Excellence on Climate


    54Building resilience for climate change adaptation and

    disaster risk reduction in vulnerable islands

    The event shares knowledge and experiences from policy makers and

    stakeholders on strengthening climate resilience for the vulnerable island

    environment. It also features policies, strategies and resilience measures,

    concerning to reduce the disaster risk of climate displacement.

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 9/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme


    European Space Agency (ESA)

    ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability


    Ruhr Regional Association (RVR)


    Japan International Forestry Promotion and

    Cooperation Center (JIFPRO)

    International Peatland Society* (IPS)

    Partnership for Governance Reform * (The


    Fundacin Futuro Latinoamericano (FFLA)

    Centro de Estudios Uruguayos de Tecnologa

    Apropiada (CEUTA)

    Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental


    Global Canopy Programme (GCP)

    Universit Sorbonne Paris Cit (USPC)

    University of Geneva, Faculty of Medicine


    Institute for Policy Studies (IPS)

    Center for Biological Diversity (CBD)

    Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN)

    LDC Watch

    Freedom from Debt Coalition Inc. (FDC)

    Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries


    63Displacements induced by El Nio: a public health


    As El-Nio will be deeply affected by climate change, the associated migration

    and health issues are likely to become increasingly connected : this side-event

    will explore how they can be addressed through meaningful policy responses,

    communication and education.

    62How local actions in an urban context contribute to

    NDCs implementation in Latin America

    The event will present two regional initiatives in Latin America: comparative

    analysis of NDCs implementation in the agricultural and forestry sectors and

    preliminary findings of research-action projects focused on climate resilient

    urban development to show how to scale from urban to national level


    Protecting Worlds Peatlands for Taming the Changing


    INDONESIA and UNEP, supported by GPI

    Countries urgently need to pay attention to peatlands as a significant source of

    potential emissions. Indonesia with its massive tropical peatlands can share

    concrete experiences in advancing efforts to protect peatlands from fires, loss

    and degradation, together with UNEP and other members of GPI.

    60Cities in Transition: Industrial Legacy for a Low Carbon


    Well-managed urban transitions provide exceptional opportunities for cities

    with an industrial legacy to create vibrant, green economies and sustainable

    urban systems. Their stories offer a valuable example of what the global low-

    carbon transition might look like.

    59Improving productivity and conservation through

    landuse monitoring in the Pacific Islands

    Resilient landscapes and food security require a holistic approach to forests and

    agriculture. This side event will contain presentations from Pacific Island

    countries on the Global Forest Observations Initiatives support and guidance

    for landuse monitoring, including through REDDcompass training.

    The energy sector is the biggest contributor to climate change, but leaves 1

    billion people without electricity. Fossil fuels are no longer viable yet are still

    heavily subsidized. The side event will explore questions about what changes

    are needed to deliver the Paris temperature goal.

    Reclaiming Power: People Vs. Polluters in the Energy


    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 10/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    Friends of the Earth International (FOEI)

    Food & Water Watch (FWW)

    United Kingdom Youth Climate Coalition

    Limited (UKYCC)

    Corporate Europe Observatory Foundation


    International Network for Sustainable

    Energy (INFORSE)

    Integrated Sustainable Energy and Ecological

    Development Association (INSEDA)

    Sustainable Environmental Development

    Watch (SusWatch)

    Yale University

    China Center for Climate Communication (China



    International Association of Public Transport


    International Union of Railways (UIC)


    Institute for Governance and Sustainable

    Development (IGSD)

    Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities Center,

    Inc. (CAI - Asia Center)

    Cte d'Ivoire

    International Solar Energy Society e.V. (ISES)

    World Wind Energy Association (WWEA)

    World Bioenergy Association (WBA)

    International Hydropower Association (IHA)

    Friday, 10 November 2017

    Getting to Yes: The Difference and Evolvement of Climate

    Change in Chinese and American Mind

    China Center for Climate Change Communication and Yale Program on Climate

    Communication will release the latest report of 2017 national survey on public opinions

    over climate change and relevant policies in China and the US, revealing how the topic

    was evolved and viewed differently among countries.

