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Guru Siyags Siddha Yoga (GSSY)

What does the practice of Guru Siyags Siddha Yoga (GSSY) involve?

The practice of GSSY involves chanting (mental repetition) of a divine mantra and meditation. Guru Siyag initiates a seeker into GSSY as his disciple by giving him/her a mantra a divine word to chant silently round-the-clock and also teaches a method of meditation. The chanting (Jpa) of the mantra becomes involuntary when it is repeated constantly over a certain period of time. This however depends directly on the degree of intensity, faith and sincerity with which the chanting is done. In some cases the chanting becomes involuntary after just over a week of practice while in some other cases it takes a fortnight or even a few months. Besides chanting of the mantra, the disciple is also required to meditate for 15 minutes each, two to three times a day.

Awakening of the Kundalini

The chanting and meditation together awaken the Kundalini. The Kundalini is a divine female energy that lies asleep in an invisible form at the base of the spinal column in the human body. She is connected to six invisible energy hubs called chakras placed above one another in the spinal column. When a Siddha Guru (perfected master) such as Guru Siyag awakens the Kundalini by giving Shaktipta (conferring of spiritual energy) through his divine mantra, she rises up through the six chakras and finally reaches Sahasrra, the point at the crown of the head, where God dwells. The awakened Kundalini purifies the Siddha Yoga practitioners entire body by inducing various involuntary yogic sanans, kriys, bandhs, mudrs, prnym etc. during meditation. The practitioner cannot start or stop these yogic movements by his own will. These kriys free the practitioner from physical and mental afflictions, addictions, and lead him to Moksha by putting him on the path of spiritual evolution.

Material benefits of GSSY GSSY meditation and round-the-clock chanting of the divine mantra given by Guru Siyag bring about the following changes in the practitioners material life:

Freedom from all kinds of physical diseases including HIV / AIDS, Cancer, Asthma, high or low Blood-Pressure, Arthritis, Diabetes, Spondylitis, Hemophilia, Obesity, heart-ailments, Paralytic stroke, skin diseases, etc.

Freedom from addiction to any kind of intoxicating drugs and substances, alcohol, cigarettes, chewing tobacco etc. GSSY also frees the practitioner from a harmful dependence on food.

Freedom from depression, insomnia, stress and other psychological disorders.

Freedom from problems related to family affairs, work, marriage, education, finance etc.

Freedom from the effects of Voodoo, black magic and tantric rituals.

Beneficial to students as GSSY causes a manifold increase in grasping and retention, and ability to concentrate or focus mind on any desired object or subject.

Spiritual aspects of GSSY:1. GSSY is based on the Ashtnga (eight-fold / eight-limbed) philosophy of Yoga as codified by Sage Patnjali in the Yoga Sutra. The practice of GSSY leads to an easy and effortless realization of these eight limbs.

2. After sustained practice, mantra chanting (mental repetition) becomes involuntary. This experience is known as Ajap Jpa. In this state, the practitioner finds that the mantra is being chanted endlessly within him / her of its own accord, without any effort on the part of the practitioner.

3. When the seeker chants the mantra relentlessly (or experiences Ajap Jpa), it transforms itself into a divine sound. This is known as Anhad Nda. Physical sound is created when one object strikes another. This celestial sound has no such physical origin; it is an unstruck, ceaseless sound that pervades the entire universe. The Nd is heard by the seeker in one of his ears, and is an indication of the seeker crossing a major threshold of spiritual development.

4. Through the practice of GSSY, the practitioner attains many divine powers. One of these divine powers is known as Prtibh Gyna (Intuitive Knowledge). When this knowledge is attained, the practitioner is able to foresee and hear events of the unlimited future and also has visions of the past.

5. During meditation, seekers may experience Khechri Mudr, a yogic posture where the tongue is pulled backwards and prods a point in the roof of the mouth which secrets Amrit a divine nectar, which is the elixir of life. Amrit fortifies the bodys immunity and frees a practitioner from incurable illnesses.

6. The practice of GSSY brings about a change in the practitioners Vrittis (inner tendencies) from Tmasic (dark, dull, inert) to Rjasic (passionate, energetic) to Sttavic (positive, pure, enlightened). A transformation in Vrittis essentially means an overall change in the practitioners personality.

7. The practitioner ultimately attains Moksha (liberation from cycle of life and death) and divine transformation.

Cure of physical diseases

Diseases that humans suffer from are classified by modern medical science into two broad categories physical and mental. These are treated with internal medicines and/or external medicines or therapeutic applications. Ancient Indian sages delved deep into the mysteries of life through meditation and learned that diseases are not caused by accidental exposure to germs or pathogens, as medical scientists believe. They learned that much of human suffering is actually caused by the actions of each individual in his/her past life. Each action good or bad leads to a reaction in the same life cycle or carried over to the next. Since each individual is trapped in an unending cycle of life and death, suffering through diseases and highs and lows of life continues ceaselessly. In other words, the spiritual Law of Karma actions of the past resulting in diseases and other forms of suffering in the present life governs human existence, life after life in a never-ending cycle.

