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Weight loss meal replacement

Selecting a correct diet plan as per your need requires numbers of trial and error.

Nowadays replacing one or couple of meals with weight loss meal replacement

helps in losing weight in the initial level, but before opting for it you should be aware

about some of the vital factors about it. You should speak to your health care provider

that includes any known dietitian to get ensure which meal replacement is best suitable

for you.

Tiredness from Insufficient Calories –

Weight loss meal replacement offer approximately 200 calories in every serving.

Hence, if you are opting for two meal replacement diet then you should eat one meal of

around 600 calories, as for weight loss you can consume only 1000 calories in a day.

However, if you are following diet of 2000 calories, then cutting directly to half with the

meal replacement diet can lead to fatigue and tiredness throughout the day. If your job

demands more of physical work then also this much calories is not sufficient for you to

perform your routine task. Opt for the diet plan that replaces just one meal with such

form of weight loss replacement diet for the initial few days and avocado oil can be

very beneficial in it, as it will give your body adequate time to get adjusted to the

decreased calories.

Effects on Satiety –

Satiety is the feeling that you get when you feel full and nothing can beat fiber in doing

this job. Fiber keeps you full for longer time, enhances satiety, as it slows the digestion

process and develop bulk by sitting in digestive tract for linger time span. It helps you

feeling full in between your meals and you easily avoid snacks. Moreover, food high in

fiber takes more time to chew that gives an impression to your body that it is full. All

this activities helps you in losing weight effortlessly. As with replacement diet you do

not anything to chew you finish up your drink quickly and get tempted to eat

something again very quickly.

Effect on Digestive System –

The meal replacement drinks also has it effect on your digestive tract. A woman

requires around 26 gm of fiber in a day, whereas a man needs 38 gm. However, such

weight loss replacement diet doesn’t contain that much amount of fiber that makes

it difficult to meet your recommended intake. You require both insoluble and soluble

fiber for keeping food moving via your gut and for keeping regular. Replacing couple of

meals with such meal replacement may limit form of fiber that you consume in your

regular diet. You might suffer from diarrhea, constipation and irregularity due to

insufficient fiber in your meal.