    70Renewables Working Together: Staying below 1.5C

    with Renewable Energy

    Solar, wind, bioenergy, hydro & geothermal offer real and ready solutions to

    combat climate change and are key tools in reducing effects of climate change.

    The side event will showcase examples of the strengths of renewable energies

    and how they can be deployed in order to stay below 1.5C increase


    65Proposing stronger NDCs, LEDS & Paris Rulebook for

    poverty reduction and local village development

    Stronger NDCs & LEDS that include local low emission solutions to increase

    energy access and improve livelihoods to reduce poverty. We will showcase

    village based solutions from South Asia and East Africa and how NDCs & LEDS

    can promote these solutions, how a good Paris Rulebook can facilitate this.

    69Pathways and strategies to keep warming well below


    Event will outline the opportunities and multiple benefits from quick action to

    reduce short-lived climate pollutants. A climate pathway that moves to

    immediately reduce near and long-term warming benefits health, energy

    efficiency & sustainable development and can prevent up 0.6C by mid-century

    Fossil Gas: pathway to a clean energy future or route

    to dangerous climate change?

    So-called natural gas is being sold by industry lobbyists as a transition fuel

    and partner to renewables. Yet new fossil gas infrastructure is driving

    dangerous climate change and won't keep us within a safe and fair carbon

    budget. Hear the facts - and how people are resisting on the ground.


    68A Bright Future: The Value of Electricity for a

    Decarbonised Economy and Transport Sector

    Representatives from electricity & sustainable transport sectors, industry,

    investors & civil society, to engage on value of electrification for sustainable

    global development. Speakers to present strategic low-carbon electricity

    projects showing potential of electrification in sustainable transport

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 11/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    International Transport Forum, Organisation

    for Economic Co-operation and

    Development (ITF)

    Institute for Transportation and

    Development Policy (ITDP)

    Climate Action Reserve

    The Climate Registry (TCR)


    Oceana Inc.

    The Carbon Trust

    Lund University

    Wuppertal Institute for Climate,

    Environment and Energy

    Global Forest Coalition (GFC)

    Krasnoyarsk regional public ecological

    movement "Friends of the Siberian Forests"


    Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy


    Brighter Green, Inc.

    Italian Climate Network (ICN)

    Health Care Without Harm (HCWH)

    Asian Pacific Resource and Resource Centre

    for Women (ARROW)

    Viracao Educommunication

    Saturday, 11 November 2017

    Sunday, 12 November 2017

    74Role of innovation and policy to catalyse deep

    decarbonisation of energy intensive industries

    Deep decarbonisation of industry is relatively untapped. Higher energy

    efficiency as well as fundamental process changes are required. This session will

    assess options and implications for industry, policy and research, including new

    results from SEforALLs Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator.

    71Shared Mobility for Climate Mitigation: Innovation

    and Big Data

    The digitalisation of urban transport has accelerated in recent years, just as

    when many new technologies have been introduced and users started adopting

    new behaviours. The arrival of shared mobility services, electrification and

    automation can achieve low carbon transport.

    73How to build an Ocean NDC? A Practical guide on

    ocean resilience

    While most NDCs include ocean-related information, there is need to identify

    the best tools available to ensure the ocean stays healthy as it continues to be a

    global climate regulator. The event brings views from science, Parties and NGOs

    to build a common understanding on the challenges ahead.

    76The Impacts of Climate Change on Health and Human


    Climate change is among the greatest threats to global health.

    During the side event, specific case studies will be analyzed. Experts will discuss

    the main impacts of climate change on health as well as the implications for

    human rights and gender equality.