In his treatise Yoga Sutra', the Indian sage Patnjali classified diseases into three categories physical (dhidehik), mental (dhibhautik) and spiritual (dhidaivik). A spiritual disease needs a spiritual remedy. Only regular practice of yoga under the guidance of a spiritual master like Guru Siyag can help the practitioner find a spiritual remedy for all his/her afflictions. The practice of GSSY helps a disciple to cut through the web of Karmic past, to get rid of diseases and to realize the true purpose of his / her life through self-realization (tma skshtkr).

Freedom from Stress

Medical science treats stress with addictive medication (sedatives, sleeping pills, inhibitors etc.) that are seldom able to cure a patient. GSSY also views intoxication as treatment but it is a kind of intoxicating nanda (joy or bliss) brought on by regular chanting of Guru Siyags divine mantra. Sages have referred to this divine bliss as intoxication without drugs. The nanda frees a practitioner from stress and stress-related illnesses such as depression, hypertension, insomnia, phobias etc. in a matter of days

Freedom from Addiction

Every person has three intrinsic tendencies: Sttavic (pure, light), Rajasic (passionate) and Tamasic (dull, inert). These tendencies determine not only the person's overall mental makeup, outlook on life and actions, but also his dietary preferences or the choice of food and drinks he/she will consume. Regular practice of GSSY facilitates the dominance of the Sttavic over Rjasic and Tmasic tendencies, leading to a change in the traits associated with the latter two tendencies. The dominance of theSattvicquality in turn propels orientation of the person's inner tendencies toward positive, conscious, intelligent and pure thinking and actions. So does his preferences of food and drinks. The overall result of this change is that whatever that is negative and detrimental to the person's physical and mental wellbeing and spiritual evolution leaves him of its own accordwithout the person's conscious efforts to make this happen. Thus, if the person is afflicted with addiction to drugs, alcohol or smoking, the addiction will leave him like the false skin falling off a tree automatically or if he is attached to the kind of food that is harmful to his health, he will gradually develop a natural dislike for it and turn to healthy options because of the change in his inner qualities and tendencies brought on by the chanting of the mantra and meditation. Swami Vivekanand has said about this effortless de-addiction, You don't have to give up the things; the things will give you up. The step-by-step process of meditation under GSSY

Sit in a comfortable position.

You can sit cross-legged on the floor, lie down, sit on a chair / couch etc., to meditate.

Look at Guru Siyag's picture for a minute or two until you remember the image.

Then close your eyes and say silently to Guru Siyag, "Help me meditate for 15 minutes."

Then, with your eyes still closed, think of Guru Siyag's image at the place between your eyebrows (also known as the third eye). This means that you have to try to imagine Guru Siyag's picture in your mind in the region of the forehead.

While thinking of the image, repeat silently (Chant) for 15 minutes the mantra given by Guru Siyag. (See How to Receive Mantra)

During meditation, you may experience certain involuntary yogic postures or movements. Swaying, nodding of head, rapid movement of head from left-to-right or vice versa, inflating or deflating of belly, clapping, grunting, moaning or laughing can happen in many cases. Do not panic or worry. These actions happen involuntarily, are ordained by the divine force Kundalini, and are needed for your internal cleansing and to ready you for further progress.

You may also experience vibrations, see bright lights, colors or even have visions or revelations of the past and future events. These are indications that you are progressing well on the spiritual path.

However, if you do not experience any yogic postures or see visions, it does not mean that you are not making progress. In all probability, the divine force awakened in you has perhaps decided that you don't need these experiences.

You will notice that your meditation will come to an end exactly when you reach the time limit you had set earlier.

Uniqueness of Guru Siyags Siddha Yoga

1. The practice of GSSY does not involve rituals, ritualistic practices, customs and offerings (coconuts, incense, flowers etc).

2. A seeker in any part of the world can experience deep meditation by simply meditating on Guru Siyags photograph.

3. Guru Siyag does not insist on seekers meeting him in person for initiation.

4. Initiation into GSSY via video/audio CD, TV telecast or video clip by email is as effective as in person initiation.

5. If a seeker is unable for some reason (practitioner is a young child or is unconscious or mentally disabled) to chant Guru Siyags mantra and do the meditation, any other initiated close relative or friend can chant and do the practice on his behalf.

6. Guru Siyag does not offer courses or conduct classes in Siddha Yoga.

7. GSSY is completely free of cost

8. No registration is required for GSSY.

9. Guru Siyag does not ask for gifts in cash or kind from seekers for GSSY initiation.

10. There are no dietary or other lifestyle restrictions under GSSY.

11. Guru Siyag does not restrict his disciples from following any other Gurus or practices after being initiated.

12. Guru Siyag does not give religious sermons. He only explains the philosophy of GSSY.

13. Guru Siyag does not sell / offer medicine, herbs or products of any kind.

14. Seekers belonging to any race, religion, nationality, caste, creed or gender are welcome into the GSSY fold.

How to receive mantra diksh?

The mantra video can be received by internet, video clips in voice of Gurudev siyag.


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