    72Sub-National Strategies in North America for Meeting

    Paris Commitments

    US determined to meet Paris commitments. US Climate Alliance created to

    foster action at sub-national level. Sub-national leaders will discuss wide

    variety of policy approaches, including how to harmonize policies with other


    75Climate Finance and Sustainable Land Use: The Gap

    between Theory and Reality

    The event/exhibition will include an update on the latest developments in

    climate finance for REDD+, forests, livestock production and sustainable land

    use in general. It will analyse to what extend the latest policies and trends will

    impact on the rights, livelihoods and conservation initiatives of

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 12/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    Earth Innovation Institute (EII)

    Amigos de la Tierra Asociacin Civil (ATAC)

    Governors' Climate and Forests Fund

    Pronatura Mexico


    Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)

    The Climate Group (TCG)

    Climate Analytics GmbH

    Center for International Forestry Research


    Norwegian University of Life Sciences


    Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU Jena)

    Wageningen University * (WUR)


    University of Eastern Finland (UEF)


    Climate Parliament

    International Tropical Timber Organization


    Mangroves in the Tropics: Realizing their Potential for

    Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

    Forestry and Forest Products Research

    Institute (FFPRI)

    South Asia Co-operative Environment

    Programme (SACEP)

    Network of Regional Governments for

    Sustainable Development (nrg4SD)


    Monday, 13 November 2017


    79Driving medium and long-term climate action

    towards 2050 targets with sub-national governments

    This event will highlight how sub-national governments are translating the long-

    term vision of Under2 MOU into concrete actions. It will share learnings on the

    latest science around pursuing the 1.5C limit, developing 2050 pathways,

    increasing transparent disclosure and scaling policy solutions.

    78 Climate Change and its impacts on Plant Health

    To focus on how climate change affects plant health globally with a focus on

    the Pacific Islands. In the Pacific Islands healthy plants means food

    security,healthy environment and trade but things have changed due to

    impacts of climate change.

    The Balikpapan Challenge: A Global Framework for

    Low-Emission Development in Tropical Forest Regions

    Governors Climate & Forests Task Force jurisdictions & implementing partners

    join the Balikpapan Challenge, establishing a shared definition of success for

    tropical deforestation, conservation, improved livelihoods, renewable energy,

    scalable incentive systems & human rights protection by 2020.

    80REDD+: Bridging national and subnational levels of


    Integrating national and subnational government levels is essential to develop

    lasting low-carbon emissions transformations including REDD+. To support

    decision making, this side event examines situations and gaps, and how

    subnational initiatives and multistakeholder approaches can change dynamics.

    81Financing Paris and the SDGs through Fuel Subsidy

    Reform and Taxation: Country Best Practice

    Practical country and international efforts to remove fossil fuel subsidies and

    invest in renewables, public transport and energy efficiency. Phasing out USD

    500 billion subsidies and introduction of fuel taxation has emissions reduction

    potential of 23% and liberates finance for sustainable energy.

    83Implementing NDCs:Planning and coordination at the

    regional, national and sub national level

    Event will highlight the importance of vertical integration and the alignment

    between national and subnational efforts towards effective climate action and

    will showcase successful cooperation between regional, national,subnational

    governments to harness the full potential of NDCs and raise ambition


    Mangroves are one of the most carbon rich ecosystems in the tropics but they

    are under threat. Climate action/REDD+ for mangroves is critical to improve the

    resilience of coastal communities while storing large amounts of carbon. Key

    mitigation & adaptation attributes of mangroves will be discussed.

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 13/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    International Institute for Environment and

    Development (IIED)

    Both ENDS Foundation (Both ENDS)


    Fundacin Amigos de la Naturaleza (FAN


    Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

    Network Peace Integration and Development


    Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities *


    Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies



    Commonwealth Secretariat (COMSEC)


    Tuesday, 14 November 2017

    86A Sustainable and Just alternative to REDD+: The

    Bolivian Joint Mitigation and Adaptation Mechanism

    As a key component of its NDC, Bolivia has developed a mechanism for the

    integral and sustainable managment of forests without the pitfalls and

    limitations of REDD+ by investing in systems of life as a source of resilience and

    reconnecting people to their forests without commodifying them.

    87Innovative climate finance strategies and instruments

    by and for climate-vulnerable countries

    The event will preview innovative climate finance proposals such as the

    Sustainable Insurance Facility of Vulnerable 20 Group of Finance Ministers and

    the financing program behind the 4.4 million residential rooftop installations in

    Bangladesh. It will feature insights from V20 country experts.

    85Risk informed Early Warning&Early Action for less l&d

    in drought contexts and forest fires

    The panel (WHH,START,FAN)focusses on scientific recognition and monitoring

    of droughts for triggering innovative financing mechanisms (drought insurances

    and forecast-based-financing) to support and early action measures for less loss

    and damages. Early warn. syst. for forest fires will be presented

    This event will highlight the importance of non-Party stakeholders in delivering

    climate action at the frontline, and ensuring climate finance gets to the local

    level. It will share learning on devolved climate finance in Kenya, Tanzania, Mali

    & Senegal and experiences on good adaptation.

    88Accessing Climate Finance: The Commonwealth

    Support Mechanisms to Developing Countries

    This side event will present a country focused perspective on climate finance

    challenges and the innovative Commonwealth support mechanisms to help

    unlock climate finance for adaptation and mitigation actions in the some of the

    most vulnerable developing states.

    84Money Where it Matters: lessons from decentralising

    climate funds and sub-national leadership

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 14/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme


    International Climbing and Mountaineering

    Federation (UIAA)

    CDP Worldwide (CDP)

    Association Climate-KIC

    Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)

    United States of America

    Midwest Research Institute/National

    Renewable Energy Laboratory (MRI/NREL)

    Secretariat of the Pacific Regional

    Environment Programme (SPREP)




    Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands

    (ECN) e.V.

    Leadership for Environment and

    Development International (LEAD


    Secretariat of the Union for the

    Mediterranean (UfMS)

    Observatoire mditerranen de l'nergie


    94Climate Finance and Energy Transition in the

    Mediterranean region

    The UfM Climate Finance Study will provide an overview of the funding flows

    related to climate finance in the Mediterranean region. It could contribute to

    the UNFCCC biennial world report. Also critical issues of energy transition in the

    region and the place of climate finance will be discussed.

    93Strategies to accelerate private sector investment for

    NDC implementation

    LEDS GP, GIZ SPA, UNDP, the NDC Partnership, and partner countries will share

    experiences on potential strategies to spur private investment in low-carbon

    climate resilient opportunities. Lessons will be shared on policies, instruments

    and tools to unlock investment for NDC implementation.

    92Pacific Islands Climate Action and Finance: Successes,

    Challenges and lessons Learnt

    Developing effective national mechanisms for climate finance is complex. The

    Pacific will share lessons about planning, access, delivery and monitoring of

    climate finance for climate action. Learn from Pacific experience, progress &

    explore opportunities for new partnerships.

    91Action on Spurring Innovation and Deploying

    Advanced Technologies

    This event will focus on innovative solutions and accelerated deployment of

    advanced technologies designed to tackle environmental challenges. It will

    highlight advancements that are transforming development pathways and ways

    in which the public and private sector are working towards this end.

    90Unstoppable and irreversible: innovation, non-state

    actors and the Paris Agreement

    Innovation and leadership by non-state actors is critical for accelerating the

    pace and scale of the transition to a low carbon economy. This event features

    key initiatives that demonstrate progress since COP21, present action-oriented

    case studies and demonstrate how to overcome barriers to action.

    89Mountains and Islands: Coalitions for vulnerable


    The Mountain Partnership and the Global Island Partnership are alliances that

    address the effects of climate change on vulnerable ecosystems. We will

    explore issues related to climate change adaptation and management, share

    experiences and lessons learned, and build synergies among the partnerships.

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 15/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    Catholic Agency for Overseas Development


    Coordination Office of the Austrian Bishop's

    Confe (KOO)

    Institutional Investors Group on Climate

    Change Ltd. (IIGCC)

    Ceres, Inc.

    Carbon Tracker Initiative Limited

    PRI Association (PRI)

    UNEP - Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)

    Greenpeace International (GREENPEACE)

    International Trade Union Confederation


    Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation

    Asociacion para la Naturaleza y Desarrollo

    Sostenible (ANDES)

    International Federation of Organic

    Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)

    Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)

    Frankfurt School of Finance and

    Management gGmbH

    Asheville-Buncombe Sustainable Community

    Initiatives, Inc. * (The Collider)

    Women's Earth and Climate Caucus (WECC)

    Ithaca College

    The Gaia Foundation

    Organic Consumers Association (OCA)

    95A transformative response to climate change:

    Applying the principles of Laudato Si

    What does a truly transformative approach to tackling climate change look

    like? This event will draw on the principles within Pope Francis 2015 letter on

    climate, environment and poverty to discuss this question and present

    guidelines that can be applied to countries national climate plans.

    Wednesday, 15 November 2017

    100Women for Climate Justice Leading Solutions on the

    Frontlines of Climate Change

    We will hear from grassroots and Indigenous women leaders addressing climate

    solutions from a climate justice framework, including forest and biodiversity

    protection, just transition to 100% renewable energy, agro-ecology

    implementation, fossil fuel resistance, and rights of nature.

    99A Global Adaptation Goal and borderless climate

    risks: strengths and limits of the Paris Agreement

    Many climate risks are borderless, meaning national adaptation is a global

    concern. But how do climate impacts cross national borders? Which countries

    are most exposed? Who should adapt and how? New research will be

    presented and a practitioner panel will discuss the road from Paris.

    98Agro-ecological practices for water efficient,

    biodiverse, gender & nutrition sensitive food systems

    An exploration of best practices for biodiversity conservation and sustainability

    for health and nutrition through the promotion of water efficiency and gender

    sensitive & healthy food systems. Speakers will discuss diversified agro-

    ecological approaches contributing to CC mitigation & adaptation.

    97 A Just Transition to a 1.5C World

    A global economic transformation is needed to reach the PA 1.5C goal, away

    from fossil fuels/ forest destruction, and achieving prosperity for all. Exploring

    examples around the world/ across sectors we will show that through a just

    transition, climate action and climate justice can go hand in hand

    96Investor Actions to Implement the Paris Agreement

    and Accelerate the Low-Carbon Transition to 2020

    Investors and the finance sector are changing their own practices, and working

    with companies and governments to deliver the Paris Agreement. This session

    features actions on climate disclosure, integrating climate into decisions,

    increasing low-carbon investment, and supporting climate policies.

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 16/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    International Institute for Sustainable

    Development (IISD)


    Coastal Development Partnership (CDPBD)

    MISEREOR, German Catholic Bishops'

    Organisation for Development Cooperation


    Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. (FES)

    Cooperation internationale pour le

    dveloppement et la solidarit (CIDSE)

    PAIRVI Associates (PAIRVI)

    European Federation for Transport and

    Environment (T&E)

    European Climate Foundation (ECF)

    World Energy Council (WEC)


    African Development Bank Group (AfDB)

    Stiftung Mercator Foundation

    Rheinisch-Westflisches Institut fr

    Wirtschaftsforschung e.V. (RWI)

    African Union Commission (AUC)



    Democratic Republic of the Congo

    106Africa Day on Partnership for the implementation of

    the Paris Agreement: An African Response.

    The Africa Day provides a platform for engaging partnership; discuss and

    analyze priority issues for Africa in preparation for the implementation of Paris

    agreement. These include: Resource mobilization, capacity needs, institutional

    arrangements & support, policy reforms, communication, & networking


    Effective implementation of Paris Agreement:

    Integrating Africa development & climate change


    To reach the Sustainable Development Goals, human development needs to be

    decoupled from greenhouse gas emissions. We discuss challenges for Africa and

    possible domestic and international policy responses. Keywords: Development;

    SDGs; Africa; Climate Policy; Carbon Pricing; Climate Finance

    104Is the energy world more or less sustainable and how

    do leaders respond to the Trilemma challenge?

    The launch of the annual World Energy Trilemma Index sets the context for a

    high-level dialogue on how new transportation models and tomorrow's power

    distribution systems, can improve the security of supply, social equity and

    resilience of energy systems whilst reducing emissions for NDC success.

    Advancing womens leadership and decision-making is crucial for successful

    responses to the challenges posed by climate change. This event will explore

    themes such as womens empowerment, inclusive and gender-sensitive policies

    and innovative practices to advance gender-responsive climate action.

    103Shipping can no longer free-ride in global

    decarbonisation efforts

    International shipping ducked direct mention in the Paris Agreement, but could

    account for 10% of global emissions by 2050 unless action is taken. What short-

    mid-long term actions are needed to abate emissions? How big is the policy gap

    at IMO and regionally? How to avoid the disconnect with UNFCCC?

    102Just Transition to a Low Carbon and Sustainable


    Responding to climate change requires a transformation of unsustainable

    structures and a transition towards a low carbon economy. The side event will

    discuss the social impacts and guiding justice principals for a just transition with

    the example of Bangladesh and other countries.

    101Empowerment for Inclusive Climate Action and


    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 17/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    International Renewable Energy Agency


    ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable

    Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE)

    European Union

    International Energy Agency (IEA)


    Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions




    Fundacin Avina (AVINA)

    Green Economics Institute (GEI)

    Economic Research Institute for Northeast

    Asia (ERINA)

    Water Safety Initiative Foundation (WASIF)

    Seoul International Law Academy (SILA)

    Coalition for Our Common Future (COCF)


    Jeunes volontaires pour l'environnement




    International Centre for Research in

    Agroforestry (ICRAF)

    113Multisectorial process to the NDC implementation:

    the Peruvian model

    Peru's Government is leading a multisectorial and multistakeholder process

    through a Multisectorial Working Group, comprising 13 ministries and the

    Centre of Strategic Planning in order to meet NDC and sustainable development

    objectives. Agroforestry is a potential action being explored.

    110NDCs development and implementation from a multi

    sectoral perspective

    The aim of the event is to analyze NDCs development and implementation

    processes from a multi stakeholder point of view. For these purposes,

    Argentina will present its recent experiences on revising and implementing its

    NDC, sharing its views with a group of stakeholders involved in the process.

    111Innovations in Green Investment and Economic

    Structures for 2 tonnes of carbon per capita by 2022

    Possibilities & challenges of rapidly halving the Global Carbon Budget.

    New investment ideas, structures & models with top climate scientists,policy

    makers, Green Economists,bankers, traders, creating fossil free supergrids &

    diverse,equitable,green dynamic beneficial economic & energy transitions.


    Towards a coordinated national approach for

    adaptation planning: experiences from Benin and


    Experiences of francophone sub-Saharan African countries in reinforcing

    national capacities for the science-based planning and programming of

    adaptation measures in the context of their National Adaptation Plan

    formulation process.

    109Working together for green jobs - tripartite

    cooperation for a low-carbon economy

    The best solutions for the transition to a low-carbon, green economy will be

    found through cooperation, partnerships and social dialogue. This side-event

    will highlight ways to identify and integrate climate solutions in working life.

    108Cooperation of major economies for Paris

    implementation and global energy transition

    The event will demonstrate EU action towards scaled-up policy collaboration

    with major economies to implement the Paris Agreement and transition to

    clean energy. High-level participants will present their cooperation initiatives

    and their vision towards the implementation of the Paris Agreement.


    Mobilising investment for advancing the

    implementation of renewable energy targets in

    African NDCs

    IRENA estimates that more than $220 billion will be required to realize the RE

    commitments in African NDCs by 2030. The event will review how to translate

    NDCs into investments and shine a spotlight on the NDCs of two countries and

    how financing innovations can mobilise the needed investments.

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 18/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    Russian Federation

    National Carbon Sequestration Foundation


    115 Germany Shifting the trillions Now !

    Opportunities are discussed for climate-friendly oriented investments for

    sustainable growth with focus to meet the long-term goal of the Paris

    Agreement to direct global financial flows towards low greenhouse-gas


    King's College, School of Law

    Fondation Jean-Jaurs (FJJ)

    Foundation for Strategic Environmental

    Research (MISTRA)

    Uppsala University

    Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)

    Emory University

    Mediators Beyond Borders International


    University of Colorado at Boulder (CU-




    Cabo Verde

    EURONATURA - Centre for Environmental

    Law and Sustainable Development

    Thursday, 16 November 2017

    1172020: The necessary, desirable and achievable turning

    point to safeguard our climate

    If global CO2 emissions continue to rise beyond 2020, or even remain level, the

    temperature goals set in Paris become almost unattainable. Hear about our 6-

    point plan for a 2020 turning point and how to reach net zero by 2050 by

    halving emissions each year via the Carbon Law.

    116A just transition, economic diversification and the

    forum on response measures to climate change

    This panel discussion will examine opportunities for progress and synergy on

    the response measures work programme items of just transition and economic

    diversification, both through the improved forum on response measures and

    through complementary regional and national processes.

    114 Russia's Contribution to Low-emission Economies

    The panel will gather top-level executives and experts to discuss the role of

    Russian resources such as natural gas, nuclear and renewable energy in

    mitigating climate change

    120Roadmap in Cabo Verde - Waste management in a

    multi-island African State

    The Small Island State, Cabo Verde, recognizes GHG emissions from waste as a

    major concern for its development. Under the countrys Waste Roadmap,

    currently, local plans are being implemented. CV is defining a new national,

    multi-island, waste management system towards its sustainable development.

    119Achieving 100% Renewable Power Supply by 2035

    for the Seychelles

    This side event will present the energy roadmap of the Seychelles to derive a

    100% renewable power supply by 2035

    118LUCCC- An LDCs initiative to build long-term climate

    capacity and implement Article 11 of the Paris

    The LDCs University Consortium on Climate Capacity (LUCCC) was launched

    recently as a response to the Article 11 of the Paris Agreement. The event will

    share the context, vision, and function of the consortium and the role

    universities can play in building climate capacity in LDCs and beyond.

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 19/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme


    Center for Management and Strategic

    Studies (CGEE)


    Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)


    Mountain Institute, Inc. (TMI)


    Stockholm University - Institute for

    International Economic Studies (IIES)

    International Union for Conservation of

    Nature (IUCN)

    Convention on Wetlands of International

    Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat

    (Ramsar Convention)

    Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco (FPA2)

    SouthSouthNorth Projects Africa (SSN Africa)

    International Center for Environmental

    Technology Transfer (ICETT)

    Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

    Partnership (REEEP)




    Financing transformative climate & development

    outcomes: Experiences from Eastern & Southern


    A paradigm shift from business-as-usual is required to achieve low-carbon &

    climate resilient development pathways. Climate finance plays a role in

    enabling this transition. The side event will share experiences from Namibia,

    Swaziland and Rwanda in accessing finance for resilient economies.

    125Fast-tracking and financing coastal and marine nature-

    based solutions to climate change

    Clear investment opportunities & revenue streams are needed to make

    commercial opportunities & value creation in the coastal natural capital

    economy possible. By combining investment sectors (i.e. marine data

    technology innovation), bankable coastal ecosystem projects (e.g. mangroves)

    can be created

    124Nature-based solutions for climate adaptation and

    mitigation: from policy to practice perspectives

    The Paris agreement recognizes the role of nature-based solutions in mitigating

    and adapting to climate change. This side event will examine how that role can

    be achieved in policy and practice. Green infrastructure initiatives from

    Madagascar will be shared as national level experiences

    122The integration of Climate Change, Disaster Risk

    Management and its links to Sustainable Development

    The successes and challenges on Climate Change and Disaster Risk

    Management and the SDGs with focus on enhancing resilient development and

    new innovative funding proposal that will bridge the gap and expedite financing

    of climate resilient infrastructures and developments in Kiribati.

    123Addressing climate change impacts in vulnerable

    ecosystems: mountains and islands

    The Mountain Partnership members will explore common challenges and

    solutions for addressing climate change impacts in mountains and islands.

    Topics include ecosystem-based adaptation, disaster risk reduction, innovative

    finance, and other resilience-building options for these vulnerable regions.

    121The Bioenergy contribution to the Paris Agreement:

    an update of relevant initiatives

    The event aims at presenting an update of the activities of the BioFuture

    Platform, launched at COP-22, together with recent domestic initiatives in the

    bioenergy sector that are relevant to implementing the Paris Agreement,

    featuring the Brazilian RenovaBio program.

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 20/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    Centre for International Sustainable

    Development Law (CISDL)

    London School of Economics and Political

    Science (LSE)


    International Food Policy Research Institute


    Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network


    Ibn Zohr University (UIZ)

    Inter-religious Climate and Ecology Network

    (ICE Network)

    World Renewal Spiritual Trust (WRST)

    International Network of Engaged Buddhists


    International Bar Association (IBA)

    SCC Institute (SCC)


    Lao People's Democratic Republic

    WaterAid* (WaterAid*)

    Friday, 17 November 2017

    131Supporting the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement

    through International Dispute Settlement

    Building on conferences held at COP21&22, IBA, supported by ICC, PCA and

    SCC, proposes a panel discussion on how the dispute resolution procedures in

    the Paris Agreement and the UNFCCC, incl. arbitration, could be used by States

    to incentivize compliance with/enable enforcement of the Paris Agreement

    130 Faith and Community Approach to Climate Action

    Adaptation and resilience models through community organizing. Examples of

    initiatives to strengthen community capacity for effective climate action incl.

    solar energy. How to empowering and engaging faith groups for climate action?

    Spiritual perspectives on capacity building.

    129Youth Engagement in Climate Smart Agriculture:

    Opportunities and Challenges

    Globally, youth dontvalueagriculture is good livelihood option, abandoningit

    for urban areas. CC adds difficulty, increasing viewsofthe sector as risky. CSAYN

    is changing youths mindset, advocating CSA to increasefood production,

    reduce GHG emissions & enhance the sectors resilience to CC.

    128High Level Panel Discussion: How can agroecology

    help countries achieve their climate commitments?

    Building on the outcomes of the FAO Regional Agroecology Symposiums this

    panel discussion focuses on the role and comparative advantages of

    agroecology in food security, building resilience, mitigating climate change

    impacts and facilitating countries in meeting their Paris Agreement


    127Law and Governance Reforms for Climate Vulnerable


    Overcoming barriers for highly climate vulnerable countries, with innovative

    legal tools and governance frameworks towards mitigation, resilience and

    SDGs. An interactive legal experts panel sharing insights from recent research

    and highlighting ways to strengthen capacity.

    132Climate-resilient, Small-scale Infrastructure for

    Resilient Communities in Least Developed Countries

    Rural communities in Timor-Leste is more than 70% of the country's population

    and very vulnerable to climate change related threats resulting to landslides,

    erosion and flooding. Building climate resilient rural infrastructure helps to

    strengthen community resilience to adapt to these threats

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 21/22

  • Side events at COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2 25/09/2017

    Number Organizer Title Theme

    New Venture Fund (NVF)

    Abibimman Foundation (AF)

    ESB Business School (ESB)

    Instituto de Ecologa y Antropologa de

    Accin (INFOE)

    Society for Threatened Peoples International


    Action Solidarit Tiers-Monde a.s.b.l. (ASTM)

    Forest Peoples' Programme (FPP)

    The Higher Ground Foundation (HGF)

    Climate Check Corporation (CC)

    International Development Enterprises (iDE)

    Rock Environment and Energy Institute


    Friends of Nature (FON)


    South-South climate cooperation to drive Paris

    Agreement implementing at national and regional


    The event is to explore the governance, finance and technology demand of

    developing countries in implementing Paris Agreement, to identify and manage

    the risks and opportunities in South-South cooperation with comparative

    studies at national and regional levels in Southeast, Central and South Asia.

    135Showcasing next generation governance systems for


    To achieve the Paris goals requires next generation decentralized governance

    systems for scale-up, efficiency and transparency. Learn from pilot application

    showcases that integrate blockchain, Standards 2.0, and the launch of the

    climate Vulnerability Reduction Credit (VRC) Standard Framework.

    134Protecting and promoting indigenous territories and


    International Agreements such as the PA, the SDGs and multilateral agreements

    like the LOI Peru, Norway, Germany, acknowledge the importance of IP

    territories and IP traditional. Different initiatives, such as RIA, Cuencas Sagradas

    Project & Cologne's Climate Partnership, and results are presented.

    133Using Decision-Maker Tools and Climate Education to

    Build Momentum on Climate Change

    Climate Interactive and the Abibimman Foundation will highlight the tools and

    strategies we have developed to be successful in mobilizing climate action

    mobilizing climate action in energy and agriculture with interactive computer

    simulations, systems thinking, and community outreach.

    Timing and room to be announced shortly. Additional side events will be confirmed as space becomes available. 22/22